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Persons who are relatively younger have a comparably higher incidence of crime victimization than those who are older. Comparative studies of crime rates among those 65 and older with those for younger persons across time are virtually nonexistent. This study provides these analyses. Data from the National Crime Victimization Survey are used to study the relative victimization rate among US elders. Macroeconomic indicators and environmental interventions were included to examine whether structural forces influence elder crime victimization rates. Such influences are fractionally cointegrated with the long-term elder property and personal crime rates, with each having a distinct data-generating process. The results of these analyses suggest that personal, but not property, crime rates have declined since the passage of the Crime Bill of 1994. As well, the summer months are associated with elevated rates of property crime committed against elders but not personal crime.  相似文献   

Self-protective behaviors are actions that victims take in a violent encounter to thwart the attack or avoid/minimize injury. This study examines the predictors of self-protective behaviors in non-sexual assault incidents with a particular focus on how the sex of the victim may moderate these conclusions. Non-sexual assault incidents in the National Crime Victimization Survey were analyzed (n = 16,309) and four categories of self-protective behaviors were regressed on a variety of predictors using multivariate probit models. A variety of pre-assault factors (e.g., demographic characteristics), situational characteristics (e.g., location of assault), and the relationship between the victim and offender are associated with the use of resistance. Situational characteristics emerged as the most consistent and strongest predictors of self-protective behaviors. There was little evidence to suggest that separate models for male and female victims were warranted.  相似文献   

Outside several notable exceptions, few studies have examined variations in bias crime occurrences across American communities, and how community-level factors may differentially shape violent and non-violent bias crimes across victim groups. Drawing from ecological theories of crime, this study asks, (1) what are the structural predictors of the likelihood of bias homicide occurrences? and (2) how do structural predictors differ across bias victim groups? To answer these questions, data on bias homicide are derived from the United States Extremist Crime Database (ECDB) for the years 1990 through 2014 and paired with socio- structural variables from the United States Census Bureau. Results are discussed relative to the goals of understanding where fatal bias crimes are more likely to occur as a means of informing law enforcement and policymakers interested in preventing and responding to this specific form of crime.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the concept of multiple discrimination and its measurement through survey methods. The study was designed as a quasi-experimental comparison of survey mode effects on the quality of discrimination measurement: the traditional ‘face-to-face’ survey, the conventional self-completed mode and CAWI (finally deleted due to its non-comparability). Consistent with our hypothesis, some support was obtained for the social desirability bias and survey mode effects: 1) self-administration of questionnaires favours the declaration of discriminatory attitudes and personal experiences of discrimination; 2) the effect of privacy is greater in direct indicators of discriminatory attitudes; 3) perceptions and experiences of discrimination are more frequently reported by highly educated respondents. Nevertheless, contrary to our expectations, less educated respondents are also affected by survey mode and continue to be underrepresented in self-completed methods. The current research aims to serve as a basis for further research in this area.  相似文献   

In recent years multidimensional scaling and conjoint measurement have provided a variety of techniques for data analysis and display. This paper applies some of these procedures to the portrayal of individuals' perceptions and attitudes toward intracity transportation modes and mode users. Conjoint measurement is compared to the experimental vignette as a way to measure the components of status impressions in the context of transportation mode selection.  相似文献   

王英津 《学术探索》2012,(10):20-24
"两德模式"和"一国两制"港澳模式均为二战后国际社会出现的两大和平统一模式,应该说,两者都是成功的国家统一模式。但两者的特点有所不同,前者的特点表现为联邦制、激变性和一国一制,而后者的特点表现为单一制、渐进性和一国两制。两者都是基于现实条件而做出的科学选择,各有其利弊。以上两种模式的比较,可以帮助我们更全面、更客观地理解和评价"一国两制"港澳模式。  相似文献   

In this paper, I use data from the General Social Survey, FBI Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics, and other sources to consider differences in attitudes about punishment among four groups—Black men, Black women, White men, and White women—as well as how these differences vary according to county crime rates. Centering my expectations about group-specific attitudes within conflict theory and prior empirical findings, I am guided by the presumption that race and gender are cultural categories that shape attitudes about punishment by influencing our interactions with the criminal justice system, and that the meaning of these cultural categories varies by context. Analyses provide some evidence that race, gender, and context interact to shape attitudes about punishment. Overall, this research improves our understanding of group differences in punitive attitudes and of the cultural context in which the US system of incarceration operates.  相似文献   

Challenges to survey data collection have increased the costs of social research via face-to-face surveys so much that it may become extremely difficult for social scientists to continue using these methods. A key drawback to less expensive Internet-based alternatives is the threat of biased results from coverage errors in survey data. The rise of Internet-enabled smartphones presents an opportunity to re-examine the issue of Internet coverage for surveys and its implications for coverage bias. Two questions (on Internet access and smartphone ownership) were added to the National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG), a U.S. national probability survey of women and men age 15–44, using a continuous sample design. We examine 16 quarters (4 years) of data, from September 2012 to August 2016.Overall, we estimate that 82.9% of the target NSFG population has Internet access, and 81.6% has a smartphone. Combined, this means that about 90.7% of U.S. residents age 15–44 have Internet access, via either traditional devices or a smartphone. We find some evidence of compensatory coverage when looking at key race/ethnicity and age subgroups. For instance, while Black teens (15–18) have the lowest estimated rate of Internet access (81.9%) and the lowest rate of smartphone usage (72.6%), an estimated 88.0% of this subgroup has some form of Internet access.We also examine the socio-demographic correlates of Internet and smartphone coverage, separately and combined, as indicators of technology access in this population. In addition, we look at the effect of differential coverage on key estimates produced by the NSFG, related to fertility, family formation, and sexual activity. While this does not address nonresponse or measurement biases that may differ for alternative modes, our paper has implications for possible coverage biases that may arise when switching to a Web-based mode of data collection, either for follow-up surveys or to replace the main face-to-face data collection.  相似文献   

分析聚众斗殴罪的犯罪构成要件,一一探讨其加重情节,对聚众斗殴罪的转化犯的条件提出自己的意见.  相似文献   

战争罪是与战争紧密联系的国际犯罪,指在战争或者武装冲突中严重违反战争法规或惯例规则、严重侵犯国际人道主义法的行为,被认为是应予以惩治的最严重的国际犯罪之一。第二次世界大战结束之后,通过对发动和组织战争的首要战犯进行国际刑事审判,国际社会扩充对战争罪的认识。随着前南和卢旺达国际刑事法庭的审判实践,在适用战争罪时有所突破。在综合先前的国际性法律文件的相关规定之基础上,《罗马规约》将战争罪列为国际刑事法院所管辖的核心罪行之一,并且以专门条款详细地规定关于战争罪的定义和具体表现形态。  相似文献   

海峡两岸民商事司法协助迄今已历经分别立法模式和民间协议模式。《海峡两岸共同打击犯罪及司法互助协议》和《海峡两岸经济合作框架协议》的签署为海峡两岸民商事司法协助模式的发展提供了新的契机。在海峡两岸政治、经济、文化等因素的共同作用下,民间协议模式在较长时间里继续存在,官方协议模式及统一立法模式将在条件成就时生成。  相似文献   

我国城市土地物权制度的特殊结构决定了我国城市房屋拆迁模式必然异于发达的市场经济国家。在我国立法可以采取的三种城市房屋拆迁模式中,包含有四层复杂法律关系的政府主导型拆迁模式最适合我国国情。因此,我国未来城市房屋拆迁立法应以政府主导型拆迁模式为基础,并以协商型拆迁与折衷型拆迁模式为补充。  相似文献   

Latent class analysis (LCA) has been hailed as a promising technique for studying measurement errors in surveys, because the models produce estimates of the error rates associated with a given question. Still, the issue arises as to how accurate these error estimates are and under what circumstances they can be relied on. Skeptics argue that latent class models can understate the true error rates and at least one paper (Kreuter et al., 2008) demonstrates such underestimation empirically. We applied latent class models to data from two waves of the National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG), focusing on a pair of similar items about abortion that are administered under different modes of data collection. The first item is administered by computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI); the second, by audio computer-assisted self-interviewing (ACASI). Evidence shows that abortions are underreported in the NSFG and the conventional wisdom is that ACASI item yields fewer false negatives than the CAPI item. To evaluate these items, we made assumptions about the error rates within various subgroups of the population; these assumptions were needed to achieve an identifiable LCA model. Because there are external data available on the actual prevalence of abortion (by subgroup), we were able to form subgroups for which the identifying restrictions were likely to be (approximately) met and other subgroups for which the assumptions were likely to be violated. We also ran more complex models that took potential heterogeneity within subgroups into account. Most of the models yielded implausibly low error rates, supporting the argument that, under specific conditions, LCA models underestimate the error rates.  相似文献   

作为世界发展模式体系中的新模式,中国模式的内涵和特征有别于西方模式,它是中国应对全球化挑战的发展战略与治理模式,是中国为实现现代化作出的战略选择.中国模式的形成不仅为社会主义国家、也为其他发展中国家和发达国家提供借鉴.中国模式引来世界许多国家效仿和实践,他们的多层次性实践表明中国模式具有一定普适性.  相似文献   

叙述一个关于光的偏振的实验,介绍主要的实验原理、实验仪器以及实验的基本步骤,其中着重讨论如何通过偏振片和1/4波片对不同偏振态的光进行鉴别;以及对1/4波片和对1/2波片的作用进行分析及验证,最后对实验结果进行了分析.  相似文献   

对非国家机关工作人员行贿罪首次规定在我国现行《刑法》第164条当中。其客体是公平竞争的市场交易秩序和公司、企业或者其他单位的工作人员职务行为的不可交换性。其所谓财物,包括一般意义的财物和财产性利益。《刑法》第164条存在片面性,应该对索贿的情形作出规定。谋取不正当利益在对非国家机关工作人员行贿罪中并非指利益本身违法,而是指获得利益的手段违法。只要行贿的对象是非国有单位的公司、企业或者其他单位的工作人员,在具备其他构成要件的情况下就构成对非国家机关工作人员行贿罪,至于其主体的性质则不是决定定罪的条件。  相似文献   

在汉初确立大一统国家统治思想形态问题上,黄老之学主张兼收并蓄,而其所以可能需要有道和道家的独尊。“小察”与“大理”之分是以道独尊的天道依据,人欲可因论则是道家独尊的人道依据。然而理论和现实的制约使得道家的虚体式的独尊不可能成为理想的统治思想模式。  相似文献   

陈慈幸 《晋阳学刊》2014,(4):90-101
为在刑事程序当中抚平被害人的创伤,经学界、实务界多方讨论,台湾终于于2009年7月核定「法务部推动修复式正义-建构对话机制、修复犯罪伤害计划」,并2010年9月1日起于台湾本岛当中数个检察署进行试行方案至今。本文拟就目前台湾实务所实施之修复式司法实务进行聚焦,并以实际实务文献进行铺陈,主针对修复式司法于目前台湾实际运作状况进行探讨  相似文献   

由于刑事立法对伪造货币罪是采用简单罪状的表达方式 ,因而刑法理论中对其构成要件的表述可谓仁者见仁 ,智者见智。这种局面显然不利于司法实践中准确认定和打击伪造货币犯罪。为了统一定罪标准 ,本文从学理的角度对伪造货币罪的直接客体、客观要件、主观要件以及伪造并持有、使用货币的定性这四个存在争议的疑难问题作探讨 ,阐述自己浅见 ,以期对刑事立法与刑事司法认定有所帮助  相似文献   

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