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The proven optimality properties of empirical Bayes estimators and their documented successful performance in practice have made them popular. Although many statisticians have used these estimators since the landmark paper of James and Stein (1961), relatively few have proposed techniques for protecting them from the effects of outlying observations or outlying parameters. One notable series of studies in protection against outlying parameters was conducted by Efron and Morris (1971, 1972, 1975). In the fully Bayesian case, a general discussion on robust procedures can be found in Berger (1984, 1985). Here we implement and evaluate a different approach for outlier protection in a random-effects model which is based on appropriate specification of the prior distribution. When unusual parameters are present, we estimate the prior as a step function, as suggested by Laird and Louis (1987). This procedure is evaluated empirically, using a number of simulated data sets to compare the effects of the step-function prior with those of the normal and Laplace priors on the prediction of small-area proportions.  相似文献   

Bayesian and empirical Bayesian decision rules are exhibited for the interval estimation of the parameter 0 of a Uniform (0,θ) distribution. The estimate ?,δ>resulting in the interval [?,?+δ]suffers loss given by L(?,δ>,θ)=1-[?≦e≦?+δ]+c1((?-θ)2+(?+δ?θ)2))+c2δ. The solution is presented for prior distributions G which have bounded support, no point masses,∫θ?mdG(θ)<∞ and for some integer m. An example is presented involving a particular parametric form for G and rates of risk convergence in the empirical Bayes problem for this example are calculated.  相似文献   

For sampling from a normal population with unknown mean, two families of prior densities for the mean are discussed. The corresponding posterior densities are found. A data analyst may choose a prior from these families to represent prior beliefs and then compute the corresponding Bayes estimator, using the techniques discussed.  相似文献   

Concerning the estimation of linear parameters in small areas, a nested-error regression model is assumed for the values of the target variable in the units of a finite population. Then, a bootstrap procedure is proposed for estimating the mean squared error (MSE) of the EBLUP under the finite population setup. The consistency of the bootstrap procedure is studied, and a simulation experiment is carried out in order to compare the performance of two different bootstrap estimators with the approximation given by Prasad and Rao [Prasad, N.G.N. and Rao, J.N.K., 1990, The estimation of the mean squared error of small-area estimators. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 85, 163–171.]. In the numerical results, one of the bootstrap estimators shows a better bias behavior than the Prasad–Rao approximation for some of the small areas and not much worse in any case. Further, it shows less MSE in situations of moderate heteroscedasticity and under mispecification of the error distribution as normal when the true distribution is logistic or Gumbel. The proposed bootstrap method can be applied to more general types of parameters (linear of not) and predictors.  相似文献   

Nonparametric Bayes and empirical Bayes estimations of the

survival function of a unit of age t (> 0) using Dirichlet

process prior are presented. The proposed empirical Bayes

estimators are found to be “asymptotically optimal” in the sense of Robbins (1955). The performances of the proposed

empirical Bayes estimators are compared with those of certain

rival estimators in terms of relative savings loss, The exact

expressions for Bayes risks are also provided in certain cases.  相似文献   

The interpretation of Cpk:, a common measure of process capability and confidence limits for it, is based on the assumption that the process is normally distributed. The non-parametric but computer intensive method called Bootstrap is introduced and three Bootstrap confidence interval estimates for C^ are defined. An initial simulation of two processes (one normal and the other highly skewed) is presented and discussed  相似文献   

The problem of estimating standard errors for diagnostic accuracy measures might be challenging for many complicated models. We can address such a problem by using the Bootstrap methods to blunt its technical edge with resampled empirical distributions. We consider two cases where bootstrap methods can successfully improve our knowledge of the sampling variability of the diagnostic accuracy estimators. The first application is to make inference for the area under the ROC curve resulted from a functional logistic regression model which is a sophisticated modelling device to describe the relationship between a dichotomous response and multiple covariates. We consider using this regression method to model the predictive effects of multiple independent variables on the occurrence of a disease. The accuracy measures, such as the area under the ROC curve (AUC) are developed from the functional regression. Asymptotical results for the empirical estimators are provided to facilitate inferences. The second application is to test the difference of two weighted areas under the ROC curve (WAUC) from a paired two sample study. The correlation between the two WAUC complicates the asymptotic distribution of the test statistic. We then employ the bootstrap methods to gain satisfactory inference results. Simulations and examples are supplied in this article to confirm the merits of the bootstrap methods.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of estimating the binomial parameter via the nonparametric empirical Bayes approach. This estimation problem has the feature that estimators which are asymptotically optimal in the usual empirical Bayes sense do not exist (Robbins (1958, 1964)), However, as pointed out by Liang (1934) and Gupta and Liang (1988), it is possible to construct asymptotically optimal empirical Bayes estimators if the unknown prior is symmetric about the point 1/2, In this paper, assuming symmetric priors a monotone empirical Bayes estimator is constructed by using the isotonic regression method. This estimator is asymptotically optimal in the usual empirical Bayes sense. The corresponding rate of convergence is investigated and shown to be of order n-1, where n is the number of past observations at hand.  相似文献   

Let X, Y and Z be independent random variables with common unknown distribution F. Using the Dirichlet process prior for F and squared erro loss function, the Bayes and empirical Bayes estimators of the parameters λ(F). the probability that Z > X + Y, are derived. The limiting Bayes estimator of λ(F) under some conditions on the parameter of the process is shown to be asymptotically normal. The aysmptotic optimality of the empirical Bayes estimator of λ(F) is established. When X, Y and Z have support on the positive real line, these results are derived for randomly right censored data. This problem relates to testing whether than used discussed by Hollander and Proshcan (1972) and Chen, Hollander and Langberg (1983).  相似文献   

The purpose of this note is to derive the Bayes and the empirical Bayes estimators of an unknown survival function F under progressively censored data with respect to the squared error loss function and a Dirichlet process prior using the fact that the posterior distribution of F given the data is a mixture of Dirichlet processes, and the assumption that the survival and the censor in0- distributions are continuous.  相似文献   

The problems of existence and uniqueness of maximum likelihood estimates for logistic regression were completely solved by Silvapulle in 1981 and Albert and Anderson in 1984. In this paper, we extend the well-known results by Silvapulle and by Albert and Anderson to weighted logistic regression. We analytically prove the equivalence between the overlap condition used by Albert and Anderson and that used by Silvapulle. We show that the maximum likelihood estimate of weighted logistic regression does not exist if there is a complete separation or a quasicomplete separation of the data points, and exists and is unique if there is an overlap of data points. Our proofs and results for weighted logistic apply to unweighted logistic regression.  相似文献   

Yates (1984) using theoretical and philosophical arguments claims to have proved that the Fisher exact test for comparing the proportions of two binomial experiments is the best exact test. The present article uses objective and practical arguments to confront the Fisher exact test with a Bayes exact test. Using simulated samples we claim to have proved here the inferiority of the Fisher exact test in relation to a Bayes exact test. The comparison is based on the quality concept of Dawid (1982).  相似文献   

The problem of simultaneously estimating p normal variances is investigated when the parameters are believed a priori to be similar in size. A hierarchical Bayes approach is employed and the resulting estimator is compared to common estimators used including one proposed by Box and Tiao (1973) using a Bayesian approach with a noninformative prior. The technique is then applied to estimate components of variance in the one way layout random effect model of the analysis of variance.  相似文献   

This paper examines the use of bootstrapping for bias correction and calculation of confidence intervals (CIs) for a weighted nonlinear quantile regression estimator adjusted to the case of longitudinal data. Different weights and types of CIs are used and compared by computer simulation using a logistic growth function and error terms following an AR(1) model. The results indicate that bias correction reduces the bias of a point estimator but fails for CI calculations. A bootstrap percentile method and a normal approximation method perform well for two weights when used without bias correction. Taking both coverage and lengths of CIs into consideration, a non-bias-corrected percentile method with an unweighted estimator performs best.  相似文献   

For the unbalanced one-way random effects model with heterogeneous error variances, we propose the non-informative priors for the between-group variance and develop the first- and second-order matching priors. It turns out that the second-order matching priors do not exist and the reference prior and Jeffreys prior do not satisfy a first-order matching criterion. We also show that the first-order matching prior meets the frequentist target coverage probabilities much better than the Jeffreys prior and reference prior through simulation study, and the Bayesian credible intervals based on the matching prior and reference prior give shorter intervals than the existing confidence intervals by examples.  相似文献   

Interval-censored data arise due to a sequence random examination such that the failure time of interest occurs in an interval. In some medical studies, there exist long-term survivors who can be considered as permanently cured. We consider a mixed model for the uncured group coming from linear transformation models and cured group coming from a logistic regression model. For the inference of parameters, an EM algorithm is developed for a full likelihood approach. To investigate finite sample properties of the proposed method, simulation studies are conducted. The approach is applied to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s hypobaric decompression sickness data.  相似文献   

This paper obtains the convergence rates of the empirical Bayes estimators of parameters in the multi-parameter exponential families. The rates can approximate to 0(n=1) arbitrarily. The paper presents the multivariate orthogonal polynomials which are continuous on the total space Rp.  相似文献   

In this paper, the convergence rates of the EB estimators of the regression coefficients and the error variance in a linear model are obtained. The rates can approximate to O(n1) arbitrarily. The convergency of the EB estimators of the regression coefiicients and the variance components in a variance component model is also investigated. The investigation makes use of the results concerning the convergence rates of the EB estimators of the parameters in multi-parameter exponential families.  相似文献   

Clustered multinomial data with random cluster sizes commonly appear in health, environmental and ecological studies. Traditional approaches for analyzing clustered multinomial data contemplate two assumptions. One of these assumptions is that cluster sizes are fixed, whereas the other demands cluster sizes to be positive. Randomness of the cluster sizes may be the determinant of the within-cluster correlation and between-cluster variation. We propose a baseline-category mixed model for clustered multinomial data with random cluster sizes based on Poisson mixed models. Our orthodox best linear unbiased predictor approach to this model depends only on the moment structure of unobserved distribution-free random effects. Our approach also consolidates the marginal and conditional modeling interpretations. Unlike the traditional methods, our approach can accommodate both random and zero cluster sizes. Two real-life multinomial data examples, crime data and food contamination data, are used to manifest our proposed methodology.  相似文献   

In this paper, an evaluation of the performance of several confidence interval estimators of the population coefficient of variation (τ) using ranked set sampling compared to simple random sampling is performed. Two performance measures are used to assess the confidence intervals for τ, namely: width and coverage probabilities. Simulated data were generated from normal, log-normal, skew normal, Gamma, and Weibull distributions with specified population parameters so that the same values of τ are obtained for each distribution, with sample sizes n=15, 20, 25, 50, 100. A real data example representing birth weight of 189 newborns is used for illustration and performance comparison.  相似文献   

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