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从法律规则运作的层面看 ,司法权威的结构主要是规则、司法主体和司法裁判等权威环节组成的相互作用、不可分割的有机整体。司法权威的结构性集中体现为法律规则及原则的权威由应然到实然的转化过程。其中程序权威、解释权威既是联结法律规则权威和司法判决权威的不可或缺的中介环节 ,又是司法主体和司法判决权威的表现形式 ;而程序权威又与裁判者的中立性和当事人的平等诉讼地位密切关联。应该按照司法权威的结构性要素改造我国的整体诉讼结构。  相似文献   

武玉林 《唐都学刊》2000,16(4):35-38
道德万能论与道德无用论代表两种对传统道德权威不同的审视结果;政治权威对道德领域的渗透,使道德权威变质为一种权威道德;政治权威树立道德权威的过程,抹杀了个人的理性精神;现时代道德权威的缺失,呼唤树立一种合理的新道德权威。这种道德权威应从人们普遍遵守的道德底线出发,注重培养人们的自由观念、民主意识、科学精神,遵循人道原则、公平原则、进取原则。  相似文献   

孙中山顺应了20世纪初世界海洋战略竞争的大前潮,从思想和实践展示了他对海权的高度认知,成为近代中国海权观形成的重要标志。以地缘政治为视角,可以看到孙中山对海权与国家政治、海权与国家经济、海权与国家安全、海权与社会进步的真知灼见,是引导中华民族走向海洋强国之路的思想宝库。中国要想在未来不再重蹈近代的覆辙,就必须加强国民的海洋意识和海权观的教育,逐步把我国建设成为海洋强国。  相似文献   

Children's reasoning about authority in home and school contexts   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The study investigated the development of children's concepts of authority at home and at school. Subjects (35 m, 35 f) in grades 1–6 were asked to evaluate persons issuing two types of commands to children: one which resolves a turn-taking dispute and one which enforces a conventional rule. Persons of varying ages and with varying positions in the family (parent, older/younger sibling, neighbor) were presented issuing commands at home and a parent was presented issuing commands at school. Results show that children's judgments of authority in the home are based more on authority position than adult status; younger siblings with delegated authority positions are accepted as authorities by more children than knowledgeable adults without delegated authority. Children's authority concepts become increasingly more differentiated with respect to the social-organizational positions and functions of persons in authority across grades one to six.  相似文献   

张伟 《阅江学刊》2011,(2):84-87
人文主义教育崇尚理性,重视人性的价值,以建构一个“完人”为目的。教师权威是学校教育权威的集中体现,具体表现为教师对学生的控制和管理,学生对老师的依赖和服从。随着传统的权威时代消失,教师传统的权威也随之式微,教育进程中出现了师生关系紧张与不和谐的现象。因此,有必要从制度的视角和师生关系的视角重新审视教师权威。在教育活动中教师权威的运用需要有人文主义理念的引导。  相似文献   

Using multilevel analyses, we examined the influence of domain (moral, conventional, and personal) and the familiarity of different authority figures (mother, teacher, person in charge, and stranger) in public, school, or home settings in 123 four to seven-year-old Chinese children ( M   =  5.6 years) in Hong Kong. Children affirmed authority more for moral and conventional than personal events, based primarily on punishment avoidance and conventional justifications. Children judged that they should obey mothers more than all other authorities and the person-in charge in the associated setting and the teacher more than strangers. At school, teachers were seen as having more authority over moral and conventional events than mothers whereas at home, mothers had more authority than teachers over all issues. With age, children increasingly evaluated mothers' authority as generalizable across contexts for the moral event; reflecting the importance of familiarity, mothers were seen as having more authority to extend her regulation outside the home, including for personal events, than teachers' authority outside the school.  相似文献   

论民间法的社会权力基础   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
吕廷君 《求是学刊》2005,32(5):78-83
民间法以社会权力为基础,国家法以国家权力为保障。民间法与国家法共同起源于原始习惯,二者的互动与互补既符合历史的逻辑,又符合事物发展的内在规律。社会权力是指以特定范围内的社会主体的同意为基础、以契约为表现形式,并受到一定程度程序控制的社会强制力,具有“同意性”、“契约性”和“多元性”特点。社会权力视角的民间法具有权利与权力的双重属性,具有“冷暴力”、“文化性”和“族性”特征。社会权力的变迁必然引发民间法的发展,社会权力是民间法实效的重要基础,应为民间法与国家法沟通的理性平台。  相似文献   

The concept of authority crosses many social sciences, but there is a lack of common taxonomy and definitions on this topic. The aims of this review are: (1) to define the basic characteristics of the authority relationship, reaching a definition suitable for the different domains of social psychology and social sciences; (2) to bridge the gap between individual and societal levels of explanation concerning the authority relationship, by proposing an interpretation within the framework of social representations. The authority relationship can be conceived as a negotiation of meanings and it is closely linked to shared value orientation and the attribution of meanings negotiated within a society. We assume that the authority relationship is socially constructed and represents both a shared representation of society and a normative principle of social life. A multidisciplinary approach is adopted, crossing definitions and studies provided in sociology, political science, law and social psychology.  相似文献   

农村公共服务社区化是增加农村公共服务数量,改善结构,弥补政府与市场缺陷的重要模式。A社区与B社区是实行农村公共服务社区化模式的两个典型成功案例。它们的社区化模式各有特色:在路径选择方面,一个走内源式道路,另一个走外源式道路;在社会资本运用方面,一个以传统社会资本为主,另一个以现代社会资本为主;在权威作用发挥方面,一个以自然型权威为主,另一个以法理型权威为主。这两种模式对农村公共服务社区化具有重要的借鉴意义,并可得出几点启示:依托"内源"力量,调整"外源"力量;充分利用传统社会资本,积极培育现代社会资本;发挥自然型权威的作用,促进自然型权威与法理型权威的融合。  相似文献   

派性村庄内的农民上访行动兼具个体意志与派性意志的双重特征。农民上访的个体意志使得个体的上访行动具备维护自身利益的内涵,而派性意志使得上访行动具备明显的政治斗争意图。在派性村庄政治下,农民上访变成了派性斗争的工具,国家权力则在上访行动中变成了派性斗争倚重的工具。通过农民上访和国家权力的干预,村庄派性之间的权力格局被重新塑造,同时国家权力也通过对村庄权力结构的塑造及上访活动的回应获得了合法性和权威性。村庄内的派性政治衍生了上访事件,同时也构建了上访事件的再生产机制。  相似文献   

马俊峰 《阅江学刊》2011,3(5):14-19
共同体的稳定发展需要权威的支持,无论这个权威是个人、组织和国家,但没有权威的维系,共同体是很难存在下去的,而无政府主义者反对共同体,认为共同体的存在是对人的控制、支配和压迫,不管怎样,人总是要生活在社会中,这种社会在某种意义上,也是共同体。这样看来,无政府主义者反对共同体的观点本身存在着悖论。  相似文献   

We examined the reasoning of children and adolescents in the island of Macao regarding the bases of legitimate authority across social contexts. We asked 101 children in 3rd, 5th, and 7th grades to evaluate the authority of persons issuing commands to children in two events. In one, persons with varying combinations of authority attributes issue a command that resolves a turn‐taking dispute between children in school. In another, persons with varying social positions issue a command to children to stop playing ball across three contexts: school, home, and a public park. Results show that, although young Macanese reason in many ways similar to American children, social position may be a less important legitimizing authority attribute for them than for American children.  相似文献   

李忠路 《社会》2011,31(2):111-124
本文运用“中国家庭动态跟踪调查”2009年的测试调查数据,分析了目前中国工作权威层性别差距的现状以及影响因素。结果表明:体制外工作权威层的性别差距要大于体制内;在控制人力资本变量的情况下,工作权威层的性别差距非但没有缩小反而有所提升;承担家庭责任是影响女性拥有工作权威的重要因素。  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this research was to examine Korean children's concepts of authority. Children's judgments about commands of persons with varying age, social position, and knowledge were assessed. 48 subjects from the first, third, and fifth grades were presented with portrayals of persons giving children commands regarding two types of events: fighting and a game rule dispute. Subjects evaluated the legitimacy of commands and chose between different persons giving opposing commands. With regard to a command to stop fighting, subjects accepted the legitimacy of adult and peer authorities, as well as an adult without a position of authority. Subjects rejected commands that failed to prevent harm even when given by an adult authority. With regard to a game rule dispute, subjects most heavily weighted knowledge in evaluating the authority commands. The findings show that Korean children do not have a unitary orientation to adult authority, and have implications for an understanding of individuals' conceptions in the context of a cultural ideology emphasizing reverence for authority. A second study, with a group of fifth graders from the United States, was conducted to determine how the game event task or cultural influences accounted for some differences between previous findings in the U.S. and the findings with the Korean children. The second study showed that whereas the U.S. children mainly respond in ways similar to the Korean children, the U.S. children gave more priority to pragmatic considerations; the Korean children gave more priority to the attribute of the authority's knowledge.  相似文献   

郝延军 《唐都学刊》2004,20(5):126-129
政治权威资源包括政治权威的合法性、政治权威的政治整合能力和政治权威的自身素质三个主要方面。清末宪政改革的目的是想通过改革以挽回因内外危机的挑战而不断流失的权威资源,但囿于自身的素质,没有能实现对社会的有效整合,从而使其权威的合法性不断流失。  相似文献   

This study examined reasoning about fairness in gender-related traditional practices in Benin, West Africa. Fifty adolescents ( M   =  15.7 years) and 46 adults ( M   =  33.4 years) were interviewed about traditional practices involving gender hierarchy. Results indicate that the majority attributed decision-making authority to a traditional authority for conventional reasons. However, the majority also judged the practices as unfair, giving moral reasons. In judgments of how to respond to unfair practices, those who advocated accepting the practices gave conventional reasons and not moral reasons. Males took the gender of the protagonist into account more than did females, and males saw traditional male authority as less alterable. No age differences were found, indicating that adults were not more enculturated than adolescents.  相似文献   

冲突的策略——以S市三峡移民的生活适应为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
翁定军 《社会》2005,25(2):112-136
举世瞩目的三峡工程开工已十年有余了,伴随着这项浩大工程的是亘古未有的百万移民大迁移。三峡库区移民属于工程移民,工程移民与投资移民、技术移民有着明显的区别,他们除了得到国家发放的迁移补偿外,几乎没有资金,也不具备现代产业所需要的各项技术和知识,他们大多是贫困山区的农民。他们的到来不仅难以为当地社会的经济带来活力,反倒有可能成为当地社会的负担。不少接纳地的政府并不像对待投资移民、技术移民那样,鼓励他们的到来,而是在国家的指令下接纳了这些工程移民。类似这种指令性的特征同样发生在移民身上,他们不像投资移民、技…  相似文献   

Ninety-five Japanese children (aged 6–12) were interviewed using hypothetical stories to examine their reasoning about parent–child conflicts. Participants were most likely to reject parental authority and to support child's discretion in conflict situations where the parent interfered in the child's personal choice and gave the child commands that violated moral and conventional principles. However, participants were most likely to accept parental authority when the child's wish conflicted with the parent's moral concern. Participants' reasoning was more varied when the child's wish went against the parent's conventional demand. Consistent with their cultural values, participants considered harmonious relationships in evaluating conventional and personal conflicts, but not moral conflicts. Age differences were observed in the endorsement of personal choice. Results suggest that children do not simply act upon their cultural values but also show resistance to parental authority for reasons beyond meeting selfish needs and form differentiated judgments about parent–child conflicts.  相似文献   

行政发包制   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
周黎安 《社会》2014,34(6):1-38
本文试图论证行政发包制在中国作为一种分析政府间关系、官员激励和政府治理的理论框架所具有的独特内涵、价值和意义。行政发包制是指政府内部上下级之间的发包关系。作为一种理想类型,它既有别于韦伯意义上的科层制,也有别于纯粹的外包制,而是居于两者之间的一种混合形态。行政发包制在行政权分配、经济激励和内部控制三个维度上呈现相互配合和内在一致的特征,适合概括中国政府间关系和治理模式的长期稳定而鲜明的特征。提出行政发包制,有助于重新解释许多有关中国政府运行的特征和现象,同时也可以揭示一系列未被现有文献系统关注的政府现象和问题。本文还将行政发包制与“政治锦标赛”理论结合起来,从纵向行政发包和横向晋升竞争两个维度进一步拓展关于官员激励和政府治理的分析深度和广度。  相似文献   

曹正汉  王宁 《社会》2019,39(5):39-79
条块关系是由“条”与“块”分别承担的任务之冲突程度决定的,条块关系的演变也是由任务之间的冲突变化所导致的。如果中央政府需要下属政府机构同时完成多项任务,那么,多项任务之间的冲突将导致条与块的形成,而且,其冲突的严重程度决定了条块关系的特征,即决定了条块结合程度的高低。进而言之,任务之间的冲突程度上升将推动条块结合程度下降;反之,将导致条块结合程度上升。这一观点来源于多任务委托—代理理论,在本研究中得到了油田地区条块关系的支持,即可以解释在六个设市的油田地区条块关系的形成与演变。  相似文献   

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