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郅玉玲 《社会工作》2014,(4):135-142
本文对被征地老人的家庭代际关系进行了研究。分析了传统社会的家庭代际关系和现代社会的家庭代际关系特点。结合杭州市实证调查资料,对被征地老人的家庭代际关系应从经济互动、生活照料、情感慰藉三个层面展开。  相似文献   

马克思主义和革命思想在广东南路的传播以乡村为发端.外出求学并加入中国共产党的南路青年黄学增等在乡村培养了革命所需的人才,建立了雷州青年同志社等革命组织,乡村还提供了革命所需的经费、场所和群众.雷州青年同志社长期以乡村为革命策源地和根据地,其成员大多成为大革命的地方骨干力量,成为中共南路—粤桂边区革命的滥觞.雷州青年同志...  相似文献   

张国旺 《社会》2016,36(6):32-54
李猛的《自然社会》是近年来汉语学界研究现代“政治”秩序的一部界碑式著作。此处所谓“政治”,既指向一般意义上的政治,更包括人性、道德、社会和法权等多种秩序。本文认为,《自然社会》的核心是对“个体”与“社会”之关系这一经典命题的深化,亦即孤独的现代个体所构成的共同生活究竟是怎样的,如何理解包括家庭、社会、道德和国家在内的多种共同生活形态的实质及其内在张力。在此基础上,本文试图讨论以下几点:一是鲁滨逊式的孤独包含着一种新的社会生活形态的可能;二是格劳秀斯、普芬道夫和霍布斯那里孤独个体的微妙差别对于理解现代人的心灵秩序不可或缺;三是霍布斯式的个体形象指向一种新的现代人拓展自身人性的可能;四是自然法秩序所塑造的人性为现代国家的确立提供了道德动力。因而,本文认为,现代精神的发展尚未穷尽自身,只有更充分地理解其内在的丰富性和开放性,我们才能更有信心地把握自身的处境和命运。  相似文献   

胡安宁 《社会》2017,37(1):186-210
量化社会学研究往往基于特定的统计模型展开。近十几年来日益流行的倾向值方法也不例外,其在实施过程中需要同时拟合估计倾向值得分的“倾向值模型”与估计因果关系的“结果模型”。然而,无论是其模型形式还是系数估计,统计模型本身都具有不可忽视的“不确定性”问题。本研究在倾向值分析方法的框架下,系统梳理和阐释了模型形式不确定性与模型系数不确定性的内涵及其处理方法。通过分析“蒙特卡洛模拟”数据与经验调查数据,本文展示了在使用倾向值方法进行因果估计的过程中,研究者如何通过“贝叶斯平均法”进行多个备选倾向值模型的选择,以及如何通过联合估计解决倾向值模型与估计模型中的系数不确定性问题。本文的研究也表明,在考虑倾向值估计过程的不确定性之后,结果模型中对于因果关系的估计呈现更小的置信区间和更高的统计效率。  相似文献   

单位团体献血运作的过程与机制:以北京市T大学为个案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
余成普 《社会》2010,30(2):116-143
本文在中国社会结构转型和血液制度变迁的背景下,以T大学的一次“女生节”献血活动为关键案例,应用集体行动的有关理论,分析单位团体献血的运作过程和运作机制。本文认为自愿无偿献血的运作过程是一个意义框架建构和延伸的过程。无偿并非没有任何激励,只是淡化物质激励,更多地强调象征激励,即对符号、话语、意义、价值等的突出,这不仅表达了对献血者的尊重,也促进了献血框架的再生产。单位团体献血的有效运作有赖于单位内部的结构易得性,由于高校具有更强的结构易得性,自然成为团体献血的主体。  相似文献   

Physical, psychological, and social vulnerabilities of sexual minority youth are well documented. Yet factors that protect this population from these risks remain relatively unknown. Previous researchers suggest that (1) a sense of safety, meaningful relationships with others, and positive identity development are protective and (2) social support programs focusing on sexual minority youth (Queer Youth Space) have a positive impact. In this article, Queer Youth Space is explored as a program that may promote protective factors and mediate risks. Theories of attachment, self psychology, and social identity are applied to conceptualize Queer Youth Space and its protective roles. Implications for social work practice and research are discussed.  相似文献   

北京青年旅舍经营现状与对策研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
青年旅舍已有近百年的历史,在世界范围内受到广泛欢迎并具有积极的社会意义。本文通过对北京青年旅舍的调查,总结其经营现状和特点,提出相应的发展对策。  相似文献   

The counterpart city represents an attempt to conceptualize the hidden spaces inhabited by social problems and ‘problem’ people who are counter to the mainstream, or included, modes of contemporary urban social life. This ‘opposite’, or negative, space comprises the spatially withdrawn and socially excluded who are largely outside the purview of the comfortable classes of the same cities. Not only has residential segregation been sustained over recent decades, so too have mobile circuits of mutual exclusion been created, which enable higher‐income groups to avoid the associated negative externalities of poverty (visibility, disorder, aggression and so on). As responsibility for dealing with social risks has become devolved to the level of the household, the desire for social evasion, as politicians, media systems and welfare patterns mark out threatening territories, has become more evident. The counterpart city is shunned in ever more elaborate ways and with the support of public policies. As the ‘spatial’ social policies, housing and urban, have become increasingly criminalized in the focus of their agendas, such interventions expend energy to facilitate this separation between affluent and poor. Traditional imperatives for public intervention are diminished as poverty has become more concealed from affluence – its costs and impacts evaded by technologies, socio‐spatial circuits and policies that skirt those who are locked into places of poverty and abject marginality, a constellation of social forces and effects I term the great cut.  相似文献   

Different combinations of the characteristics of sex, age, status and ethnicity underlie different preferred ways of living. Youth programmes that heed these characteristics might reduce the alienation often underlying the generation gap, but to be effective such programmes will need to offer youth creative and supportive opportunities for youth to experiment with living. The youth worker has the equally important opportunity to provide information which will enable adults to understand the problems faced by youth in urban society.  相似文献   

In 2013, the European Council approved the Youth Guarantee (YG) to counteract youth unemployment. Because of its specific features, the YG is useful for understanding whether the EU has triggered policy change in national youth unemployment policies. Contrary to most of the literature on similar topics, we focused in this study on the effect of this specific European measure rather than on broader EU strategies or policies. The study contributes to the literature by qualifying the degree of fit/misfit and suggesting a counterfactual analysis, using the case of France. We first situate the article within the broader Europeanisation debate and present our research design. The second section introduces the policy structure of the YG and investigates youth unemployment policy in France, prior to and after the European initiative. The third section discusses whether the French youth unemployment policy would have been developed in the same way without the YG. A final section concludes.  相似文献   

葛亮亮 《阅江学刊》2012,4(4):137-143
"青春文学"的崛起是新世纪以来中国文坛最靓丽的景观之一。以"80后"为主体的青春文学作家,创作了一大批风靡国内的、以青少年为消费群体的文学作品,并在文学市场上取得令前辈作家侧目的成绩。从崛起到分化,再到逐渐成熟,青春文学走过了一段波澜壮阔的历程,成为和"纯文学"并峙的文学种类。尽管青春文学还显稚嫩,但随着青春文学作家的成长,我们有理由相信他们能写出无愧于时代的作品。  相似文献   

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