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In incident cohort studies, survival data often include subjects who have had an initiate event at recruitment and may potentially experience two successive events (first and second) during the follow-up period. Since the second duration process becomes observable only if the first event has occurred, left truncation and dependent censoring arise if the two duration times are correlated. To confront the two potential sampling biases, we propose two inverse-probability-weighted (IPW) estimators for the estimation of the joint survival function of two successive duration times. One of them is similar to the estimator proposed by Chang and Tzeng [Nonparametric estimation of sojourn time distributions for truncated serial event data – a weight adjusted approach, Lifetime Data Anal. 12 (2006), pp. 53–67]. The other is the extension of the nonparametric estimator proposed by Wang and Wells [Nonparametric estimation of successive duration times under dependent censoring, Biometrika 85 (1998), pp. 561–572]. The weak convergence of both estimators are established. Furthermore, the delete-one jackknife and simple bootstrap methods are used to estimate standard deviations and construct interval estimators. A simulation study is conducted to compare the two IPW approaches.  相似文献   

In incident cohort studies, survival data often include subjects who have experienced an initiate event but have not experienced a subsequent event at the calendar time of recruitment. During the follow-up periods, subjects may undergo a series of successive events. Since the second/third duration process becomes observable only if the first/second event has occurred, the data are subject to left-truncation and dependent censoring. In this article, using the inverse-probability-weighted (IPW) approach, we propose nonparametric estimators for the estimation of the joint survival function of three successive duration times. The asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators are established. The simple bootstrap methods are used to estimate standard deviations and construct interval estimators. A simulation study is conducted to investigate the finite sample properties of the proposed estimators.  相似文献   


In incident cohort studies, survival data often include subjects who have had an initiate event at recruitment and may potentially experience two successive events (first and second) during the follow-up period. When disease registries or surveillance systems collect data based on incidence occurring within a specific calendar time interval, the initial event is usually subject to double truncation. Furthermore, since the second duration process is observable only if the first event has occurred, double truncation and dependent censoring arise. In this article, under the two sampling biases with an unspecified distribution of truncation variables, we propose a nonparametric estimator of the joint survival function of two successive duration times using the inverse-probability-weighted (IPW) approach. The consistency of the proposed estimator is established. Based on the estimated marginal survival functions, we also propose a two-stage estimation procedure for estimating the parameters of copula model. The bootstrap method is used to construct confidence interval. Numerical studies demonstrate that the proposed estimation approaches perform well with moderate sample sizes.  相似文献   

We consider the conditional estimation of the survival function of the time T2 to a second event as a function of the time T1 to a first event when there is a censoring mechanism acting on their sum T1+T2. The problem has been motivated by a treatment interruption study aimed at improving the quality of life of HIV-infected patients. We base the analysis on the survival function of T2 given that T1I, where I represents a period of scientific interest (1 trimester, 1 year, 2 years, etc.) and propose a non-parametric estimator for the survival function of T2 given that T1I, which takes into account both the selection bias and the heterogeneity due to the dependent censoring. The proposed estimator for the survival function uses the risk group of T2 conditioned on the categories of T1 and corrects for the dependent censoring using weights defined by the observed values of T1. The estimator, properly normalized, converges weakly to a zero-mean Gaussian process. We estimate the variance of the limiting process via a bootstrap methodology. Properties of the proposed estimator are illustrated by an extensive simulation study. The motivating data set is analysed by means of this new methodology.  相似文献   

We focus on regression analysis of irregularly observed longitudinal data which often occur in medical follow-up studies and observational investigations. The model for such data involves two processes: a longitudinal response process of interest and an observation process controlling observation times. Restrictive models and questionable assumptions, such as Poisson assumption and independent censoring time assumption, were posed in previous works for analysing longitudinal data. In this paper, we propose a more general model together with a robust estimation approach for longitudinal data with informative observation times and censoring times, and the asymptotic normalities of the proposed estimators are established. Both simulation studies and real data application indicate that the proposed method is promising.  相似文献   

The lognormal distribution is quite commonly used as a lifetime distribution. Data arising from life-testing and reliability studies are often left truncated and right censored. Here, the EM algorithm is used to estimate the parameters of the lognormal model based on left truncated and right censored data. The maximization step of the algorithm is carried out by two alternative methods, with one involving approximation using Taylor series expansion (leading to approximate maximum likelihood estimate) and the other based on the EM gradient algorithm (Lange, 1995). These two methods are compared based on Monte Carlo simulations. The Fisher scoring method for obtaining the maximum likelihood estimates shows a problem of convergence under this setup, except when the truncation percentage is small. The asymptotic variance-covariance matrix of the MLEs is derived by using the missing information principle (Louis, 1982), and then the asymptotic confidence intervals for scale and shape parameters are obtained and compared with corresponding bootstrap confidence intervals. Finally, some numerical examples are given to illustrate all the methods of inference developed here.  相似文献   

Rivest Wells (2001) showed that in situations where the dependence between a lifetime and a censoring variable can be modeled by a given Archimedean copula, the copula‐graphic estimator of Zheng Klein (1995) has an explicit form. The authors extend this work to the fixed design regression case. They show that the copula‐graphic estimator then has an asymptotic representation and a Gaussian limit. They also assess the influence of a misspecified copula function on the performance of the estimator. Their developments are illustrated with data on the survival of the Atlantic halibut.  相似文献   

Failure time data subject to three progressive Type-I multistage censoring schemes are studied. Product limit estimators are proposed for the estimation of the survival function. It is shown that the resulting estimators are asymptotically equivalent to the corresponding estimators where the data are subject to a random iid right censoring scheme. Many well-known results on confidence bands and tests for randomly right censored data hold for these progressive censoring schemes.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a class of nonparametric estimators for the bivariate survival function estimation under both random truncation and random censoring. In practice, the pair of random variables under consideration may have certain parametric relationship. The proposed class of nonparametric estimators uses such parametric information via a data transformation approach and thus provides more accurate estimates than existing methods without using such information. The large sample properties of the new class of estimators and a general guidance of how to find a good data transformation are given. The proposed method is also justified via a simulation study and an application on an economic data set.  相似文献   

This article considers the exponential and Weibull distributions for studying the robustness of their parameters estimates in the case of right and middle types of censoring. As might be expected, the simulation studies indicate that the mean square error (MSE) decreases with larger sample sizes, increases with the contamination level and censoring proportion. But somewhat surprisingly, our study shows that, regardless the parametric model and for given values of the other factors, estimates for middle censoring are more robust compared to those for right censoring.  相似文献   

In this paper we study a semiparametric varying coefficient model when the response is subject to random right censoring. The model gives an easy interpretation due to its direct connectivity to the classical linear model and is very flexible since nonparametric functions which accommodates various nonlinear interaction effects between covariates are admitted in the model. We propose estimators for this model using mean-preserving transformation and establish their asymptotic properties. The estimation procedure is based on the profiling and the smooth backfitting techniques. A simulation study is presented to show the reliability of the proposed estimators and an automatic bandwidth selector is given in a data-driven way.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider a single change point model for a sudden change in the hazard rate of Lindley distribution to model right-censored survival data. We derive the quantile function to generate random numbers from the proposed distribution by using the Lambert function. The maximum likelihood estimation method is used to estimate parameters of the change point model. A simulation study is also carried out to analyze the performance of the estimators. To validate our findings, a dataset on bone marrow transplant for patients of acute lymphoblastic leukemia is analyzed using the proposed model and is compared with the existing exponential single change point model.  相似文献   

Inverse Gaussian distribution has been used widely as a model in analysing lifetime data. In this regard, estimation of parameters of two-parameter (IG2) and three-parameter inverse Gaussian (IG3) distributions based on complete and censored samples has been discussed in the literature. In this paper, we develop estimation methods based on progressively Type-II censored samples from IG3 distribution. In particular, we use the EM-algorithm, as well as some other numerical methods for determining the maximum-likelihood estimates (MLEs) of the parameters. The asymptotic variances and covariances of the MLEs from the EM-algorithm are derived by using the missing information principle. We also consider some simplified alternative estimators. The inferential methods developed are then illustrated with some numerical examples. We also discuss the interval estimation of the parameters based on the large-sample theory and examine the true coverage probabilities of these confidence intervals in case of small samples by means of Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the estimation for the unknown scale parameter of the half-logistic distribution based on a Type-I progressively hybrid censoring scheme. We evaluate the maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) via numerical method, and EM algorithm, and also the approximate maximum likelihood estimate (AMLE). We use a modified acceptance rejection method to obtain the Bayes estimate and corresponding highest posterior confidence intervals. We perform Monte Carlo simulations to compare the performances of the different methods, and we analyze one dataset for illustrative purposes.  相似文献   

Compared to Type-II censoring, multiply Type-II censoring is a more general, yet mathematically and numerically much more complicated censoring scheme. For multiply Type II censored data from a two-parameter Weibull distribution, we propose several estimators, including MLE, approximate MLE, and estimators corresponding to the BLUE and BLIE from estimating parameters in extreme-value distribution. An approximately unbiased estimator for the shape parameter is also proposed which has the smallest MSE. Numerical examples show that this estimator is the best in terms of bias and MSE. Numerical examples also show that the approximate MLE which admits a closed form is better for estimating the scale parameter.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider estimation of unknown parameters of an inverted exponentiated Rayleigh distribution when it is known that data are hybrid Type I censored. The maximum likelihood and Bayes estimates are derived. In sequel interval estimates are also constructed. We further consider one- and two-sample prediction of future observations and also obtain prediction intervals. The performance of proposed methods of estimation and prediction is studied using simulations and an illustrative example is discussed in support of the suggested methods.  相似文献   

In many medical studies, patients may experience several events during follow-up. The times between consecutive events (gap times) are often of interest and lead to problems that have received much attention recently. In this work, we consider the estimation of the bivariate distribution function for censored gap times. Some related problems such as the estimation of the marginal distribution of the second gap time and the conditional distribution are also discussed. In this article, we introduce a nonparametric estimator of the bivariate distribution function based on Bayes’ theorem and Kaplan–Meier survival function and explore the behavior of the four estimators through simulations. Real data illustration is included.  相似文献   

In this article, we apply the empirical likelihood method to make inference on the bivariate survival function of paired failure times by estimating the survival function of censored time with the Kaplan–Meier estimator. Adjusted empirical likelihood (AEL) confidence intervals for the bivariate survival function are developed. We conduct a simulation study to compare the proposed AEL method with other methods. The simulation study shows the proposed AEL method has better performance than other existing methods. We illustrate the proposed method by analyzing the skin graft data.  相似文献   

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