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现代公共危机已从“独立型”转向“系统型”,单一部门的治理模式显示出了适应性不足的困境,构建跨部门合作机制日益成为公共危机治理的重要课题。日本是一个多灾国家,在公共危机特别是自然灾害应对中积累了丰富的经验,其治理模式具有很强的代表性。本文在文献综述的基础上,构建了以跨部门合作能力为核心的分析框架,审视了“东日本大地震”中跨部门合作的“得”与“失”,力图解答跨部门合作存在的内在困境,并通过案例分析,从文化、领导、组织、资源和实践五个方面总结了跨部门合作机制完善的路径。  相似文献   

从风险社会理论视域下考察我国当前的文化危机,可以看出,当前我国的文化危机出现了"历时性"的"共时化"、传统文化与现代文化的变换裂缝、"工具理性的放荡"与"价值理性的缺失"三个新的特点,影响文化危机的因素日益增多,从而使我们在重构文化过程中的难度加大.我们主张,在应对我国当前文化危机的策略中,坚持一种以主流文化价值基础上的现代宽容.  相似文献   

杨勇  肖永虹 《社会》2022,42(4):74-103
本文通过集中讨论杜威基于儿童研究而进行的行动力教育,揭示实用主义思想对个体主义的具体理解。在美国镀金时代,孤立个体主义加剧了现代美国人的道德危机和社会分裂。杜威此时进行的儿童研究与教育改革,首要的目标是重新理解现代个体的行动结构和人格形态,以克服孤立个体主义造就的行动难题。利用“刺激—反应”的行动机制,杜威同时结合了自然力量和社会意识,力图在开展行动力教育的过程中塑造一种“社会性个体”。社会性个体一方面保留了源于自然的神圣性,另一方面又不断吸收来自社会的文明传统,以应对现代世界在人心和社会两方面的挑战。本研究有助于我们进一步理解美国社会学的早期思想根基并反思当下的生存处境。  相似文献   

危机应对的经济学原理   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
20 0 3年发生的“非典”疫情 ,引发了人们对危机应对机制的进一步思考。本文阐述了应对危机的经济学原理 ,并分析了三方面的问题 :危机的不确定性与应对危机的信息机制 ;及时采取公共卫生政策 ,提供公共物品 ;根据危机的不同性质和特点 ,及时采取相应的经济政策以稳定局势。  相似文献   

现代中国的哲学包括中国传统哲学以及现代中国学术界对西方哲学和马克思主义哲学的研究,属于跨学科、跨专业的“大哲学”。“大哲学”是与“纯哲学”相对照的一个概念。从历史上看,西方哲学呈现出危机和发展的一盈一缩的现象,实际上是“纯哲学”与“大哲学”的交替。所谓的哲学危机是纯哲学危机和“大哲学”凸显的时期,而走出危机之后的哲学发展是“纯哲学”发展和“大哲学”淡出的时期。现在的哲学处在危机时期,现代中国的哲学应当自觉地发展“大哲学”,提倡中国传统哲学、西方哲学与马克思主义哲学的对话,推进东西方比较哲学,使现代中国的哲学走向世界,朝着世界哲学的方向努力。  相似文献   

潘梓旸 《社会》2023,43(2):150-183
韦伯“正当性支配”的概念可分为“权威主义命令权”与“正当性信仰”两个要素。在现代政治秩序的视域下,二者的失调威胁到秩序的稳定,造成了“正当性危机”,而应对之道就是重新整合“正当性信仰”,同时避免过度整合带来的对“日常需求”的破坏。本文从韦伯“非正当性支配”入手,通过对中世纪西方城市的类型学比较以及对城市市民的身份特征、生活—工作风格、政治诉求、参与法律过程的分析,发现“非正当性支配”提供了一条西方文明特有的自下而上能够保全“日常需求”的路径,从而给“正当性信仰”的整合以及“正当性危机”的解决提供了新的可能性。  相似文献   

任云兰 《社会工作》2012,(11):23-25
近代天津是一个瘟疫多发的城市,尤其是在水旱灾害频发的年份。瘟疫流行期间,天津市各慈善团体均致力于疫病的防治、控制和治疗。他们的善举有效地控制了疫情,拯救了许多人的生命,尤其是士绅倡导的"防疫"理念为近代公共卫生体制的确立提供了市民基础。  相似文献   

社会转型期的危机事件借助新媒体的裂变式传播已成新常态。新媒体的广泛使用加速了危机事件的即时和迅捷传播,当事方的政府或组织如何有效地利用新媒体应对和处置危机以及重塑形象,在理论和实践上都需深入探讨。新媒体环境危机事件的传播要素、传播过程具有一定的规律性,新媒体环境危机传播的多元治理策略是藉此的些许思考。  相似文献   

气象灾害的人类学研究途径是灾害人类学研究的一个重要方法,是在气象灾害的“组织一制度”研究途径和“政治一社会”研究途径基础上发展起来的以文化回应为主线的新型气象灾害研究途径。结合我国气象灾害的实际,可以将气象灾害的人类学研究内容归纳为三个方面:气象灾害类型学的文化诠释,气象灾害应急、救灾中的文化应对和适应,气象灾害恢复、重建过程中的文化恢复、变迁和构建。气象灾害的人类学研究应综合运用追踪调查、田野调查和灾害民族志等方法。在应对气候变化视角下进行生态文明建设,要在应对气候变化的背景下审视生态文明,在解决气候危机的基础上引入生态文明,在人类文化回应的主线上建设生态文明,在理论与实践的互动中发展生态文明。  相似文献   

刘举  王治河 《国外社会科学》2022,(2):142-151+199-200
大卫·W.奥尔的生态哲学思想对造成生态危机的现代工业文明进行了批判,体现了整合性的系统思维理念,蕴含着建设性后现代主义的理论根基。他从现代教育危机角度分析生态危机,指出现代社会思维认识的偏差,提出有关“生态素养”的教育改革问题,试图唤醒现代人的生物亲缘本能。奥尔从微观和基层出发,发动民众积极参与生态设计及生态社区和生态共同体建设,积极推进现代生产、生活方式的道德化转型,彰显了把生态理念付诸生态行动的乐观态度。然而,生态行动不能局限于教育改革和社区建设,还应该有强有力的政府在发展战略上予以支持。因此,建设性后现代主义或许能在中国式现代化实践中寻找到应对西方现代性危机的新方案。  相似文献   

Many welfare states have met with criticism and it has been argued that they are in crisis. Simultaneously, there has been a greater openness to voluntary work as an alternative to statutory services, for example in Sweden. Sometimes the activities of voluntary organizations have been seen as complementary to those of local authorities; at other times this issue has been addressed in terms of welfare pluralism. However, countries with strong welfare states have often been assumed to have insignificant voluntary work—as claimed in substitution theory. The purpose of this article is to examine variation in welfare service provision in the light of welfare pluralism, substitution theory and complementarity theory. The study was carried out in the area of support for relatives of older people in Sweden. It was conducted by means of national questionnaire surveys of voluntary organizations and local authorities in 1999 and 2002. In this period, there was an increase in statutory service provision and more voluntary organizations were involved in service provision. However, it is yet too early to describe this in terms of welfare pluralism. Neither was any evidence found for substitution theory. Furthermore, overlaps in service provision from voluntary organizations and local authorities question complementarity theory, which assumes that different actors specialize in different tasks. Nevertheless, the actors tended to be complementary at a local level. It is suggested that this complementarity might be explained by ideological support for a norm of complementarity.  相似文献   

As part of local welfare in Italy, housing policies underwent reforms that emphasized the role of local governments—and cities in particular—in the definition of the problem and in the elaboration of possible solutions. Housing is quite neglected in the political debate, but it is increasingly important for responding to citizens' demands in times of economic crisis. This paper reconstructs the policy process in two Italian cities, Turin (1997–2011) and Florence (1995–2011). The paper argues that policy change in housing can be fostered by a local political leadership that invests ideational, relational, and positional resources in policy making to spread new ideas, build networks of public and private actors at the local level, and attract fiscal resources while taking advantage of windows of opportunity at different institutional levels. Moreover, collaboration with local bureaucratic leadership proves fundamental to promoting innovative policies.  相似文献   

British local government has recently undergone its most far-reaching reorganization for twenty-five years. The impact of this reorganization was considerable within local authorities but it also substantially affected other organizations with which they worked at a local level. This paper explores the perspectives of voluntary sector organizations involved in social care: a set of actors which, prior to reorganization, had been encouraged by central and local government, through notions of partnership and through community care legislation, to undertake more direct roles in service delivery, consultation and strategic planning. During the consultative period prior to reorganization, many voluntary organizations reported that they had been marginal to the process. Reflecting on the process of reorganization itself, many voluntary organization respondents commented that it had been disruptive and provoked considerable anxiety. Post-reorganization, voluntary organizations felt that rebuilding of relationships was necessary and that the promise of partnership had meant little in practice at a time of potential crisis for local.  相似文献   

The government's contracting out of foster care services in Guangzhou, China, introduced the possibility of partnerships between nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and government-led human services. To understand network governance among actors involved in contracting out foster care services, service funders, service providers, and service users were interviewed. A thematic analysis of interviews combined with a critical review of archival data was conducted. Drawing from the policy network governance analytic framework, we found that network governance conditions in contracting out foster care services were characterized by close interdependence among actors, moderate standardization in work duties, but nonreciprocal patterns of interactions, and low to modest levels of autonomy, along with strong power in the government but limited self-governance among NGOs and foster families. Our findings indicate that network governance was not fully achieved among actors involved in the contracting out of foster care services. Implications for practice and research are discussed.  相似文献   

By considering the role of institutional rules for news making, this study examines news frames embedded in 1162 stories from national, financial, and specialized newspapers with respect to four healthcare policy issues: “the decrease in pharmaceutical prices,” “the comprehensive medical payment system,” “swine flu,” and “humidifier-related lung disease.” Conflict, economy, crisis, and policy execution are dominant frames in stories about the policy issues, and these four frames are also major frames used by the newspapers. This phenomenon is understood as “concentration of healthcare frames.” We conducted in-depth interviews with 19 news reporters to identify institutional rules that might influence the formation of news frames. In-depth interviews revealed that similar types of frames resulted from institutional rules (e.g., journalist’s autonomy, news value, newspaper’s mission statement, and characteristics of readers). The findings suggest that health journalists follow institutional rules that govern the creation of news frames. To provide diverse perspectives on healthcare policy issues, newspapers need to reconsider their institutional rules.  相似文献   

The impact of avian influenza on the Korean egg market: Who benefited?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The historical decomposition and directed acyclic graph methods are employed to estimate the effect of avian influenza in Korea on egg price transmission between the farm, wholesale, and retail levels. Our findings suggest that farm and retail egg prices are connected by the wholesale price. We also find that the farm-wholesale and the wholesale-retail margins increase during the avian influenza period. Our results imply that the retailer and wholesaler use their market power to increase their price during the food safety crisis. Therefore, the Korean government should control market power by allowing more emergency egg imports.  相似文献   

In the international realm, inter-organizational networking is perceived as a highly relevant instrument in social policy that enables welfare organizations to deal with “wicked issues.” In this article, we discuss the central empirical findings acquired from a recent qualitative research project that focuses on inter-organizational networks that were formed at the local level to deal with the wicked issue of child poverty as a complex and multidimensional social problem. We explore how the network discussions about normative value orientations in four inter-organizational networks evolve, and identify three central fields of tension that illustrate the complexity for local welfare actors in and across networks to create network strategies in dealing with child poverty: (a) selective versus universal provision, (b) conditional versus unconditional strategies, and (c) instrumental versus lifeworld-oriented approaches. Our findings show that networks can function as valuable forums for collective debate and reflection, since different approaches and perspectives to tackle the problem of child poverty can be confronted with each other. Creating such a forum has the potential to challenge dominant conceptualizations and undesirable assumptions of complex social problems that are present in welfare practices and policies.  相似文献   


There is little research about trauma, financial stress, and social service needs emanating from the experience of parenting grandchildren caused by the opioid crisis in the United States. We conducted a qualitative study with 15 grandparents who currently or in the past had custodial care of their grandchildren. We also interviewed nine issue-related stakeholders in Eastern Massachusetts. Specific inquiries centered on events leading up to a change in guardianship, stressors related to legal, financial, and family issues, and system-wide response to the grandparents’ needs. Results indicate that the opioid crisis presents distinct challenges for the grandparent-led families and for the systems that serve the new family arrangement. Crisis triggers a change in guardianship and continues throughout the years. The continued crises stem from events related to the parent’s opioid use disorder (OUD) and from expenses related to raising a young family, especially when the grandchild has adverse childhood experiences. Our analysis shows that systems break down on a number of levels, and the fluidity of custodial arrangements due to parents’ OUD status does not map onto existing support or benefit systems. Policy responses must focus on the immediate and long-term needs of grandparent caretakers, especially since the opioid crisis is likely to continue.  相似文献   

Post-crisis learning is a challenge for public organizations, and especially for agencies which handle health and environmental risks. This article investigates how the Belgian Food Safety Agency settles mechanisms for drawing lessons from crises while ensuring day-to-day routine. The framework by Crozier and Friedberg is used as a guideline to consider both the actors and the system, both strategic games and institutional constraints. The article helps in understanding the institutional logics underpinning how the public organizations learn from societal risk and crisis. Centralization and openness appear to be guiding principles, resulting from the learning games. They also generate tensions that the actors’ games manage by defining new rules for cooperation. Both the practice (through our case study) and the theory (combining actors and institutions) broaden the lens of policy analysis for what policy-making at organizational level concerns.  相似文献   

The role of the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) in shaping the arts and cultural sector is not well understood. In this paper, I focus on the development of the governance of the creative placemaking policy to unpack the complexity of the role of the NEA. Governance is used to refer to collective action designed to achieve a general interest through different actors from both the government and civic society. I use intergovernmental relations theory to capture governance dynamics in creative placemaking. In particular, I focus on three main tools developed by the NEA to spur a multi-level governance: research, grants, and partnerships. What emerges is that the role of the NEA in the development of the creative placemaking policy is multifaceted as it includes offering and leveraging funding, shaping the conversation, providing insights, and spurring collaborations. These actions create a multi-level governance based on a dynamic exchange between national and local governments, and the involvement of a variety of actors from civil society.  相似文献   

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