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一、国际公约的遵守联合国《旨在废除死刑的公民权利及政治权利国际公约第二项任择议定书》(1989)正式通过以来,死刑废止已经成为一种世界潮流,欧盟宪法草案(2003)在其第二部分第二条中也对其加以规定,在东亚,日本、韩国、台湾,也已经有《推动死刑废止之代替刑》议案向国会提交  相似文献   

就法律规范层面而言,鉴定在刑事诉讼过程中的法律属性体现为两个方面:一是证据的收集方式,一是权力的行使方式。鉴定的这两种法律属性的价值追求是不同的,作为证据收集方式的价值追求是“公正”,而作为权力行使方式的价值追求是“效率”。从涉及刑事诉讼鉴定不同阶段的法律规范分析来看,鉴定正逐步从权力行使属性为主导向证据收集属性为主导过渡,但要真正实现其证据收集这一本质属性的回归,其前提是《刑事诉讼法》的价值追求的变化,即从“效率”到“公正”的转变。  相似文献   

就法律规范层面而言, 鉴定在刑事诉讼过程中的法律属性体现为两个方面: 一 是证据的收集方式, 一是权力的行使方式。鉴定的这两种法律属性的价值追求是不 同的, 作为证据收集方式的价值追求是“公正”, 而作为权力行使方式的价值追求 是“效率”。从涉及刑事诉讼鉴定不同阶段的法律规范分析来看, 鉴定正逐步从权力 行使属性为主导向证据收集属性为主导过渡, 但要真正实现其证据收集这一本质属 性的回归, 其前提是?刑事诉讼法?的价值追求的变化, 即从“效率”到“公正” 的转变.

From the perspective of legal norms, the legal attributes of forensic testimony in the course of criminal proceedings are manifested in two forms: one is the collection of evidence; the other is the exercise of power. However, the values residing in these two legal attributes are not the same. The former emphasizes “justice,” and the latter, “efficiency.” An analysis of the legal norms governing forensic testimony in different periods shows that forensic testimony in criminal proceedings is gradually shifting from a pattern dominated by the exercise of power to one characterized by the collection of evidence. However, a genuine return to the essential character of forensic testimony as the collection of evidence must be premised on a change in the value orientation of the Criminal Procedure Law, that is, on a change from “efficiency” to “justice.”  相似文献   

犯罪构成是用以确定某项犯罪成立的基本特征。清代刑案审理中,由于施用律例精神不同,以及律例本身存在缺陷,刑部与地方督抚之间时常对犯罪构成作出不同理解而致生分歧。双方在通过犯罪构成甄别罪名与罪刑时产生的矛盾,正可折射出清代中央与地方官员在对待律例施用,处置情、法关系方面的纠葛异同。  相似文献   

“杀猪盘”案件是近年较为流行的新型电信诈骗犯罪.对于“杀猪盘”案件的定性和处罚,司法实务中存在同案不同判的现象.原因在于,司法机关极少细致地研究“杀猪盘”案件的行为特征,未能准确把握诈骗罪的行为构造,也忽略了开设赌场罪的保护法益,最为关键的是没有充分评价案件的不法事实,最终导致案件的处理结论有失偏颇.“杀猪盘”案件存在两个性质完全不同的行为:一是建立赌博网站并接受投注,成立开设赌场罪;二是通过操纵赌博结果骗取财物,成立诈骗罪.行为人先后针对不同的法益实施了两个内容完全不同的行为,因而不可能构成想像竞合犯;由于前后两行为欠缺类型关联性,所以也不属于牵连犯.为了充分评价案件的不法事实,避免量刑失衡,对“杀猪盘”案件应当以开设赌场罪与诈骗罪进行数罪并罚.  相似文献   

Strong correlations exist between property rights and governance. Such correlations are embodied in and measured through organizational units, and can therefore be examined in depth through such units. The correlation between a property unit and a governance unit is mainly expressed in symmetry: if the symmetry is strong, both perform better; if it is weak, both perform poorly. The symmetry between organizational units is mainly determined and influenced by structural equilibrium, equivalence of levels, suitability of scale, completeness of boundaries, correspondence between functions and rights, and endogeneity of unit construction. Of these six factors, structural equilibrium, equivalence of levels and suitability of scale are determining factors; completeness of boundaries and correspondence between functions and rights are influencing factors derived from the former three and playing important roles in certain cases; and endogeneity of unit construction is an external conditional influencing factor. The separate or combined effects of these six factors impact upon and determine the symmetry among units, and thus influence property rights, governance performance and developmental modes.  相似文献   

石智雷  刘思辰  赵颖 《社会》2022,42(1):88-123
本文旨在从劳动过程的视角,将不稳定就业作为一种资本积累方式进行政治经济学的理论分析,并使用具有全国代表性的调查数据和企业访谈案例,结合广义倾向值匹配等方法进行经验论证。本研究梳理出不稳定就业的一般特征及其对当代中国农民工群体的影响,并尝试从国家与资本的双重运作逻辑中去理解经济转型期农民工市民化的困境。研究发现,在资本积累及劳动过程全球化的背景下,中国形成了规模庞大的农民工及其不稳定就业现象。资本通过控制农民工就业流动而达成最大限度地获取利润的目标,无需承担劳动者的再生产成本。这就从根本上导致了农民工市民化的悖论:不稳定就业有助于提高农民工个体的工资水平,但是不利于其家庭成员随迁。这种资本积累方式的隐蔽性在于,所谓的农民工流动自由其实是雇主通过掐尖式用工以保证资本的利润率。不稳定就业不会提升农民工的群体性收入,反而强化了群体内部的竞争。  相似文献   

中国刑事法律援助向刑事司法早期阶段扩展的制度发展过程,既有回应人权司法保障一般标准的性质,也体现出鲜明的中国特色。中国刑事司法通过看守所法律援助工作站和值班律师等制度,为贫弱当事人提供及时有效的法律服务,是确保其平等实现有效辩护和公正审判的关键。在此过程中,公检法司等实务部门还面临着资源短缺、协调不足等挑战,为此需要动员各利益相关方力量,把握当前司法改革机遇,结合制度倡导、区域经验分享、科技创新等途径积极完善刑事司法早期阶段法律援助。  相似文献   

Research on contact theory has typically presented four major situational conditions of intergroup contact as separate and equally important in creating an environment that leads to lower levels of racial/ethnic prejudice. We empirically test this "separate and equal" assumption with a variety of student samples and outcome variables. Using data from three cohorts of high school students, as well as one middle school sample, we demonstrate that acquaintance potential and interdependence are the most consistent and robust predictors of prejudice reduction, outgroup orientation, and perceptions of a common ingroup identity. Findings concerning differences in the relative importance of these situational conditions for different racial/ethnic groups are also reported. Implications for implementing optimal contact conditions for prejudice reduction among various ethnic groups are drawn.  相似文献   

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