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指导反腐败斗争的强大思想武器──学习《邓小平文选》的体会应树培邓小平同志就反腐败斗争问题曾作过大量的论述。这些论述总结了我国我党反腐败斗争的经验和教训,是制定我国反腐斗争方针、原则和政策的理论依据,也是邓小平同志建设有中国特色社会主义理论的重要组成部...  相似文献   

没有人民的帮助和支持,政府不可能独自驯服腐败。面对我国预防干警和公务人员人数之比的悬殊、履行《联合国反腐败公约》的硬性要求,动员广大公众参与反腐斗争是国内外形势的客观需要。现实表明,我国已具备了公众参与反腐的理念、制度、主体、平台四个运行条件,但同时也须看到,当前还存在着部分公众参与反腐的意识比较淡漠、参与反腐的制度依然存在漏洞、参与反腐的渠道仍然不够畅通、参与反腐多呈碎片化和香艳化四个制约反腐的现实性问题。借鉴国内外成功经验,今后,我国可以通过开展公众参与反腐宣传教育、完善公众参与反腐的法律制度和畅通公众参与渠道等路径,推进我国公众参与反腐的斗争。  相似文献   

邓小平反腐败思想的提出,源于对中国革命、建设和改革实践经验教训的总结,是党的地位、任务变化的客观需要。它深刻分析了腐败现象的严重危害性,科学论证了反腐败斗争的地位和作用;剖析了腐败现象滋生蔓延的复杂成因,阐释了反腐败斗争的长期性和艰巨性;谋划了中国特色反腐败斗争的系统方略。邓小平反腐思想对于保持和发展党的先进性、密切党和群众的联系、提高党的执政能力和水平具有重大意义。  相似文献   

佚名 《东西南北》2014,(18):70-71
"打老虎"是反腐败斗争的重要手段中国共产党自成立以来不同程度地存在着极少数人经不起考验、腐败蜕化的现象毛泽东曾铁面无私地处死谢步升、黄克功、肖玉壁、刘青山、张子善等七个"大老虎"历史上枪毙的第一个"贪官"从1932年年初至1934年秋红军长征之前,苏维埃中央政府在苏区开展了声势浩大的以肃清贪污浪费、官僚主义为主要内容的廉政运动,正式开启中共党史上第一次大规模的反腐倡廉运动。在这次反腐运动中,处决谢步升就是其中具有历史意义的第一枪。苏维埃裁判部根据朱秀秀提供的线索,暗地里对谢步升进行了调查。仅仅两天,  相似文献   

邓小平反腐败理论是我国反腐经验的科学总结,是新时期反腐倡廉工作的行动指南。其要点主要有:反腐败必须紧紧围绕经济建设这个中心;反腐败必须强化党员干部的思想政治教育;反腐败必须牢牢把握“从查处具体事件入手”这个突破口;反腐败必须始终坚持长期性和阶段性相统一的反腐方针;反腐败必须努力走出一条既依靠群众又不搞群众运动的反腐路子;反腐败必须健全监督制约机制;反腐败必须加强廉政立法工作。  相似文献   

制度建设是搞好反腐保廉工作的一项重要的带根本性的工作。严峻的现实告诉我们,反腐败斗争任重而道远,所以,我们应该在坚持现有工作格局的基础上,进一步从全局和宏观上加大力度,着力于从根本上解决问题,为此,党风廉政制度建设必须进一步深化。一、党风廉政制度必须法制化反腐保廉工作必须法制化,这是十一届三中全会以来我们党的一条基本方针,也是全党开展反腐败斗争正反两方面经验教训的总结。1992年,邓小平同志在南巡谈话中明确指出:“廉政建设还是要靠法制,搞法制靠得住些”,再次强调了廉政建设法制化的重要性、必要性和紧迫…  相似文献   

社会上存在的腐败现象,滋生的原因很多,其中体制性根源是主要原因。这就要求在开展反腐败斗争过程中,既要加强思想教育,更要结合经济改革,努力消除腐败的体制性根源,建立起与市场经济相适应的反腐保廉机制。这样,反腐败工作才是抓到点子上,才能抓出成效来。  相似文献   

公职人员财产申报制度的国际经验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
财产申报制度在反腐败斗争中的关键作用早已成为国际共识,特别是在发达国家发挥着遏制利益冲突的关键作用,从而被视为反腐体系的一项核心制度。发达国家在财产申报的人员、内容、程序、受理机构、法律责任以及配套制度等方面都取得了丰富的经验,值得我们参考借鉴。  相似文献   

目前关于开展反腐败斗争的几个问题于希富,刘岚萍腐败和反腐败的问题,是改革开放以来党风和廉政建设中一个极为重要的理论和现实问题。不久前,中纪委召开二次全会专题研究开展反腐败斗争问题,江泽民总书记发表重要讲活明确指出:"重点查办发生在党政领导机关和司法部...  相似文献   

反腐治权的机制主要包括权力制约权力和权利制约权力,目前人们对前者已产生足够重视,但对后者的理论证成和实践运用还相对不足,这有碍于我国法治反腐体制机制和制度的健全与创新,也影响腐败治理的整体成效。权利之所以能够制约权力是由其特定功能决定的,权利具有制约权力的根本性、广泛性、激励性、内生性、多样性和系统性等功能优势。从法理视角解答权利制约权力何以可能,对于推进和保障公民参与腐败以及巩固发展反腐败斗争压倒性胜利成果具有重要意义。  相似文献   

德意志审美现代性话语是近代以来德意志历史发展的自我显现,由德意志自然、历史、社会、思想共构的德意志文化生态,统摄着德意志审美现代性话语的历史命运,也现实地决定着德意志审美现代性话语的本质特征。德意志由文化立族,新教精神是德意志的民族意识、思想观念、文化理解、生活经验的灵魂。由市民社会孕育、养成的社会结构、生活方式、文化制度等德意志市民文化生态情境,极大地决定了德意志审美现代性话语的形态。德意志启蒙思想中的感性确立与美的独立、理性主义调整与价值理性的生成、艺术公共性的建立三大思想情致,是德意志文化生态的构成元素。  相似文献   

朱华辉 《社会》2022,42(5):124-151
尽管近年来学界对亚当·斯密所谓商业实现人类自由与文明社会的判断多有关注,但未能充分解释其笔下包括商业社会在内的人类社会广泛存在的社会压迫,低估了奴隶制的韧性与西欧现代自由的偶然性。本文指出,斯密认为商业无法实现人性中暴烈激情的普遍转向,而是通过改变财富与政治权力的分配来实现人类自由的革新。在古代政治中,商业强化了既有的蓄奴经济与支配结构,但在欧洲封建时代破碎的政治版图中,商业与奢侈恰好促成了封建领主的破产,进而导致少部分地区封建制的瓦解、绝对主义的诞生与奴隶制的废除。同样重要的是,欧洲内陆广大的封建地产缓和了地主的财政危机,商业在此无力撬动财富与权力的天平,反而再次强化了社会压迫。对斯密来说,只有深入了解商业社会在政治权威变迁中的角色与作用,观察商业对政治权力分配方式的历史影响,才能充分理解法治、正义与自由的可能性。  相似文献   

郭台辉 《社会》2013,33(5):1-28
关键词:公民身份认同公民身份认同合法化构建的拒斥性的重新规划的  相似文献   

There has been little interest until recently in the questionof whether social work has the characteristics of an academicdiscipline. This article offers a synopsis of issues arisingfrom a review of social work and social care research fundedthrough the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE). Followinga brief scene setting, the first main section of the articlegives a synopsis of the social work and social care community’sexperience and judgements regarding their engagement with theresearch council. In the second part of the article, we reviewrelevant policies, structures and trends from an ESRC and socialscience perspective. We focus on the development of researchprogrammes, followed by an outline of the delivery and implementationof programmes. In the final section, we review the issues, themesand directions that emerged from the project. These includejudgements of research relevance, research users, research utilization,the social work contribution to the development of researchmethods, inter-disciplinary research, the question of whetherthere are distinctive attributes of social work research, researchcapacity, career building, priority setting, and the outcomesof social work funding bids. We also reflect on the developmentand delivery of research programmes, and the implications ofthe invisibility of social work research within the ESRC. Disciplineswithin universities are not fixed and abiding realities. ‘Recognizing’social work is a dynamic, socially negotiated process, shapedby the construction and ordering of knowledge claims withinsocial work and social science communities, and reflecting powerdifferentials that are mediated through structural mechanismsthat tend to exclude new ‘claimants’ such as socialwork. We include a number of recommendations, and suggest waysin which the issues may have relevance beyond the UK.  相似文献   

The extension of social protection to all has become a central policy objective, both nationally and internationally. A considerable number of middle‐ and low‐income countries have undertaken substantial efforts to extend social protection, while the international community reaffirmed its commitment to the extension of social protection through the adoption of the ILO Recommendation concerning National Floors of Social Protection, No. 202 (2012). This article reviews the legal provisions and the implementation of the Indian Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), legislated in 2005, and does so in the light of the more recent provisions of ILO Recommendation No. 202. Since its introduction ten years ago, MGNREGA has provided a source of income to rural workers, increased wage rates, achieved high female participation rates and created durable assets. India's local governance bodies, Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRI), have been empowered and involved in the processes of planning and monitoring. However, despite successes, there have been considerable shortcomings in implementation. This article highlights two central themes: first, the innovative policy framework of the Act, which brings together rights‐based entitlements, demand‐driven employment, and citizen‐centred monitoring. Second, it assesses the accessibility and adequacy of benefits in the implementation of MGNREGA. We conclude that MGNREGA offers potential for South‐South learning, both in terms of policy‐design and implementation.  相似文献   

This article explores the concept of improvisation in the therapeutic setting as a complex construction when elaborated in the idiom of jazz music. A composite clinical case is offered that illustrates an impasse and how improvisational thinking offers a way forward. Improvisation has recently been conceptualized through the metaphor of theater improvisation, dance, and rhythm. The therapeutic hour is considered an improvisational dialogue with the main theme (melody) and counter melodies, and harmonic possibilities that underlie the rhythmic pulse of the hour. Improvisation requires a reflective/interpretive process that draws on patterns, structures, and experiences reformulated in the relational field of the participants. The client initiates the call and response pattern, from which improvisation emerges as a mutual process of discovery. A more relaxed, receptive, and reflective posture extends Winnicott’s 1971 notion of play to integrate classic understanding and relational interaction.  相似文献   

余昕 《社会》2019,39(4):116-152
莫斯和波兰尼在《礼物》和《大转型》中开创的经济人类学视角为反思当前状况提供了思想资源,但20世纪以英美人类学者为主的解读偏离了两位作者的真实意图并忽略了两者的相通性。这包括:对功利主义的形式经济概念及在此基础上确立的礼物与商品对立的反对;财富的观念和货币的形式性交换是对社会的实质性交换,即存在于社会深层结构和心智系统中的交换的组织和体现;莫斯和波兰尼在探索现代社会和个人观念的诞生问题上,可以构成互补。最后,波兰尼关于“双向运动”“虚拟商品”“嵌入”的观点以及莫斯关于“总体呈现”的论述,都应置于他们对社会的整体性和实质性的坚持中来理解。莫斯和波兰尼的论述拓展了个人和社会的概念边界,提供了对个体自由和市场的不同理解,他们提出了一种以社会整体性为基础的关于“经济”的多元概念,二者共同奠定了实质主义经济意义上的经济人类学基础。  相似文献   

A critical analysis of social behavior proposes that the contempt for immigrants, refugees, or asylum seekers around the world is explicitly or implicitly powered by an ontology of the subhuman, a term that was used in early 20th century American race and eugenic theory, as well as in fascist Germany, to describe and justify the mistreatment of minorities or perceived enemies. “Migrants” are not afforded the same rights and respect as other people, because they are not conceived as real humans, and their subhuman status allows them to be understood as criminals, degenerates, and even parasites, which are infesting the orderly body of the nation. Subhuman theory works with affects rather than with theoretical analyses, with visualizations and imaginations instead of intellectual concepts, and with a normalized, manufactured common sense. It is argued that at the core of the subhuman lies the idea of chaos, unhealthy appearance, and disorderly behavior, from which humanity is removed. Discussed are processes of subhumanization, the relationship between subhumanism and racism as well as fascism, and the dialectics between the particular and the general, which proposes a shared world for all humans. It is suggested that psychological concepts are limited, and that political, legal, and resisting action is required to combat the re-emergence of a normalized ontology.  相似文献   

王瑞静 《社会》2020,40(1):45-74
本文以云南省普洱市哈尼族阿卡人的整体宇宙秩序为观照,运用文化阐释方法剖析其病痛观及相应医疗实践,以理解其“药礼结合”的治病方式,并挖掘阿卡社会医疗体系的运作机制。研究发现,阿卡人认为人包括人体与人魂,有些病痛只是身体的病痛,可以用药物治疗;有些病痛则被视为人与不可见的灵、鬼、神、老天爷等非人存在物互动交流的渠道,是人违背宇宙秩序招致的惩罚,需诉诸献祭仪式以求病愈。社会—宇宙的集体道德通过这些病痛被内化到个体当中,后者在不确定的病痛及相应治疗仪式中反复确认和维护宇宙秩序的权威,维持了社会—宇宙的更新与延续。正是“药礼结合”的多元实践,保证了阿卡礼成功以病痛作为落点来整合社会—宇宙秩序,从而保证了阿卡礼的持续运作。  相似文献   

"实用主义真理观"辨析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张之沧 《求是学刊》2004,31(3):25-30
实用主义真理观作为对实证论、自明论、逻辑论、约定论、符合论等真理论的超越,并不是主张"有用即真理,强权即公道".相反,它是非常辩证的,既讲真理的真实性和真理符合论,也突出真理的实践性、有效性;主张理论、实践和效果三位一体;本质上是实践主义和科学主义的,具有积极探索和创新求实的性质;反对绝对真理,重视理论结合实际;提倡哲学关心人类生活,精心呵护生命,培养审美情趣,塑造完美人格,实现完整人性;完善真善美统一的真理观,建立创造性的方法论;立足时间论、生成论、协同论、身体主义和后现代主义,撞击语言牢笼,以挫败绝对理性和抽象无用的学院派哲学.  相似文献   

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