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This study investigates whether the mechanisms why education is rewarded vary across countries. Do educational institutions affect the likelihood that support for a particular mechanism is found? Combining IALS survey data and OECD statistics on educational institutions, it was shown that the effect of measured skill on earnings - controlled for educational attainment - is lower in countries where educational institutions produce skills relevant for work through the vocational system. This indicates that the human capital perspective on education works particularly well in vocationally oriented educational systems, as the skills generated in education are strongly overlapping with the skills that are rewarded. An alternative mechanism sees education as a means for social closure through credentialization. Under the credentialization model, education is not primarily rewarded for the productivity-enhancing skills it entails, but rather for reasons unrelated to productivity. Following this theory education is used for selection into the organization, after which directly observable skills are determining wages. Assuming that a strongly differentiated educational system creates boundaries between social groups, it is hypothesized that strongly differentiated systems lead to stronger measured skill effects. We do not find support for this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Immigrant children's ambitious educational choices have often been linked to their families' high level of optimism and motivation for upward mobility. However, previous research has mostly neglected alternative explanations such as information asymmetries or anticipated discrimination. Moreover, immigrant children's higher dropout rates at the higher secondary and university level suggest that low performing migrant students could have benefitted more from pursuing less ambitious tracks, especially in countries that offer viable vocational alternatives. We examine ethnic minority's educational choices using a sample of academically low performing, lower secondary school students in Germany's highly stratified education system. We find that their families' optimism diverts migrant students from viable vocational alternatives. Information asymmetries and anticipated discrimination do not explain their high educational ambitions. While our findings further support the immigrant optimism hypothesis, we discuss how its effect may have different implications depending on the education system.  相似文献   

二十一世纪需要的人才是高素质人才,实施素质教育是高素质人才培养的保证。全面推进素质教育要从转变教育观念出发,从对国家、对民族的未来负责的高度确立正确的人生观、办学观、教育质量观、素质教育观,从思想中排除实施素质教育的障碍。同时要改善教育环境、建立评估机制、推进教学改革。  相似文献   

柴渭  赵颖 《学术探索》2013,(3):150-153
在中国高等教育进入大众化阶段后,人才培养质量的提升成为高校改革的中心工作。与此相适应,高校学生工作的内涵较之过去发生了显著变化,伴随着教育教学改革、学生群体特征的变化以及社会对人才需求的全面与多元化,使得承担高校学生工作主要任务的辅导员队伍面临新的挑战。如何以学生成长为导向,转变工作理念、调整工作方式、提升工作水平,在高校育人工作中发挥积极有效的作用,是新时期辅导员队伍建设的主要内容和目标。  相似文献   

Research on depression and education usually focuses on a unidirectional relationship. This paper proposes a reciprocal relationship, simultaneously estimating the effects of depression on education and of education on depression. China, which has the world's largest education system, is used as a case study. This paper applies structural equation modeling to three datasets: the China Family Panel Studies, the China Education Panel Survey, and the Gansu Survey of Children and Families. Analyses reveal a reciprocal and negative relationship between depression and educational outcomes. Specifically, early depression reduces later educational achievement, and higher educational achievement also lowers the level of subsequent depression by resulting in less peers' unfriendliness, less pressure from parents' expectations, and less teachers' criticism. More time spent on studies is not associated with higher educational achievement but significantly increases the level of depression. Children from lower SES families bear more pressure and spend more time on studies, which does not correspond to higher educational achievement but rather to higher levels of depression. In the long term, prior depression lowers educational attainment and, after controlling for prior depression, lower educational attainment is also associated with higher levels of subsequent depression. This paper shows that the lower achievers, not the high achievers, bear the major psychological burden of the education system's quest to produce high achievement. This situation reinforces these students' educational disadvantage.  相似文献   

构建民办高校教育教学质量管理保障体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伴随着我国高等教育的大众化,高等教育质量保障问题日益成为人们关注和研究的焦点。民办高等教育作为我国高等教育的组成部分,教育教学质量尤其成为其赖以生存的必要条件,关系到招生和就业等一系列现实环节。本文从民办高等教育教学质量管理保障体系的内涵和构成入手.阐述当前民办高校教育教学质量的现状,指出当前民办高校教育教学质量保障的六个重点。  相似文献   

In this paper we use new data on Danish monozygotic (MZ) twins to analyze the effect of cultural capital on educational success. We report three main findings. First, cultural capital has a positive direct effect on the likelihood of completing the college-bound track in Danish secondary education. Second, cultural capital leads teachers to form upwardly biased perceptions of children's academic ability, but only when their exposure to children's cultural capital is brief (as in oral and written exams) rather than long (as in grades awarded at the end of the school year). Third, we find that the positive direct effect of cultural capital on educational success is higher for children from high-socioeconomic status (SES) backgrounds than for those from low-SES backgrounds. This result suggests that high-SES children are more likely to be in schooling contexts that enable them to convert cultural capital into educational success.  相似文献   

当今民办高等教育已经步入正常的发展阶段,这对民办高等教育的举办者和管理者提出优化教育管理、完善教育制度的要求。本文从教育、产业经济和社会三个视角构建民办高等教育机构的三面观,提出民办高校必须从自己的实际出发建立三维立体管理的构想。如组织机构的设置可实行分类指导与管理:以提高教育质量为中心的质量管理机构,以经营管理为重点的产业性管理机构.以劳动与人事管理与服务为核心的团队管理机构。  相似文献   

高校美育浅论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美育是素质教育的重要内容。当前高校素质教育中存在较为普遍的美育盲点。本文通过设计合理的美育课程、创造校园丰富生活、强化人文教育和人文关怀等路径,来实现高校美育的实施目标。  相似文献   

毛泽东早期民主教育思想是毛泽东教育思想体系中的一个重要组成部分,是理懈和把握毛泽东思想体系核心内容的关键之一。为了理解毛泽东早期民主思想的发展脉络,把握毛泽东早期民主教育思想的实质,通过分析毛泽东早期民主教育思想的内涵和特点来阐述毛泽东早期民主教育思想,对于推动当代青少年的素质教育的发展和教育教学方法意义重大。  相似文献   

This contribution assesses the performance of national education systems along two important dimensions: The degree to which they help individuals develop capabilities necessary for their successful social integration (educational quality) and the degree to which they confer equal opportunities for social advancement (educational equality). It advances a new conceptualization to measure quality and equality in education and then uses it to study the relationship between institutional differentiation and these outcomes. It relies on data on final educational credentials and literacy among adults that circumvent some of the under-appreciated conceptual challenges entailed in the widespread analysis of international student assessment data.The analyses reveal a positive relationship between educational quality and equality and show that education systems with a lower degree of institutional differentiation not only provide more educational equality but are also marked by higher levels of educational quality. While the latter association is partly driven by other institutional and macro-structural factors, I demonstrate that the higher levels of educational equality in less differentiated education systems do not entail an often-assumed trade-off for lower quality.  相似文献   

略谈高校院系资料室建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在教育改革大潮中,高校图书情报工作要配合学校进行素质教育。为此,必须更新观念,提高图书资料工作人员的思想和职业道德素质、专业知识素质及现代化技能素质;充分发挥其教育职能和情报职能,改革内部管理,拓展文献资料服务空间;加快校内文献信息一体化建设,实现文献资源共享。  相似文献   

现代教育技术推动下的教育理念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
袁婷婷 《云梦学刊》2002,23(5):90-92
教育的发展到了需要较高技术辅助的时代。现代教育技术以“电脑—网络”为标志 ,逐步现实教育手段现代化 ,促进教育过程的现代化 ,从而实现了教育领域一系列重大技术创新和教育理念的变革。现代教育技术在创新教育和终身教育中显示出巨大意义  相似文献   

教育制度与政策层面的中国民办高等教育发展定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国的民办高等教育机构已经从非学历教育发展到有资格从事高等本科学历教育的阶段,在这个艰辛的过程和光辉的结果中取得了法律地位。但是,目前规范民办高等教育发展主要还是依靠教育政策。由于现行教育制度对民办高等教育层次结构规范的模糊性与缺失性,以及教育政策自身所固有的局限性,形成了教育制度和政策对民办高等教育办学激励机制的不确定性,中国的民办高等教育机构很难作出长远办学规划与打算。这一问题在某种程度上易使民办教育机构扭曲办学行为,同时也影响了社会资本介入民办高等教育领域。因此,我国教育制度与政策层面的民办高等教育发展定位,是一个必须迫切明晰的问题。  相似文献   

刘亦工  皮毅华 《云梦学刊》2009,30(2):123-127
目前高教管理存在的问题主要是人本缺失。这主要表现在:忽视了以育人为本;忽视了以教师为本;忽视了以学生本。矫治这种人本缺失现象,切实有效地贯彻人本精神,是目前高教管理面临的主要挑战。  相似文献   

80 年代以来到90 年代的本世纪末,各国高等教育进行了战后最大规模的一次改革。与战后初期国际高等教育改革相比,其主要特点是:以提高高等教育质量为核心,强调培养基础扎实、知识面宽、勇于创新的面向21 世纪的全面发展的综合型人才;以面向社会生产和社会生活为改革方向,使高等教育与社会需要紧密联系;改革高等教育管理体制,增强高校办学活力,提高办学效益;高等教育日益国际化。表现出当代世界性高等教育改革的趋势。  相似文献   

教育产业化辨析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对“教育产业化之争”的阶段和历程的梳理,评析了学术界关于教育是否是产业、教育是否应该产业化、教育产业化的科学内涵及外延等学术研讨中的各种观点,明确提出了教育是产业,教育产业和教育事业不矛盾,在合理划分层次的基础上,教育的某些方面、层次和环节完全可以产业化发展的见解。  相似文献   

注重市场办出特色促进发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文运用大量生动的典型事例,概括介绍和具体分析了我国民办高等教育的现状,阐述了民办高校应该转变观念,开拓思路,瞄准市场,跟踪市场,适应市场,服务市场,大胆突破旧体制,根据市场对人才的需求,改革专业设置和课程安排,创造自己的特色,赢得民办高校的生存和发展广阔的空间。  相似文献   

Using ideas from cultural and organizational theory, I examine the interplay of individual and congregation-level educational attainment on biblical literalism. Data on 387 congregations and 100,009 worshippers (US Congregational Life Survey, 2001) are used to test hypotheses. Results indicate that the effects of congregational education and individual educational attainment are among the largest effects in models. This study is the first to show that regardless of an individual’s own education, affirmations of biblical literalism are less likely when persons with higher education dominate a congregation. This finding brings into relief the important role of social context in persons’ belief in biblical literalism. Additionally, congregational education amplifies the influence of individual education on biblical literalism such that the gap in belief between college/non-college education individuals widens in high education congregations. This finding suggests that high education persons more deeply absorb the influence of a more educated congregational context.  相似文献   

In response to the growing interest in multigenerational effects, we investigate whether grandparents’ education affects grandchildren’s transitions to academic high school and university in Taiwan. Drawing on social capital literature, we consider potential heterogeneity of the grandparent effect by parents’ characteristics and propose that grandparents’ education yields differential effects depending on parents’ education. Our results show tenuous effects of grandmother’s and grandfather’s years of schooling, net of parents’ education. However, the positive interaction effects between grandparents’ and parents’ years of schooling indicate that grandparents’ additional years of schooling are more beneficial to students with more educated parents than for students with less educated parents. The diverging gap in the likelihood of attending academic high school or university between students with parents in higher and lower ends of the educational hierarchy, along with increased levels of grandparents’ education, supports our hypothesis that grandparents’ education augments educational inequality by parents’ education.  相似文献   

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