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It is shown that within the class of connected binary designs with arbitrary block sizes and arbitrary replications only a symmetic balanced incomplete block design produces a completely symmetric information matrix for the treatment effects whenever the number of blocks is equal to the number of treatments and the number of experimental units is an integer multiple of the number of treatments. Such a design is known to be universally optimal.  相似文献   

The paper aims to find variance balanced and variance partially balanced incomplete block designs when observations within blocks are autocorrelated and we call them BIBAC and PBIBAC designs. Orthogonal arrays of type I and type II when used as BIBAC designs have smaller average variance of elementary contrasts of treatment effects compared to the corresponding Balanced Incomplete Block (BIB) designs with homoscedastic, uncorrelated errors. The relative efficiency of BIB designs compared to BIBAC designs depends on the block size k and the autocorrelation ρ and is independent of the number of treatments. Further this relative efficiency increases with increasing k. Partially balanced incomplete block designs with autocorrelated errors are introduced using partially balanced incomplete block designs and orthogonal arrays of type I and type II.  相似文献   

Two series of efficiency balanced designs with v*+ 1 treatments have been constructed using balanced incomplete block designs having v* treatments.  相似文献   

The present article establishes equivalence between extended group divisible (EGD) designs and designs for crop sequence experiments. This equivalence has encouraged the agricultural experimenters to use EGD designs for their experimentation. Some real life applications of EGD designs have been given. It has also been shown that several existing association schemes are special cases of EGD association scheme. Some methods of construction of EGD designs are also given. A catalogue of EGD designs obtainable through methods of construction along with efficiency factors of various factorial effects is also presented. In some crop sequence experiments that are conducted to develop suitable integrated nutrient supply system of a crop sequence, the treatments do not comprise of a complete factorial structure. The experimenter is interested in estimating the residual and direct effect of the treatments along with their cumulative effects. For such experimental settings block designs with two sets of treatments applied in succession are the appropriate designs. The correspondence established between row–column designs and block designs for two stage experiments by Parsad et al. [2003. Structurally incomplete row–column designs. Comm. Statist. Theory Methods 32(1), 239–261] has been exploited in obtaining designs for such experimental situations. Some open problems related to designing of crop sequence experiments are also given.  相似文献   

We consider an experiment with fixed number of blocks, in which a response to a treatment can be affected by treatments from neighboring units. For such experiment the interference model with neighbor effects is studied. Under this model we study connectedness of binary complete block designs. Assuming the circular interference model with left-neighbor effects we give the condition for minimal number of blocks necessary to obtain connected design. For a specified class of binary, complete block designs, we show that all designs are connected. Further we present the sufficient and necessary conditions of connectedness of designs with arbitrary, fixed number of blocks.  相似文献   

Some incomplete block designs for partial diallel crosses have been given in the literature. These designs are obtained by regarding the number of crosses as treatments, and consequently require several replications of each cross. The need for resorting to a partial diallel cross itself implies that it is desired to have fewer crosses. A method for constructing single replicate incomplete block designs for circulant partial diallel crosses is provided in this paper. The designs are orthogonal, and thus they retain full efficiency for estimation of the contrasts of interest.  相似文献   

This paper deals with optimality aspects of block designs balanced for interference effects from neighboring units on both sides under a general non additive model along with random block effects. Here, a class of complete, circular block designs strongly balanced for interference effects has been shown to be universally optimal for the estimation of direct effects and interference effects (left and right) of treatments under a non additive mixed effects model.  相似文献   

Equirephcate variance-balanced block designs possess many desirable properties and include several important subclasses of designs, such as balanced incomplete block designs. However, while attention has been paid to the derivation of properties and the construction of these designs, methods of analyzing experiments using these designs have not been developed completely. Thus, we consider models appropriate to these designs, construct test statistics for basic hypotheses and derive the distributions for these statistics. Four additive models that include all of the possible combinations of fixed and random effects are examined. The analyses are generalizations of the analyses for balanced incomplete block designs, and include the intra-block, intra-treatment and inter-block analyses, Estimators of fixed treatment effects and their distributions also are given.  相似文献   

The term 'representation bias' is used to describe the disparities that exist between treatment effects estimated from field experiments, and those effects that would be seen if treatments were used in the field. In this paper we are specifically concerned with representation bias caused by disease inoculum travelling between plots, or out of the experimental area altogether. The scope for such bias is maximized in the case of airborne spread diseases. This paper extends the work of Deardon et al. (2004), using simulation methods to explore the relationship between design and representation bias. In doing so, we illustrate the importance of plot size and spacing, as well as treatment-to-plot allocation. We examine a novel class of designs, incomplete column designs, to develop an understanding of the mechanisms behind representation bias. We also introduce general methods of designing field trials, which can be used to limit representation bias by carefully controlling treatment to block allocation in both incomplete column and incomplete randomized block designs. Finally, we show how the commonly used practice of sampling from the centres of plots, rather than entire plots, can also help to control representation bias.  相似文献   

In this investigation, general efficiency balanced (GEB) and efficiency balanced (EB) designs with (v + t) treatments, using (i) balanced incomplete block (BIB), (ii) symmetrical BIB, (iii) f -resolvable BIB, (iv) group divisible (GD) and (v) resolvable GD designs have been constructed with smaller number of replications and block sizes.  相似文献   

In the present paper, under the assumption of a mixed effects model with random block effects, the type 1 optimality of the most balanced group divisible designs of type 1 has been established within the general class of all proper and connected block designs with k<v.  相似文献   

Incomplete-block designs were constructed from three types of three-factor block-structured combinatorial designs which are not necessarily semi-Latin squares but whose treatments are ab initio arranged as in the semi-Latin square. The basic consideration for the construction involves the exploitation of the different block structures of the experimental units of the Quasi-semi-Latin Squares (QSLS) for the same treatments. All the emanating designs are found to be connected, only the designs in nine blocks are both variance- and efficiency-balanced and offer gain in efficiency but lead to about 46 percent loss of information.  相似文献   

Robustness of group divisible (GD) designs is investigated, when one block is lost, in terms of efficiency of the residual design. The exact evaluation of the efficiency can be made for singular GD and semi-regular GD designs as ell as regular GD designs with λ1 = 0. In a regular GD design with λ1 > 0, the efficiency may depend upon the lost block and sharp upper and lower bounds on the efficiency are presented. The investigation shows that GD designs are fairly robust in terms of efficiency. As a special case, we can also show the robustness of balanced incomplete block design when one block is lost.  相似文献   

The importance of individual inputs of a computer model is sometimes assessed using indices that reflect the amount of output variation that can be attributed to random variation in each input. We review two such indices, and consider input sampling plans that support estimation of one of them, the variance of conditional expectation or VCE (Mckay, 1995. Los Alamos National Laboratory Report NUREG/CR-6311, LA-12915-MS). Sampling plans suggested by Sobol’, Saltelli, and McKay, are examined and compared to a new sampling plan based on balanced incomplete block designs. The new design offers better sampling efficiency for the VCE than those of Sobol’ and Saltelli, and supports unbiased estimation of the index associated with each input.  相似文献   

Consider an incomplete block experiment in which observations are taken from t treatments using an incomplete block design with b blocks of size k < t. Suppose the interest is in estimating the differences of effects of successive treatments. This may occur, for example, if the treatments are different dosages or concentrations of a compound. This article presents A-optimal and MV-optimal incomplete block designs for estimating the the differences of successive treatment effects. Tables of optimal designs are given for k < t ≤ 5 with b ≤ 40.  相似文献   

In this paper the use of Kronecker designs for factorial experiments is considered. The two-factor Kronecker design is considered in some detail and the efficiency factors of the main effects and interaction in such a design are derived. It is shown that the efficiency factor of the interaction is at least as large as the product of the efficiency factors of the two main effects and when both the component designs are totally balanced then its efficiency factor will be higher than the efficiency factor of either of the two main effects. If the component designs are nearly balanced then its efficiency factor will be approximately at least as large as the efficiency factor of either of the two main effects. It is argued that these designs are particularly useful for factorial experiments.Extensions to the multi-factor design are given and it is proved that the two-factor Kronecker design will be connected if the component designs are connected.  相似文献   


Nested pairwise efficiency and variance balanced designs form a new class of block designs. In this article, two methods of constructing such designs from a symmetric balanced incomplete block design are proposed with some illustrations.  相似文献   

D-optimal designs are identified in classes of connected block designs with fixed block size when the number of experimental units is one or two more than the minimal number required for the design to be connected. An application of one of these results is made to identify D-optimal designs in a class of minimally connected row-column designs. Graph-theoretic methods are employed to arrive at the optimality results.  相似文献   

The paper deals with experiments laid out in a complete or an incomplete split-plot design in which one control (standard) treatment occurs in addition to the usual treatments. Usually the control (standard) treatment has been treated as one specific factor level. In this paper, in contrast to others in this area, the control (standard) may not be strictly connected with treatment combinations. The new incomplete split-plot designs with control satisfy all generally accepted methodological requirements, with special reference to the problems of randomisation. Moreover, tools are described which allow checking of the general balance or efficiency of the design, as well as performance of experiments with inference.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to strengthen the understanding of the relationship between a fixed-blocks and random-blocks analysis in models that do not include interactions between treatments and blocks. Treating the block effects as random has been recommended in the literature for balanced incomplete block designs (BIBD) because it results in smaller variances of treatment contrasts. This reduction in variance is large if the block-to-block variation relative to the total variation is small. However, this analysis is also more complicated because it results in a subjective interpretation of results if the block variance component is non-positive. The probability of a non-positive variance component is large precisely in those situations where a random-blocks analysis is useful – that is, when the block-to-block variation, relative to the total variation, is small. In contrast, the analysis in which the block effects are fixed is computationally simpler and less subjective. The loss in power for some BIBD with a fixed effects analysis is trivial. In such cases, we recommend treating the block effects as fixed. For response surface experiments designed in blocks, however, an opposite recommendation is made. When block effects are fixed, the variance of the estimated response surface is not uniquely estimated, and in practice this variance is obtained by ignoring the block effect. It is argued that a more reasonable approach is to treat the block effects to be random than to ignore it.  相似文献   

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