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Recently, several genome-wide association studies of educational attainment have found education-related genetic variants and enabled the integration of human inheritance into social research. This study incorporates the newest education polygenic score (Lee et al., 2018) into sociological research, and tests three gene-environment interaction hypotheses on status attainment. Using the Health and Retirement Study (N = 7599), I report three findings. First, a standard deviation increase in the education polygenic score is associated with a 58% increase in the likelihood of advancing to the next level of education, while a standard deviation increase in parental education results in a 53% increase. Second, supporting the Saunders hypothesis, the genetic effect becomes 11% smaller when parental education is one standard deviation higher, indicating that highly educated parents are more able to preserve their family's elite status in the next generation. Finally, the genetic effect is slightly greater for the younger cohort (1942–59) than the older cohort (1920–41). The findings strengthen the existing literature on the social influences in helping children achieve their innate talents.  相似文献   

The paper examines changes in the influence of family background, including socioeconomic and social background variables on educational attainment in Australia for cohorts born between 1890 and 1982. We test hypotheses from modernization theory on sibling data using random effects models and find: (i) substantial declines in the influence of family background on educational attainment (indicated by the sibling intraclass correlations); (ii) declines in the effects of both economic and cultural socioeconomic background variables; (iii) changes in the effects of some social background variables (e.g., family size); (iv) and declines in the extent that socioeconomic and social background factors account for variation in educational attainment. Unmeasured family background factors are more important, and proportionally increasingly so, for educational attainment than the measured socioeconomic and social background factors analyzed. Fixed effects models showed steeper declines in the effects of socioeconomic background variables than in standard analyses suggesting that unmeasured family factors associated with socioeconomic background obscure the full extent of the decline.  相似文献   

实施创新教育,大力培养创新人才是新时期对高等学校提出的战略要求,也是时代赋予高校的重大使命。创新人才的培养是一个复杂的过程,它需要各个方面的协调发展与密切配合,本文通过分析创新教育的内涵、特征与目标以及当前高校教育创新存在的问题,寻找创新教育与创新人才培养的途径与方法,使高校人才培养适应知识经济时代的要求。  相似文献   

Research on depression and education usually focuses on a unidirectional relationship. This paper proposes a reciprocal relationship, simultaneously estimating the effects of depression on education and of education on depression. China, which has the world's largest education system, is used as a case study. This paper applies structural equation modeling to three datasets: the China Family Panel Studies, the China Education Panel Survey, and the Gansu Survey of Children and Families. Analyses reveal a reciprocal and negative relationship between depression and educational outcomes. Specifically, early depression reduces later educational achievement, and higher educational achievement also lowers the level of subsequent depression by resulting in less peers' unfriendliness, less pressure from parents' expectations, and less teachers' criticism. More time spent on studies is not associated with higher educational achievement but significantly increases the level of depression. Children from lower SES families bear more pressure and spend more time on studies, which does not correspond to higher educational achievement but rather to higher levels of depression. In the long term, prior depression lowers educational attainment and, after controlling for prior depression, lower educational attainment is also associated with higher levels of subsequent depression. This paper shows that the lower achievers, not the high achievers, bear the major psychological burden of the education system's quest to produce high achievement. This situation reinforces these students' educational disadvantage.  相似文献   

二级学院作为专业人才培养的基层单位是高校教育教学独立运行的主体。创新院(部)教务管理运行机制是高校优化校院两级教务管理体系的战略要务,是提升教育教学质量的组织保障。明晰二级学院教务管理要务,提出"优构机制、理顺关系、强化意识、明确目标"的高效有序的善治理念与运行机制,培育孵化教育质量提升的正能量,切实化解教学管理进程中的困难与问题。  相似文献   

教育本体论的嬗变与素质 教育本体论命题的创化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在教育本体论层面上考辩了教育思想史上关于教育起源的生命本能说、心理模仿说、劳动说、社会交往说等教育原生态的论争,论证了素质教育本体论关于“人体潜能素质的发现、破译和开发”命题假说革新现代教育理论的创化功能  相似文献   

抗战时期,日本帝国主义为了奴化中国,恣意破坏中国的文教机关.一时间,中国的中等教育蒙受重创.为保存教育实力,增进抗战力量,国民党政府勉力应变,建立国立中校制度,督行分区设校,力推职业师范教育,并积极救助由战区退出之教育员生.中国的教育基础不但没有因战事而动摇,反而在某些方面取得长足进展.  相似文献   

体育教育在素质教育中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹兵  刘杰 《河南社会科学》2002,10(4):125-126
从体育产生、发展及其教育功能来看,体育教育在学生的素质教育中发挥着重要作用。体育教育的改革必须从培养学生新的体育观念入手,提高学生的创新精神、实践能力。  相似文献   

文章对河北省高校优质教育资源配置及其共享现状进行了分析,针对优质教育资源配置不均衡的问题,探究如何在教育公平理念下优化教育资源配置,最终构建出适合我省高校优质资源共享的新思路,从而为实现我省高校真正意义上的教育公平寻求新的突破。  相似文献   

论民办教育的改革效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民办教育已经成为我国整个教育体系的重要组成部分。它不仅增加了教育的供给 ,提供了多层次、多样化的教育服务 ,缓解了教育供求的矛盾 ,同时 ,作为教育增量 ,对我国教育体制的改革也是一种重要的推动 ,这突出表现在民办教育发展对公办教育所带来的竞争效应、示范效应和稳定效应上。因此 ,对民办教育的发展应创造一个宽松的政策环境  相似文献   

This study investigates whether the mechanisms why education is rewarded vary across countries. Do educational institutions affect the likelihood that support for a particular mechanism is found? Combining IALS survey data and OECD statistics on educational institutions, it was shown that the effect of measured skill on earnings - controlled for educational attainment - is lower in countries where educational institutions produce skills relevant for work through the vocational system. This indicates that the human capital perspective on education works particularly well in vocationally oriented educational systems, as the skills generated in education are strongly overlapping with the skills that are rewarded. An alternative mechanism sees education as a means for social closure through credentialization. Under the credentialization model, education is not primarily rewarded for the productivity-enhancing skills it entails, but rather for reasons unrelated to productivity. Following this theory education is used for selection into the organization, after which directly observable skills are determining wages. Assuming that a strongly differentiated educational system creates boundaries between social groups, it is hypothesized that strongly differentiated systems lead to stronger measured skill effects. We do not find support for this hypothesis.  相似文献   

文章通过发放调查问卷,归纳、整理“十二五”期间的财务会计报表对河北省中等职业教育财政投入状况进行了分析,揭示了存在的主要问题,提出了改进中等职业教育财政投入机制的对策和建议。  相似文献   

健康教育已成为学校教育的首要任务之一 ,虽然对健康教育的重视程度逐渐提高 ,但目前仍是学校教育中薄弱的环节。本文就健康教育多媒体计算机辅助教学的课件的研制方法和研制过程 ,做了简要论述  相似文献   

从经典科学时代到量子科学时代的转折发生于一百多年前量子理论的兴起,这一理论的产生带来了一场深刻的科学和思想变革。与这一变革相适应而产生的量子思维方式,是适应当代信息社会发展特点的思维方式。深受牛顿———笛卡尔世界观(经典思维方式)影响的传统教育思想,在当今社会不可避免的走向衰微的同时,新生的量子教育学将在教育理论中占有一席之地。本文将尝试从量子理论所揭示的一些核心基本原理中抽象出在现代教育学中具有启发性的思想。  相似文献   

This study examines the intergenerational effects of changes in women’s education in South Korea. We define intergenerational effects as changes in the distribution of educational attainment in an offspring generation associated with the changes in a parental generation. Departing from the previous approach in research on social mobility that has focused on intergenerational association, we examine the changes in the distribution of educational attainment across generations. Using a simulation method based on Mare and Maralani’s recursive population renewal model, we examine how intergenerational transmission, assortative mating, and differential fertility influence intergenerational effects. The results point to the following conclusions. First, we find a positive intergenerational effect: improvement in women’s education leads to improvement in daughter’s education. Second, we find that the magnitude of intergenerational effects substantially depends on assortative marriage and differential fertility: assortative mating amplifies and differential fertility dampens the intergenerational effects. Third, intergenerational effects become bigger for the less educated and smaller for the better educated over time, which is a consequence of educational expansion. We compare our results with Mare and Maralani’s original Indonesian study to illustrate how the model of intergenerational effects works in different socioeconomic circumstances.  相似文献   

德育工作是众多学科的交叉结合体,而美育则是架设在德育工作与其它学科间的一道桥梁。它有助于人们深化认识,陶冶情操。在美育工作中,要注意寓教于乐、以情感人和真善美统一的原则。  相似文献   

Using data from the Education Longitudinal Study of 2002, this study employs propensity score modeling to measure the effects of participation in varsity football (among men) and varsity basketball (among men and women) in the 10th grade on students’ GPAs and math test scores in the twelfth grade. This study also investigates whether the effect of sports participation on student achievement differs between black and white students. The results show that participation in varsity football negatively affects the 12th grade GPAs of black, but not white, men but does not affect the math test scores of either of these subgroups. Moreover, varsity basketball participation leads to higher GPAs in the 12th grade among white, but not black, women. Implications of the different operationalizations of sports participation, the investigation of different student subpopulations, and the different methods of analysis are discussed.  相似文献   

陶文琴 《广州师院学报》1999,20(5):35-38,90
在课外活动中开展环境教育是我国中小学校进行环境教育的主要方式之一。本文通过设计一个与生物多样性保护相关的主题活动-狼该不该打,以期增加学生对狼的了解,纠正长期以来人们对狼的误解、有助于学生环境伦理道德意识的形成。  相似文献   

我国当前收入分配的不平等所造成的不仅是收入群体之间的收入差距过大,更重要的是在这种社会条件下的收入差距过大所导致的刑事犯罪率的上升和犯罪程度的加剧,通过对造成收入分配的不平等原因的分析以及对收入分配不平等对刑事犯罪率和刑事犯罪程度的影响机理分析,提出减少收入分配不平等和缩小收入差距的对策,从而减少收入分配问题所可能引致的刑事犯罪。  相似文献   

高校国防教育以其教育对象的群体性和独特的教育内容,在高校学生教育中起到一定的积极作 用。文章从国防观念、学生军事素质、校园文化建设等方面分析了高校国防教育的作用。  相似文献   

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