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人口社会学是人口学的分支学科,是人口学知识体系的重要组成部分。对中外学者关于人口社会学的定义进行分类和评述,指出人口社会学是运用社会学、人口学等学科的观点、理论和方法,研究人口行为及行为问题的人口科学,它的任务是通过揭示人口行为的一般规律,促进人口行为现代化和社会进步,阐述了人口社会学的研究体系和主要研究内容。  相似文献   

文章概述了日本人口学科体系的发展历程,指出在这个发展历程中,日本人口学界涌现出经济人口学派、历史人口学派、社会人口学派、地域人口学派、生物人口学派、政治人口学派和数理人口学派等。文章认为,人口科学在国际上表现出国际化、数理化和多元化的特点。日本不仅形成了多种人口学派,而且还重视对国外人口问题的研究,至少有50%以上的日本学者研究的是国际人口问题。而中国的大部分学者则主要侧重于国内的人口问题研究,视野不够开阔,缺乏国际型的思维模式和研究理念。  相似文献   

国防人口学是一门新兴学科,虽然我国开展这一领域的研究只有20年,但已建立了完善的学科体系,并在研究国防人口建设战略规划、社会环境对国防人口建设的重大影响、国防人口发展对国防安全的影响、国防人力资源开发等方面取得了重要成就,在人口科学和国防科学中占有重要地位。  相似文献   

主 编 吴忠观 副主编 李永胜 刘家强西南财经大学出版社 2 0 0 0年 9月出版  本书是国家社会科学基金“九五”规划重点项目 ,共 4篇 2 6章 ,36万字。本书系统地介绍了西方早期的人口研究到人口学的产生 ,再到当代人口科学体系形成的历史过程 ,并把当代人口学学科体系划分为方法论各分支学科 ,理论类各分支学科 ,应用类各分支学科三大类别。分别介绍了人口学方法论、人口统计学、现代人口分析技术、数理人口学、人口的社会调查方法、人口社会学、人口经济学、人口生物学、人口地理学、质量人口学、人口生态学、人口思想史、民族人口学…  相似文献   

杜守东同志的《人口学原理与中国人口问题》(以下简称杜著)一书,最近已由中国人口出版社出版.这部近 40万字的专著,是作者多年从事人口学理论研究的力作,也是我国人口学理论研究方面的新成果.人口学是一门综合性的社会科学,70年代以来,我国学者将其归纳为三大组成部分:人口理论、人口统计学与人口学应用学科(或分支学科).新中国成立以来,我国人口科学工作者对于人口科学体系的形成和发展作出了重要贡献.马寅初先生的《新人口论》是50年代我国人口科学论著的代表作.党的十一届三中全会以后,我国人口科学的研究,迎来  相似文献   

宋健 《当代中国人口》2008,25(5):18-25,41-44
人口学在研究方法上具有鲜明的特色,人口学方法是人口学学科体系的重要组成部分之一。按照《中国大百科全书》的界定,人口学方法是指研究人口自身发展规律和人口与社会、经济、环境诸因素间内在本质联系的方法论,以及对其数量关系进行调查、统计、分析、研究所运用的各种方法的总称。国内外经典的人口学教材和著作认为人口学方法包括人口学方法论、数据收集/调查方法、统计分析方法、数理分析方法、人口学模型、间接估计方法以及为了研究人口现象从其他学科引入的各种新方法等。  相似文献   

有关人口的知识,包括在人口科学体系的各门学科里,现在大家经常提到的“人口学”就是其中最基本的一门学科。“人口学”,顾名思义,就是关于“人口’的学问,就是研究“人口”的学问。  相似文献   

从社会建构主义视角回顾和分析美国人口学的发展历程,展现人口学在不同历史时期的发展状况。人口学作为一门学科,其学科特色是人口学者们在特定的历史条件下人为建构出来的。人口学本身是不断的调整和发展的,人口学者们应注意到这一现象,不要被人口学所谓的内在学科特色所束缚。  相似文献   

人口学在21世纪是一门方兴未艾的朝阳科学   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目前人口学的学科地位与 80年代红极一时相比有所下降 ,表明不少人对我国人口问题的重要性、复杂性和长期性认识不足 ,对人口学的科学性质、研究对象、学科的任务等认识不深 ,必须正本清源。强调科学产生于实践的需要 ,人口学是研究人口变量的科学。在此从十个方面论证人口学是二战后才真正蓬勃起来的一门新兴学科 ,决不是一门夕阳学科。 2 1世纪人类人口变量的多样性及其与经济、社会、资源、环境相互关系的复杂性和持续性决定人口学在 2 1世纪必将是一门方兴未艾的朝阳科学。  相似文献   

关于人口安全的几点理论思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
人口安全(PopulationSecurity)是我国的基础安全,是国家生存安全和发展安全的基本条件。分析人口安全的理论内涵及其生成背景,对人口安全的性质、人口安全在人口学学科体系中的地位进行阐释,从和谐社会的内涵中阐释人口安全的重要性,并提出树立人口风险意识等人口安全的实现途径。  相似文献   

This lecture examines the nature of demography and how the work of W.D. Borrie relates to it. The principal topics are: the meaning of ‘demography’, changes in the discipline, the uniqueness of demography, population theories and ideologies, and the writings of W.D. Borrie.  相似文献   

Any attempt to take a long view of population research, its findings, and applications is bound to raise questions about the state of population theory. Recent research on the history of population thought enables us to include a much more complete account of classical and early modern sources, and of parallel and complementary developments in population biology. This paper considers four major shifts in the conceptual and empirical ambitions of population inquiry over the long term. In general, major conceptual developments in ideas about population reflect major shifts in political and biological theory. The nature of population in European science and society was substantially established before demography emerged as a twentieth-century academic discipline focused chiefly on fertility and mortality. A long view suggests that demography is currently in the course of a shift that constructively re-integrates it with the wider field of scientific and historical population thinking.  相似文献   

The tools and techniques of population sciences are extremely relevant to the discipline of public health emergency preparedness: protecting and securing the population’s health requires information about that population. While related fields such as security studies have successfully integrated demographic tools into their research and literature, the theoretical and practical connection between the methods of demography and the practice of public health emergency preparedness is weak. This article suggests the need to further the interdisciplinary use of demography by examining the need for a systematic use of population science techniques in public health emergency preparedness. Ultimately, we demonstrate how public health emergency preparedness can incorporate demography to develop more effective preparedness plans. Important policy implications emerge: demographers and preparedness experts need to collaborate more formally in order to facilitate community resilience and mitigate the consequences of public health emergencies.  相似文献   

The authors review three recently published reference works in demography: the International Encyclopedia of Population, edited by John A. Ross; the Dictionary of Demography, by Roland Pressat, edited by Christopher Wilson; and the Dictionary of Demography: Terms, Concepts, and Institutions, by William and Renee Petersen. They also consider what the publication of such works tells us about the development of demography as a discipline.  相似文献   

Z Tain 《人口研究》1983,(2):13-14
Within Marxist ideology are important population theories that led to the establishment of demography and the work of population control in China. Marxist population theory should be studied in order to build a scientific system of concepts in population theory. Both Marx and Engels spoke of the relationship between human reproduction and material production, and of how the modes of social development determine population development. Marx also established the view that a normal population and surplus population both were mutually adaptable with a certain production basis. In any historical period, the total population is not determined subjectively by man's wishes, but is a product of historical development. The Maoist population theory is derived from Marxist theory. Borrowing from historical materialism, Mao said that of all the objects in the world, man is the most precious. Nevertheless, he continued, while China's large population is good, it brings many difficulties; thus, population must be controlled. The study of demography should follow Marxist and Maoist population theories, even though the study of Marixst population theory is relatively recent and much remains to be learned.  相似文献   

Historical demography as a separate discipline came into existence when family reconstruction was first developed for the analysis of a pre-transition population. This paper assesses the significant achievements made in this field of population studies since then. Attention is also paid to equally significant findings obtained from aggregative analysis based on back projection, and to a large body of research results for the period of the demographic transition. In the last part of the paper, new research directions are discussed. Data issues as well as methodological ones are raised. Special attention is given to newly emerging Asian historical demography where different source materials require different methods and techniques, which in turn are expected to broaden the scope of the so far disproportionality fertility-oriented field. Finally, discussions are extended to economic, cultural and institutional aspects of the subject, with a plea not to isolate demographic analysis from other branches of historical research.  相似文献   

Saito O 《Population studies》1996,50(3):537-553
Historical demography as a separate discipline came into existence when family reconstruction was first developed for the analysis of a pre-transition population. This paper assesses the significant achievements made in this field of population studies since then. Attention is also paid to equally significant findings obtained from aggregative analysis based on back projection, and to a large body of research results for the period of the demographic transition. In the last part of the paper, new research directions are discussed. Data issues as well as methodological ones are raised. Special attention is given to newly emerging Asian historical demography where different source materials require different methods and techniques, which in turn are expected to broaden the scope of the so far disproportionality fertility-oriented field. Finally, discussions are extended to economic, cultural and institutional aspects of the subject, with a plea not to isolate demographic analysis from other branches of historical research.  相似文献   

鹿立 《人口学刊》2005,(5):13-17
世界许多国家人才发展和人口发展的经验数据分析表明,人才发展有着诸多的人口学规定性、人口学基本要素以及人才发展的基本人口模式等。从人口学视角对2005-2020年我国高等教育和高中阶段教育发展战略的实现,进行人口学支持论证是十分必要的。  相似文献   

The contours of demography: Estimates and projections   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper considers the scope of demography and the various research approaches that legitimately could claim the label. As a small field lacking security in academic structures, demography has been unusually sensitive to demand factors, including those associated with perceived population problems. International health is cited as an area of increased demographic presence; reasons for this development are explored. The technology for performing research in demography is improving more rapidly than in many other areas of the social sciences, and thus is helping to improve the relative standing of the field. Taking a demand-oriented approach, the paper identifies several promising research areas in which demographers will be called on to address issues of national and international concern.  相似文献   

国际化是学科成熟与发展的一个重要指标。但是作为世界人口第一大国,中国人口学科的国际化并没有发展到一个相对应的水平。在界定了学科国际化概念的基础上,借助问卷调查数据来分析中国人口学科国际化的现状,探讨中国人口科学继续与国际学界融合所面临的困难及其主要原因。结果表明,中国人口学的国际化明显处于不断萎缩的态势,其直接动因和深层次缘由分别是整个人口学界的国际化意识与能力的减弱,以及人口学科文化与制度本身存在的缺陷。加强国际化的学科文化建设与建立相配套的学科制度是提高中国人口学科国际化水平的重要途径。  相似文献   

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