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Findingsfromasamplingsurveyof67,000farminghouseholdsin31provinces,autonomousregionsandmunicipalitiesinChinaindicatethatcashincomefortheagriculturalpopulationinthefirsthalfof1998wasbasicallyashighasthatinthefirsthalfof1997,butwithaslightdeclineinspending.I.Percapitacashincomeoftheagriculturalpopulationinthefirsthalfof1998wasbasicallykeptatthesamelevelasinthefirsthalfof1997.Therewasinfactaninsignificantdeclinefrom980yuanto977yuanintheperiod.Followingarethemajorindicatorsf1)Anotabledeclineincash…  相似文献   

Per Capita Disposable Income of China's Urban Residents  相似文献   

Per Capita Net Income of China's Rural Residents  相似文献   

AsamplingsurveyonChina′snationalpopulationandwomen′sreproductivehealthwassponsoredbytheStateFamilyPlanningCommision(SFPC)in19...  相似文献   

城市教育消费中的性别差异--以江苏省扬州市城区为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文利用扬州市城市家庭教育投资的调查资料分析了家庭对孩子教育投资的性别差异,结果表明,家长在对孩子发展的期望和教育投资上不存在明显的性别分层现象。这一事实可能与城市独生子女政策的执行效果有着密切的联系,并促使我们重新审视相关公共政策对实现性别公平的影响。  相似文献   

浅论收入分配差距对中国城镇居民人力资本投资的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
个人和家庭是人力资本投资的主体和受益者之一。文章通过对 1992~ 2 0 0 1十年间统计资料的处理与分析 ,发现目前中国持续扩大的收入差距极大地影响了个人和家庭进行人力资本投资的能力和投资的预期收益率 ,从而对人力资本投资行为产生了一定的制约。  相似文献   

Withtheestablishmentanddevelopmentofthesocialistmarketeconomy,cashhasbeguntoplayanincreasinglysignificantroleineconomicactivities.Anincreaseincashincomehasbeenamajorfactorcontributingtotheheightenedlivingstandardofpeople.The1997samplingsurveyof3,200householdsinruralHubeiProvinceindicatesthatpercapitanetcashincometotaled1,145yuanin1997,159yuanuporanincreaseof16.1%overthepreviousyear.Followingaresomefeaturesofchangesintheircashincomeandexpenditure.CashincomeincreasesAccordingtothesurvey,percap…  相似文献   

我国城市贫困家庭的灾难性卫生支出研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
练乐尧  毛正中 《西北人口》2008,29(5):79-82,87
本文用社会分层、社会风险理论探讨了灾难性卫生支出新的测量方法,通过对四城市800户属于当地贫困人口医疗救助制度救助对象的家庭进行问卷调查,了解他们的医药费用负担情况,从中发现卫生支出加深了调研家庭的贫困程度。多元回归表明影响灾难性卫生支出发生的因素有医疗保障、家庭收入、人口、家庭健康状况及是否有成员住院。在调研结果的基础上,对如何通过完善医疗救助减少灾难性卫生支出提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

Since July 1997, Hong Kong has become a Special Administrative Region (SAR) under the sovereignty of China. This paper compares the social well-being of Hong Kong residents before and after the change of sovereignty by analyzing six sets of survey data collected between 1990 and 2001. These are six biennial territory wide Social Indicator Surveys conducted to collect subjective assessments of well-being of Hong Kong residents. Analysis of the survey data which are typically categorized subjective evaluations has to deal with the commonly encountered problems of ‘direct quantification’ (Schuessler and Fisher, 1985) and ‘incomplete data’ (Little R.J.A. and Rubin D.B., 2002, Statistical Analysis with Missing data (Wiley-Interscience, New Jersy). The problems are handled by applying ‘optimal scaling’ and ‘hot-deck imputation’ as recommended by Shen S.M. and Lai Y.L. (2001, Social Indicators Research 55, pp. 121-166). Different life domain measures as well as compound measures in the form of indices are studied. The data analysis indicates that the residents of Hong Kong were most satisfied in 1997 and least satisfied in 1995. It reveals that the sovereignty change had major impact on many life domains of the people of Hong Kong and the effect was compounded by the economic situation of the territory.  相似文献   

Since July 1997, Hong Kong has become a Special Administrative Region (SAR) under the sovereignty of China. This paper compares the social well-being of Hong Kong residents before and after the change of sovereignty by analyzing six sets of survey data collected between 1990 and 2001. These are six biennial territory wide Social Indicator Surveys conducted to collect subjective assessments of well-being of Hong Kong residents. Analysis of the survey data which are typically categorized subjective evaluations has to deal with the commonly encountered problems of direct quantification (Schuessler and Fisher, 1985) and incomplete data (Little R.J.A. and Rubin D.B., 2002, Statistical Analysis with Missing data (Wiley-Interscience, New Jersy). The problems are handled by applying optimal scaling and hot-deck imputation as recommended by Shen S.M. and Lai Y.L. (2001, Social Indicators Research 55, pp. 121-166). Different life domain measures as well as compound measures in the form of indices are studied. The data analysis indicates that the residents of Hong Kong were most satisfied in 1997 and least satisfied in 1995. It reveals that the sovereignty change had major impact on many life domains of the people of Hong Kong and the effect was compounded by the economic situation of the territory.  相似文献   

城乡统筹发展是西部大开发的重点问题之一。研究陕西城乡收入差距问题对于制定西部大开发下城乡统筹发展具有借鉴意义。通过利用基尼系数和泰尔熵标准。精确测算了陕西省城乡居民高、中、低层次收入差距,发现改革开放以来陕西省城乡居民收入差距总体上呈上升趋势。到2002年达到阶段性的峰值。弥补了以往定性分析研究的缺陷。并提出解决陕西省城乡统筹发展的对策。  相似文献   

吴昊  林伟 《人口学刊》2016,(3):106-111
跨越中等收入陷阱是未来很长一段时期中国将面对的重大课题。收入差距过大、生产效率不高是中国跨越中等收入陷阱必须直面和解决的两大难题。上述两个问题的本质是效率与公平的问题。城镇化既可以提高资源配置效率,同时也是解决城乡、地区差距的主要途径。然而我国以往的城镇化政策既不利于生产效率提高,也没有达到促进公平的政策初衷。因而,加快调整的城镇化政策对顺利跨越中等收入陷阱具有极为重要的意义。  相似文献   

This paper performs an assessment and imputation of the benefits produced to the individuals and households well-being by the public services provision. This analysis is very relevant in the current framework of economic crisis of the European economies. Although most of the papers in the literature compare countries, decentralization processes are included in this paper by accounting the effect of public expenditure on regional health care and education upon the levels of inequality and rates of poverty in each Spanish region. This case is relevant because of the high decentralization degree of the Spanish political structure and the persistent regional disparities. The results show a clear downward tendency in both phenomena following imputation, although education shows a greater impact. Furthermore, a decomposition, used in this context for the first time, of the effects shows the very relevant redistributive effect of this public expenditure.  相似文献   

最低生活保障支出对缩小居民收入差距效果的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
消除居民收入差距是政府和社会各界共同的愿望,最低生活保障制度作为政府财政向贫困人群的直接转移支出,是最重要的收入再分配政策之一。本文基于20072011年全国省级面板数据,在验证我国经济发展存在"库兹涅茨曲线"特征的基础上,运用FE面板数据计量经济学方法,对最低生活保障支出对缩小城市、农村以及城乡之间居民收入差距的影响效应进行实证分析。结果表明,城市最低保障支出显著扩大了城乡居民收入差距,并使城市基尼系数有增加的趋势,而农村低保支出则显著降低了城乡居民收入差距。在控制变量中,城镇基本养老保险覆盖面扩大,有助于降低城乡居民收入差距,而城市化既会降低城乡居民收入差距,也会加大城市基尼系数。总体上,我国经济发展正处于基尼系数上升阶段,短期内随着经济不断发展,收入差距呈现出必然的上升趋势,而最低生活保障制度对缩小居民收入差距的作用非常有限,未来加强其他收入分配政策的调整与改革,任务还很艰巨。  相似文献   

王甫勤 《中国人口科学》2012,(5):95-103,112
上海城市居民的社会阶层结构是"金字塔"型还是"橄榄"型,在上海社会分层研究中仍有争议,而对不同阶层之间的社会流动更是缺乏关注。文章依据公共权力、产权和市场能力3个维度将上海城市居民划分为6个社会阶层,并根据2008年"上海市民生活状况调查"数据进行分析。结果发现,目前上海城市居民的阶层结构仍然具有典型的"金字塔"型特征,距离"橄榄"型社会结构仍有较大差距。文章通过对不同年代代际流动表的分析发现,随着改革开放的深入,父辈阶层地位和子辈阶层地位之间的关联度逐渐增强,并在不同社会阶层之间出现了一定的边界,非技术工人和农业劳动者阶层跨越边界实现上向社会流动的难度较大,这一现象可能会给上海城市居民社会阶层结构的现代化转型带来一定的风险。  相似文献   

Employing a small-area study approach in a single urban area in Bolivia, a country with high rates of internal circular migration, we describe how, in the months before the November 2012 census, local leaders and neighbors, concerned with maximizing the per capita resources their residential districts and rural communities could claim from central government, threatened to employ sanctions against absent individuals whom they judged to be regular residents. We use three types of data—a two-wave household survey, data from vehicle toll booths, and photographic logs of a minibus station—to show how these threats generated substantial movement out of the urban area, leading to an urban undercount of roughly 20 % of prime-age adults and 50 % of those aged at least 50. More generally, we argue that these data highlight how local leaders’ increasingly sophisticated attempts to shape data extend beyond the well-known examples from autocratic states. This is driven by a combination of intensive urban–rural connections, leaders’ greater democratic accountability to local voters, increasing fiscal transparency at the national level, increasing fiscal accountability of governments to transnational neoliberal institutions pushing “transparency” and “evidence-based” policy, and more overt talk about “resource sharing” that is rooted in an evidence-based planning paradigm. Since these structural conditions exist in many other developing countries, the possibility of equivalent urban undercounts in forthcoming censuses needs to be anticipated and avoided.  相似文献   

我国居民收入分配差距扩大的原因及对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
周会青 《南方人口》2001,16(1):33-36
本文在深人分析目前我国居民收人分配差距扩大这一现象的原因基础之上,就解决这一问题作者提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

张硕  陈功 《南方人口》2013,28(4):64-72
本文的研究目的在于检验在北京朝阳区哪些老年人在使用新媒体(包括电脑和手机在内),以及通过定量分析找出这些老年人所具有的共同特征。本文的数据来自2010年北京市朝阳区城乡老年人口状况调查问卷,共有1963个样本(年龄在60岁-92岁之间)参与了调查。本文根据多元线性回归建立了一个分析模型,数据结果显示,在北京市朝阳区,使用新媒体最积极的老年人通常年龄较低、视力较好、教育水平较高并且经济状况较好。文章最后就研究存在的不足以及未来可能的研究方向进行了探讨。  相似文献   

西北地区五省是我国西部大开发战略的重点发展省份,作为欠发达地区,城镇居民的贫困问题阻碍了城镇功能的充分发挥,成为制约地方发展的重要因素。通过对西北五省FGT贫困指数的测算发现,陕西贫困状况改善最为明显;甘肃和宁夏也有比较明显的减贫效果;青海成为目前西北五省中贫困问题最严重的省份;新疆贫困控制效果差,贫困问题突出。与全国相比,西北地区仍然是城镇贫困问题较严重的地区。实证分析的结果显示,经济增长和财政支出能够有效地降低城镇贫困,收入分配不均却加重了贫困程度。对西北地区而言,减贫不仅要追求经济效应,更应关注社会公平。  相似文献   

城乡居民家庭代际收入流动的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周兴  王芳 《人口学刊》2014,(2):64-73
基于CGSS2006的数据,本文对我国城乡家庭的代际收入流动性进行了比较分析,研究发现:我国城乡家庭的代际收入流动性偏弱,城镇家庭代际收入向上的流动性总体而言要高于农村家庭,代际收入流动性的差异客观上加剧城乡之间的收入差距;新生代城镇家庭子女收入向上流动的能力相对他们的前辈有所减弱,而新生代农村家庭子女收入向上流动的能力要超过他们的前辈,在与城镇同龄人的比较中也处于优势;人力资本是影响代际收入流动的主要因素,虽然在职业生涯的初期,教育并没有显著地提高代际收入向上流动的概率,但随着子女职业生涯的发展,教育对代际收入流动的影响逐渐增强。此外,家庭的经济地位和社会关系等家庭背景因素对代际收入流动也有显著的影响。  相似文献   

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