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范铁权  梁莎莎 《统计研究》2012,29(9):103-109
作为第一个全国性的统计学社团,中国统计学社于1930年成立。学社社员以任职于南京国民政府的统计学者为主,兼及全国政、学、商界人士。自成立以来,中国统计学社通过出版书刊、召开年会、审定名词、创建研究机构、培训统计学人才等途径,积极致力于统计学的知识传播和体制化建设。在大数命名分节标准、人口调查办法、经济指数等方面,中国统计学社开展了扎实的学术研究,其研究成果直接贡献给社会,也为各级政府制定经济政策、开展统计学的实践提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

Edwin Pitman was born on 29th October, 1897, in Melbourne, Victoria. He was Professor of Mathematics at the University of Tasmania from 1926 until his retirement in 1962. His publications on distribution-free methods in Statistics established a sound basis for the development of these methods. His theoretical papers gave a sound mathematical treatment of the concepts of intrinsic accuracy and sufficiency, and a definitive treatment of estimation problems for location and scale parameters. The concept of asymptotic relative efficiency is due to him. He was elected a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science (FAA) in 1954, a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics in 1948, President of the Australian Mathematical Society in 1958 and 1959, and Vice-President of the International Statistical Institute in 1960. He was elected an Honorary Life Member of the Statistical Society of Australia in 1966, an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society in 1965, and an Honorary Life Member of the Australian Mathematical Society in 1968.
In 1977, in honour of his eightieth birthday, the University of Tasmania conferred on him an Honorary Doctorate of Science, and the Statistical Society of Australia instituted the Pitman Medal (1979), to be awarded to a member of the Society for high distinction in Statistics.
The conversations recorded here took place in May, 1991, at Pitman's home in Hobart, Tasmania.  相似文献   

颜德纶 《统计研究》2002,19(8):73-75
20 0 2年喜事多。 8月 7日 ,迎来了新中国统计机构成立 5 0周年的纪念日 ,这是我国统计战线上的一件盛事。回顾我国统计工作的发展历程 ,正是在国家统计局和各级政府领导下 ,认真贯彻执行中共中央、国务院关于加强统计工作一系列重要指示精神 ,克服“左”的干扰 ,战胜各种困难 ,不断开拓前进的过程 ,尤其是党的十一届三中全会改革开放以来 ,从人治走上法治的轨道 ,统计制度方法改革不断深化并逐步向国际靠拢 ,统计计算手段现代化程度迅速提高 ,统计学科上升为一级学科 ,大批统计人才脱颖而出 ,为国家制定发展计划、加强宏观调控管理 ,及时提…  相似文献   

The Statistical Society of London was founded on March 15, 1834, with the Marquis of Lansdowne in the Chair. The Society began with 313 “original members”. The Royal Charter was granted in 1887 following its fiftieth anniversary. The number of fellows reached 1000 in 1924, 2000 in 1949, and promises to reach 3000 in the current year.

The Anniversary Dinner was held on March 17, 1959. The Prime Minister proposed the toast to the Royal Statistical Society and the President of the Society, Sir Harry Campion, responded. Other speakers at the dinner were Lord Piercy and Prof. A. Bradford Hill (Past Presidents of the Society), Sir Harold Gillett (Lord Mayor of London) and Sir Maurice Bowra (President of the British Academy).

Dr. Churchill Eisenhart, Vice-President of the ASA, represented the Association at the Anniversary Dinner. The Prime Minister's press release and the banquet program (from which this note was compiled) were transmitted to THE AMERICAN STATISTICIAN by Dr. Eisenhart.

A full account of the Dinner, with the report of the speeches, is to be published in the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A (General), Part III (1959).  相似文献   

许亦频 《统计研究》2012,29(8):15-17
本文将中国统计学会参与的一些重要学术活动做简单的梳理和回顾  相似文献   

The Statistical Policy Division of the Office of Management and Budget has the overall responsibility for the planning and coordination of U.S. government statistics. The present staff of the Statistical Policy Division is attempting, through an integrated publication entitled “A Framework for Planning U.S. Federal Statistics, 1978–1989,” to state its perspective on necessary developments in the coming years. This article illustrates the character of the Framework materials and outlines the process for public review and comment on this undertaking.  相似文献   

An important practical issue of applying heavy tailed distributions is how to choose the sample fraction or threshold, since only a fraction of upper order statistics can be employed in the inference. Recently, Guillou & Hall ( 2001 ; Journal of Royal Statistical Society B, 63, 293–305) proposed a simple way to choose the threshold in estimating a tail index. In this article, the author first gives an intuitive explanation of the approach in Guillou & Hall ( 2001 ; it Journal of Royal Statistical Society B, 63, 293–305) and then proposes an alternative method, which can be extended to other settings like extreme value index estimation and tail dependence function estimation. Further the author proposes to combine this method for selecting a threshold with a bias reduction estimator to improve the performance of the tail index estimation, interval estimation of a tail index, and high quantile estimation. Simulation studies on both point estimation and interval estimation for a tail index show that both selection procedures are comparable and bias reduction estimation with the threshold selected by either method is preferred. The Canadian Journal of Statistics © 2009 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

The paper gives an overview of Directional Data Analysis since my paper of 1975, presented to the Royal Statistical Society. Also, some new directions are indicated.  相似文献   

Tim Holt     
Tim Holt Outgoing President of the Royal Statistical Society. Julian Champkin spoke to him about life and statistical independence.  相似文献   

In recognition of his unique and distinguished contributions to statistics, Professor P. A. P. Moran, FAA, FRS, Foundation Professor of Statistics, Institute of Advanced Studies, Australian National University, has been awarded the Pitman Medal of the Statistical Society of Australia. The Medal was presented to Professor Moran on 26th August, 1982, at the Sixth Australian Statistical Conference in Melbourne.  相似文献   

Occasionally one meets a figure whose memories are of a different era. Stella Cunliffe was president of the Royal Statistical Society from 1975 to 1977. She was, as it happens, the first woman President—the Society has had just one other in the 30 years since then, which might seem on statistical grounds an under-representation. Julian Champkin interviewed her.  相似文献   

何晓群 《统计研究》1996,13(2):24-30
After State Technology Supervision Bureau of China officially approved statistics shifting to First class subject, led by the National Statistical Society of China, the scholars majored in Socio-economic Statistics and Mathematical Statistics began to cooperate sincerely so as to develop statistics in China. Many scholars put forward beneficial suggestions for it. But, there are really some viewpoints to the meditated seriously, this thesis presents some deliberative question aimed of at papers written by Qiu Dong and Ma Baogui published in “ Statistical Research ” 1995. No. 4.  相似文献   

In the early 1840s the Statistical Society of London was active in monitoring and comparing mortality rates in private licensed "mad-houses" and large public asylums. David Spiegelhalter looks at the investigations of William Farr.  相似文献   

Safety first?     
The Royal Statistical Society working party on medical studies on human volunteers made its report on March 13th this year, a year to the day after the disastrous TGN1412 trial left six volunteers gravely ill. Stephen Senn , who chaired the working party, reflects.  相似文献   

Enter the Significance/Royal Statistical Society competition. It is fun, there are prizes – and all you have to do is predict the future. (And then tell us how accurate your predictions are…)  相似文献   

Summary This special issue of the Journal of the German Statistical Society presents 14 papers with surveys on the development and new topics in econometrics. The articles aim to demonstrate how German econometricians see the discipline from their specific view. They briefly describe the main strands and emphasize some recent methods.  相似文献   

Summary The main issues which characterize the current inferential paradigms are discussed. Emphasis is given to the kind of probability that can be used and to the problem of total or partial conditioning. Through classical examples, the major role of conditioning is stressed. Some trends of the main approaches (frequentist and Bayesian) are illustrated and some comments on the completely predictive approach are also provided. Revised version of an invited paper presented at the Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society onMethodological Developments in the Different Approaches to Statistical Inferences, Cagliari, April 3–5, 1991.  相似文献   

潘璠  吕洁  陶然 《统计研究》2012,29(8):8-14
 60年前,国家统计局的正式成立,标志着新中国政府统计机构正式建成运转。回首60年的历程,统计事业的兴衰与祖国命运紧密联系在一起;而统计科研工作作为整个统计事业的重要组成部分,也在曲折与挑战中不断发展和完善。本文从机构人员、科研活动、科研管理、学会建设和学术期刊等五个方面对政府统计科研工作进行了全面的回顾和梳理。今后统计科研工作仍将致力于统计科学的研究与实践,围绕国家统计局中心工作的同时,充分发挥中国统计学会的桥梁、纽带作用,利用杂志等学术平台,不断加强对全国统计科研工作的组织和管理,为我国统计事业的发展发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

The Olympic and Paralympic Games are coming to London in 2012, and there will be huge interest, especially among the young. Could the Games be used to involve students of all ages in a large scale project that involves and interests them to break down their fear of statistics and to motivate learning? Neville Davies of the Royal Statistical Society Centre for Statistical Education appeals for help in a major teaching and learning initiative based on the London Olympics. Significance is proud to announce the launch of a scheme that could bring thousands of students, nationally and internationally, to appreciate and value the usefulness of statistics.  相似文献   

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