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<正> 乍一看,题目上这个等式着实令人费解,可它却是无锡小天鹅股份有限公司在实践中形成的经营数学。“小天鹅”用它去指导经营、武装自己,才有了长期和稳定的竞争力。 这个等式的含义即:零的观念,一切从零开始。在一般概念中,“0”意味着没有,但是没有了“0”,就不能产生数学上的无穷变化。  相似文献   

韦立坚 《管理科学》2016,19(11):90-102
利用计算实验方法考察T + 0交易制度对市场质量的影响。实验结果表明,无论是在正常还是异常波动的市场中,相对于T + 1,T + 0 制度降低了日内波动性、增加了日内流动性和定价效率,因而改善了市场质量。这是由于在T + 1制度下,投资者买入股票后,如果当天的市场价格发生较大波动或其预测价格发生了变化,投资者无法进行日内卖出,只能把需要当天卖出的订单累积到下一天早盘集中卖出,从而导致市场价格发生大的波动,如果由此又触发其他投资者的止损点,会导致市场进一步下跌并加大市场波动。T + 0制度则避免了上述问题,使得基本价值波动能够在日内消化,同时活跃的日内交易又改善了流动性,从而提高了市场质量。  相似文献   

利用计算实验方法考察T+0交易制度对市场质量的影响.实验结果表明,无论是在正常还是异常波动的市场中,相对于T+1,T+0制度降低了日内波动性、增加了日内流动性和定价效率,因而改善了市场质量.这是由于在T+1制度下,投资者买入股票后,如果当天的市场价格发生较大波动或其预测价格发生了变化,投资者无法进行日内卖出,只能把需要当天卖出的订单累积到下一天早盘集中卖出,从而导致市场价格发生大的波动,如果由此又触发其他投资者的止损点,会导致市场进一步下跌并加大市场波动.T+0制度则避免了上述问题,使得基本价值波动能够在日内消化,同时活跃的日内交易又改善了流动性,从而提高了市场质量.  相似文献   

新上的一条生产线提前两天安装完成,负责人小江喜滋滋地向我报告.我们直奔安装现场,只见绿的水管、红的汽管和黄的进料管,像集成电路板那样清晰.  相似文献   

Much leadership literature neglects its historical-contextual antecedents and as a result over-emphasizes zeitgeist, or tenor of the time's social forces. This neglect impedes leadership research by encouraging academic amnesia and promoting a strong feeling of research déjà vu among many researchers and practitioners. In this article, we develop a leadership historical-contextual superstructure consisting of evolutionary antecedents, paradigmatic antecedents, purpose and definitional antecedents, stakeholder antecedents, levels of analysis and temporal antecedents, and research dissemination antecedents. We use this superstructure to analyze current work in the increasingly important relational leadership research stream to illustrate how the superstructure's use can aid leadership researchers and practitioners in avoiding leadership déjà vu and academic amnesia and help build a more cumulative field.  相似文献   

"T+1"交易制度下非线性证券价格动态模型及实证   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
考虑我国证券市场的"T+1"交易制度,构建了二维离散非线性证券价格动态模型,分析了模型中买卖者之间的异质转换速度、均值回归战略及传染效应对证券价格动态稳定性的影响,实证检验了我国证券市场的这3个主要因素.结果表明,买卖者之间的异质转化速度导致了均衡价格对于价值的偏离,并且随着传染效应的不断增大,价格呈现出复杂的运动轨迹...  相似文献   

In this paper we propose new lower and upper bounds for the max-min 0-1 knapsack problem, employing a mixture of two relaxations. In addition, in order to expose whether the bounds are practical or not, we implement a method incorporating the bounds to achieve an optimal solution of the problem.  相似文献   

消费者信用评估是金融风险管理和信用产业竞争的一个重要方面.信用评估数据中常带有噪声点,并且其类别是不均衡的.最小二乘支持向量机是一个被广泛应用的分类模型,其模型简单,求解速度快,但鲁棒性差.本文提出了一个鲁棒赋权自适应Lp最小二乘支持向量机模型,能够适应信用评估样本数据库类别不均衡的特点,可以有效处理信用评估数据中带有噪声点的问题.在仿真数据和三个信用数据库上的实证分析表明,本文所提出的模型具有较好的鲁棒性和分类能力.  相似文献   

基于0-1半无限规划的新产品开发计划方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
开发新产品,加速产品更新换代,是企业持续经营和不断发展的重要手段.近年来随着CIMS技术的不断发展,生产管理集成化程度的提高,只对产品作定性的分析已远远不能满足企业发展的需要.本文提出一种新产品开发计划的定量分析方法.该方法将所有产品分为四种具有不同收益曲线与参数的产品类型.每种类型产品的曲线参数由其经济特性确定.在产品量化描述的基础上,给出了一种利用0-1半无限规划(0-1 SIP)制订新产品开发计划的数学模型方法.  相似文献   

In this paper, we compare several 0-1 linear programs for solving the satellite mission planning problem. We prove that one of them presents a smaller integrality gap. Our explanation is based on stable set polytope formulations for perfect graphs.  相似文献   

资源受限是工程项目时刻都可能面对的挑战。由于资源限制,需要将原项目计划中相互之间无优先关系的平行工序调整为顺序工序。平行工序顺序化可导致项目工期延迟,因此需考虑如何使项目工期延迟最小。该平行工序顺序优化问题是项目调度问题,也是排列组合问题,通常难度很大,包括一些NP-hard问题。本文主要研究该问题的一类典型子问题——平行工序顺序对优化,即如何将项目中某2n个平行工序调整为n个顺序工序对,并且对项目工期的影响最小。该问题的总方案数可达到(2n)!/n!。本文借助工序网络(如CPM网络),运用简单的时间参数量化了平行工序顺序化对项目工期的影响,进而降低问题的求解难度,建立了纯0-1规划模型。实验验证了该模型的求解效率,求解100个平行工序规模的问题平均耗时0.2605秒,而求解500个平行工序规模的问题平均耗时10.66秒。  相似文献   

The problems dealt with in this paper are generalizations of the set cover problem, min{cx | Ax b, x {0,1}n}, where c Q+n, A {0,1}m × n, b 1. The covering 0-1 integer program is the one, in this formulation, with arbitrary nonnegative entries of A and b, while the partial set cover problem requires only mK constrains (or more) in Ax b to be satisfied when integer K is additionall specified. While many approximation algorithms have been recently developed for these problems and their special cases, using computationally rather expensive (albeit polynomial) LP-rounding (or SDP-rounding), we present a more efficient purely combinatorial algorithm and investigate its approximation capability for them. It will be shown that, when compared with the best performance known today and obtained by rounding methods, although its performance comes short in some special cases, it is at least equally good in general, extends for partial vertex cover, and improves for weighted multicover, partial set cover, and further generalizations.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the constant rank unconstrained quadratic 0-1 optimization problem, CR-QP01 for short. This problem consists in minimizing the quadratic function 〈x, Ax〉 + 〈c, x〉 over the set {0,1} n where c is a vector in ℝ n and A is a symmetric real n × n matrix of constant rank r. We first present a pseudo-polynomial algorithm for solving the problem CR-QP01, which is known to be NP-hard already for r = 1. We then derive two new classes of special cases of the CR-QP01 which can be solved in polynomial time. These classes result from further restrictions on the matrix A. Finally we compare our algorithm with the algorithm of Allemand et al. (2001) for the CR-QP01 with negative semidefinite A and extend the range of applicability of the latter algorithm. It turns out that neither of the two algorithms dominates the other with respect to the class of instances which can be solved in polynomial time.  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》2005,38(1):104-111


The 0-1 cubic knapsack problem (CKP), a generalization of the classical 0-1 quadratic knapsack problem, is an extremely challenging NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem. An effective exact solution strategy for the CKP is to reformulate the nonlinear problem into an equivalent linear form that can then be solved using a standard mixed-integer programming solver. We consider a classical linearization method and propose a variant of a more recent technique for linearizing 0-1 cubic programs applied to the CKP. Using a variable reordering strategy, we show how to improve the strength of the linear programming relaxation of our proposed reformulation, which ultimately leads to reduced overall solution times. In addition, we develop a simple heuristic method for obtaining good-quality CKP solutions that can be used to provide a warm start to the solver. Computational tests demonstrate the effectiveness of both our variable reordering strategy and heuristic method.


This paper presents an effective and efficient method for solving a special class of mixed integer fractional programming (FP) problems. We take a classical reformulation approach for continuous FP as a starting point and extend it for solving a more general class of mixed integer (0–1) fractional programming problems.To stress the practical relevance of the research we focus on a real-life application in paper production industry. The constantly advancing physical knowledge of large scale pulp and paper production did have a substantial impact on an existing DSS in which mixed integer (0–1) fractional programming is introduced. We show that the motivation to solve a real-life fractional programming problem can provide the basis for a new approach in a new context that has an added value of its own, even outside the given application area. We describe the main characteristics of the DSS, the necessity to develop a non-iterative solution procedure and demonstrate both the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed approach from practical data sets.  相似文献   

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