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男人醒来的时候,感觉不大对劲。他的头很疼,很沉,迷迷瞪瞪。厨房里传来嘶嘶的声音,轻微,却连成一线,不断钻凿他的脑子。男人想去看,站起来,又一头栽倒。仿佛那是别人的躯体,他的神经,已经不能控制。  相似文献   

正阴雨天,顾客稀少,无所事事。有人掀了珠帘进来,伞礼貌地收在门外。很好看的女孩子,干净的面容,干净的眼神,干净的打扮。说了声你好,便不再打搅她,让她自由地在店里挑选。她仔细地将中意的小物品一一拿起,看片刻,小心地抚摩,又放下。我留意到,她总是先看价钱。  相似文献   

李向春 《公共关系》2000,(12):30-30
去年冬天,北京的气候较往年寒冷,因此,我决定买一条围巾御寒。人民大学附近的一家商场,在周末晚上,顾客总是很多。一层有几家柜台都在出售围巾。产品质量、价格及花色品种都区别不大。我走向一个柜台,那售货的小姐是一位浙江人,一双游动的眼睛及适当的笑容,显示出小老板的精明。她拿出许多条围巾供我挑选。望着这么多相似又不同的产品,我有点无所适从。“这一条黑白相间的比较适合你。”她拿出一条说道:“你这件大衣是黑色的,再配上这条素色的围巾,显得颜色比较统一,而且,黑色格的图案沉稳中显出一丝变化,符合你的青年学者的气质。”。  相似文献   

一开始的时候.我是不喜欢莫莲的。她是我们男生宿舍冯冯的女友,据说美得邪恶。我想我是讨厌她的。因为。我讨厌冯冯。冯冯是我的下铺,他是有钱男子,刚进大学,就开红色跑车来报到,他老爸开一个古董公司,钱多得不得了。于是总有美女围绕在他身边,这很正常。但是,那天,她突然出现。  相似文献   

倏然,这扇被情感尘封几何的智慧之门终于打开。他明白了,所有的季节都将飘零,人又何必愁肠百结呢?让过去的全部过去,从此不再提起。春别一九七七年三月,草长莺飞,乍暖还寒。花儿含苞欲放,柳丝迎风摇曳,梢尖轻点水面,漾起泛泛涟漪。这撩人的春色,注定是个孕育的季节,一切都在萌芽阶段。她,一个12岁的小姑娘,一张白白净净的瓜子脸,挂着一对微笑时才浅出的梨窝。一双大眼睛,闪烁着淡定的眼神,不温不火。今天,她背着用红线锈着"为人民服务"的军书包,牵着弟弟的小手,跟在漂亮的妈妈身后,搭载汽车,又换乘火车,直到消失在冰天雪地银装素裹的茫茫北国,与在军旅中的爸爸团聚(随军)。  相似文献   

一把木梳,原也承载不了岁月的流逝的。她总是随身带着一把梳子,仿檀木的,月牙型。横着放时,像一叶扁舟。六七年了罢?他给她买梳子时的情景,在她的记忆里,还像一幅新油印出来的画。那时,正是春天好时光,花红柳绿,阳光飞泻。他们就快大学毕业了,一帮人,相约着去公园玩。公园门口,长一排柳树,柳树下,  相似文献   

爱情没有"齐人之福",同时拥有两个女人的爱情,其实是一件很恐怖的事。1郑建民有个外号。二先生。开始他很得意,二先生,不知道的以为他这人有多二。其实不是他多二,他长相英俊,像八十年代的三浦友和,他有钱多金,还有自己的建筑公司,而且会三国外语。他早年留学德国,回国后自己开了建筑公司,成为最早的那批有钱人,所以,他不二。  相似文献   

我出生在香港,有一个姐姐。我上小学不久,父母就离婚了。妈妈带着9岁的我离开了香港这个伤心地,远走英国。从此,我和妈妈相依为命。妈妈是很有见地的女人,对我的一生影响非常大。小时候,我对自己的相貌很不自信。17岁时,我的身高已经1.68米,身材也不错,但我还是觉  相似文献   

原来,婆婆的轻视是那么根深蒂固。她不仅轻视母素的贫贱,还包括母亲的富有。一天,见我把玩手机,婆婆的眉毛拧成了疙瘩:"新生儿娇气,有辐射的手机要离孩子远些。还有你刚生产完,身体虚,当心屏幕刺激眼睛。"其实,我只是想给母亲报个喜。孩子落地3天了,我还没给母亲打电话。我每每碰到手机,便会被婆婆阻止。我对婆婆的霸道感到不满,但又不敢拂逆她。刚好手机铃声响起,  相似文献   

正9月,我换了一家公司。办公室是大间,都是隔断的,相互间看不见,但相邻格子间打电话却是听得一清二楚。我左边的同事石斛,是个很黏老婆的男人。"老婆,今天晚上我想吃红烧肉哦。""老婆,那件灰格子的衬衣熨了没有?明天我要穿哦。""老婆,我又馋你的葱油饼了。"刻意压低的声音竟然糯糯软软的。  相似文献   

“做妇女工作,尤其需要爱心、责任心、平常心。”西藏妇联主席江措拉姆说。她做过畜牧专业的技术人员,又在县和工、县委书记等基层职位上接受过历练,2013年进入妇联工作,丰富的履历让她对妇女工作有着深刻的感受。  相似文献   

彝族姑娘何文芳(乌各布吉嫫)出生在四川大凉山。2006年大学毕业后,何文芳来到四川省雅安市荥经县工作。2018年5月,她开始担任荥经县宝峰彝族乡杏家村驻村第一书记。从脱贫攻坚到乡村振兴,何文芳带领杏家村村民在发展高山云雾茶产业上持续发力,使他们的腰包鼓起来,幸福指数不断提升。  相似文献   

从小受家庭的影响,她为自己是党的孩子而感到骄傲。作为党员干部的父母支持女儿到基层工作,她成为了一名排水工人。大学毕业,好几次有机会调换岗位,但她仍然选择留在一线。2020年7月到了退休的年龄,她继续担负着党员志愿服务队队长的责任……她就是黑龙江省哈尔滨市排水集团“荀笑红班组”班长荀笑红。无论身处疾风冷雨的台风口,还是在冰天雪地的街道上,荀笑红靠着共产党员的吃苦精神,带领同伴日夜奋战在清掏维护和抢险排涝第一线上,守护着城市的畅通和美丽.  相似文献   

处置废旧炮弹、处理疑似爆炸物、应对爆炸恐吓……这些都是沈晋侃的日常工作。这位娇柔清秀的姑娘就职于浙江省杭州市公安局特警支队,是浙江省内唯一的女排爆手。  相似文献   

皇城村的王满富是一名普通的农家妇女。她家五世同堂,上有年已过百的婆婆,下有年仅5岁的重孙,共有92口人。2008年王满富被授予全国“敬老爱老中华之星”光荣称号,2010年她家被县妇联评为“十佳文明和谐家庭”。她说,她的家庭很幸福,很和谐,能生活在这样的家里,她很自豪。  相似文献   


The objective of this study is to identify the factors that contribute to the successful or unsuccessful integration of the Chinese diaspora in France. There is already a significant amount of literature that probes into the immigrant experiences of various other groups in France. However, the Chinese diaspora in France has remained insufficiently studied. This study aims to address this gap. The main findings of this study are that 1) unsurprisingly, the older the age of arrival, the less well integrated immigrants are in French society, 2) somewhat surprisingly, the less well integrated an immigrant is, the more likely he or she is going to believe that France is a tolerant and open-minded country, and 3) counterintuitively, the more deeply a member of the Chinese diaspora is immersed in French society, the more likely he or she is going to believe that France is hostile to people of Asian heritage.  相似文献   

This paper presents a tribute to Florence Lieberman, a significant leader in the field of Clinical Social Work, who has been and continues to be highly productive and vastly influential. Throughout her career Florence has published books and articles that result from her intense and accurate concerns about social work practice, and particularly about practice with children. Florences academic career includes 20 years at Hunter College School of Social Work in New York. As an influential member of the Hunter faculty, she has played an important role in shaping the impact of social work philosophy on psychotherapy practice. Starting with her Charter membership in the National Association of Social Workers (NASW), she has been influential in the development of the Federation of Societies for Clinical Social Work (Federation), the National Academy of Practice (NAP), and the International Committee on the Advancement of Private Practice (ICAPP). Leadership, empowerment, and adherence to Social Works mission are themes that Florence Lieberman has enacted throughout her stellar career. The author discusses his experience with her, which illustrate these essential characteristics.Presented at the International Committee on the Advancement of Private Practice (ICAPP) Meeting on June 9, 2004.  相似文献   

采访龚琳娜是在她位于北京国奥村的工作室里。那天,她身穿一件简单的白体恤,盘腿坐在客厅里的一把木质的椅子上,侃侃而谈地说着自己即将出版的新书。新书定在8月出版,书的主题是“自由女人”,讲述的是她在过去12年里经历的蜕变。  相似文献   

In fall 2004, after many years of discussion, the Somerville Youth Council started. Its mission is to create an ongoing process of discussion, critical thinking, and problem solving to develop solutions to the challenges that youth encounter. In order to be an effective voice for youth, the Somerville Youth Council will have a diverse membership, develop expectations of mutual understanding and respect, and ensure that the means of communication builds bridges between youth, decision makers, and all others in Somerville. Owadokun, one of the council founders, has since moved to Nigeria, where she is forming a youth council in her community. Avilés is an active Youth Council youth member.  相似文献   

When a woman is the identified addict or a member of a drug/alcohol abusing family system she often experiences considerably more psychiatric abuse than her male cohorts. This paper surveys some of the representative literature reflecting attitudes and practices imposed on these women. Explanations based on a study of healthy family systems are given with interpretations anchored in cultural rather than sexist phenomena. It is suggested that women need to be understood according to the complex interlocking transactions within family systems.  相似文献   

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