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This paper is the second in a two-part examination of consensual partnering in Australia. The first part reviewed relevant literature and the deficiencies of census data for capturing the cohabiting population, and presented the basic demography of that population. This part extends the 1991 Census profile of the phenomenon. It traverses socio-demographic (religion and ethnicity), socio-economic (housing, labour force status, occupation and education) and geographic (residential mobility and residential location) attributes of those in consensual unions. It also briefly compares never-married and ever-married cohabitors as two distinct subgroups of the cohabiting population.  相似文献   

An especially spectacular demographic trend in the more developed countries since the mid-1960s has been the increasing frequency with which couples have cohabited without being formally married. This paper summarizes evidence that exists for the emergence of this phenomenon in different countries, and reviews the substantial literature it has generated. The latter part of the paper is organized under the following headings: ‘The international nature of the phenomenon’; ‘Reasons for the rise in consensual partnering’; ‘Who cohabits?’; ‘‘The nature of consensual unions’; ‘Union conversion to marriage and dissolution’; ‘The rise of consensual partnering and the retreat from marriage’; ‘The impact of premarital cohabitation on marital stability’; ‘Childbearing in consensual unions’; and ‘Consensual partnering following marital breakdown’. The view is expressed that research to date often has avoided confronting the diversity of meanings consensual unions have for those who live in them.  相似文献   

Drawing on in-depth interviews conducted during 2002–03 for the Australian Family Formation Decisions (AFFD) Project, this paper probes the relationship formation experiences of 115 women, men and couples of family-forming age living in eastern Australia. Contemporary relationship formation is characterized by a mixture of ambivalence and resignation to having limited control over the process on the one hand (if it happens it happens), and urgency on the other, especially among women seeking to fulfil maternal ambitions in their thirties after prioritizing other things earlier in their adult lives. For most the process of partnering involves trial and error, with timing — finding someone whose expectations of a relationship match one's own — posing a major challenge. It gives rise to a common phenomenon, the ‘too soon syndrome’, where relationships with many positive attributes are abandoned because one party perceives the other as too keen to ‘settle down’, and/or himself or herself as not ready to do so. The paper also examines impediments to partnering, including traditional ones like shyness; negative trial-and-error experiences; the demands of study and career establishment; pursuit of agendas emphasizing travel and enjoyment; sole parenthood; and parental marriage breakdown. A framework is provided by Beck's (1992) concept of reflexive modernization, and his associated proposition that life has become highly individualized with an emphasis on creating do-it-yourself biographies.  相似文献   

Existing projections of Australia’s Indigenous Population suffer from a number of limitations: problematic input data, unsatisfactory projection model design, and poor forecast performance. The aim of this study was to create a new model for projecting that population that better represents the demographic processes at work, and that makes use of a newly available data source on identification change. A new projection model is presented that explicitly incorporates ethnic-identification change, and mixed (Indigenous/Non-Indigenous) partnering and childbearing. It is a composite static–dynamic model which takes a multi-state form where data allow. The model was used to produce projections for the 2011–61 period. Rapid growth of the Indigenous Population is expected, with population momentum, identification change, and mixed partnering and childbearing shown to contribute more to growth than above-replacement fertility and increasing life expectancy. The future growth of Australia’s Indigenous Population is thus intimately connected to its interaction with the Non-Indigenous Population.  相似文献   

This paper has two objectives. Using data from the 2000 census, we develop for each of the 331 metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) of the United States in 2000 an index of gay male partnering and an index of lesbian partnering. Drawing on the theoretical perspective of human ecology, we propose and test an assortment of hypotheses relating characteristics of the metropolitan areas with the gay male and lesbian partnering indexes.  相似文献   

Noreen Goldman 《Demography》1981,18(4):659-679
An analysis of marital histories from World Fertility Survey data in Colombia, Panama, and Peru indicates a high level of union dissolution: the probabilities of a first union ending by separation within twenty years of the onset of union equal .27, .40, and .18 in the three countries respectively. Dissolution probabilities are especially high among women with young ages at first union and among women residing in urban areas. For all subgroups studied, consensual unions are characterized by several times the risk of separation of legal marriages. Consensual unions are especially frequent among women in rural areas, women with little education and women who enter unions at young ages. The different prevalence of consensual unions among the different subgroups affects the associations between union stability and various correlates so that it becomes essential to investigate the factors affecting union stability for both consensual unions and legal marriages. In spite of high dissolution rates, remarriage rates in all three countries are also high, as are the percentages of time spent in a union. Hence, the potential effects of voluntary disruption of unions on fertility appear to be modest.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of a content analysis of all articles published in theJournal of the Australian Population Association during its sixteen-year history, 1984–99. The findings show that geographic focus, principal subject area and analytical procedure did not change significantly over the period. About three-quarters of articles focused exclusively on Australia and the most common subject areas were fertility and migration. Most articles had one author but this declined over time. Females constituted only one-fifth of sole and first authors and one-quarter of all authors; these proportions decreased in recent periods. About two-fifths of first and all authors were affiliated with the Australian National University. The findings are compared with those of a similar analysis ofDemography.  相似文献   

This paper uses Australian data from a national representative sample of Australian couples having their first child. Using data from before and after the birth of the child on a range of variables, including economic resources, gender attitudes, workplace flexibility, and availability of non-parental childcare, we first model the factors are associated with the decision to remain in work or not after the birth of the first child. The main finding here is that childbirth has a major impact on mothers’ paid work-time, whereas for fathers it has very little impact. Factors that are related to a mother’s decision to remain in work or not include the absolute (but not relative) pay of each parent, the father’s workplace flexibility, and paid parental leave available to the mother. We then model the factors that govern, for those mothers remaining in paid work, how much paid work they undertake. We find that changing employers is related to mothers’ work hours, as are absolute post-birth salaries, as is the relative pay of each partner. As with the decision to work or not, the availability of paid parental leave to the mother is significantly related to the amount of work-time for those mothers that do continue to work. Similarly, the use of external childcare is positively associated with maternal work hours. Finally, we model the factors that determine childcare time allocation and find that for neither parent do pre-birth economic resources significantly affect childcare time, once a decision about basic work patterns has been made. Gender role attitudes affect childcare time decisions, unlike work time decisions.  相似文献   

This paper applies a simple economic model to explain short run movements in Australian fertility, abstracting from social and cultural conditions. It shows that Australian fertility can be modelled with some success using only wages and employment data, once we allow for the different effects of changes in men’s and women’s wages for the period 1966–90. The elasticity of the total fertility rate over this period is found to be negative with respect to women’s wages and positive with respect to men’s wages. As well as having the expected sign, the estimated elasticities are similar in magnitude to those for the United States over the period 1948–75.  相似文献   

In recent years fertility statistics in the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) publication Births, Australia have suffered from a number of issues, including delayed receipt of registration data from the Registrars and computer processing errors. They prompt questions about the quality of these statistics for measuring the level of fertility and its year-to-year changes. The aim of this paper is to compare three sets of fertility statistics, (1) ABS birth registrations, (2) ABS births by year of occurrence, and (3) births in the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare National Perinatal Data Collection (NPDC), at the national and state/territory scales. Annual births by state/territory of usual residence from the three data sources were obtained for the period 2004–2013 or 2004–2014. Recast Estimated Resident Populations from the ABS were used to calculate Total Fertility Rates. For some states and territories there are non-trivial differences in fertility as recorded by the three data sources. In Queensland the trend in fertility according to ABS birth registrations is quite different from that based on the NPDC; in Tasmania and the Northern Territory birth registrations exceed NPDC births by a notable margin. There appears to be more uncertainty about the levels and annual changes in Australian fertility than many users of the data may realise. All three fertility datasets seem to possess some limitations. It is suggested that a new Australian fertility database be created which employs data linkage to incorporate both birth registrations and perinatal data.  相似文献   

This paper examines the concept of delayed childbearing in Australia, in comparison with other Western countries. In addition to presenting statistics to examine changes in the age at which women enter parenthood, survey data from the Australian Family Project are used to investigate the factors influencing the timing of the first birth. Using a framework proposed by Bloom (1984), the paper presents a proportional hazards regression model of first birth timing. Some attempt is made to examine changes over time in the factors affecting the age at first birth.  相似文献   

By almost all measures of objective life quality, Indigenous Australians are disadvantaged relative to the general population. However, no measures of their Subjective Wellbeing (SWB) have been published. This paper presents the first such data, norm-referenced to the general Australian population. A total of 519 Indigenous adolescents, aged between 12 and 19 years, were administered the Personal Wellbeing Index-School Children, which measures SWB. This scale is a parallel form of the Personal Wellbeing-Adult. The PWI-SC exhibited adequate psychometric properties. Moreover, consistent with SWB Homeostasis theory, participants’ mean SWB was within the Australian adult normative range. However, female SWB was lower than males. These results suggest that Indigenous adolescents are resilient.  相似文献   

BackgroundChinese Australian mothers are more likely than the general Australian mothers to introduce formula in the first month of age. A better understanding of the context of formula introduction in the early weeks of birth can provide a deeper insight into how Chinese Australian mothers can be supported to continue exclusive breastfeeding.MethodsAn interpretative phenomenological analysis approach was used to examine the lived breastfeeding experiences of 11 first time Chinese mothers in Australia. The experiences of those who breastfed exclusively were compared to those who introduced formula in the first month after birth.FindingsAn overarching theme across all participants’ narratives was the meaning ascribed to breastfeeding in their emerging motherhood identity. Breastfeeding could be a pragmatic and a socially desirable method to nourish an infant but lacking personal identification to the mother. These mothers were more vulnerable to the early introduction of formula, especially when the support environment was lacking. Maternal identity conflict was common and negatively impacted exclusive breastfeeding and mothers’ mental health. In contrast, mothers who identified closely with breastfeeding showed greater persistence and enjoyment in breastfeeding and were more likely to continue breastfeeding exclusively. Health professionals were perceived to have an important influence in strengthening maternal breastfeeding motivation and self-efficacy.ConclusionBreastfeeding support to Chinese Australian mothers needs to consider how breastfeeding can be better integrated with their motherhood identity. Health professionals are well-positioned to facilitate this process through a better understanding of mothers’ cultural and social contexts around breastfeeding.  相似文献   

This study, based on a survey undertaken in 1989, clearly illustrates the dramatic changes in family formation behaviour that have occurred in Finland. Whereas only about one-tenth of the first unions of women born between 1938 and 1942 began as consensual unions, after the cohort of 1962 only one-tenth were formal marriages. These changes lagged some ten years behind the corresponding ones in Sweden, but were about five years ahead of Norway. In Finland, up to the present, most consensual unions have constituted a temporary state which precedes proper family life. Most couples married in connection with the birth of the first child. Consensual union as a permanent lifestyle is generally connected with a low level of education of women.  相似文献   

The German and Australian longitudinal surveys analysed here are the first national representative surveys to show that (1) people who continuously own a pet are the healthiest group and (2) people who cease to have a pet or never had one are less healthy. Most previous studies which have claimed that pets confer health benefits were cross-sectional. So they were open to the objection that owners may have been healthier in the first place, rather than becoming healthier due to owning a pet. In both countries the data show that pet owners make about 15% fewer annual doctor visits than non-owners. The relationship remains statistically significant after controlling for gender, age, marital status, income and other variables associated with health. The German data come from the German Socio-Economic Panel in which respondents have been interviewed every year since 1984 ( = 9723). Australian data come from the Australian National Social Science Survey 2001 ( = 1246).  相似文献   

Jan M. Hoem 《Demography》1983,20(4):491-506
In retrospective studies of individual life histories, some or all of the information pertaining to periods prior to the latest event interval of interest will sometimes be left out. This simplifies data collection, and it may improve the reliability of the data actually obtained by reducing misreporting. Unfortunately, it may also introduce serious distortion in estimates based on such data. This paper investigates the extent of such distortion in a retrospective study of nonmarital cohabitation, marriage, and childbearing when information on consensual unions is restricted.  相似文献   

An individual’s, and indeed the nation’s, social and economic futures are highly dependent on early childhood development (ECD) outcomes, with poor ECD inhibiting future opportunities. Ecological ECD literature describes family, community and institutions as being key factors in children’s wellbeing, with suggestions that community factors may ameliorate impacts of poor ECD. It is therefore important to develop a greater understanding of those modifiable factors that positively, and negatively, affect ECD outcomes so as ECD policy and practice can be designed and implemented effectively. One approach to this analysis is through the identification and analysis of influencing factors identified within off-diagonal communities—that is those communities where children have either developed well in consideration of their high-levels of socio-economic disadvantage, or developed poorly in consideration of their low levels of socio-economic disadvantage. In this paper we describe a new method for the identification of off-diagonal communities. The method provides a clear and transparent approach to community selection, including a range of methods to further interrogate the community selection ensuring a rigorous and considered selection process. This new method, based on population Census and Australian Early Development Census data, provides the first step in identifying community factors likely to facilitate childhood wellbeing. These findings could inform policy making to reduce inequities by assisting in policy and service delivery design targeted to community needs.  相似文献   

This paper uses survey data to examine the effect of the income-contingent charge mechanism, the Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS), and other demographic and attitudinal variables on fertility expectations in Australia over the recent past. HECS requires former Australian students to fund some of the costs of higher education through the repayment of interest-free loans made by the Australian government. Its defining characteristic is that repayments only occur when and if students future incomes exceed a particular level. Since its introduction in 1989, media and other populist commentary has suggested that HECS has had unanticipated effects on behaviour. Most recently, attention has focused on the effects of HECS on fertility, with some arguing that university graduates are delaying births, and having fewer children, because of their HECS debts. This paper demonstrates that the introduction of HECS has had no discernible impact on Australian fertility rates, nor on the number of children that people expect to have. However, education, age and a number of attitudinal factors are associated with significant differences in fertility expectations.  相似文献   

The Australian Census provides two approaches to measuring migration: indicators which distinguish movers from non-movers, and a geographic classification which identifies each person’s usual residence on census night, and their usual address one year and five years previously. Although these data represent a rich source of information, they contain several traps for the unwary. We show that differences in the variables and classifications used can result in marked variations in the apparent intensity and patterns of migration. The questionnaire and processing methodology used in the 1996 Census also resulted in a number of inconsistencies between the migration indicators and the usual address information. We examine the magnitude and source of these anomalies, assess their implications and propose a partial solution. The views expressed in this paper are personal and do not necessarily reflect those of the Australian Bureau of Statistics.  相似文献   

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