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杨凡 《人口研究》2017,(2):17-29
男孩偏好是导致我国人口出生性别比升高的根本原因.妇女是男孩偏好传统的受害者,她们的生命历程中经历了许多基于性别的差别待遇事件.这些事件会对妇女自身的性别观念产生什么样的影响?文章以生命历程理论为理论框架,通过对调查数据和资料的分析,研究妇女生命历程中的事件对其男孩偏好的影响.研究结果表明,在妇女生命历程各个不同阶段中,她们所经历的一系列基于性别的差别性待遇的影响会不断累积,让她们逐渐感知到两性在家庭、社会中所处的不平等地位,从而增加妇女发生男孩偏好的可能性.甚至这些经历和事件发生的时间、次序,都会对妇女的男孩偏好产生影响.在此基础上,文章提出弱化妇女男孩偏好的政策建议.  相似文献   

基于资源分配理论,选用中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)2010-2018年数据,考察了农村二孩家庭中男孩偏好对长姐体质健康的影响及内在机制。研究发现:男孩偏好对长姐体质健康具有显著负向影响,相比有妹妹,有弟弟的长姐身高Z评分将降低0.254个单位,表现出发育迟缓和消瘦的概率比正常组将分别提高5%和2%,但与肥胖不存在显著关联。性别平等感知在男孩偏好与长姐体质健康关系中发挥调节效应,父母感知到的社会性别平等越弱,男孩偏好对长姐体质健康的不利影响越强。男孩偏好对长姐体质健康的影响存在异质性,长姐处于学龄期、二孩处于学龄前和父亲出生队列较早时,男孩偏好对长姐体质健康将产生更不利的影响。未来应结合我国农村地区重男轻女的社会环境,在保证儿童福利有效供给的基础上,发展以家庭为核心的福利政策,全面构建普惠型儿童福利支持体系。  相似文献   

婚姻形式与男孩偏好:对中国农村三个县的考察   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
应用在招赘婚姻高度流行区、中度流行区和低度流行区的调查数据 ,本文研究了严格生育控制下婚姻形式以及个人、家庭和社会因素对男孩偏好的影响及其区域差异。研究发现 ,嫁娶婚姻的生育行为有明显的男孩偏好倾向 ,而招赘婚姻的生育行为则不存在性别偏好 ;男孩偏好存在显著的区域差异 ,招赘婚姻的流行显著降低了当地的男孩偏好水平。研究结果为政府在农村降低男孩偏好水平、稳定低生育率提供了新的思路和途径  相似文献   

文章利用西安交通大学人口与发展研究所2005年中国深圳市农民工调查数据,基于社会网络理论定量研究了农民工的性别偏好现状及其影响因素。研究发现流动后农民工的生育观念与行为仍具有明显的男孩偏好特征;社会网络因素、流动因素和个体因素在一定程度上对农民工的男孩偏好观念与行为产生了影响。本文的研究结果对于理解中国城镇人口出生性别比偏高的现象和原因有重要作用。  相似文献   

盛亦男 《南方人口》2012,27(4):8-15
本文根据2010年中国人民大学“家庭及生育状况研究调查”数据,分析我国农村广泛存在的家族制度对男孩偏好的影响。结论认为,家族制度约束力的三个部分:宗族势力、婚嫁模式和传宗接代观念对男孩偏好具有显著影响。其中,婚嫁模式对男孩偏好的影响程度最高。  相似文献   

问题的提出及研究的目的由于传统文化在农民的意识中根深蒂固,而且性别偏好在农村显然比在城市显著,故研究者的眼光多放在农村。性别偏好是中国农民生育需求的核心所在,最难触动。以往这方面的研究虽然从原因、表现、后果、解决措施等几个方面来分析,但大体是侧重在其原因以及研究性别偏好和生育性别选择所产生的影响上。本文利用对湖北部分县市的调查资料,对妇女生育行为、男孩偏好进行深入分析以期加深对性别偏好和生育行为本身的研究,加深对观念,生育行为的动机、逻辑方面影响出生性别选择的认识。  相似文献   

以往关于迁移流动对出生孩子性别比或性别偏好的研究至少有两个不足:一是很少将流迁人口与原居住地非流迁人口的生育行为和生育意愿进行比较;二是只考察了迁移流动对性别偏好方向的影响而没有考虑性别偏好的强度。本文设计了测量男孩偏好强度的男孩偏好强度指数,通过实地调查收集资料,并运用多元回归分析对调查资料进行分析,结果表明,在控制了主要迁移选择性变量后,流动经历能明显降低农村人口男孩偏好强度。研究结果支持适应假说。  相似文献   

文章利用2016年全国6省12市生育调查数据,分析中国城市家庭已婚已育一孩妇女的生育偏好与生育计划及其影响因素,结果发现:有24.4%的人计划生育二孩并且有明确的时间安排,有5.1%的人计划生育二孩但没有时间安排.生育偏好受个体家庭生活和成长环境的影响,跟公婆居住、有兄弟姐妹的女性更可能有二孩偏好,但这些因素并不对生育计划产生影响;现实两大限制因素——经济成本和照料压力影响生育二孩的计划,但并不对生育偏好产生影响;男孩偏好是一种现实促进因素,第一个孩子是女孩的女性更可能有生育第二个孩子的计划;生育计划和生育偏好之间的偏离也主要受到现实因素(年龄、家庭收入、照料可获得性、性别偏好)的影响.  相似文献   

杨凡 《西北人口》2014,(4):8-12
本文利用2010年中国人民大学育龄妇女家庭与生育状况调查数据,对男孩偏好弱化现象及导致男孩偏好弱化的社会经济因素进行了研究。研究发现,农业技术和生产工具的进步、农村家庭收入来源中非农收入比例的提高、男孩较高的养育成本、社会保障的完善和人口流动性的增加所导致的人们对“养儿防老”预期的降低以及住房、交通条件的改善等一系列社会经济变化的共同作用,使人们的男孩偏好逐步淡化。  相似文献   

杨凡  陶涛  杜敏 《人口研究》2016,(2):50-62
我国人口的大规模流动正在改变着农村育龄妇女的生育观念,传统生育观念中的男孩偏好逐步弱化.文章梳理了流动对人们生育观念影响的相关理论,并通过对调查数据的分析,在控制了人口流动的选择偏差的条件下,比较了从未流动的农村育龄妇女和有流动经历的农村育龄妇女在男孩偏好方面的差异,并进一步研究了“流动时是否与丈夫在一起”的经历对农村育龄妇女男孩偏好的影响.结果表明,有流动经历和没有流动经历的妇女在男孩偏好方面确实存在显著的差异,这种差异一方面是由于流动的选择性造成的,另一方面也源于流动使妇女的生育观念更为现代化,弱化了她们的男孩偏好.但是,流出地的文化传统依然通过家庭和社区影响着妇女生育的性别偏好.  相似文献   

Bhat PN  Zavier AJ 《Demography》2003,40(4):637-657
Although it is widely acknowledged that the preference for sons is a barrier to a decline in fertility, considerable disagreement exists as to what actually happens to this preference when fertility declines in a region of low female autonomy. By analyzing the data from the National Family Health Survey (NFHS), we present evidence from northern India to show that the preference for sons is reduced when the ideal family size becomes small, even though it does not completely disappear. This finding appears to contradict trends in the juvenile sex ratio and the incidence of female feticide that suggest the intensification of gender bias. We argue that the anomaly is the result of a diffusion of prenatal sex-diagnostic techniques in regions where there is a large unmet demand for such methods. Using the NFHS data, we estimate that in northern India, girls currently constitute about 60% of the unwanted births and that the elimination of unwanted fertility has the potential to raise the sex ratio at birth to 130 boys per 100 girls.  相似文献   

宋健  陶椰 《人口学刊》2012,(5):3-11
家庭生育数量会受到性别偏好的影响,但影响方向和作用机制还未达成共识。文章利用全国城市青年调查数据,对性别偏好和家庭生育数量之间的关系进行实证研究。结果表明,性别偏好并不等同于男孩偏好,其内容呈现出多元化特点;无性别偏好在城市已婚已育青年中所占比重最高。不同性别偏好对家庭生育数量的作用方向和强度有所差异:性别数量双偏好会显著提升家庭生育数量;与无性别偏好相比较,单性别偏好也会提升家庭生育数量,但女孩偏好对家庭生育数量的提升作用更强也更显著。  相似文献   

Gender of children and birth timing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We address the impact of the gender of children on birth timing. Our findings suggest that a preference to balance the gender of children affects the timing of births, not a preference for either sons or daughters. At parity 2, women with children of the same sex time a third birth more rapidly than women with a boy and a girl. At parity 1, women with a boy time second births more rapidly than women with a girl. This seemingly anomalous finding is explained, however, by the fact that women with boys are more likely than women with girls to be married at any point in time and thus less likely to have disrupted fertility careers.  相似文献   

Shortage of girls in China today   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
China has the most severe shortage of girls compared to boys of any country in the world today, as documented by China's surveys and censuses up to 2000. This article evaluates data on sex ratios in China since before the founding of the People's Republic, and shows that the relative dearth of girls has become more extreme during the last two decades, and that the problem is real and not merely due to undercounting of girls. Daughters are lost primarily through sex-selective abortion, secondly through excess female infant mortality, and thirdly through neglect or mistreatment of girls up to age three, in cities as well as rural areas. Until recently, the dearth of girls was confined to second or higher-order births, but now couples in some provinces are using sex-selective abortions for first births. Maps show the geographical concentration of life-threatening discrimination against girls and its spread over time. Son preference, low fertility and technology combine to cause the loss of daughters in China today and compulsory family planning and the one-child policy exacerbate the problem. The discussion includes what the People's Republic of China has done to ameliorate life-threatening discrimination against girls and what further steps might be taken to improve the situation.  相似文献   

Strong preference for sons in South Asia is well documented, but evidence on female disadvantage in childhood feeding, health care, and nutritional status is inconclusive. This article examines sex differentials in indicators of childhood feeding, health care, and nutritional status of children under age 3 by birth order and sex composition of older living siblings. Data are from India's 1992–93 and 1998–99 National Family Health Surveys. The analysis finds three reasons for inconclusive evidence on female disadvantage in aggregate analyses. First, discrimination against girls is limited to the relatively small fraction of children of certain birth orders and sex compositions of older siblings. Second, discrimination against girls when boys are in short supply and discrimination against boys when girls are in short supply cancel each other to some extent. Third, some discrimination against girls (e.g., in exclusive breastfeeding at 6–9 months) is nutritionally beneficial to girls. Separate analyses for North and South India find that gender discrimination is as common in the South as in the North, where son preference is generally much stronger.  相似文献   

出生婴儿性别选择的经济学分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从经济学的角度分析出生婴儿性剐逆向选择问题.虽然男孩、女孩都被父母视为"生育性财产",但由于男孩、女孩为父母提供的效用不同,男孩被视为"共同性财产",女孩被视为"分离性财产",正是这样一种财产观念导致父母对男孩需求强烈,对女孩需求减少,从而出现了出生婴儿性别逆向选择问题.  相似文献   

It is argued that investment in programs for changing attitudes toward sex preference may not have the greatest impact on reducing fertility or increasing fertility control. Arnold's new method of analysis of determining sex preference was applied to data from a 1977 Egyptian survey of 36,000 rural households in Menoufia Governorate. Findings indicated that couples increased their use of modern contraceptives in direct proportion to an increase in the number of sons. Arnold determined that a large majority of all couples would have at least one boy early in their childbearing years. Thus sex preference would not have a large effect on fertility. Arnold's analysis among 27 countries found that without any sex preference, contraceptive usage would increase by an average of less than 3.7 percentage points. Arnold found that sex preference was strongest in Asia, particularly in South Korea and Taiwan that already have reduced fertility levels. In Africa, where fertility is high, the total elimination of sex preference would have only a 2.9 percentage point difference in contraceptive use. Sex preference had small effects on the percent of women who practice contraception, the percent who desire no more children, and the average number of additional children wanted. For example, in Bangladesh having no sex preference would show a percentage difference of 1.6 percentage points for contraceptive use, 4.7 percentage points difference for women desiring no more children, and -0.1 percentage point difference for the average number of additional children wanted. The effect of having no sex preference was strongest in India compared with Bangladesh, Indonesia, Nepal, the Philippines, Thailand, Ghana, Kenya, Costa Rica, Haiti, Paraguay, and Peru. The effect of no sex preference in India would have the respective percentage point effect of 3.7, 8.9, and -0.2. Public policy should be directed to information, education, and communication with other social goals.  相似文献   

黔东南苗族侗族自治州侗族人口出生性别比偏高,溺弃女婴的现象较为普遍。本文旨在通过案例探究黔东南苗族侗族自治州侗族出生性别比偏高背后特有的社会基础。研究认为,男孩生育偏好的背后是其特有的自然社会生态:农业自然经济模式对男性劳动力的需求及对入赘婚的排斥,良好孝道的保持和养儿防老的可靠预期,社会结构中对男性地位的强调以及普遍存在的对无儿户道德质疑的舆论氛围。  相似文献   

India is a country with a pervasive preference for sons and one of the highest levels of excess child mortality for girls in the world (child mortality for girls exceeds child mortality for boys by 43 per cent). In this article, data from the National Family Health Survey are used to examine the effect of son preference on parity progression and ultimately on child mortality. The demographic effects of family composition are estimated with hazard models. The analysis indicates that son preference fundamentally affects demographic behaviour in India. Family composition affects fertility behaviour in every state examined and son preference is the predominant influence in all but one of these states. The effects of family composition on excess child mortality for girls are more complex, but girls with older sisters are often subject to the highest risk of mortality.  相似文献   

引起中国出生性别比偏高的三要素   总被引:26,自引:3,他引:26  
解振明 《人口研究》2002,26(5):14-18
从“人群、技术和管理系统”三个要素分析造成中国出生性别比升高的原因 ,在出生性别比异常偏高的地方 ,首先 ,有一定规模的男孩偏好的人群 ;其次 ,有可以获得的性别选择信息和技术服务 ;同时 ,存在着对性别选择行为疏于管理的系统。这三要素是在中国社会经济、文化习俗和生育政策的大环境下发挥着作用 ,因此 ,出生性别比偏高的治理工作必须从这三要素入手 ,同时必须努力创造有利于出生性别比治理工作的社会、经济、文化和政策环境。  相似文献   

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