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人肉搜索:天使还是魔鬼 2008年6月16日,天涯社区一篇名为《我就喜欢做二奶,我觉得我现在的生活就很好啊!》的帖子,成为了网友关注的焦点。一ID为“菊花香香儿1986”的网友在帖中炫耀其成为当地某高官“二奶”后的种种好处,引来了数万网友的激烈留言。随后有网友在同一论坛抛出人肉搜索帖《菊花香香儿1986照片,欢迎提供线索》并附照片,指出成都人“静儿”就是“菊花香香”。自此,大量网友开始对“静儿”进行人肉搜索,不但公布其本人的生活照片、住址、手机号码等一系列隐私信息,而且其家人的信息包括她四岁儿子的照片都被公布到了网上。  相似文献   

人肉搜索:天使还是魔鬼2008年6月16日,天涯社区一篇名为《我就喜欢做二奶,我觉得我现在的生活就很好啊!》的帖子,成为了网友关注的焦点。一ID为菊花香香儿1986的网友在帖中炫耀其成为当地某高官二  相似文献   

25岁的法国记者Christina Lionnet 2002年11月来到中国新华社工作。如今在中国已经一年了。她回顾了自己初到中国时的感受,并向读者讲述她眼中这个飞速发展、多姿多彩的国家。  相似文献   

她加入日本国籍,但一直以华裔为荣;她在北京大学汉语中心留学一年半,会说一口流利的中国话;她生了一对双胞胎,给他们起了很中国的名字。2010年6月,日本新首相菅直人先是决定任命她为消费者行政兼少子化大臣,后改成担任行政革新大臣!  相似文献   

苏丹大使夫人娜迪雅·阿瓦德非常钟情中国陶瓷,陶瓷艺术品在她的家里随处可见。谈起在中国 生活的这一年,她说留给她的印象极为深刻。文中,她为我们讲述了中国与苏丹在众多方面的异 同之处。  相似文献   

郎溪 《伴侣(A版)》2014,(3):10-12
19年前,她跟随留学回国的丈夫嫁到了中国,公婆并不太能接受她的热情。丈夫因病离世后,她做出令人吃惊的举动:留在中国,照顾老小。6年后,中国公婆完全读懂了她,公公赵希才的一篇《我家的洋媳妇》打动了无数人。"她汉语说得不好,也不太懂中国的传统礼仪。可她在丈夫走后,担负起了照顾全家人的责任,她以自己的方式诠释着什么叫爱,什么是真正的孝顺。"  相似文献   

出生在北京的米歇尔·刘曾在中国拿到硕士学位并工作过两年。之后她便只身前往美国攻读第二个硕士学位。她一毕业便在纽约金融中心找到了一份工作。如今,尽管想念在中国的家人,心爱的事业还是把她留在了美国。  相似文献   

她是中国第一位在维也纳金色大厅举办独唱音乐会的通俗歌手;她是中国第一位通俗唱法的硕士学位获得者;她以标志性的跨界风格而著称,被视为"东方的"莎拉·布莱曼;她被中国儿童少年基金会评为"慈善之星",并担任了"春蕾计划"形象大使;在2006年底多哈亚运会闭幕式上,她以一曲《中国之约》再次让世界领略了中国音乐的魅力……她便是军旅歌唱家谭晶,有人称过去的一年为"谭晶年"。  相似文献   

中国第—家以妇女儿童为主题的国家级博物馆于2010年1月10日正式开馆了!她是一座标志中国妇女儿童事业发展的里程碑;她是一座展示和传承优秀女性文化、陶冶思想情操的教育基地。从2004年6月批准立项,历经5年多的时间,无数筹建者的辛勤劳动与汗水让她花团锦簇,尽情绽放!  相似文献   

"要我放弃这两个老人,你就不值得我嫁。"陆玉珍,广西靖西县一名普普通通的女子,自愿上门去赡养两个非亲非故、无依无靠的老人:为了让老人得到照顾,她拒绝了众多男子的求婚,30年来一直单身。她书写了旷世奇有的大爱。因为她的大爱,网民称她是"中国的女儿"。2008年11月,陆玉珍被民众选入中国文明网举办的"中国好人榜"。  相似文献   

Thelma is frustrated. She wants to go away for the weekend but approaching her husband with the idea seems impossible. Feeling annoyed, irritated, and trapped by her inability to discuss her plans, she yells at him instead. Responding in a tone that is both controlling and parental, he admonishes, "Didn't I tell you not to yell at me." As if she had forgotten about her feelings and her needs, she meekly replies, "I'm sorry, I didn't want you to be late." For those not familiar with the movie Thelma and Louise , Thelma does eventually summon up enough courage (with the support of her friend Louise) to leave, escaping from her chauvinistic and abusive husband on an exciting albeit brief adventure.  相似文献   

I have worked in all areas of nursing, from staff and head nurse positions to faculty and administrative positions, but my work as a parish nurse, particularly with our community of older adults, is one of the most challenging and rewarding areas of nursing practice I have ever experienced. Recently, one of our independent older adult parishioners, Marge, suddenly had a marked decrease in her ability to function, which was precipitated by two trips to the hospital and surgery. She went from living independently to living in a skilled care unit, no longer able to walk or perform activities of daily living without assistance. I had known Marge for only 2 years. When she became ill, I visited her weekly during the last 4 months of her life, as she had no family in the area. During my visit one evening as I helped Marge get ready for bed, she left me with a very poignant memory. After sharing some hair-raising stories about her care at this facility, she said, "Georgine, you're my best friend. You're the only one I can tell these things to and I know you understand."  相似文献   

“她对谁都一视同仁,谁有困难她就帮助谁,谁家有困难她就上谁家去。”“有什么问题就找她聊天呀,有什么不开心说一说,就好了……”在宁夏回族自治区中宁县大战场镇东盛村,如果跟村民打听姬秀花,听到的都是这样质朴又真心的夸奖。不惑之年的姬秀花在村里有如此好的口碑,故事还要从20多年前说起。  相似文献   

In Australia cochlear implantation of profoundly deaf infants, babies, and young children is approaching 100% saturation. Why do parents choose to implant rather than learn Auslan? What is the Deaf community’s reaction to this and how will it change Sign as a living language? In this article, the author is a Deaf parent who chose to implant her Deaf child. When she initially published in a news outlet on this topic the reaction was quite heated: how terrible a parent you must be if you are denying your child Sign! This article explains the reasoning behind that decision to implant, taking issue with the notion that giving a child an ‘extra ability’ of speech means that you do not love them as they are. Nothing is natural, but everything is acquired or augmented – in all children.  相似文献   

26岁的黄诗琦为87岁的外婆拍摄了两组照片,上传到网上后感动了众多网友。一组是外婆去年初的样子:活泼可爱,健步如飞;另外一组是她外婆去年8月突发脑溢血后,现在的样子:神情恍惚,几乎站不起来。“还是那个地方,但外婆已经不是当初的外婆……你答应过要等我结婚生子,所以你要好好活着,健康活着……2014年,我们一起努力,孝不能迟。”黄诗琦为这些图片配上“最珍贵时刻”的标题。  相似文献   

This article is a personal tribute to working with Joan Acker. I worked with Joan in 2012, helping to edit her own thoughts and reflection on how other academics evaluate and used her own theorizing, specifically her seminal work on the gender substructure and inequality regimes. However, while this article is a tribute to Joan, her work and her thinking; it is also a personal thank you to someone I will miss for her generosity and also her activism in challenging inequalities in organizations and beyond. She continues to inspire me and hopefully others to challenge for social justice. In her 80s, Joan remained committed to addressing inequalities in social relations and how these were experienced within a dynamic social and work environment. During our collaboration, she called upon academics to put theory into practice to help address visible and invisible inequalities in organizational processes. This article is inspired by that experience and it will reveal Joan's views about her own, and other academics, theorizing of her two key concepts: the gender substructure of organizations and inequality regimes in organizations and the overlap with intersectionality. This article will offer a unique opportunity to gain insight into Joan's thinking as an academic sociologist as well as a feminist activist thereby uniting Joan as a person with her concepts.  相似文献   


I have written this paper with the intention of reading it out loud to you. As I was writing this paper, I imagined your skin, that soft outer membrane of your body. I imagined my tongue moving to shape my words, all the while carefully shifting my teeth out of the way. I imagined having these words thump under your skin and tremble your presence to the beat of our hearts. Because this paper was supposed to have you feel me and my people. And by “my people,” I truly mean everyone around me, including you. So, this paper is essentially about us, you and me. You know, I just had a feeling that you might know us, but you do not feel us. I just had a feeling that you have got to feel how we are. … Do you hear me? Because, only then, can we finally, start.  相似文献   

什么样的爱情才能打动你.什么样的爱情才能亘古流传?20世纪50年代.为了躲避世人的流言.一对恋人携手私奔至深山老林。为了让妻子出行安全.丈夫在悬崖峭壁上苦心打凿石梯通向外界,如今已有6000多级,被称为爱情天梯。半个世纪以来.他们远离一切现代文明.在与世隔绝的深山里过着刀耕火种的原始生活.和他们相伴的,只有蓝天白云、大山荒坡、古树野猴……  相似文献   

1970年出生的吴旭,是个土生土长的“川妹子”,她对家乡以及这片土地上的妇女姐妹有着深厚的感情。在她看来,四川是中国国情的一个缩影,多民族、地域辽阔、地理复杂,且全省4500多万妇女60%左右在农村,造成妇女需求多元化、妇女工作点多面广,挑战极大。她希望可以借鉴各国在管理和服务妇女方面的工作经验,努力建设服务型、学习型的妇联组织,为发展当地妇女事业争取更大的空间。  相似文献   

I write to speak of silencing and the suffering of survivors of domestic abuse in the family courts of England and Wales and the struggle to find a voice to articulate the hardship faced in this lockdown through court. It has taken the whole period of lockdown to find the words, the courage to keep writing, even as tears stream down my face, even as I sit in a virtual court hearing, even as my voice breaks as I fight to be heard. This text is a glimpse into a world that is hidden in plain view, where I will share fragments of my lived experience. I am scared to write but know I speak or am lost in the silent void that I have known for too long. Domestic abuse and the taboo around it screams at me to remain unseen, hidden, and invisible. I keep returning to find the words, as the very real cost of not naming the violence and reaching out to speak through it is too high. The fragmented account that follows is a raw telling of living life through the court system; it is written to share a voice that was unheard in the family law court and has been minimized, side-lined, ordered, and silenced through 3 years of the court journey and the embodied effects this has had. It moves between space and time to show a journey endured. Can you hear me? Will you bear witness?  相似文献   

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