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正近年来,总有一些"腌菜致癌,没营养"、"腌菜含有大量防腐剂,有害健康"的说法,让很多人心生疑虑。请看两位专家为大家揭开腌菜的营养和安全真相。冤情一:腌菜都富含亚硝酸盐,是导致癌症的元凶。腌菜大致分为盐腌菜、暴腌菜(把蔬菜加点盐腌几天,入了味有了脆口就吃的腌菜)、酱菜、泡菜、酸菜和韩式泡菜等几种,由于制作工艺不同,发酵  相似文献   

吕斌 《老人世界》2014,(11):46-47
如君不久前回家小住,总觉得妈妈烧的菜不再像以前那样清淡,每次都咸得她猛喝水,但妈妈却吃得津津有味。当她告诉妈妈菜做得太咸时,妈妈却回答:“没有啊,我吃着刚刚好,再淡的话就没有味道了。”妈妈的身体一向很好,前段时间刚做过体检,基本都“合格”,而前几年妈妈还不喜欢成食呢。如君奇怪了,莫非人越老口味越重了?  相似文献   

李鸿 《当代老年》2006,(5):27-27
她的爸妈是一对盲人。 盲人女儿的童年也有美丽的记忆:她的小号叫小铃铛,因为爸妈看不见,只好在她的裤脚系上铃铛。铃铛响到哪里,妈妈的爱就可以找到哪儿。为攒钱给她买补品,一年又一年,拄着盲棒的妈妈沿街叫卖气球啊气球啊、冰棍啊冰棍啊。她总是不明白:爸妈为啥有不吃肉不吃鱼不吃蛋的毛病,偏爱吃腌菜豆渣豆瓣酱,吃完了,爸爸拄着盲棒又去买回一洗澡盆腌菜,  相似文献   

星期天,三三和妈妈在客厅地板上垒积木,给她的神奇宝贝们码房子,玩得太久,妈妈对三三说:“你去沙发上躺会儿吧,休息一下。”三三爬到沙发上,坐着和爸爸一起看电视。妈妈说:“你躺下嘛,让你的腰放松一下。”说了几遍,三三不理会。妈妈心生一计:“有没有人要吃桃罐头啊?”意思是某人要是乖乖躺下,就有桃罐头吃。  相似文献   

一个寒冷落雨的下午,我回家很晚,独自一个人吃“午”餐。小女儿早已吃过了,但看见我吃,她快乐地凄在我身边,要我夹一筷豆腐蛤她,我给了她。“啊!”她高兴地叫了起来,“妈妈你的筷子好温暖啊!”我愣了一下,才想刘也许因为天冷,菜都炖得滚烫的,筷子也就暖和  相似文献   

星期天,楼上丹丹的妈妈带着丹丹来敲我的门,说丹丹肚子疼,请我瞧一瞧。我摸了摸丹丹的肚子,左下腹有条索状隆起,我问丹丹今天大便了没有,丹丹摇了摇头说 "昨天今天都没拉。",她说话时嘴里带出一股很刺激的味道。我问她吃了什么,她妈妈说:"我给她喝了一瓶正气水。"我拿出一支儿童用甘油栓,告诉丹丹妈妈怎么用,就让她们走了。不过5分钟,丹丹妈妈就高兴地  相似文献   

正每一户人家,都有自己的味道,这种味道,通常是母亲的味道。我母亲擅长做辣萝卜腌菜,她做的辣萝卜一点也不咸,可以边看电视边当作开胃小零食,咬在嘴里咯吱咯吱地响,饶有情趣。我在外面读书工作多年,母亲一天天衰老,某一天,她对姐姐说":我教你怎么腌辣萝卜。"如今母亲去世多年,每年冬天,姐姐都会腌一些辣萝卜,塞满一只大罐头瓶,寄给我。夜晚赶稿困倦的时候,我会泡一杯绿茶,拿小碟装几根萝卜条,写几段文字,吃一小条萝卜,绿皮萝卜被辣椒染得通红。  相似文献   

老妹那天打电话给我:“老姐啊,你快点回来吧。你猜我们家老妈冰箱里全是啥?全是腌菜!什么辣椒酱啊,豆子酱啊,酸豆角啊,腌刀豆啊等等,妈不时打电话叫我去她家拿,可我现在不喜欢吃她做的酸菜了,她手艺真的不如从前了,不要又不好意思,你让我如何回答,我彻底晕菜了!”  相似文献   

怨言娜娜;“妈妈,叔叔的婚礼真隆重,有这么多好吃的,真是吃也吃不完。”妈妈:“这有什么?我结婚时比你叔叔的婚礼更隆重,好吃的数也数不尽!”娜娜噘起了小嘴:“妈妈,你为什么不带我参加你的婚礼呢?”舅妈“你和朱丽娅的婚约解除了吗?”’“他不愿嫁给我。”“为什么?”“我没钱。”“你对她谈到你舅舅很有钱了吗?”“谈了,所以现在她是我的舅妈了。”解除婚约维拉:”你为什么要和沃克解除婚约?”诺娜:“昨天我们去看相,算命先生说我会生两个孩子,但却说沃克会有四个。想想看,那多出来的两个孩子,是他跟谁生的?”要吃…  相似文献   

为了9个村落的妈妈们,郑芬兰在2019年站上了中国妇女手工创业创新大赛的舞台,入围全国32强并获得优秀奖。她通过微信群和偏远村落里的妈妈们分享了这个好消息。郑芬兰感慨地说:“这些妈妈们做着精美的手工艺品,靠自己的双手创造美好生活。这条路,我们走对了!”  相似文献   

1988年出生的杨华在河南省焦作市武陟县城小有名气,因为她创办了全县第一个沙画工作室,被人们亲切地称为“沙画女孩”。  相似文献   

湖北省武汉市第一聋哑学校副校长、舞蹈教师杨小玲用爱心守护着听障孩子的无声世界,鼓舞他们追求更高的人生目标。她还把“非遗”项目引入学校,让孩子们掌握一技之长,也了解中国文化的博大精深。  相似文献   

This article will focus on the biopsychosocial challenges encountered when an individual is disabled at an early age as well as when an individual acquires a disability later in life. Two case examples will focus on the adaptations/life choices that are necessary to adequately meet psycho/social/developmental needs and enhance individual self esteem. The case of Rita, a woman who lost her hearing at age two, highlights the importance of integrating a biopsychosocial approach to understand the multiple challenges and adaptations of individuals who are disabled at an early age. Laureen, a woman who acquired a spinal cord injury during her late teen years, described her struggles as a young adult adapting to a physical disability. Both cases highlight the importance of integrating an ecological/systems framework focusing on a biopsychosocial perspective, emphasizing the interrelationship between biological, psychological, social, technological, cultural and political factors.  相似文献   


This article will focus on the biopsychosocial challenges encountered when an individual is disabled at an early age as well as when an individual acquires a disability later in life. Two case examples will focus on the adaptations/life choices that are necessary to adequately meet psycho/social/developmental needs and enhance individual self esteem. The case of Rita, a woman who lost her hearing at age two, highlights the importance of integrating a biopsychosocial approach to understand the multiple challenges and adaptations of individuals who are disabled at an early age. Laureen, a woman who acquired a spinal cord injury during her late teen years, described her struggles as a young adult adapting to a physical disability. Both cases highlight the importance of integrating an ecological/systems framework focusing on a biopsychosocial perspective, emphasizing the interrelationship between biological, psychological, social, technological, cultural and political factors.  相似文献   

Umberta Telfener is a highly respected figure known for her diverse contributions to various facets of family and systemic therapy. Her leadership style has earned her a reputation as somewhat of a ‘cultural anthropologist,’ reflecting her aptitude for creating connections, establishing relationships, and developing partnerships. Her unique ‘Umberta style’ is known for boundless energy, active leadership, and fierce commitment to challenging the status quo. Despite being in office for just a year at the European Family Therapy Association (EFTA), Umberta has conceived and developed numerous projects, establishing networks with practitioners, and systemic thinkers across the world. Rooted in classical philosophical training, her pursuit aligns with the systematic study of fundamental questions about existence, reason, knowledge, value, mind, and language. Umberta's role reminds one of a ‘Chasqui,’ a Quechua term for a ‘messenger,’ which aptly describes her agile networking skills. She actively communicates and shares vital messages, supporting the international community of systemic practitioners. This paper is based on an in-person conversation held in July 2023 at Umberta's country home in Tuscany. Our discussion delves into her extensive professional experience, from training at the Philadelphia Child Guidance Clinic, being mentored by Boscolo and Cecchin in Milan, to her leadership role as the current EFTA president. Umberta reflects on early pioneers who influenced her thinking and her impactful work with systems.  相似文献   

作为一名钟情于国学的作家、画家和道德经艺术馆的创办者,韩金英习惯于为自己的国学作品配图,这些图也是她对于生命的终极密码的探索。用油画手法表达对易经、风水、中医、智慧的领悟,是她未来不懈的追求。  相似文献   

常沙娜,是被誉为“敦煌守护神”的常书鸿先生之女,她继承了父亲保护民族传统文化的使命,一生致力于敦煌艺术的保护、研究与教育。她幼年时随父扎根敦煌临摹莫高窟壁画,赴美深造归国后,在恩师林徽因的指点下走入工艺美术设计领域,并将敦煌艺术渗透其中。  相似文献   

她是一位卓有声望的敦煌研究学者,一位干练且富有远见的院长,更是一位敦煌遗产的坚定守卫者。她的经历一如她的名字,锦秀而充满诗意——樊锦诗。她拥有惊人的毅力和对敦煌艺术的执著追求,在大西北戈壁滩一守便是四十五年……千年来岁月的无情和掠宝者的贪婪使莫高窟伤痕累累,历经劫难;然而,樊锦诗和同事们始终坚持不懈,守护着这片宝贵的世界文化物质遗产。樊锦诗也因此被人们亲切地称为"敦煌的女儿"。  相似文献   

This case report presents the thoughts and experiences of a professional mediator. The narrative tells the story of a 46‐year‐old Caucasian woman who has overcome numerous barriers only to find herself in the midst of a formidable career crisis. The crisis originated when powerful people in her field attempted to force her to act in ways that were incongruent with her self‐concept and vocational identity. She has come to the career counselor seeking direction and an effective resolution of her career crisis.  相似文献   

This paper has two main parts. Its subject is the complementary experience of teaching overseas students on a Higher Degree course in social work, and of being an overseas student taught on such a course. After an introduction which surveys our knowledge about the experiences of overseas students generally in the UK it describes the particular experiences of a cohort of Hong Kong students at the University of Hull, and then, in a modest experiment with style and form, concludes with a section by two of the authors, Leung (a student) and Harris (an academic who selected and supervised her during her course), which constitutes a personalised account from the perspectives of consumer and provider.  相似文献   

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