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潘文富 《经理人》2005,(10):82-83
只要方法得当,就能让竞品促销功亏一篑,并能有效打击和压制竞争对手 绝大多数企业的营销总监,每天一半以上的 精力在忙着做最简单的营销工作——促销。 但是,我们忙着促销,竞争对手也没闲着, 市场盘子就那么大,人家的销量一提升,我们的销量 就要下降。那么,竞争对手开展促销活动时,我们该 怎么办?  相似文献   

韩志峰 《经理人》2005,(10):18-18
“隐”伤藏在企业的“体内”不被觉察,会令“体格强壮”的 品牌一夜间轰然倒下 在品牌作为一个名词流行于企业的今天,我们的许多企业 对品牌营销还一知半解,做得好的也无非是那些已争取 了“驰名商标”或“中国名牌”,或者有较高品牌价值的 企业。这些企业表面辉煌,实际上却往往有“隐”伤,这些“隐” 伤藏在企业的“体内”不被觉察,常令貌似“体格强壮”的品牌不 是“阴天腿疼”,就是一夜间轰然倒下。  相似文献   

在谈判中,专营权是一个可变的概念。有时对买方有利,有时对卖方有利,有时对双方都有利。  相似文献   

客户需求拉动的产品快速配置管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

苦练内功走出困境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

黄冰琴 《经理人》2006,(1):100-101
在给小客户的供货中,企业的利润十分微薄, 是保量,还是保利? 最近,就职于一家建材企业的营销副总于洪遇到了难以抉择的问题:在给小客户的供货中,企业的利润十分微薄,是保量,还是保利?要不要保护大客户,砍掉小客户呢? 实际上,要解决这个矛盾,在一定程度上取决于企业自身的定位。如果大客户为企业创造的利润已经给企业足够的长期  相似文献   

在经济金融全球化和现代科技发展的双重推动下,面对金融同质化的竞争形势,我们必须加快经营理念创新,从客户需求出发,提升自己的核心竞争力。本文认为,客户需求可分为"明示需求"(亦称显性需求)和"隐性需求",把握客户的"隐性需求"更有利于发掘和留住客户,从而更好地经营客户。文章运用心理学等学科的相关知识,从客户"隐性需求"的内涵和范畴出发,提出如何满足银行客户的"隐性需求",从而在竞争中占据主动。  相似文献   

《经理人》调查 企业——先做大还是先做强? 当企业经营到一定规模,创业者便会面临一个发展瓶颈或 者称为两难选择:企业要么先走规模扩张的道路,比如零售行 业中的连锁店,先是布满全国,依靠规模保证利益;要么先走 增加实力的道路,练好自身本领再去扩张疆域。对此,中国经 理人网的论坛版主特别提出了这样一个问题:企业——先做大 还是先做强?  相似文献   

陈育辉 《经理人》2005,(10):87-87
为什么完美的制度竟然不如粗放的管理? 一头理想主义的猪 一头理想主义的猪和一头结果导向的 猪,分别创业组建了房地产公司。理想主义 的猪一向追求完美。他想,企业做大,首先 必须有一套先进的企业管理制度;有了这 些先进的管理模式,只要能够有效管理和 合理评估每只理想主义的猪的工作,在一 个完善的管理团队中,所有这些理想主义 的猪各司其职,就可以推动企业方阵朝着 既定的目标迈进。  相似文献   

Unemployment insurance and employment protection are typically discussed and studied in isolation. In this paper, we argue that they are tightly linked, and we focus on their joint optimal design in a simple model, with risk‐averse workers, risk‐neutral firms, and random shocks to productivity. We show that, in the “first best,”unemployment insurance comes with employment protection—in the form of layoff taxes; indeed, optimality requires that layoff taxes be equal to unemployment benefits. We then explore the implications of four broad categories of deviations from first best: limits on insurance, limits on layoff taxes, ex post wage bargaining, and ex ante heterogeneity of firms or workers. We show how the design must be modified in each case. Finally, we draw out the implications of our analysis for current policy debates and reform proposals, from the financing of unemployment insurance, to the respective roles of severance payments and unemployment benefits.  相似文献   

企业的经营环境正变得日益错综复杂、难以预料且充满着激烈的竞争。企业组织要做的事就是制定应对混乱和复杂局面的策略过程,这一过程所描绘的是一幅平淡无奇、枯燥乏味的企业未来情景。  相似文献   

在现实生活中,人们常常把那些只知个人卖力,而不去调动和发挥群众积极性的一把手比作“光杆司令”。这种领导,看似忙得团团转,到头来却总是事倍功半甚至劳而无功。观其表现形式大致有如下三类: 一是上忙下不忙,原戏照样唱。上面召开什么样的……  相似文献   

罗玉亮 《领导科学》2002,(19):20-21
任何一个班子都不是铁板一块,都有可能存在这样或那样的矛盾和问题.对此,作为主管的上级领导,既不要大惊小怪,也不要漠然视之,而是要审慎对待,帮助下级尤其是下级一把手解决好矛盾,促使班子顺利运转.  相似文献   

This paper presents an application of fuzzy subsets to the problem of selecting sites for locating gas stations. Cost minimization and profit maximization models represent typical approaches to location decisions. These approaches are not well-suited to problems like site selection for gas stations because of the difficulty in identifying precise relationships, the uncertainties involved, and the qualitative and imprecise nature of much of the information used for decision making. This paper proposes the use of a model based on linguistic variables and a direct evaluation of the available alternatives via the use of fuzzy variables. Conclusions regarding the practical advantages and limitations of the approach are drawn based on the reported application.  相似文献   

A rejoinder     

A statistical test is presented to detect the presence of a Poisson input source into a queueing system. The fact that the arrival times of a Poisson input source are distributed independently and uniformly over time is used in conjunction with the central limit theorem to develop a test, based on the sum of the arrival times over a given interval of time, for the hypothesis that an input source into a queueing system is Poisson. Failure to reject this hypothesis gives one an extra degree of assurance that traditional queueing models assuming a Poisson input are applicable.  相似文献   

Despite the increased application of cluster analysis in decision sciences, few attempts have been made to derive hypothesis-testing procedures for the evaluation of clustering solutions. In fact, the present paper shows that at least one such attempt failed to specify a meaningful sampling distribution for the test procedure. An alternative index based on the concept of point-biserial correlation is proposed as a possible recovery measure. The index is subsequently used to form the basis of a valid statistical test for the existence of cluster structure.  相似文献   

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