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This study evaluates the efficacy of Hofstede’s indexes of national culture in the context of public planning agencies across six countries—US, Mexico, Serbia-Montenegro, Russia, Japan, and South Korea. We surveyed 343 planning employees and computed separate one-way, between groups analyses of variance to test for overall differences in Hofstede’s indexes. We found that public planning officials across countries are significantly different on all five dimensions of culture. We comment on how cultural differences might factor into urban planners’ attitudes toward advocacy and social equity planning, market-based planning, citizen participation, rational planning, and other issues relevant to planners’ roles.  相似文献   

EEC regulations direct that as well as equal pay for equal work, women should have equal access to employment. However, obvious distinctions between male and female employment still abound in European countries—though they vary from one country to another—and the difficulties in implementing the legislation are further compounded by the effects of the recession. Business and government will have to plan for the growing demand of women to work and the authors examine the major problems which have to be addressed.  相似文献   

The current debate on U.S. housing policy focuses on the role of the government in supporting the mortgage market. Existing organizations (Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac) are in conservatorship status, and Congress is considering alternative structures and guarantees including the Johnson‐Crapo bill, to provide catastrophic insurance in support of the coverage from private companies. The resolution of this issue is complicated by the various activities involved in the issue—investment securities, public policy, macroeconomics, accounting, and insurance. This article reviews the impact of these activities on U.S. housing, with a discussion of the feasibility of creating a catastrophic insurance program similar to that of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. The federal government has successfully operated catastrophic insurance programs in support of private sector initiatives, and this experience—while certainly not perfect—may be a reasonable approach to the current Fannie/Freddie dilemma.  相似文献   

Understanding public risk perceptions and their underlying processes is important in order to learn more about the way people interpret and respond to hazardous emergency events. Direct experience with an involuntary hazard has been found to heighten the perceived risk of experiencing the same hazard and its consequences in the future, but it remains unclear if cross‐over effects are possible (i.e., experience with one hazard influencing perceived risk for other hazards also). Furthermore, the impact of objective risk and country of residence on perceived risk is not well understood. As part of the BeSeCu (Behavior, Security, and Culture) Project, a sample of 1,045 survivors of emergencies from seven European countries (i.e., Germany, the Czech Republic, Poland, Sweden, Spain, Turkey, and Italy) was drawn. Results revealed heightened perceived risk for emergency events (i.e., domestic and public fires, earthquakes, floods, and terrorist attacks) when the event had been experienced previously plus some evidence of cross‐over effects, although these effects were not so strong. The largest country differences in perceived risk were observed for earthquakes, but this effect was significantly reduced by taking into account the objective earthquake risk. For fires, floods, terrorist attacks, and traffic accidents, only small country differences in perceived risk were found. Further studies including a larger number of countries are welcomed.  相似文献   

Calls for emergency right‐to‐know in the 1980s, and, in the 1990s, risk management planning, motivated U.S. chemical manufacturing and refining industries to operationalize a three‐pronged approach to risk minimization and communication: reflective management to increase legitimacy, operational safety programs to raise trust, and community engagement designed to facilitate citizens’ emergency response efficacy. To assess these management, operational, and communication initiatives, communities (often through Local Emergency Planning Committees) monitored the impact of such programs. In 2012, the fourth phase of a quasi‐longitudinal study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of operational change and community outreach in one bellwether community. This study focuses on legitimacy, trust, and response efficacy to suggest that an industry can earn legitimacy credits by raising its safety and environmental impact standards, by building trust via that change, and by communicating emergency response messages to near residents to raise their response efficacy. As part of its campaign to demonstrate its concern for community safety through research, planning, and implementation of safe operations and viable emergency response systems, this industry uses a simple narrative of risk/emergency response—shelter‐in‐place—communicated by a spokes‐character: Wally Wise Guy.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the global welfare impact of observed levels of migration using a quantitative multi‐sector model of the world economy calibrated to aggregate and firm‐level data. Our framework features cross‐country labor productivity differences, international trade, remittances, and a heterogeneous workforce. We compare welfare under the observed levels of migration to a no‐migration counterfactual. In the long run, natives in countries that received a lot of migration—such as Canada or Australia—are better off due to greater product variety available in consumption and as intermediate inputs. In the short run, the impact of migration on average welfare in these countries is close to zero, while the skilled and unskilled natives tend to experience welfare changes of opposite signs. The remaining natives in countries with large emigration flows—such as Jamaica or El Salvador—are also better off due to migration, but for a different reason: remittances. The welfare impact of observed levels of migration is substantial, at about 5% to 10% for the main receiving countries and about 10% in countries with large incoming remittances.  相似文献   

The critical factor in industrial planning in developing economies is the effective implementation of national or regional plans at the individual industrial enterprise level. This article focuses upon the ‘state of the art’ of corporate planning in developing countries and, having considered the difficulties and opportunities for improvement, suggests guidelines for a constructive assistance programme based on the development of planning in terms of progressive modular steps which may be introduced one at a time depending upon individual needs and other local circumstances.  相似文献   

Accidents in the chemical industry, such as those that took place in Seveso (1976) and Bhopal (1984), may kill or injure thousands of people, cause serious health hazards and irreversible environmental damage. The aim of this paper is to examine the ever-increasing risk of similar accidents becoming a frequent ocurrence in the so-called industrializing countries. Using figures from some of the worst chemical accidents in the last decades, data on the Bhopal disaster, and Brazil's social and institutional characteristics, we put forward the hypothesis that present social, political and economic structures in industrializing countries make these countries much more vulnerable to such accidents and create the type of setting where–if and when these accidents occur–they will have even more catastrophic consequences. The authors argue that only the transformation of local structures, and stronger technical cooperation between international organizations, industrialized and industrializing countries could reduce this vulnerability.  相似文献   


A comparative inventory of regulations, policies and practices in The Netherlands, Sweden, UK, Germany and France with regard to the prevention of work stress was carried out. In each country data were collected by means of interviews with key informants and through exploring relevant documents and literature. It was found that Sweden, The Netherlands and the UK—those countries with framework legislation in the field of health and safety—recognize stress as an important health and safety topic, whereas Germany and France do not yet recognize stress as an important policy issue. However, even in the first group of countries less attention is being paid towards psychosocial work characteristics when compared with traditional health and safety issues, such as noise, machine safety and toxic agents. There is a clear lack of well-documented (national) ‘examples of good preventive practice’, even in Sweden and The Netherlands. Recommendations are being formulated concerning type of legislation, guidance and information, monitoring and risk assessment, costs and benefits, examples of good practice and European networking.  相似文献   


In 2012, ETH Zurich, in collaboration with Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects (SIA), organized a travelling exhibition on the theme Darum Raumplanung (Spatial Planning: Here’s Why!), which was hosted by 37 Swiss cities (with 42 stops in sum) over the last three years. Through this exhibition and its parallel events, such as grand openings, guided tours, debates, visits in schools and a website, we wanted to raise public awareness of the public’s responsibility, both individual and collective, for the living spaces and the environment. Guided tours for adults, as well as for primary and secondary school students, were conducted by undergraduate planning students and recent graduates of a master’s programme in planning. We discovered that planning students had gained considerable experience in communicating with the public through this exercise.  相似文献   

This article discusses the need for effective planning of the vital services which support modern industrial economies. The influence of the public sector on private industry has grown substantially over the past decade. Government intervention in industry is no longer unique; the public sector and the private sector are in tandem and corporate planners in both areas should establish and develop a fruitful dialogue.  相似文献   

Spatial participatory methods called ‘participatory GIS’ (PGIS) are intended to improve public participation for land use planning. An internet PGIS was implemented in Perlis, Malaysia, to examine the public capacity-building effects of PGIS. Two delivery modes (facilitated and self-administered) were evaluated. We found that PGIS significantly enhanced perceived public knowledge about place and land use planning while increasing spatial technology skills, regardless of implementation mode. The results indicate that PGIS can increase public capacity for participating in land use planning, an important finding for developing countries with historically low levels of public participation and low public awareness and knowledge of planning.  相似文献   

Human demands on nature have increased due to our burgeoning population. The applications of scientific knowledge to the development of increasingly powerful technologies and consumptive lifestyles by more and more people have created a modern category of human‐caused disaster—stealth disasters. Stealth disasters—such as agriculturally‐induced soil erosion and release of unprecedented amounts of greenhouse gases into Earth's atmosphere—tend to have protracted, unobvious onsets; do not necessarily have dramatic manifestations; and often do not attract public attention until they reach a stage approaching catastrophic consequences. At this late stage it is difficult or impossible to undo damage. Scientists tend to be among the first to understand the physical causes and notice the developments of stealth disasters and their risks and yet scientific knowledge is not enough to prevent or mitigate them. As we search for ways to deal with stealth disasters, the concept of “land health” assembled by the prominent conservationist and author, Aldo Leopold (1887–1948), can, in normative terms, provide an ecologically grounded example of nature in good condition toward which society can aim. Evidence of the reverse—symptoms of land illness—can provide a checklist for risk analysis and management that helps guide people away from harm‐causing attitudes and activities and toward beneficial outcomes. Leopold's criteria of land health motivated by a land ethic that incorporates the whole of nature may be applied at geographic scales ranging from local to global as a framework for contemporary risk management.  相似文献   

A survey has been conducted among decision-makers from the urban area of Lyon (France). It aimed at elicitating attitudes toward industrial risk, with an emphasis on major hazards. The sample was quite small (23 individuals), but most of the actual decision-makers of the area belonged to it. A questionnaire allowed to look at the weights that are given to "catastrophic accidents," when compared to more usual ones. It showed that decision-makers are strongly "adverse to catastrophes." The findings support many risk management approaches that are based on assigning an "extra weight" to potential accidents that may cause a high number of casualties.  相似文献   

In the area of planning, the literature has been almost entirely concerned with planning in the business (i.e. profit) setting. Some literature does exist on planning in the nonprofit sector, but it usually deals with tactical planning of the short-term character. This is specially true in the area of libraries and many librarians have developed and do administer large, complex organization— where conprehensive, long range planning is almost completely untreated in the literature.The current paper discusses the various steps in the strategic planning process, and relates them to a situation in which comprehensive long range plans for a new health sciences library have been developed, and to a considerable degree, implemented. In this framework, the steps of developing purpose and objecives, forecasting and policy formulation, developing and choosing growth strategy, determining resource requirements and provions, developing an organizational structure, and control system utilization are discussed both in the general framework of comprehensive planning, and with respect to actual experience in the development of a health sciences library. The roles of tactical planning and the implementation of plans are also treated.  相似文献   

Records of nonoccurrence of catastrophic accidents from technologically based industrial operations, such as nuclear power generation and liquefied natural gas (LNG) transportation are sometimes cited as evidence of the safety of such operations. The appropriateness and inappropriateness of different types of models of accident processes for these systems are discussed. Selectivity biases in defining both die numerator and denominator for accident rates are shown to be important to the size of the estimated rate and these are illustrated by examples. Inferential approaches to estimating a rate based on zero occurrences are briefly discussed. The conclusion reached is that a record of zero occurrences is of cold comfort in ruling out catastrophic events. Experience, unless it is interpreted by strong models and assumptions, helps little to establish very small probabilities of a catastrophe.  相似文献   

Some current authors of management theory suggest that formal systems and procedures are inconsistent with innovative behaviour in organizations. Yet many organisations are developing increasingly formal strategic planning and control systems to assure organisational change and responsiveness to dynamic environments. In this article, the author suggests that these trends are not as paradoxical as they initially seem. However, formal systems design—to assists the innovation process—must exhibit different characteristics from the traditional design methods used by systems analysts, industrial engineers, or writers of policies and procedures.  相似文献   

During the recent financial and economic crisis political and corporate representatives demanded for stricter regulations of short sales to limit the risks of price manipulation and potential stock price crashes. In autumn 2008 regulators of most industrial countries decided to implement temporary short sale restrictions to prevent a further collapse of the capital market. While some countries restricted only naked short sales and increased their disclosure requirements, other markets like the USA and Great Britain implemented a full ban on short selling. The analysis of these two markets supports the hypothesis that temporary bans are unlikely to prevent or limit large price drops in the affected stocks. Instead the results suggest that the implemented emergency measures led to a temporary overvaluation of stock prices and to a deterioration of market efficiency. These results become even more prominent for stocks with high dispersion of investor opinion.  相似文献   

Taking electrical and electronic waste as its field of observation, this study investigates the illegal trade in hazardous waste from developed countries toward developing countries. Despite increased legislation, the problem of waste in developed countries, far from being treated upstream, is largely shifted downstream by exporting it to developing countries. The two interpretations we offer, economic and institutional, enable us to show how cost constraints on waste management in developed countries coupled with the shortcomings and nonapplication of the legislation lead to socially irresponsible behavior. We then go on to suggest that the involvement of stakeholders could be one way of stamping out practices of this kind.  相似文献   

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