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Financialisation is often associated with rising income inequality. The article describes the major aspects of financialisation in the foreign, financial, business and household sector, and identifies several hypotheses how financialisation affects functional income distribution. We discuss enhanced exit options of firms, rising financial overhead costs for businesses, increased competition in capital markets, and weakened bargaining power of workers due to indebtedness. The different hypotheses are operationalised through empirical measures and their effect on the wage share is tested econometrically by means of a panel data set of 14 OECD countries over the period 1992–2014. We find statistically significant negative effects of financial payments of firms and financial openness on the wage share.  相似文献   

Given the increasing dynamics in the markets, the possibility to adapt quickly to the changing environmental requirements is regarded as the key competence of corporations. Following the latest empirical findings of strategic and organizational research, those corporations will be successful in the long run that have the ability to continually reinvent themselves. We call this type of change “continuous self-renewal”. Continuous self-renewal is a profound change that proceeds with foresight and is not triggered by an external acute pressure to act. This approach is opposed to the established concepts of Change Management which state that processes of profound change can only be successful if exactly this pressure to act exists. Hence, the question arises whether “continuous self-renewal” is merely a theoretical concept? Based on a case study, the author comes to the conclusion that “continuous self-renewal” is an empirically verifiable type of change. The research results show furthermore that this type of change operates on completely different principles than previously known processes of change. Continuous self-renewal challenges therefore our established thinking about organizational change in a fundamental way, so the central conclusion of the author.  相似文献   

The article provides an explanation of the Eurozone crisis by focusing on the process of financialization that interacts in different ways with diverging varieties of capitalism. By doing this it contributes to the emerging discussion on country-specific variations of financialization and their interactions. The strongly increasing importance of the financial system has led—together with the abolition of the exchange rate risk—to a strongly increasing private indebtedness in the Southern Eurozone economies and to the emergence of a consumption-driven growth regime. It has developed a symbiosis with the export-driven German growth regime, as far as parts of the demand created have benefitted the German export sectors and German banks have become important providers of credit in the Southern Eurozone. The reduction of credit provision after the global financial crisis has led to the stagnation of the Southern economies.  相似文献   

The theoretical basis behind consultancy does not match its importance to the economy. Although theory building research has been advanced since the 1990s, it still remains fragmentary. The impact of these consulting theories on practice has therefore been limited. This paper provides a contribution to this recent field of research. Based on the Social Systems Theory by Luhmann, a model outlining the impact of consultancy is presented. Three empirical cases outline the usefulness of the presented model in practice.  相似文献   

The following article starts from the assumption that the techno-economical rationality as a model affects all social systems and their way to deal with time. Symptomatic in this respect are mainly two factors increased time pressure and a universal tendency to increase speed. This has consequences for the management of complexity and change processes. Hierarchy as the predominant social structure is overtaxed: the need for collective autonomy and self-control is growing. Therefore, hierarchy has to introduce processes that are foreign to its nature. Important social processes within the organization are not given enough time; time pressure is used as an excuse. Groups at the top of the hierarchy and their efforts to reach consensus in their decisions seem to have a key function.  相似文献   

In the globalization discourse the relation between the change of companies as business organizations and the diagnosed overall globalization process often remains unclear. Three different analytic levels of this problem are distinguished: (1) the relation between globalization and company internationalization, (2) the relation between international companies as a whole and their internationally distributed units as sub-organizations and (3) the relation between the internationalization of companies and their overall change as companies. Based on the example of the German automobile industry three dominant research programs are revisited (international automobile research, sociology of organizations and management sociology on international companies) and the conceptual framework of company-(internationalization)profiles is presented. It is argued that the specific dynamics of the German Big Three Volkswagen, BMW and Mercedes-Benz in the 1990s has to be interpreted as the coincidence of fundamental changes in headquarters, plants and the international division of labor between them.  相似文献   

Whether actors failed or succeeded in their political efforts, even who is in charge of finding solutions in the first place, depends on the public attribution of responsibility. The attribution of responsibility is one of the key elements of public discourse. However, social sciences by now failed to provide an instrument for systematic content analysis concerning attribution statements. The article presents an instrument which was developed for the systematic coding of claims on responsibility. Firstly, we give an overview on content analysis methods both, quantitative and qualitative. Secondly, we unfold our concept. We define a statement of responsibility attribution as consisting of three parts: the attribution sender (a), who directs a claim of responsibility at the attribution addressee (b) concerning a specified issue (c). This basic concept is further differentiated. In the final section we report our experiences during the coding phase.  相似文献   

Recently bargaining models became a popular theoretical concept within family research. Especially compared to household economic theory, bargaining models are less abstract and provide a tool for analysis of conflicting interests and their consequences in family relationships. However, although there are many different topics which can be tackled with this kind of theory, there is still a lack of direct empirical tests concerning this concept. The aim of this article is to provide such a test by using a special type of a quasi-experimental research design. With a so-called factorial design we vary systematically incentives for a household move in order to model different structural conditions of a relationship like earning possibilities or chances for a career of a partner. This allows us to observe varying power allocations within the relationship. The empirical results support the hypotheses derived from the bargaining model: the respondent anticipates a loss of his or her bargaining power as well as an increasing power of the partner. Consequently they answer such a change with a reduced tendency for a household move and a higher perceived potential for conflicts within the relationship. However, due to our limited knowledge about the validity of the quasi-experimental design these results need to be validated by future research.  相似文献   

The combination of life course and biographical research can only be done within the framework of mixed-method-approaches. As there is no established research program for this, good practice examples of existing projects in which methods have been combined have to be reflected. In this sense, this article discusses three case studies regarding the complementarity of life course and biographical perspectives and possible synergies emerging from the combination. The discussion is based on three sequential mixed methods projects investigating identity-related questions: identity work and employment, family foundations and the construction of national belonging. Four different forms of synergies can be analyzed: a) Complementary understanding of process dynamics, b) complementary understanding of different types, c) complementarity to avoid one-sided misinterpretations and to understand the role of ambivalences for the course of life, and d) expanded possibilities for the evaluation of theoretical models. Finally, the position is justified that the combination of life course and biographical research doesn’t have necessarily to be linked to a paradigmatic standpoint when setting up the study. Qualitative and quantitative studies may be considered of equal importance without the necessity to decide which method is core and which is supplementary.  相似文献   

The financial crisis of 2007 has brought questions about the social order in capitalist societies back into the limelight. Economic sociology in particular emphasizes the growing influence of financial markets?? actors and logics. Most research focuses on macro phenomena or intra-organizational and individual perspectives. In contrast, concepts of financialization that explicitly take an inter-organizational perspective are in their infancy. Therefore, this article investigates the business and financing practices of a Europe-wide real estate firm. The historic case study shows the importance of service firms in the real estate sector and analyzes cooperation between different financial service firms (banks, estate agents, notaries, auditing firms, customers). Furthermore, it investigates how they jointly organize border-crossing and the relocation of legal liabilities and economic accountability. The article thus contributes to the current financialization debate in two ways: for one, it analyzes and explains inter-organizational cooperation between different service firms as being constitutive for financialization dynamics. For another, it points to the importance of calculative practices for establishing financialized corporations.  相似文献   

The rescue of Jews in WWII was in many respects extraordinary. For theories of action in the social sciences, these acts pose the challenge to explain pro-social behavior in the face of great risks. Whereas the overwhelming bulk of the literature points towards a specific altruistic personality or identity, rational choice explanations emphasize the significance of incentives and opportunities to help. Based on the Model of Frame Selection, the article develops an integrative explanation that allows resolution of this debate and that identifies constellations of causal factors conducive to helping. To empirically test this explanation, the empirical analyses use data that were collected retrospectively in the 1980s by the Altruistic Personality and Prosocial Behavior Institute (Oliner and Oliner 1988, The altruistic personality: Rescuers of Jews in Nazi Europe, 1988). Statistically, I employ Boolean probit models, a statistical method hardly known in sociology which allows reconstruction of complex patterns of causal interaction. The analyses corroborate the developed explanation. Acts of help could result either spontaneously, in reaction to being asked for help and based on strong pro-social orientations, or deliberatingly, depending on the constellation of incentives and opportunities.  相似文献   

Currently, in the top-management of German enterprises a generational shift is taking place. The paper looks at the consequences of this change concerning the future of the ‘German model of capitalism’. Are the managers of the new generation still holding on to the traditional German management culture or are they orienting themselves more strongly towards the US-American shareholder-value model? In order to clarify this question, the existing empirical results of management research are systematically evaluated. According to the results of this analysis we are not going to face a far-reaching Americanization of the management culture. However, under the pressure of globalization a significant differentiation between management culture in large enterprises on the one hand and management culture in small and medium-sized enterprises on the other hand occurs. While managers of large enterprises adopt elements of the American management model to a great degree, German management seems to become even more accentuated in the culture of small and medium-sized enterprises. In the context of this recent development existing differences between the management in Eastern and Western German enterprises dissolve along with the alternation of generations.  相似文献   

Mixed methods researchers usually discuss how to combine qualitative and quantitative data of the same data type (typically interviews). However, mixed methods research becomes vastly more complicated, when not only standardized data are combined with more open-ended data but simultaneously different data types are mixed (e.?g. ethnographical data with survey data). Using two examples from spatial sociology, this paper illustrates that the specific benefit of such combinations is that ethnography and surveys provide complementary information. The paper also discusses how to solve some problems typically arising in mixed methods studies with mixed data types. In particular, which mixed methods design is most suitable, strongly depends on the specific research question and the social theory used. Regardless, researchers have to decide which strand of the mixed methods study is core component and which is supplemental component.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the question how friendships can be built up in virtual communities, especially in multi-user dungeons (MUDs). According to the Social Information Processing Perspective (SIP; Walther, 1992), users of computer-mediated communication learn how to compensate the lack of nonverbal cues by using specific communication strategies (e.g. emoticons). The predictions derived from SIP were tested in a sample of MUDders. Additionally, the role of motives was studied. Results revealed that emoticons in fact are seen as helpful in expressing socioemotional contents. The use of emoticons also correlates with development of online-friendships. However, this correlation was moderated by the primary motivation to participate in MUDs.  相似文献   

What role do national institutions of labor regulation as well as work and employment systems at the company level play for the development of “new economy” industries? The article is based on eleven company case studies in the Swedish, Polish and German video game industry as well as on an analysis of industry-related expert interviews and data. Power relations between hardware, publishing and development companies play a significant role in the industry. Independent development firms are the weakest link in the value chain; they have to carry the greatest risks. The results show that the lack of a financial system for the high risky software development is a decisive factor for the low international competitiveness of the industry in all three countries. They demonstrate as well that, especially in the field of labor regulation, the “Varieties of Capitalism”-approach underestimates the divergence of industries in national economies and a leeway for flexibility in institutional systems. For instance, employment flexibility of video game development firms is very high. The comparison of the “coordinated market economies” of Germany and Sweden reveals differences regarding the integration of the industry into nation-specific institutional systems, such as the establishment of adequate vocational education and interest representation by unions.  相似文献   

The following analysis of a case study clearly shows the negative consequences of purely economical decisions of a financial management group which did not consider the intercultural differences of the seven cultures participating to the same project.  相似文献   

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