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奉献人物龚全珍有着60年党龄、今年已90岁的龚全珍老人是开国将军将讯昌的夫人。1957年,甘祖昌主动解甲归田,带领乡亲修水库、建电站、兴农业。  相似文献   

党性修养和每一个共产党员息息相关,一个共产党员如果不加强党性修养,将他自己面临着极大危险的同时也将使他赖以存在的组织面临着极大的危险。只有充分认识党性修养的重要性,并持之以恒地加强党性修养,才能永远保持好共产党员的政治本色。  相似文献   

语文课上,太多资料的补充,太多媒体的演示,太多小组的讨论,使得语文课原味尽失,语文课越来越不像语文课。语文教师应还语文课本来样貌,呼唤本色语文尽快回到课堂,让语文课堂找到回家的路。  相似文献   

毛远涛 《老年人》2012,(7):20-22
毛远耀是湖南湘潭韶山冲人。他1925年入团,1929年入党,曾担任八路军印刷所所长、安塞第一兵工厂厂长、衡阳市第一任市委书记、市长、湖南省工业厅厅长和武汉测绘学院党委第一书记等职,为我党的印刷事业、军工生产、城市建设和高校发展等做出了重要贡献。更为难得的是,他还是韶山冲首位百岁老人。  相似文献   

从2014年起,杂志开办了名人家训栏目,先后邀请数十位名人后代与读者分享家风家训,从《开国将军的三字家训》到《张云逸家训:记住你是普通人》,从《陈毅家训:腹有诗书气自华》到《黄克诚家训:当好萝卜占好坑》,深受好评。不少读者反映,随着时代的变迁,生活理念更新换代,人生信条多如牛毛,更容易让人迷失,而真正能催人奋进的则是那些一代代传下来的家训。这不,我们就组织大家一起晒晒自己家的规矩,温暖自己,也温暖家人。  相似文献   

佚名 《伴侣(A版)》2007,(8):24-25
<正>粟戎生说:从幼年开始一直到他当学员、排长、连长、团长、师长,在不同时期父亲都对他有不同的要求。军校毕业后,粟戎生被分配到抗美援越的云南一线,从战士到排长,一干就是四五年,跑了上千次战斗警报,不断地移防,基本上都住帐篷。艰苦生粟裕将军之子粟前明,中将,二炮副司令员,邓小平的妹夫粟戎生,中将,北京军区副司令员  相似文献   

石海 《老年人》2014,(9):36-37
正开国中将饶子健出生于湖南浏阳,一生金戈铁马,浴血奋战,为新中国的建立立下汗马功劳。火头军的成长经历1930年10月,饶子健在学兵队完成军事训练后分配到红二十九团炊事班当上士。本以为参加红军就能拿枪冲锋陷阵,没料到却当了一个火头军,这让他有些不乐意。司务长开导他:俗话说,兵马未动粮草先行,你这个上士就是负责全连油盐  相似文献   

正自由与尊严不仅体现为怎么活,也体现为如何与人生告别。罗点点是开国大将罗瑞卿的小女儿,但她让人们记住的却是另一个身份:推动尊严死公益网站选择与尊严的创始人。从对抗死亡的医生,转身为一名倡导顺从自然死亡的公益人,罗点点走在一条充满误解和艰辛的路上。她说:临终时不做过分的治疗,自然而有尊严地与人生告别,这才是真正归还了人的死亡权。虽长路漫漫,但我愿意坚持到底。  相似文献   

春节过后,随着青壮劳力走出家门外出打工,空巢老人越来越多,作为困难群体,在日常生产生活更需要全社会的关注和关怀。为此,曹县老龄办牵头,协调相关单位,在部分乡镇开展关爱空巢老人志愿服务活动。一是开展生活照料服务。组织志愿者深入空巢老人家庭,了解老人身体状况和生活情况,  相似文献   

佚名 《伴侣(A版)》2007,(9):26-27
<正>张云逸大将之子:张光东——原石家庄陆军指挥学院副院长、少将我感到我父亲的一生几乎跟中国的近代史有点同步。几乎每段历史他都参与到里头去了:推翻满清实际上是反封建;后来又加入中国共产党,选择了马列主义,选择了共产主义。建国之后张云逸大将是广西省委书记,而且被称为懂经济的军事家。老一辈革命家在军事方面的战功或者成就大家心里明白,懂经济的,这个称呼可不一般。  相似文献   

“八年的驻村扶贫让我的脚下沾满了厚厚的泥土,心中盛满了对贫困群众的浓浓真情。对我来说,这既是初心坚守,更是使命担当!”国家税务总局亳州市税务局系统党建工作科副科长、利辛县朱集村第一书记兼扶贫工作队队长刘双燕这样说。  相似文献   

Abstract In this article I explore marriage as a strategy of family migration among a transnational community of middle‐class Jat Sikhs. Family reunification and status aspirations are examined as central concerns of the transnational movement of Jat Sikhs from India to Canada. It is argued that Jat Sikh transnationalism and gender are mutually‐constitutive: migration strategies can construct women, as well as men, as agents of marital citizenship, and in facilitating migration, transnational marriage may transform practices and notions of gender and status. The article is based on preliminary ethnographic research among Jat Sikh brides in Toronto and Vancouver, and forms part of a larger study of gender, modernity and identity in Indo‐Canadian Jat Sikh marriages.  相似文献   

RE-AIM (Reach, effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation, Maintenance) and CFIR (Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research) are complementary frameworks guiding research on dissemination and implementation of evidence-based interventions and factors influencing this process. Faith, Activity, and Nutrition (FAN) is an evidence-based program that increased physical activity and fruit and vegetable intake in faith-based settings. The aims of this adoption study were to quantify state-wide church level adoption rates and congregant reach of FAN in accordance with RE-AIM guidelines, and to explore the association of CFIR-derived constructs of the church inner setting and pastor characteristics with FAN adoption. Church recruitment was documented, and data were collected via telephone-administered surveys from 93 pastors in adopting churches and 60 pastors in non-adopting churches. Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) identified combinations of CFIR-derived church and pastor characteristics sufficient for FAN adoption. As defined by RE-AIM, church-level FAN adoption was 11.7 % and congregant-level reach was 20.0 %. Fourteen pathways to adoption were identified; seven of these featured the presence of a culture of concern for congregant health along with openness to new ideas. Results suggest early assessment of these two CFIR-derived inner setting constructs may help identify faith-based organizations predisposed to undertake a comprehensive, environmental intervention to promote congregant health.  相似文献   

In this article, we apply Peter Berger's theory of religion as a social construct to learn how The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the Mormon Church) advances a heteronormative view of family relationships in the United States using a document titled The Family: A Proclamation to the World. Furthermore, applying cultural studies theory, we examine how believing Mormons negotiate the tension that arises when their secular values compete with those expressed by Church leaders. We argue that, although the Proclamation addresses a number of issues, the Church offers a closed text that emphasizes war narratives in which same-sex marriage is portrayed as a threat to LDS identity and the heteronormative family. This closed text is further legitimized by emphasis on the authority of Church leaders as oracles of God. The study participants largely accept the dominant narrative, and those who reject it, do so with some trepidation.  相似文献   

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