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向东  众议 《社科纵横》2012,(5):134-134
《现代图书馆信息资源建设研究》是几位作者长期工作于图书馆一线,在总结前人研究的基础上,结合多年来的实践经验撰写而成的。将图书馆传统的文献资源建设与新兴的数字信息资源建设、微观层次的馆藏建设与宏观层次的信息资源保障体系建设有机地整合到一个理论框架内。在内容上突出了数字信息资源建设、信息资源共建共享、信息资源建设政策等近年来信息资源建设实践与理论研究的重要领域。体现了图书馆学专业新的研究内容,具有鲜明的研究特色。  相似文献   

张邺 《社科纵横》2012,(7):133-134
民族文献是少数民族文化的重要载体,是人类社会发展史上的活标本,具有其他文献无法取代的文献价值和社会作用。西部高校图书馆作为民族文献的主要集中地、收藏地,肩负着文化传承的重要使命。如何实现西部高校民族文献资源"共建、共知、共享"三位一体的资源保障体系,形成"民族文献资源网",已成为迫切需要解决的重要课题。  相似文献   

宋萍 《社科纵横》2012,(11):136-137
文章通过对民族文献信息特征的阐释,提出了民族文献信息资源建设的策略,以期推进民族文献信息的传播、共享和构建,使传统民族文化得以重新关照。  相似文献   

王宪昭 《创新》2014,(1):115-118
中国少数民族文学资料学是当今民族文学研究的基础性学科。近百年的资料学建设实践表明,与时俱进推动民族文学资料信息化建设是非常必要的,应该在相当长的时期加强民族文学资料采集,加强资料研究,通过建设专题数据库、搭建信息交互平台等形式,积极开发民族文学资料学的信息资源潜能。  相似文献   

在科学技术迅速发展和经济竞争日益加剧的形势下,文献和情报在国家建设中成为一种宝贵的智力资源。如何使这种资源得到合理的开发利用,正是各个国家不断探索研究的重要课题。已经结束的全省大规模文献资源调查工作,就是为弄清全省各主要学科领域文献收集的完备程度和支持研究决策的能力,为建立全省文献资源保障体系提供切实依据,是一项具有战略意义的系统工程。甘肃省图书馆,是全省重点调查对象之一,摸清馆藏各主要学科领域文献资源的优势、薄弱环节和空白状况,对建立全省文献资源保障体系有举足轻重的作用。  相似文献   

美国和日本在区域开发建设的早期均出现不同程度的生态环境问题,但后期开发过程中均注重通过立法、政策、规划等来加强区域开发与生态环境保护的协调发展,并取得了良好的效果。立法先行、重视规划的龙头作用、建立强有力的专门开发管理机构等是美国和日本区域开发与生态环境保护协调发展的重要保障。我国区域开发建设应汲取和借鉴美国、日本的经验教训,并结合中国国情,坚持资源开发与生态环境保护并举,加强区域生态环境法律制度建设。专门出台一部区域开发建设的基本法、完善区域开发过程中的生态环保法律制度以及确立统一的区域开发建设领导机构来统筹协调我国区域开发建设中的生态环境保护工作等是实现区域开发与生态环境保护协调发展的重要方面。  相似文献   

张姝 《社科纵横》2012,(10):31-33
随着我国政治经济体制改革的不断深入和城乡一体化进程的加快,西北民族地区流动人口激增,面临一系列独特而复杂的社会矛盾与问题,再加国际外部环境的影响与渗透,恐怖暴力事件频发,西北的社会稳定成为影响全国发展的重要因素,需要有新的应对之策,重视社会服务,增强民族地区各族人民对国家的认同感和归属感;建立社会治安预警机制;加固社会"稳压器",构建矛盾纠纷排查调处四级网络;加强少数民族流动人口管理,创新社区人口管理工作机制;整合社会资源,建立打、防、控为一体的社会治安防控工作机制;建构以基层社会组织为基础的综合治安管理体系。西北民族地区基层治安管理应在法制化的基础上,强调全社会参与、加强社会基层组织建设,突出化解矛盾、解决问题、确保社会安全稳定。  相似文献   

发展社会主义市场经济,为党校的教学科研和发展提供了机遇,但与此同时,党校教学科研也面临着挑战.在这种情况下,党校的图书馆,如何有效地利用、最大限度地开发文献信息资源,为促进党校教学科研服务,为经济建设服务和领导决策服务呢?这是值得研究和探讨的问题.本文试就此谈些粗浅认识.一、制约党校文献信息资源开发利用的因素党的十一届三中全会以来,党校图书馆工作受  相似文献   

优美的生态环境和独特的民族文化是民族地区最大的资源优势,也是民族地区旅游发展的重要依托。但随着民族地区旅游开发的不断深入,产生了当地生态环境破坏、民俗文化庸俗化等一系列问题,暴露出民族旅游资源开发中法律保障制度的缺陷。因此,树立生态文明观,加强民族地区旅游资源开发的科学立法、严格执法、公正司法和全民守法,才能真正实现民族地区旅游业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

杨莉 《社科纵横》2012,(9):136-137
新时期多民族融合环境下西北民族地区具有民族性、多元性、地域性、脆弱性的文化特点,图书馆是民族融合地区文献信息中心,是加强各民族间文化交融、交流,传播民族优秀文化的重要部门。图书馆拥有较高素质的文献信息专业管理队伍,能有效地搜集、整理和利用各民族文化信息资源。只有民族融合地区图书馆达成协作体,建立文献保障体系和合作机制才能达到引领和传播优秀民族文化的作用。  相似文献   

张殿军  刘灵芝 《创新》2007,2(2):64-68
民族区域自治制度是我国处理民族问题的基本政治制度。作为民族区域自治制度有效保障的民族自治地方立法还不尽完善,制约着和谐社会的建设步伐。完善民族自治地方立法,需要切实转变观念,提高立法效率,重视立法技术,充实有关内容,加强民族经济立法,重视对少数民族习惯法的研究和借鉴。健全和完善民族自治地方立法,有利于坚持和完善民族区域自治制度,促进和谐的民族大家庭建设,加快少数民族和民族地区经济社会的全面协调和可持续发展,实现各民族共同繁荣。  相似文献   

Declassification of documents has given rise to the allegation that the Central Intelligence Agency may have conducted unethical research targeting detainee subjects. That allegation is examined using document analysis and the development of research goals and roles as defined in the Common Rule. This article sets aside issues as to whether enhanced interrogation techniques described in the declassified documents rise to legal definitions of torture. Instead, it presents a post hoc ethics review raising questions addressed by Institutional Review Boards recommending the filing of a for-cause noncompliance complaint with the Office for Human Research Protection against the Central Intelligence Agency.  相似文献   

The deinstitutionalization of mental health care has changed the responsibilities of involved authorities and has led to a continuous need for new treatment forms and interventions. This article describes this development in Europe, and in particular how these new conditions have been handled in Sweden over the past 20 years at the level of governmental policy‐making. Three major policy documents from 1994, 2009 and 2012 were included in this study. To increase our understanding of the policies' contents, we have used theoretical concepts concerning governance, implementation and political risk management. Although our main interest was to find out how the government handles interventions for users of the mental health care system, we found that the policy work is progressing stepwise. The first document, from the deinstitutionalization era, did not discuss interventions clearly. Instead, it was mainly concerned with both practical and economical areas of responsibility. The second document, from the post‐deinstitutionalization era, was more focused on what services should be delivered to the users, while the most recently published document to a greater extent addressed the question of how the support is supposed to be designed. The trend in European community mental health policy has been to advocate services in open forms that are integrated into the society's other care systems. This is also the case in Sweden, and continuous work is being done by the government to find strategies to support the development, and to meet the needs at both political and local levels.  相似文献   

The establishment of Primary Health Networks (PHNs) was accompanied by assignment of responsibility for funding for primary mental healthcare. To ensure this funding is spent in line with government priorities, the Federal government developed a planning document with established priorities and guidance documents for how the planning document should be completed. This paper examines how these documents shape service delivery through enabling some activities and excluding others and identifies the assumptions that underpin these documents. Data were drawn from discourse and content analysis of completed planning documents from the PHNs and of the guidance documents and from reflection upon mental health planning from 55 interviews with key personnel from six PHNs. Service delivery is shaped by outcome measures that promote service access, cost‐effectiveness and clinical effectiveness, contributing to service options that favour self‐management for mild mental illness and clinical (but not social) services for people with severe mental illness. There is also limited scope for mental health promotion with prevention activities focused upon populations identified by the government as being at‐risk. This occurs to the detriment of other at‐risk populations.  相似文献   

周青  王俊 《创新》2010,4(3):98-102
云南少数民族法文化作为少数民族人们适应其依存环境的生产、生活的结晶,具有较多的生态环境保护的内容。云南少数民族法文化中蕴藏着明晰的生态保护意识,其价值与环境伦理观契合,分析云南少数民族法文化具有的规范作用和社会作用,认为云南少数民族法文化在参与维持少数民族聚居区域的生态秩序同时,为我国的生态文明建设提供了现实的范式。  相似文献   

王金辉 《学术交流》2002,1(5):65-67
西部的发展是一个事关中国社会主义现代化发展和建设的具有战略性的全局问题。邓小平审时度势 ,提出了非均衡发展战略 ,在西部发展中 ,依靠少数民族 ,以经济建设为中心 ,科教文卫综合发展等理论思想。其西部发展理论具有重要历史地位  相似文献   

习俗文化是劳动人民在日常生活和交往活动中创造并沿袭的以风俗习性为主要内容的文化形态,是一个民族共同体在语言、行为和心理上的集体习惯。习俗文化是民族伦理文化的集中体现,我国少数民族的习俗文化与汉民族的习俗文化相比,有其自身的特色,少数民族的礼仪、信仰、饮食、服饰、居住等习俗文化,蕴含着重要的道德功能。面对少数民族习俗文化传承发展的困境,必须从文化大发展大繁荣的国家文化建设战略高度来思考,通过综合创新,以寻找有利于少数民族习俗文化传承发展的路径。  相似文献   


Work on the use of documents in the Middle Ages has now accepted that written record-keeping in Europe did not collapse with Roman rule, to be replaced only by orality and memory, but continued throughout the period, albeit to greater or lesser extents from place to place. Nonetheless, much remains unclear about how documents were actually used and understood following the Roman collapse, and how far that reflected continuity with the past. Using the numerous early medieval charters from modern Catalonia, this article argues that, instead of registration in public archives as under Rome, documents here were validated by social consensus about their contents, created by repeated recitation of the texts. This could even be used to create new documents. The article argues that this was an innovative replacement of older institutions of record intended to enable continuing document use, but that it blurs categories both of literacy and orality and of continuity and change; continuity of the land charter was here maintained despite the discontinuity and irrelevance of many other practices. Both documents and their users were agents in these processes, in ways that can instruct us about institutional survival and replacement in times of social change.  相似文献   

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