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In our study, we adopt a comparative-longitudinal perspective on the gender division of housework before and after the birth of the first child, exploiting the first two waves of the Gender and Generation Survey and comparing three countries belonging to different gender and welfare regimes (i.e. Bulgaria, France and the Netherlands). We find that childrearing everywhere triggers a re-traditionalisation, generating a more inegalitarian gender division of housework, yet with interesting differences across countries. Fixed-effect regression analyses of the pooled data show that changes when becoming parents are less pronounced in France with respect to Bulgaria and the Netherlands, more pronounced when she is low-educated. Moreover, when countries are analysed separately, it emerges that it is only in the Netherlands that traditionalisation around first childbirth is significantly lower in couples where the woman is middle- and high-educated compared to those where she is low-educated. Economic, cultural and institutional contexts do matter. Traditionalisation and within-couples polarisation is weaker in contexts where non-traditional attitudes are widespread, social policies are more defamilialising and more explicitly addressed also to men, and where part-time is not the main reconciliation strategy, as in France.  相似文献   

Literacy and the civilization of violence in 19th-century France   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This research focuses on the impact of literacy on major crimes of violence, homicide, and suicide in France, between 1852 and 1914. A time-series analysis shows that declining rates of serious crimes of violence and passion-inspired homicide were associated with increasing literacy. On the other side, literacy and rates of cold-blooded murder were unrelated, and literacy was a positive predictor of suicide. In view of this, and the fact that the negative relationship between homicide and suicide depends on it, literacy, or broader cultural change, such as urbanity, or the education system itself may have been the causal agent in transforming expressions of passion from an explosion of violence against others to an implosion of violence against the self. Overall, literacy cannot be seen to have repressed violence per se. In fact between 1852 and 1914, the increase in rates of suicide in France was almost eight times greater than the decline in homicide, suggesting that literacy transformed rather than depressed death by violence.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 50th annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology in San Francisco, November 1991.  相似文献   

The French state‐levy system of ongoing training at work has not provided greater access for women than the laissez‐faire British system. While headlines figures suggest that women receive more training than men in Britain and that the gap has also closed for well‐qualified women in France, qualitative analysis shows that this does not indicate greater gender equity. The societal effect approach is useful for cross‐national comparison within the sphere of economic organization but must be combined with analysis of the gender order to account for differences and similarities in social reproduction. The case of the insurance industry provides detailed empirical evidence of the issues underlying this, particularly women's availability for ongoing training at work. The situation of women in each country is inextricably linked to a complex interdependence of a multitude of variables, some of which are similar, such as the workings of patriarchy, and some of which are different, such as state configurations of childcare infrastructure.  相似文献   

Case study research from France and Germany reveals that Catholic welfare is revising its mission and its methods. Central points are a different approach to voluntary participation, new public relations, and a rearrangement of public-private partnerships. As a result, Catholic welfare has become activated in both countries. While the shrinking of the overall influence of Catholic charity seems inevitable, there is more creative agency, and less programming by the old stakeholders. The national paths of change, however, differ in that Caritas, defending its service approach, is confronted with a process of de-institutionalization while Secours catholique, though giving particular emphasis to voluntary action is entering into further institutionalization.  相似文献   

法国季节性人口迁移由来已久,且迁移的地域遍及欧洲。欧洲国家对人口迁徙情况进行清查和评估始于1805年法兰西第一帝国时期,当时实行以"血统主义"为原则的国籍制度,其用意在于保证拿破仑军队充足的兵源,这与后来共和政体实行的"属地主义"原则相对立。21世纪初,移民问题成为法国对内政策面临的一大挑战,它与公共安全、国民身份认同、就业市场、欧盟公共事务政策的制订以及在第二代移民中实现法国模式的"共和"与"非宗教化"的融合等重大问题息息相关。欧洲国家之间与欧洲国家之外的人口迁移引发以下问题:欧洲居民的原国籍问题、法国国籍问题、法国公民权的行使问题以及在重组后的家庭种族构成愈加复杂的条件下个人身份的构建问题等。  相似文献   

法国季节性人口迁移由来已久,且迁移的地域遍及欧洲。欧洲国家对人口迁徙情况进行清查和评估始于1805年法兰西第一帝国时期,当时实行以“血统主义”为原则的国籍制度,其用意在于保证拿破仑军队充足的兵源,这与后来共和政体实行的“属地主义”原则相对立。21世纪初,移民问题成为法国对内政策面临的一大挑战,它与公共安全、国民身份认同、就业市场、欧盟公共事务政策的制订以及在第二代移民中实现法国模式的“共和”与“非宗教化”的融合等重大问题息息相关。欧洲国家之间与欧洲国家之外的人口迁移5I发以下问题:欧洲居民的原国籍问题、法国国籍问题、法国公民权的行使问题以及在重组后的家庭种族构成愈加复杂的条件下个人身份的构建问题等。  相似文献   

This paper contrasts and compares the institutional framework for fatherhood and father involvement and the survey evidence relating to fathers’ contribution to childcare and domestic work in the two countries. It shows that while men's contribution to such activities appears to be increasing in both France and the UK, change is slow and father involvement does not necessarily seem to correlate directly either with patterns of female labour force participation or with the support offered by the institutional framework. The authors explore the theoretical frameworks most appropriate for explaining their findings and situate them primarily in terms of Pfau-Effinger's theorization of the gender arrangement (1998, 2002, 2004). The authors conclude that while change in father involvement is slow, the introduction of statutory and organizational work–life balance measures which alter the gender order open up opportunities for negotiated change in the division of the labour in the home.  相似文献   

新市镇作为上海城镇化体系中连接城、乡的关键环节,其地位与功能的确立,其与新城的合理分工、功能互补的作用,对上海新型城镇化的发展十分重要。上海应在建设好新城的同时,将新市镇建设放到与新城建设同等重要的地位,以充分发挥新市镇在新型城镇化中的作用。推进新市镇建设,应采取市场主导、政府调控的模式;应强化新市镇规划,通过政府引导,由研究机构、社会力量等对全市新市镇发展进行全面规划;应在发挥市场作用的同时,强化市、区两级政府的协调管理机制;须走新型城镇化的道路,即按照"集约、智能、低碳、绿色"的要求建设可持续发展的生态镇、绿色低碳镇。  相似文献   


It has been suggested that nationalism is becoming obsolete as a result of globalization and that the role of sports in the making of nations is weakening. Global sport has presented fundamental challenges to local and national sport, but it has also created the opportunity for sport to be more international. The role of sport in terms of reconciliation is rarely mentioned within contemporary discussions of global sport, power, and culture; the same is true for sports' contribution to the process of anti-globalization. This article begins to address both of these issues while at the same time questioning the simplicity of framing contemporary sport purely in global or local terms, which for this author at least is deemed to be a false choice.  相似文献   


The objective of this study is to identify the factors that contribute to the successful or unsuccessful integration of the Chinese diaspora in France. There is already a significant amount of literature that probes into the immigrant experiences of various other groups in France. However, the Chinese diaspora in France has remained insufficiently studied. This study aims to address this gap. The main findings of this study are that 1) unsurprisingly, the older the age of arrival, the less well integrated immigrants are in French society, 2) somewhat surprisingly, the less well integrated an immigrant is, the more likely he or she is going to believe that France is a tolerant and open-minded country, and 3) counterintuitively, the more deeply a member of the Chinese diaspora is immersed in French society, the more likely he or she is going to believe that France is hostile to people of Asian heritage.  相似文献   

Willingness to forgive depending on circumstances was assessed in a sample of 203 15- and 16-year-old adolescents from two different cultures: Western Europe and Maghreb. The material consisted of 48 cards depicting a fight between adolescents. Each story contained five items of information: (a) the origin of the offender (Christian surname versus Muslim surname), (b) the origin of the victim (Christian surname versus Muslim surname), (c) the degree of intent in the act (clear intent versus no intent), (d) apologies / contrition for the act (apologies versus no apologies), and (e) the degree of cancellation of consequences. The overall level of willingness to forgive was clearly different from zero, but was not very high: among adolescents, forgiveness is far from being unconditional. The apology factor appeared to be extremely important: when remorse and apologies are present,it is much easier to forgive. Willingness to forgive extends to the members of the other group. All these results hold true, irrespective of the respondent's origin.  相似文献   

From a critical sociological perspective, this article advances the debate between global schooling with political incentives and local meanings with localized educational practices and supports. It focuses on the role of education policies in the pursuit of social inclusion and social justice, but also shows how local actors adapt and experiment in managing the socio-cultural diversity of the students and the school contexts. First, I show the issues of educational support policies in the French context with a historical background and their re-appropriation by local actors. Second, I present the theoretical framework of my research (2008 to 2013), the methodology and initial results. Last, I analyze the main qualitative results of my comparative research in order to highlight ‘good’ or ‘bad’ educational support practices according to various criteria, starting with interactional socio-cultural posture between different actors.  相似文献   

政治参与是近年来政治研究广泛关注的问题和研究领域,政治参与也产生了有关中国政治研究较多的经验文献。随着我国改革开放和社会主义市场经济的发展。与非公有制经济基础相联系的新的社会阶层开始出现。他们的政治诉求不断增强,政治参与积极性不断提高。研究这个阶层的政治参与,客观分析他们的政治参与的责任意识和影响因素.是采取理性的措施引导其合法有效地表达其利益诉求的前提,也是新时期统一战线要不断研究和探索的重要课题。综述新社会阶层政治参与的理论研究的基础上,利用东莞新的社会阶层的经验数据,探讨了新的社会阶层政治参与的责任意识现状。研究发现,新的社会阶层政治参与的责任意识是其自身主动适应社会生活的结果,但受到多方面因素的影响制约。  相似文献   

This paper examines the findings of research which examined the profile of farms in the French vente directe sector, i.e. farms that valorise their produce with direct processing and sales. In particular, evidence was sought concerning the degree to which vente directe might have a conservation role through helping to valorise traditional low intensity farm produce. The evidence suggests that vente directe can help to support small, low intensity farms in landscapes of high conservation value. However, as often as not, such farms are more unorthodox than traditional—both socio-economically and in terms of farm enterprises. When, occasionally, more conventional farms enter the vente directe sector, they are as likely to exhibit modern, intensive characteristics as they are to follow low intensity farming systems.  相似文献   

多国部队从阿富汗撤出与新总统就职后,阿富汗局势复杂性从两个方面凸显出来:一方面阿富汗面临着安全局势恶化的可能性。军阀战争重启、塔利班卷土重来等可能性是国际社会担忧的安全核心问题;阿富汗大选已尘埃落定,新总统已经就职,但各派政治力量之间的竞争在这次选举后不会平息,旧有的民族、部族、地域矛盾依然存在,滞后的经济和社会发展状况不可能在短期内解决,这是国际社会担忧的阿富汗政治与社会的结构性问题。另一方面,这种情况并不是绝对的。因为,多国部队在撤出后的战略部署以及阿富汗自身安全力量的建设都影响着阿富汗未来的前途。例如,无人机战术的使用在很大程度上压制了各派反政府武装的攻势。阿富汗"天下大乱"的可能性不大,但局部不稳定却是非常可能的。  相似文献   

在新型农村社区建设中,社区建设吸引青年返乡回流,青年成为新型农村社区建设的突击队和生力军,两者之间形成良性的互动关系。从实践来看,青年参与新型农村社区建设,主要表现为思想带动型、就业促进型、项目带头型和社会管理型4种介入方式。共青团组织依托新型农村社区建设的契机,通过组织格局创新、终端阵地建设和活动品牌融入,实现对农村青年的再组织化,成为新型农村社区建设的一支重要力量。  相似文献   

杨晔 《科学发展》2014,(10):9-17
近年来,随着经济体制改革的不断深化,我国的金融机构从一元化到多元化,金融机构之间、金融机构与实体经济部门之间的合作日益明显,合作创新的金融工具不断涌现。我国金融创新系统逐渐由独立创新阶段向合作创新阶段转化。为了避免金融创新系统陷入低效锁定的状态,我国在建设和发展金融创新系统时应考虑以下问题:注重新金融系统的整体科学设计,强调政府主导的强制性创新与微观创新主体主导的诱致性创新的结合,重视新金融系统的环境建设。  相似文献   

The Chinese New Silk Road utopia and its archaeology*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Adam Nobis 《Globalizations》2018,15(5):722-731
In this article, I address the Chinese project of the New Silk Road and discuss its utopian character. I analyse the origin of meanings and values inscribed in the project. In exploring the relationship between the old and new values associated with the New Silk Road, I point to continuities, but also to modifications and innovations. In conclusion, I claim that the Chinese project is a utopia which offers an alternative to the current global order. However, this Chinese utopia is underpinned by the meanings and values of the West’s utopia.  相似文献   

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