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Wholesale trade(Group 6100)is defin-ed as the resale (sale without transforma-tion) of new and used goods to retailers;to industrial,commercial,institutional orprofessional users;or to other wholesalers;or acting as agents in buying merchandisefor、or selling merchandise to,such per-sons or companies.The principal type of  相似文献   

中国证券市场股价指数VaR研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
彭寿康 《统计研究》2003,20(6):58-4
This paper compares the models in Predicting the VaR of stock price indexes in China. Our resultsindicate that the normal model usually underestimate the VaR when given probability is 0.01 or 0.02, andthe weighted normal model usually overestimate the VaR when given probability is 0.04 or 0.05. Thehistorical simulating model and Logistic distribution model are superior to normal model and to weightednomal model in predicting the VaR.  相似文献   

Special trade contractors are engagedin only part of the work of a constructionproject. Special trade contractors may workon sub-contract from the general contrac-tor or directly for the owner.They mayengage in such activities as plumbing,heating and air-conditioning installation;  相似文献   

浅析运用计量经济模型的缺陷   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
李志强  詹锋 《统计研究》2003,20(6):44-3
At present, Econometric models have found a wide range of applications on economic research.However their reliability can be easily understand by intend or unintended abuses. No doubt, econometricmodels have the advantage of revealing the numerical relationships on economic phenomena, but thereexist certain fatal flaws on these econometric models, which if not treated properly will lead to unexpectedmistakes in economic forecast or analysis. In this article some common flaws in econmetric models areinvestigated and some useful measures are suggested for their improvement.  相似文献   

Production for own consumption ofhouseholds includes all own-account pro-duction of primary commodities——i.e.,agricultural,fishing,forestry,mining andquarrying commodities—own-account pro-duction of such items as butter,flour,wine,cloth or furniture made from pri-mary commodities,and furthermore othergoods and services which the producersalso sell at the market.The gross outputof the government is equal to the sum ofacquisitions for intermediate consumption,@1  相似文献   

金融中介发展与经济增长:中国案例研究与国际比较   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
Using the cointegration analysis technology and causality analysis technology, we discuss the relationship between financial interrediaries development and economic growth in China, Evidences from the multivariate VAR system show that (ⅰ)as far as the relationship between financial intermediaries scale and economic growth is concerned, what Robinson (1952) declared is right, "where enterprise lead finance follows"; (ⅱ) on the relationship between financial intermediaries efficiency and economic growth, the view of many endogenous economic growth models can be supported by China case.  相似文献   

The series,published in the StatisticalYearbook,refer to the construction activityas defined by Division 5 of the Interna-tional standard Industrial Classificationof All Economic Activities (ISIC)(Statis-tical Papers,Series M,NO. 4, Rev.2).Itconsists of (1)Construction industry  相似文献   

The series are published in the Statistical Yearbook both in the“World summary”(by regions)and in the chapter“Agriculture”(by countries),and in the MonthlyBulletin of Statistics in the table entitled“Selected series of world statistics”.农业生产指数数列,发表在《统计年鉴》的“世界一览”部分(分地区)和“农业”一章(分国家),也发表在《统计月报》中题为“世界统计数  相似文献   

陆跃祥 《统计研究》2003,20(6):26-3
The thinking level of students in primary and middle school can affect their mastering of brandconcept. In order to guide the students' consumption, this study explored the cognitive level anddevelopmental characteristics of brand concept of students in primary and middle school. The resultsshowed (1) the cognitive level of brand concept of students in primary and middle school improved withage; (2)the students of primary and middle school have different knowing about different dimensions ofbrand concept; (3)the students in different grades have different knowing about the brand concept withhigher-grade students knowing more comprehensively.  相似文献   

上海市主要经济统计指标一览表口999年 1-11月) Synopsis of%anghal川orEconomlc hdexes (Ja.-Nov.1999) 上海市统计局 Municipal Statistical Bureau olbhanghal一上海市主要经济统计指标一览表口999年1-11月) Synopsis of汕anghal川or nconomlc hdexes (Ja.-Nov 1999) 上海市统计局 Municipal Statistical Bureau olbhanghal一统计表…  相似文献   

上海市主要经济统计指标一览表Q000年1月) Synopsis ofshanghalM刃or卜conomlc Indexes (Jan.、Dec.2000) 上海市统计局 Munlclpalstatlstlcal Bureau ofshanghal一上海市主要经济统计指标一览表u000年 1月) Synopsis of3hanghal MnyorEconomlc hdexes (Jan.-Dec.2000) 上海市统计局 Municipal Statistical Bureau o且bhanghal戴统计表…  相似文献   

bynopsls opbhanghal MajorEconomlc Indexes (Ja.-Sep 2000) 上海市统计局 MlllllCmll alllSll〔。Zll Bumlu O】%《11…I01一上海市主要经济统计指标一览表帼000年 1-9月) Synopsis o且Shanghai M川or卜conomlc hdexes (Jll.-S,p.2000) 上海市统计局 Municipal Statistical Bureau o且Shanghai厂上海市主要经济统计指标一览表(2000年1-9月)$上海市统计局…  相似文献   

Synopsis of Shanghai Major Economic (Jan.一N0v. 2002)~,……Indexes上海市统计局Shanzhai MuniciDal Statistical Bureau单位Unit11月Nov. 比2001年同月增长(%) over the salnemomh of2001(%)l一11月Jan.~NOV 比2001年同期增长(%) ovl~r the sa/neperiod of 2001(%)国内生产总值(Gross Domestic Product) 第一产业(Primary Industry) 第二产业(Secondary Industry) 第三产业(Tertiary Indu~stry) *运输、仓储、邮电(Transportation, Stor~, 一 J.e Post and Telecommunications *批发.零售,餐饮(Wholesale, Retail and …  相似文献   

单位U血t2月Fleb 比2002年同月增长(%y over the samemonth of2002(%)l一2月Jan~Feb 比2002年同期增长(%) over the saint:period of 2002(%)国内生产总值(Gross Dozr~stie Product)第一产业(Primary Industry)第二产业(Seconaary Indu~try)第三产~(Tertiary Industry)*运输、仓储、邮政(Trax~portation, Storage,Post)*批发、零售(Wholesale and Bttsinesse~)*金融(Banking)工业总产值(Gross O~tput Value of lrldustry, 轻工业(Light Industry)重32~1k(Heavy Industry)*国有企业(State—Owned Units)*集体企业(Cx~llective—…  相似文献   

单位Unit8月Aug 比2001年IN月增长(%) over the samemonth of2001(%)l一8月Jan.~Aug. 比2001年同期增长(%) over the satneperiod of2001(%)国内生产总值(Gross Domestic Product) 第一产业(Primary Industry) 第二产业(Secondary Industry) 第三产业(Textim-y Industry) *运输、仓储、邮电(Trm~portation,鬻警’‰删㈣一 *批发、零售、餐饮(Whole.de, Retail andCatering BuB证esBes) *金融保险(Banking and Imuranee)工业总产值(Gro~s Output Value of Industry) 轻工业(u曲t lxldu~try) 重工业(Heavy Industry) *国有企业(…  相似文献   

(续上期“Index numbers ofindusttrial production,bycountries”)The basic concepts and methodologyrecommended by the Statistical Commissionfor the construction of industrial productionindexes may be found in lndex Numbers ofIndustrial Production.With very few ex-@1ceptions,the indexes are calculated accord-ing to the Laspeyres formula using eitherthe weighted average of quantity relauves  相似文献   

●_… 。…- ’■ ’ -E1.i Municioal Statistical Bureau单位unit10月0ct. 比2001年同月增长(%) over the samemonth of2001(%)1--10月Jan.~0ct. 比2001年同期增长(%) over the!~lTleperiod of 2001(%)国内生产总值(Gro~sDo--tie Product) 第一产业(PrimaryIndustry) 第二产业(S~o,ldary Industry) 第三产业(Tertiary hadustry) *运输、仓储、邮电(Transportation, Stora~.P08t 一 . and TeleeomtmmieaLions) *批发、零售,餐饮(Wholesale。 Retail and Catering Businesses) *金融保险(Banking andInsurance)工业总产值(,Gro.…  相似文献   

上海市统计局Shanghai Municipal Statistical Bureau单位Unit6月Jun. 比2001年同月增长(%) over the salrnemonth of 2001(%)l一6月Jan.一Jun. 比2001年同期增长(%) over the 8alneperiod of 2001(%)国内生产总值(Gross Domestic Product)第一产业(Primary Industry)第=产业(Secondary Industry)第三产业(TertiaryIndustry)*运输、仓储,邮电(Transportation,Snt0珊orag)e’P衄t and Tel。。…删“一*gt发、零售,餐饮(wh01esdle,Retail and 0lte血lg Businesses)*金融保险(Banking andInsurance)工业总产值(Gross Output Value …  相似文献   

The researchers often discussed that how to get the value of the stock level of sub-soil asset by net present value(NPV) when they considered the value of depletion of natural recourse in the past. They did not pay more attention to elements which impact the value of the stock level of sub-soil asset. This article introduces a general formula, then focuses on the impact of each element changes on the value of stock level of sub-soil asset in terms of quantity, it gives an illustrative example at the end.  相似文献   

单位Unit1月Jan. 比2J002年同月增长(%) over the∞memonth of 2002(%)1月Jan. I:lz 2002年同IUl增长(%) over the sanleperiod of2001(%)国内生产总值(Gr08s Domestic Product)第一产~(P,-J,narr Industry)第二产业(sB0Ⅲ曲Ina~try)第三产业(Tertiary Industry)*运输、仓储、邮电(Transportation,嚣竽’胁刊h㈣“一*批发,零售(Wholesale mad Buslnesse4~)*金Im(Bank~)212Kt~.产值(Gl,t,68 0~.tlput~/alue of Industry) 葺互门=业(ughtIndustry)重工业(Heavy In.try)*国有企业(State—OwnedUnlt8)*集体企业(Collective—Owned…  相似文献   

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