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It is shown that the least squares estimators of B and Σ in the multivariate linear model {E Y i= X 1 B , D ( Y i) =Σ, 1 ≤ i ≤ n , Y 1 Y n uncorrelated} subject to the constraints Y i M = X i N are just the usual least squares estimators = ( X'X )-1 X'Y and ΣC = 1/n( Y-X )( Y-X ) in the unconstrained model where Σ has full rank. Tests of hypotheses concerning B are discussed for situations in which each Y i has a multivariate normal distribution, and examples of the applicability of the model reviewed.  相似文献   

This paper examines the joint statistical analysis of M independent data sets, the jth of which satisfies the model λj Yj=XjB +εj, where the λj are unknown and the εi are normally distributed with a known correlation structure. The maximum likelihood equations, their asymptotic covariance matrix, and the likelihood ratio test of the hypothesis that the λjs are all equal are derived. These results are applied to two examples.  相似文献   

Let X1, …, XN be i.i.d. exponential random variables with unknown scale parameter θ. If one can observe only those Xi in (0, T0), an estimate of N based on the J observations obtained has a variance which explodes as θ→θC. Using θC based on the observations in (0, T0) T is computed and all Xi in (0, ) are observed. An estimate of N based on all observations in (0, ) has a bounded variance where the bound can be adjusted by proper choice of .  相似文献   

Let σ1, …, σk be the covariance matrices of k p -variate normal populations. Let Λij be the j th largest characteristic root of σi (j=1, …, p; i=1, …, k). In this note we obtain simultaneous confidence intervals on (i)Λi+1, pipand by using methods similar to those of Khatri (1965).  相似文献   

We derive a non-parametric test for testing the presence of V(Xii) in the non-parametric first-order autoregressive model Xi+1=T(Xi)+V(Xii)+U(Xii+1, where the function T(x) is assumed known. The test is constructed as a functional of a basic process for which we establish a weak invariance principle, under the null hypothesis and under stationarity and mixing assumptions. Bounds for the local and non-local powers are provided under a condition which ensures that the power tends to one as the sample size tends to infinity.The testing procedure can be applied, e.g. to bilinear models, ARCH models, EXPAR models and to some other uncommon models. Our results confirm the robustness of the test constructed in Ngatchou Wandji (1995) and in Diebolt & Ngatchou Wandji (1995).  相似文献   

Let X 1, X 2, ... be a sequence of i.i.d. random variables, X i∼ F θ, θ∈Θ. Let N 1 and N 2 be two stopping rules. For a class of exponential families { F θ: θ∈Θ} we show that the experiment Y 1 = ( X 1, ..., X N1) carries more statistical information than Y 2 = ( X 1, ..., x N2) only if N 1 is stochastically larger then N 2  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to investigate exact slopes of test statistics { Tn } when the random vectors X 1, ..., Xn are distributed according to an unknown member of an exponential family { P θ; θ∈Ω. Here Ω is a parameter set. We will be concerned with the hypothesis testing problem of H 0θ∈Ω0 vs H 1: θ∉Ω0 where Ω0 is a subset of Ω. It will be shown that for an important class of problems and test statistics the exact slope of { Tn } at η in Ω−Ω0 is determined by the shortest Kullback–Leibler distance from {θ: Tn (λ(θ)) = Tn (λ(π))} to Ω0, λθ = E θ)( X ).  相似文献   

Abstract.  Suppose that X 1 ,…,  X n is a sequence of independent random vectors, identically distributed as a d -dimensional random vector X . Let     be a parameter of interest and     be some nuisance parameter. The unknown, true parameters ( μ 0 , ν 0 ) are uniquely determined by the system of equations E { g ( X , μ 0 , ν 0 )} =   0 , where g  =  ( g 1 ,…, g p + q ) is a vector of p + q functions. In this paper we develop an empirical likelihood (EL) method to do inference for the parameter μ 0 . The results in this paper are valid under very mild conditions on the vector of criterion functions g . In particular, we do not require that g 1 ,…, g p + q are smooth in μ or ν . This offers the advantage that the criterion function may involve indicators, which are encountered when considering, e.g. differences of quantiles, copulas, ROC curves, to mention just a few examples. We prove the asymptotic limit of the empirical log-likelihood ratio, and carry out a small simulation study to test the performance of the proposed EL method for small samples.  相似文献   

In sequential analysis it is often necessary to determine the distributions of √t Y t and/or √a Y t , where t is a stopping time of the form t = inf{ n ≥ 1 : n+Snn> a }, Y n is the sample mean of n independent and identically distributed random variables (iidrvs) Yi with mean zero and variance one, Sn is the partial sum of iidrvs Xi with mean zero and a positive finite variance, and { ξn } is a sequence of random variables that converges in distribution to a random variable ξ as n →∞ and ξn is independent of ( Xn+1, Yn+1), (Xn+2, Yn+2), . . . for all n ≥ 1. Anscombe's (1952) central limit theorem asserts that both √t Y t and √a Y t are asymptotically normal for large a , but a normal approximation is not accurate enough for many applications. Refined approximations are available only for a few special cases of the general setting above and are often very complex. This paper provides some simple Edgeworth approximations that are numerically satisfactory for the problems it considers.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Let Ω be a space of densities with respect to some σ -finite measure μ and let Π be a prior distribution having support Ω with respect to some suitable topology. Conditional on f , let X n  = ( X 1 ,…, X n ) be an independent and identically distributed sample of size n from f . This paper introduces a Bayesian non-parametric criterion for sample size determination which is based on the integrated squared distance between posterior predictive densities. An expression for the sample size is obtained when the prior is a Dirichlet mixture of normal densities.  相似文献   

Estimation of an Ergodic Diffusion from Discrete Observations   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We consider a one-dimensional diffusion process X , with ergodic property, with drift b ( x , θ) and diffusion coefficient a ( x , σ) depending on unknown parameters θ and σ. We are interested in the joint estimation of (θ, σ). For that purpose, we dispose of a discretized trajectory, observed at n equidistant times tni = ihn , 1 ≤ i ≤ n . We assume that hn ← 0 and nhn ←∞. Under the condition nhnp ← 0 for an arbitrary integer p , we exhibit a contrast dependent on p which provides us with an asymptotically normal and efficient estimator of (θ, σ).  相似文献   

We consider a one-dimensional diffusion process X , with ergodic property, with drift b ( x , θ) and diffusion coefficient a ( x , θ) depending on an unknown parameter θ that may be multidimensional. We are interested in the estimation of θ and dispose, for that purpose, of a discretized trajectory, observed at n equidistant times ti = iΔ , i = 0, ..., n . We study a particular class of estimating functions of the form ∑ f (θ, X t i −1) which, under the assumption that the integral of f with respect to the invariant measure is null, provide us with a consistent and asymptotically normal estimator. We determine the choice of f that yields the estimator with minimum asymptotic variance within the class and indicate how to construct explicit estimating functions based on the generator of the diffusion. Finally the theoretical study is completed with simulations.  相似文献   

Let Y 1, . . ., Yn denote independent random variables such that Yj has a one-parameter exponential family distribution with canonical parameter θ j =λ+ψ Xj ; here X 1, . . ., Xn are known constants. Consider a test of the null hypothesis ψ=0. Under the null hypothesis, A =Σ Yj is sufficient for λ and, hence, a test of ψ=0 may be based on the conditional distribution of T =Σ Xj Yj given A , which is independent of λ. In this paper, the effects of overdispersion due to a mixture model on the conditional distribution of T given A are considered.  相似文献   

Estimation in Semiparametric Marginal Shared Gamma Frailty Models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The semiparametric marginal shared frailty models in survival analysis have the non–parametric hazard functions multiplied by a random frailty in each cluster, and the survival times conditional on frailties are assumed to be independent. In addition, the marginal hazard functions have the same form as in the usual Cox proportional hazard models. In this paper, an approach based on maximum likelihood and expectation–maximization is applied to semiparametric marginal shared gamma frailty models, where the frailties are assumed to be gamma distributed with mean 1 and variance θ. The estimates of the fixed–effect parameters and their standard errors obtained using this approach are compared in terms of both bias and efficiency with those obtained using the extended marginal approach. Similarly, the standard errors of our frailty variance estimates are found to compare favourably with those obtained using other methods. The asymptotic distribution of the frailty variance estimates is shown to be a 50–50 mixture of a point mass at zero and a truncated normal random variable on the positive axis for θ0 = 0. Simulations demonstrate that, for θ0 < 0, it is approximately an x −(100 − x )%, 0 ≤ x ≤ 50, mixture between a point mass at zero and a truncated normal random variable on the positive axis for small samples and small values of θ0; otherwise, it is approximately normal.  相似文献   

Let X = (X1, - Xp)prime; ˜ Np (μ, Σ) where μ= (μ1, -, μp)' and Σ= diag (Σ21, -, Σ2p) are both unknown and p3. Let (ni - 2) wi2i! X2ni, independent. of wi (I ≠ j = 1, -, p). Assume that (w1, -, wp) and X are independent. Define W = diag (w1, -, wp) and ¶ X ¶2w= X'W-1Q-1W-1X where Q = diag (q1, -,n qp), qi > 0, i = 1, -, p. In this paper, the minimax estimator of Berger & Bock (1976), given by δ (X, W) = [Ip - r(X, W) ¶ X ¶-2w Q-1W-1] X, is shown to be minimax relative to the convex loss (δ - μ)'[αQ + (1 - α) Σ-1] δ - μ)/C, where C =α tr (Σ) + (1 - α)p and 0 α 1, under certain conditions on r(X, W). This generalizes the above mentioned result of Berger & Bock.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Consider the model Y = β ' X + ε . Let F 0 be the unknown cumulative distribution function of the random variable ε . Consistency of the semi-parametric Maximum likelihood estimator of ( β , F 0), denoted by     , has not been established under any interval censorship (IC) model. We prove in this paper that     is consistent under the mixed case IC model and some mild assumptions.  相似文献   

A two-phase sampling estimator of the ratio-type for estimating the mean of a finite population, has been considered where the value of ρCy/Cx can be guessed or estimated in advance. Here Cy and Cx denote respectively the coefficients of variation of the characteristic under study, y, and the auxiliary characteristic x and ρ denotes the coefficient of correlation between y and x. When the value of ρCy/Cx is guessed or estimated exactly, the estimator has a smaller large-sample variance compared with either an ordinary ratio estimator or an ordinary linear regression estimator in two-phase sampling in the case where the first-phase sample is drawn independently from the second-phase sample. If the sample at the second phase is a subsample of the first-phase sample, the estimator has variance equal to that of the linear regression estimator. The largest value of the difference between the assumed value and the actual value of ρCy/Cx has been obtained so as not to result in the variance of the estimator being larger than the variances of either an ordinary ratio estimator or an ordinary linear regression estimator.  相似文献   

We are concerned with estimators which improve upon the best invariant estimator, in estimating a location parameter θ. If the loss function is L(θ - a) with L convex, we give sufficient conditions for the inadmissibility of δ0(X) = X. If the loss is a weighted sum of squared errors, we find various classes of estimators δ which are better than δ0. In general, δ is the convolution of δ1 (an estimator which improves upon δ0 outside of a compact set) with a suitable probability density in Rp. The critical dimension of inadmissibility depends on the estimator δ1 We also give several examples of estimators δ obtained in this way and state some open problems.  相似文献   

Confidence statements about location (or scale) parameters associated with K populations, which may be used in making selection decisions about those populations, are investigated. When a subset of fixed size t is selected from the K populations a lower bound is obtained for the minimum selected parameter as a function of the maximum non-selected parameter. Tables are produced for the normal means case when the variance is common but unknown. It is pointed out that these tables may be used to find confidence intervals discussed by Hsu (1984  相似文献   

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