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In recent years, U.S.'s worldwide industrial and economic leadership has been seriously challenged by many foreign countries. In order to counter the problem, many U.S. manufacturing companies have sought effective materials management systems such as MRP and the ‘Just-In-Time’ (JIT) system as used by many Japanese companies. Even through many practitioners and academicians have been studying the JIT concept and have recommended ways of adapting the concept to the U.S. manufacturing environment, not very many organizations are enjoying benefits of JIT system in full scale because of misunderstanding of information needs in JIT system. The objectives of this paper are (1) to identify information requirements of the materials management systems under JIT concept, (2) to compare them against the requirements under MRP system, and (3) to propose an integrated management information system to support materials management system in JIT environment. The goal of this paper is to facilitate more effective implementation of the JIT system, and stimulate further research on the subject matter.  相似文献   

Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) philosophy is a key weapon in achieving global manufacturing competitiveness. It encompasses a wide range of dimensions to improve all aspects of operational performance metrics. The aim of the study is to examine the current state of flexibility adoption in U.S. automotive manufacturing facilities and its impact on operational performance metrics. It utilizes survey questionnaire developed based on previous work in U.S. manufacturing industry. The survey was originally distributed to 420 facility managers in the U.S. domestic automotive industry. It was revealed that 70% of the respondents had implemented all 15 flexibility dimensions listed in the questionnaire. The data analysis conducted shows that implementation of certain flexibility dimensions will lead to significant improvement in specific operational performance metrics. This considerable finding can be used as a guide for manufacturing managers to achieve certain objectives in operational performance improvement in a rapidly changing environment.  相似文献   

In spite of the significant progress made by a wide range of manufacturing companies over the past decade, few senior executives in U.S. firms would point to manufacturing as a significant source of competitive advantage. This paper seeks to explore some of the basic reasons for this. It begins by providing a framework for manufacturing competitiveness. It then outlines a handful of characteristics that seem to have been pervasive in a wide range of manufacturing competitiveness programs over the past decade. In contrast to those characteristics, it uses three quite different organizations to illustrate a very different mode for pursuing manufacturing competitiveness. Finally, the paper concludes by outlining three elements that appear to be essential in the successful pursuit of manufacturing advantage.  相似文献   

The competitiveness of Western European manufacturing is slowly being eroded away and European firms must act decisively to halt this decline. Costs in Europe are high and getting higher. Productivity is not keeping pace. European manufacturers have adopted some of the ideas that have proved useful to manufacturers elsewhere around the globe, but they need to do more. Many European countries remain net exporters of direct investment. If the erosion is to be halted, European manufacturers must address overcapacity, particularly among the many small factories there, inappropriate plant locations, and company organizations that foster too much country-specific independence.  相似文献   

Continuous improvement (CI) has played a key role in Japan's quality management. U.S. companies have begun to adopt CI in recent years. This paper studies the implementation of CI in seven U.S. manufacturing companies. We view values as the core concept of culture that impacts CI effectiveness. Using both qualitative and quantitative data with a sample of seven companies, we observe empirically a relationship between process-oriented values and CI effectiveness. We also find that communications involving workers is strongly associated with CI effectiveness. Finally, we find an association between process orientation and communication frequency, and argue that communications act as an intervening variable between process orientation and effectiveness.  相似文献   

The health care climate is one of stormy relations between various entities. Employers, managed care organizations, hospitals, and physicians battle over premiums, inpatient rates, fee schedules, and percent of premium dollars. Patients are angry at health plans over problems with access, choice, and quality of care. Employers dicker with managed care organizations over prices, benefits, and access. Hospitals struggle to maintain operations, as occupancy rates decline and the shift to ambulatory care continues. Physicians strive to assure their patients get quality care while they try to maintain stable incomes. Businesses, faced with similar challenges in the competitive marketplace, have formed partnerships for mutual benefit. Successful partnerships are based upon trust and the concept of "win-win." Communication, ongoing evaluation, long-term relations, and shared values are also essential. In Japan, the keiretsu contains the elements of a bonafide partnership. Examples in U.S. businesses abound. In health care, partnerships will improve quality and access. When health care purchasers and providers link together, these partnerships create a new value chain that has patients as the focal point.  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》1987,20(5):125-133
It is charged that many U.S. and European manufacturers have neglected to invest in new manufacturing technology. Consequently, these manufacturers have sacrificed their long-range competitiveness. This problem has occurred partly due to the lack of a normal planning process for investment in manufacturing technology that can alert managers to the need for the modernization of manufacturing technology before it is overdue.This article recommends the use of a new approach for manufacturing technology planning based on a process that monitors the deterioration of manufacturing technology over time.  相似文献   

The dramatic increase in U.S. cesarean sections over the past two decades has been significantly driven by repeat C-sections. In response to this trend, clinical guidelines recommending vaginal birth after cesarean-section (VBAC) have been promulgated by national organizations. Adherence to these guidelines would reduce the number of repeat C-sections, lower the overall C-section rate, and improve both the quality and the cost of health care. While these guidelines have received professional endorsement, their implementation has been clouded by issues of patient acceptance and provider payment. To examine implementation of these guidelines by health care organizations, the authors surveyed 156 members of the American College of Physician Executives to determine their policies, practices, and attitudes toward VBAC guidelines. Those surveyed generally were medical directors in HMOs, hospitals, and other practice settings. The findings indicate that the health care organizations represented by these physician executives have not consistently implemented VBAC guideline and that they are reluctant to hold physicians, their patients, or hospitals accountable for the financial, utilization, and quality impact of the elective decision ot to pursue appropriate VBACs. We conclude that, even when widely accepted, clinical practice guidelines may be ineffective in reducing the costs or improving the quality of medical care.  相似文献   

This study explored contextual or determining factors and their impacts on lean manufacturing in small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) operating in food-processing industries. In order to get an in-depth insight into the real situation at the work floor, this study adopted a multiple-case-study research approach. The inherent characteristics of food industries, such as mandatory quality assurance requirements, low shelf life of food products, and the extremely volatile demand and supply presented barriers to lean manufacturing adoption. In addition, the challenges of ‘change’ in an SME environment are distinct from those faced by large organizations. The small size of the plant, the traditional setup, and inflexible layout make it difficult to implement lean manufacturing in food-processing SMEs. The knowledge of contextual factors influencing lean manufacturing adoption in food processing SMEs will be a contribution to current knowledge. Many studies have explored lean constructs and tools, while far fewer have explored the crucial element of actually implementing these. The study will also help practitioners to anticipate potential obstacles and take proper measures to deal with them during lean implementation.  相似文献   

The vehicle components industry, which in recent years has become subject to a more international pattern of competition, provides a good example of how internationalisation forces companies to re-appraise their strategic priorities. The industry's breadth and complexity afford rich international comparisons and suggest conclusions of broader relevance.Thirty British vehicle component manufacturers and thirty from Germany, Japan and the U.S.A. were matched on the basis of six specific components. Field research, entailing discussions with senior executives and factory visits in all four countries, was complemented with desk research analysing the industry more comprehensively.The dramatic decline in company performances, particularly in Britain, reflects over-reliance on higher-level strategies such as diversification, acquisitions, mergers and industrial consolidation, the pursuit of scale economies and the restoration of financial positions through restructuring and retrenchment. Internationalisation calls for competitive strategies that are coherent in the face of powerfully supported international rivals, and generally requires greater market focus. Secondly, basic issues such as manning levels and productivity, quality and flexible manufacturing systems have increased in importance due to radically improved international standards of best practice, established by countries such as Japan.  相似文献   


The study of public organizations has withered over time in mainstream organization studies research, as scholars in the field have migrated to business schools. This is so even though government organizations are an important part of the universe of organizations—the largest organizations in the world are agencies of the U.S. government. At the same time, the study of public administration, once in the mainstream of organization studies, has moved into a ghetto, separate and unequal. Centered in business schools, mainstream organization research became isomorphic to its environment—coming to focus on performance issues, which are what firms care about. Since separation, the dominant current in public administration has become isomorphic with its environment. In this case, however, this meant the field moved backward from the central reformist concern of its founders with improving government performance, and developed instead a focus on managing constraints (i.e., avoiding bad things, such as corruption or misuse of power, from occurring) in a public organization environment. Insufficient concern about performance among public administration scholars is particularly unfortunate because over the past 15 years, there has occurred a significant growth of interest among practitioners in improving government performance. The origins and consequences of these developments are discussed, and a research agenda for organization studies research that takes the public sector seriously is proposed.  相似文献   

The manufacturing organisations have been witnessing a key transition to lean manufacturing paradigm so as to eliminate waste. Concurrently, six sigma methodology has been widely used for reducing the defects. In order to attain the combined benefits of these two approaches, the amalgamated lean sigma framework has originated. Lean sigma framework proves drawbacks, such as lack of systematic and scientific management and feeble lean anchorage. In order to overcome these deficiencies, this article contributes a refined lean sigma framework, and its effectiveness has been test implemented in an Indian automotive valves manufacturing organisation. The implementation benefits are described in this article.  相似文献   

I analyzed the contributions made by members of the following constituencies in terms of the number of articles published in the Journal of Operations Management (JOM), Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (M&SOM), and Production and Operations Management (POM): the top 20 U.S. business schools and the top 7 non‐U.S. business schools as ranked by Business Week or U.S. News and World Report, business and government organizations, U.S. business schools ranked between 21 and 50, non‐U.S. business schools not included above, and U.S. business schools not included above. I also analyzed the contributions made by U.S. business schools with top 10 programs in production and operations management; 9 of which are also in the list of top 20 U.S. business schools. Authors from the schools with top 10 programs in production and operations management contributed 20.2% of the articles published in POM and 3.5% of the articles published in JOM during 1997‐2001. They contributed 24.6% of the articles in the eight issues (from July 2000 through June 2002) of M&SOM. During these periods, authors from the top 27 schools contributed 29.3% of the articles published in POM, 9.4% of the articles published in JOM, and 37.4% of the articles to the eight issues of M&SOM. Also during the same periods, authors from business and government organizations contributed 6.6% of the articles published in POM, 1.9% of the articles published in JOM, and 5.8% of the articles published in the eight issues of M&SOM. The findings reported in this paper reflect the reach of the three journals and the perceptions of various constituencies regarding journal quality. The findings about POM and JOM have a very high degree of validity because both journals are more than 10 years old and have well‐established constituencies. The conclusions about the M&SOM constituencies are tentative because it is about 3 years old, and it is still developing its constituencies.  相似文献   

This paper develops a conceptual model to study the role of outsourcing strategies and plant‐level information technology (IT) application infrastructure in the outsourcing of production and support business processes, as well as their subsequent impact on overall plant performance. We validate this model empirically using cross‐sectional survey data from U.S. manufacturing plants. We find that some IT applications are more effective at enabling the outsourcing of business processes than others. For example, the implementation of enterprise management systems is associated with the outsourcing of both production and support processes, whereas operations management systems are not associated with the outsourcing of plant processes. Plants with a low‐cost outsourcing strategy are more likely to outsource support processes than plants with a competency‐focused outsourcing strategy. However, both cost‐ and competency‐based strategies have a positive and similar impact on the outsourcing of production processes. In terms of implications for plant performance, our findings indicate that the outsourcing of production and support processes is associated with higher gross margins. Although plant IT infrastructure is positively associated with favorable on‐time delivery rates, there is no positive association between the incidence of plant outsourcing and on‐time delivery rates. These results have implications for crafting plant‐level outsourcing strategies and for investments in IT systems to facilitate the outsourcing of business processes for enhanced plant performance.  相似文献   

John A. Buzacott is a pioneering and premier contributor to the field of production and operations management. He has been a principal architect of the development of a unified framework and a rigorous engineering foundation for many of the major approaches currently used in the design, planning, and control of manufacturing and service systems. His innovative use of stochastic models to explain many phenomena occurring in manufacturing and service organizations has distinguished him not only as a great researcher but also as a great teacher. His contributions have inspired scholars throughout the world. We provide an overview of John's research works and accomplishments.  相似文献   

During the last 10 years, Northern Ireland has suffered the same economic fate as the rest of the United Kingdom—a severe decline in its manufacturing base, and with this a substantial growth in unemployment to unacceptable levels. In response, a strategy for regeneration has been constructed. The main thrust of this strategy has been three-fold:

1. (1) To seek Inward Investment.

2. (2) To stimulate New Firms.

3. (3) To encourage Existing Firms to grow.

The strategy has involved a wide range of schemes of advice and assistance, managed through the Department of Economic Development, the Industrial Development Board (IDB), the Local Enterprise Development Unit (LEDU), as well as local enterprise organizations.

However, whilst many of the problems encountered, for which various schemes have been devised, can be seen replicated elsewhere in the United Kingdom, the basic problems in Norther Ireland are different in character.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to systematically evaluate the choices made in deriving a chronic oral noncancer human health reference value (HHRV) for a given chemical by different organizations, specifically those from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Health Canada, RIVM (the Netherlands), and the U.S. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. This analysis presents a methodological approach for comparing both the HHRVs and the specific choices made in the process of deriving an HHRV across these organizations. Overall, across the 96 unique chemicals and 171 two‐way organizational comparisons, the HHRV agreed approximately 26% of the time. A qualitative method for identifying the primary factors influencing these HHRV differences was also developed, using arrays of HHRVs across organizations for the same chemical. The primary factors identified were disagreement on the critical or principal study and differential application of the total uncertainty factor across organizations. Of the cases where the total UF was the primary factor influencing HHRV disagreement, the database UF had the greatest influence.  相似文献   

This paper examines the potential factors that might influence U.S. biotechnology holders’ licensing decisions regarding whom to choose as foreign licensing partners in the context of a global environment. The important explanatory factors relate to the knowledge appropriability regime of the licensee country (i.e. strength of IPR protection), familiarity through prior interaction, business similarity between partners, and prior independent experience as a licensor. U.S. biotechnology firms also license technology more to partners who have joint manufacturing, marketing, and research and development (R&D) experience. The results show that transaction cost considerations weigh heavily when choosing international licensing partners.  相似文献   

Focus in the manufacturing plant is generally deemed to be an important element of success in manufacturing strategy. Yet, little work has been completed in the measurement of plant focus and a dearth of empirical evidence exists to support the broad popularity of this concept. This paper presents a plant focus measurement approach and reports the results of a field study that uses a site visit research design to apply the focus measure to a multi-industry sample of manufacturing plants. Regression analysis is used to study the relationships between the plant focus variable and the environmental variables of plant size, number of product lines, plant age, number of processes, and type of processes. Although highly intuitive, these relationships have undergone very little empirical study in the literature. Our study provides evidence of a strong logarithmic relationship between our plant focus measure and the number of product lines. Support is also demonstrated in that our measure of plant focus is linked to the number and type of manufacturing processes. However, the variables of plant age and plant size do not appear related to the plant focus measure. The literature-based multicriteria focus measure can be used by managers and researchers as an objective, formal, and generalizable approach for assessing plant focus, for identifying areas in the plant that detract from focus, and for tracking focus improvement efforts over time.  相似文献   

Lean concepts in manufacturing have focused on elimination of wastes within the business processes. This study investigates whether addition of radio frequency identification (RFID) technologies in the manufacturing process can complement Lean manufacturing. Specifically, will more accurate information from RFID‐based solutions help achieve the goals of Lean initiatives in manufacturing plant performance and, if yes, in what specific ways? The analysis is based on a comparison of the following three automatic identification technologies: existing (one‐dimensional) 1D barcode, 2D barcode, and the use of RFID in a real job‐shop environment where items are manufactured for meeting actual demand and also future forecast demand. We analyze the effect of information visibility in these settings by examining the various types of wastes that are typically addressed in Lean initiatives. The results of a discrete‐event simulation suggest that employing RFID in Lean manufacturing initiatives can reduce some wastes but not necessarily all types of waste. We observe an increase in overproduction waste in our setting, although other wastes are reduced with improved information visibility. Overall, our results indicate that manufacturing organizations should explore information visibility through RFID to enhance their Lean initiatives.  相似文献   

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