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殷墟青铜礼器组合研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
殷墟青铜礼器的组合关系 ,不仅有明显的时代标记 ,而且是晚商礼制的重要反映。殷墟盛行聚族而葬 ,族墓地之间礼器组合可能也有差别 ,西区墓地的礼器组合就有东、西之别 ,东部以觚爵为主 ,西部以鼎簋为主。殷墟时期存在着明显的“财富与地位差”现象 ,这种财富与地位的不相承是在特定的社会环境下形成的。殷墟晚期虽食器比例有所增加 ,但重酒之风仍没有质的变化。  相似文献   

高校职能部门党支部建设是高校党建工作的重要组成部分,而矩阵式支部共建结合了职能部门固态的党支部设置和灵活的合作交流需求,有利于突破职能部门间的壁垒,有利于营造和谐的合作氛围,便于树立大局意识,鼓励职能部门间"协同创新",在项目制合作中,充分发挥支部共建中的教育和引导作用,更好地推进适应社会需求和高校发展的重要工作。  相似文献   

李友钟 《理论界》2014,(7):80-82
社会共生论是分析研究社会现象与问题的重要理论,是社会存在、社会价值、社会进化相统一的理论,具有很强的解释力和指导性。研究社会共生论,除了将其应用于社会现象研究外,很重要的一点就是对该理论本身进行研究,包括其理论渊源。本文从生物学理论、中华传统文化、马克思主义理论、生态中心主义理论、整体论与有机论等方面,对社会共生论的理论渊源进行了探讨。  相似文献   

通过对各个专业涵盖的图书分类界定专业图书范围,由图书馆自动管理系统得到的统计数据,演算藏书比、流通率、流通比、馆藏比、需求率等关联数据,构建专业特征分布一览表和图书利用状况一览表,分析专业藏书分布和馆藏图书利用效果,从中掌握读者阅读倾向,找出藏书建设思路,并阐述了加强数据统计工作对于优化藏书结构、提高服务水平等方面具有较强的科学指导意义。  相似文献   

电子证据的获取成为有效打击跨境网络犯罪的关键所在,由于境内外法律制度的差异,容易造成跨境电子证据收集规则的不一,从而导致刑事司法协助难度加大.利用网络在线提取、网络远程勘验等单边跨境电子数据取证的方式可能会涉及侵犯他国的网络数据主权与国家主权,以及采取强制数据披露制度会使得权利人的合法权益受到侵犯的可能性增大等问题均给跨境电子数据取证带来了挑战.因此,需要在坚持国际刑事司法协助为主的取证方式下、在各国的不同立法中寻求达成国际刑事司法协助的平衡;设立不同的适用条件对单边跨境电子数据取证进行规制,以维护各国的网络数据主权和国家主权;在加强全球数据自由流动的情形下,完善数据披露制度,保障权利人的合法权益.  相似文献   

自1951年《中华人民共和国劳动保险条例》实施以来,我国社会保险征缴体制历经4个改革阶段,结合政策调整背景,在回顾社会保险征缴体制改革历程的基础上,从社会保险征收主体转变和参保缴费两个方面分析了近年来社会保险征缴体制改革的政策效果发现:首先,税务部门统征社会保险费后面临着相关法规不完善、征收优势不够显著和政策弹性不足的难题;其次,社会保险缴费比例仍然偏高且养老保险基金财务可持续性压力呈上升趋势;最后,面对劳动力市场多元化发展态势以及接踵而来的政策变革,企业在社会保险政策认知与管理上将面临新的挑战。因此,从加强税务部门统征效果、设计社会保险缴费综合改革方案和提升企业社会保险综合管理质量三个维度为我国社会保险征缴体制的完善提出政策建议。  相似文献   

征信信息制度是强化社会信用意识,规范市场秩序,促进社会道德良性发展的重要保障。征信制度作用的发挥需要建立在对被征信主体权利尊重的基础上。立足个人征信信息采集和被征信主体权利尊重的层面,探讨个人征信信息采集的实体公正和程序正当性,对个人征信信息采集中的诸多问题进行思考,都有助于科学合理的个人征信信息采集体制的构建。  相似文献   

Secondary data gathered for purposes other than research play an important role in the social sciences. A recent data release has made an important source of publicly available data on associational interests, the Encyclopedia of Associations (EA), readily accessible to scholars (www.policyagendas.org). In this paper we introduce these new data and systematically investigate issues of lag between events and subsequent reporting in the EA, as these have important but under-appreciated effects on time-series statistical models. We further analyze the accuracy and coverage of the database in numerous ways. Our study serves as a guide to potential users of this database, but we also reflect upon a number of issues that should concern all researchers who use secondary data such as newspaper records, IRS reports and FBI Uniform Crime Reports.  相似文献   

~~施闰章佚诗佚文辑存及考释@陆勇强$暨南大学文学院!广东广州510632~~~~~~  相似文献   

王欣欣 《晋阳学刊》2005,(2):126-127
山西历代进士共有3703人,地域分布很不均匀。还有一个现象值得注意,就是一门及第情况很多,除了经济文化原因以外,更重要的原因就是家学渊源的影响。要想科举成功,就得刻苦读书,进士都是从书堆里爬进仕途的,许多进士本身也是藏书家。根据有关文献统计,从隋唐到清朝的山西藏书家中有二分之一为进士,这充分说明藏书和科举有很密切的关系。  相似文献   

一个社会对公共物品的需求比较齐一、比较稳定时,专制政体往往比民主政体更有效率.一个社会对公共物品的需求呈现多元化差异化,且较易变动时,民主政体将比专制政体更有效率.决定民主政体与专制政体的相对效率的另一个重要因素是社会人际关系的结构特征.人类的合作关系有两种基本的理念类型:平等交易型合作和庇护依附型合作.如果交易型合作关系或者说平等--互信的网状平行合作结构的比重更高,那么社会就容易积累社会资本,社会资本越多民主政体的效率往往也就越高.民主政体与专制政体的相对效率还要取决于一个社会的幅员广狭,交通条件,人口密度.  相似文献   

在研究桉树土壤体系的微量元素分布规律中,桉树土壤样品的采集和预处理是研究工作的一个重要环节。在实际工作中,为了获得科学的数据,在借鉴前人经验的基础上,从准备到土壤样品的采集和预处理阶段,采取了一些新的思路和方法,值得总结和介绍。  相似文献   

During China’s Cultural Revolution, a large proportion of urban youth were forced to go to the countryside as a result of the state’s “send-down” policy. Past research has been ambivalent about the long-term social consequences for the Chinese youth who experienced send-down. Some scholars have suggested that the send-down experience may have yielded beneficial effects. To test this claim, we analyze data from the Survey of Family Life in Urban China, which we conducted in three large cities in 1999. Questions available in this data set allow us to ascertain the send-down experience of both the respondent and a sibling and educational attainment at the times of send-down and return. Our analyses of the new data show that the send-down experience does not seem to have benefited the affected Chinese youth. Differences in social outcomes between those who experienced send-down and those who did not are either non-existent or spurious due to other social processes.  相似文献   

消费税是世界各国普遍采用的一种税收政策,我国在1994年税制改革的时候确立并开征了消费税。长期以来,消费税对引导产业结构、消费结构、调节收入、保证国家财政收入方面发挥了重要作用。我国在2006年4月对消费税作了重新调整,论文针对调整后消费税征收过程中存在的征税范围“错位”,税率设计不合理、征收形式和征收环节不透明等弊端,提出了调整征税范围、完善征税环节、改消费税为价外税、适当调整消费税税率等进一步完善消费税的建议。  相似文献   

电子证据收集的基本方法:法律层面和技术层面的分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
电子证据收集的基本方法包括法律层面和技术层面的方法。电子证据收集应当特别注意对隐私权的保护。我国应当赋予检察机关采用技术侦查方法收集电子证据的权力,扩充网络警察队伍,建立网络警察培训机制,推动电子证据收集工作的顺利开展。  相似文献   

Religious disaffiliation—leaving the religious tradition in which one was raised for no religious affiliation in adulthood—has become more common in recent years, though few studies have examined its consequences for the health and well-being of individuals. We use an innovative approach, comparing the health and subjective well-being of religious disaffiliates to those who remain affiliated using pooled General Social Survey samples from 1973 through 2012. We find that religious disaffiliates experience poorer health and lower well-being than those consistently affiliated and those who are consistently unaffiliated. We also demonstrate that the disadvantage for those who leave religious traditions is completely mediated by the frequency of church attendance, as disaffiliates attend church less often. Our results point to the importance of the social processes surrounding religious disaffiliation and emphasize the role of dynamics in the relationship between religious affiliation and health.  相似文献   

实施创新教育,大力培养创新人才是新时期对高等学校提出的战略要求,也是时代赋予高校的重大使命。创新人才的培养是一个复杂的过程,它需要各个方面的协调发展与密切配合,本文通过分析创新教育的内涵、特征与目标以及当前高校教育创新存在的问题,寻找创新教育与创新人才培养的途径与方法,使高校人才培养适应知识经济时代的要求。  相似文献   

We deduce hypotheses from theories on religious change to explain changes in church attendance rates. Using a new dataset with 51 countries across a long period we apply panel regression models, which enable us to test well-known theories in a more strict and dynamic fashion than do cross-sectional studies.Our results provide new evidence for a few old ideas, but also show striking lack of evidence for ideas that appear well-accepted. Tertiary education proved to be a strong predictor of changes in church attendance. Theories about individualization were also supported. The evidence of existential insecurity as a cause of change was ambiguous: economic development and life expectancy showed significant effects but income inequality did not. We found no support for theories on social globalization and social benefit policy. Finally, we found that income inequality and urbanization were driving forces of change during the 70s and 80s, but not since 1990.  相似文献   

移动互联时代崛起中的虚拟社会管理机制建构,是适应理论研究与实践应用需要的应然选择。其中,既要从现代舆情视角出发,对虚拟社会管理机制的概念与内涵进行阐释,亦应厘清管理主体、管理服务对象、工作规章和操作方法等要素;同时,还需对组织合作机制、汇集分析机制、沟通互动机制及管控引导机制等四大子机制进行系统分析。  相似文献   

The collective efficacy literature suggests that neighborhoods with higher collective efficacy have fewer problems of disorder, increased volunteerism, and higher levels of life satisfaction and wellbeing, along with the increased potential for resilience in the face of a disaster. Although perceptions of collective efficacy typically remain stable over time, rapid or sudden social change, such as experiencing a natural disaster, has the potential to disrupt the neighborhood and the individuals within – including their perceptions of the regulatory mechanisms of collective efficacy. Still, the effect of a major disaster on perceptions of collective efficacy remains relatively unexamined. Longitudinal survey data collected before and after the Queensland flood and cyclone disasters permit a unique investigation of the impact of the disaster on perceptions of social control and social cohesion before and after the disaster. Results show that after this major natural disaster, respondents who were proximately affected reported decreased levels of collective efficacy. Also, persons who experienced the biggest decrease in perceived collective efficacy were those that had lower levels of collective efficacy prior to the disaster. We discuss the mechanisms surrounding disaster preparedness, response, and recovery that may contribute to changing perceptions of collective efficacy.  相似文献   

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