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成功战略管理:中层管理者的视角 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
成功战略管理受多种因素的影响,中层管理者在战略管理中的作用正受到中西方学者越来越多的关注。为此,本文对学者们的有关研究作了归纳,包括:中层管理者参与战略管理的动因;中层管理者参与战略管理的方式及绩效;中层管理者参与战略管理的条件与障碍。并在此基础上总结了对企业和学者的启示。 相似文献
战略变革中的企业文化研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
由于企业所处的外部环境的不确定性、不连续性和难以预测性的增加 ,西方管理学界对企业战略变革的关注与日俱增。本文主要从企业战略与企业文化的关系入手 ,通过分析企业当前面临的战略变革环境 ,提出在企业战略变革中 ,企业文化应扮演的角色 ,以及如何使战略变革在组织文化中产生根深蒂固的影响。 相似文献
对于企业战略变革类型的正确分析,有助于顺利地进行变革,本文从战略变革的演变态势和领导变革主体的行为方式将企业战略变革的类型分别划分为渐进式变革、激进式变革、混合式变革和强制式变革、理性或自利式变革、教育或交流式变革,希望这些类型的区分能够为领导者选择正确的变革模式提供一定的依据与指导。 相似文献
管理者不仅是决策制定者,同时也是组织和领导组织成员及调配组织资源以实现目标的人。而企业中层管理者,中层管理者是指一个组织中中层机构的负责人员,在整个企业中起着承上启下的作用。但是企业中层管理者在执行高层领导决策的过程中存在着很多问题,严重影响着公司的总体发展,对公司的绩效、整体形象产生了极大的损害。这就需要我们尽快采取措施进行解决,比如加强企业中层管理者的个人道德建设,增强公司高层的领导权威,提高企业中层管理者的执行力等。 相似文献
管理者运营权力的最佳手段是抑制而不是放纵自己的权力,他主要是通过授权、用人、培养下属和参与式管理实现的。判断一个是否真正有助于提升企业战略的执行力,可以探究,企业提升战略执行力对战略制定、组织结构、企业文化和信息沟通希望达到的理想状态。是企业采取的每一项措施都能有助于企业从现有状态跨入到理想状态。 相似文献
从认知视角考察了管理者感知的环境特征及设定的战略导向对不同战略复杂性形成的驱动作用.结果表明:在中国情境下,当管理者感知环境复杂性程度较高时,客户战略复杂性和竞争战略复杂性会提高;当管理者感知到环境动态性较高时,竞争战略复杂性会提高;当管理者设定前瞻者战略导向或分析者战略导向时,客户战略复杂性和竞争战略复杂性会提高;当管理者设定了防御者战略导向或反应者战略导向时,客户战略复杂性有可能降低,但对竞争战略复杂性影响不大.该结论验证了当前转型经济背景下的企业战略复杂性的驱动因素,为探讨战略复杂性产生的研究提供了理论补充和实践指导. 相似文献
Danilo Brozovic 《国际管理评论杂志》2018,20(1):3-31
Previous literature reviews of strategic flexibility have a number of shortcomings: they lack a specific focus in the field, provide an excessive definitional focus or lack a clear empirical overview of research in the field. To overcome these shortcomings, this paper aims to systematically analyse the literature on strategic flexibility by identifying its main characteristics, linking the different aspects together in a new conceptual framework, and considering the means to measure it. This comprehensive analytical model analyses various aspects of strategic flexibility in the relevant literature (156 contributions). Thus, the systematic and critical approach of this paper offers a novel perspective in understanding strategic flexibility, and contributes to the field by providing a consolidation of the literature and indicating future research avenues. 相似文献
《The Academy of Management Annals.》2013,7(1):519-570
After nearly 30 years as a subject of inquiry, mentoring remains a mainstay in the organizational literature, as relationships are arguably more important than ever to employees' personal and career growth. In this paper, we take an ecological perspective to situate and review topical areas of the literature with the intention of enhancing our understanding of how mentoring outcomes for protégés and mentors are determined not only by individual differences (e.g., personality) and dyadic factors (e.g., the quality of a relationship)—both of which represent the most frequently examined levels of analyses—but also the influences of the people from various social spheres comprising their developmental network, the larger organization of which they are a part, and macrosystem factors (e.g., technological shifts, globalization) that enable, constrain, or shape mentoring and other developmental relationships. Our review examines multi-level influences that shape mentoring outcomes, and brings into focus how the study of mentoring can be advanced by research at the network, organizational, and macrosystem levels. To help guide future research efforts, we assert that adult development and relational schema theories, Positive Organizational Scholarship, a social network perspective, signaling theory, and institutional theories can help to address emerging and unanswered questions at each ecological level. 相似文献
Public Organization Review - This study aims to explore the phenomenon of KM within public organizations through the ‘organizational knowing’ perspective. It was conducted a systematic... 相似文献
从组织内部跨层级意义建构和意义给赋视角,通过中国移动集中化管理案例的探索性研究,揭示战略性管理创新纵向传递机制。研究得出,战略性管理创新纵向传递始于高层通过意义建构进行创新构思,然后以引导性互动范式向中层传递,旨在统一理解、完善创新;中层再以限制性单向范式向基层传递,形成全员支持,最终实施创新。由此,构建战略性管理创新纵向传递模型,为组织跨层级自上而下传递战略性创新提供指导。 相似文献
The dynamic capability view (DCV) is one of the most vibrant approaches to strategic management. In this study, the extant literature published between 1994 and 2011 is analysed, using bibliometric methods in order to explore the scope of this approach and detect current research priorities. For this purpose, the method of bibliographic coupling is introduced in management research, which shifts the focus of analysis from past traditions to current trends. Several clusters of thematically related research are extracted from bibliographic networks, which represent interconnected yet distinct subfields of inquiry within the DCV. The core cluster of the current DCV, which visualizes this research field's nascent but fragile identity, focuses on learning and change capabilities and relates them to firm performance, thus merging aspects of organization theory and strategic management. In addition, several peripheral clusters of research are identified, which reflect a parallel process of differentiation in the overall field. Both trends, i.e. of integration and differentiation, attest to the emancipation of the DCV as a distinct approach to strategic management. However, the DCV still lacks consensual concepts that allow comparisons of empirical studies and advance the theoretical understanding of dynamic capabilities. In the light of the above, some implications of this analysis for further research are discussed. 相似文献
Matthias Meier 《国际管理评论杂志》2011,13(1):1-23
Knowledge‐related and organizational learning processes in alliances have received much attention throughout the last 25 years. The field has generated a rapidly growing body of empirical evidence on how knowledge is managed in alliances. However, the sphere is highly complex, fragmented, incoherent, and heterogeneous in terms of the theoretical approaches applied. This paper presents an integrative and organizing framework for the empirical literature on knowledge management in strategic alliances. It illustrates how the knowledge management outcomes of knowledge creation, transfer and application are determined by four distinct sets of factors: knowledge characteristics, partner characteristics, partner interaction, and active knowledge management. Based on this framework, this review analyses and integrates empirical evidence in order to identify where findings converge and where results conflict. So far, research has focused strongly on singular interrelations between these four sets of factors and the transfer of knowledge. Conversely, the questions of how knowledge is created, retained, retrieved and applied and how the interplay of the different factors affects knowledge management in strategic alliances remain widely unexplored. The review concludes with a summary of the current state of the art in empirical research and discusses some promising avenues for future investigation. 相似文献
本文对参与式管理的相关研究文献进行回顾,首先分别从过程观和实践形式等角度界定参与式管理的概念,明确其操作性定义;基于四维结构模型分类,基于五维结构模型开发研究工具。其次,分别从个人和组织角度分析参与式管理的主要影响因素及可能的影响效应;最后,从管理效能、跨文化比较、作用机制、研究方法等角度对参与式管理的未来研究方向提出建议。 相似文献
创业实践因新兴技术驱动的经济社会环境变革而发生了重大变化,涌现出了不少组织和战略理论甚至是创业研究也难以回答的新现象和新问题,这些现象和问题在中国情境下表现得非常突出,但并没有引起学者们的足够重视。基于此,本文采用扎根理论的编码设计,开展2008~2018年间发表的1842篇国际顶级创业研究文献的统计分析,在描述和评价研究主题发展态势和进展基础上,归纳出以创业前因、创业实施、创业结果与创业情境为体系的创业研究主题框架,进一步提出未来研究趋势和中国情境下开展创业研究的建议。研究结果对于推动我国创业研究的深化发展并开展具有国际学术影响力的高水平研究有着重要的理论价值。 相似文献