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类书述略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
类书述略王力军类书是中国古代一种汇辑各种文献资料,分门别类编排而成,以供查阅的工具书。由于其“区分胪列,靡所不载”(李桓《玉海》序),所以被称作中国古代的百科全书。当然古代的类书和现代的百科全书是有区别的。百科全书汇理成文;而类书则“达而不作”,直录...  相似文献   

中国古代艺术形神观念研究杨铸“形”与“神”是中国古代艺术思想史上一组相对而又相关的重要范畴。纵观历代诗论、画论,涉及“形”、“神”之处颇多。统而言之,其基点乃是将艺术对象区分为“形”与“神”两个不同层次,以“神”为重,以“形”为轻;其主旨则是在艺术创...  相似文献   

“象”既为中国古代文化基本符号的构成,又为中国古典艺术美学的基元范畴。中国文化和美学尚象重象,其哲学起点在《易经》的卦象符号,而先秦诸子哲学美学对易象符号意义重新阐释和精神超越,则形成有关中国美学的重要思路和线索,这就是由老庄“道”的哲学对“象”的阐释和重象外虚空、非言味象的思想所引发的意境说;以《易传》阴阳二元结构思想和“立象以尽意”、“现物取象”、“现象制器”等命题为基础的意象说;以孔荀、《乐记》为代表的象通礼乐、重政治教化但又不违艺术审美特征的“比德”和“言志”说。文章本着上述基本看法,还描述了“意境”、“意象”、“言志”说在后世美学中演进的大致过程。  相似文献   

中国古代文论的性质渊源及特色成九田,畅孝昌从理论上讲,中国古代文化应该是中国古代的文学批评与文艺理论;但实际问题还不这样简单。首先,中国古代始终未能将“文章”与“文学”明确区分开来,一般所谓“文章”是包含“文学”在内的。东汉时,开始出现了“文章”的概...  相似文献   

法治视域下的现代大学制度,就是在政府宏观管理下的“自主办学”,在多种力量作用下的“民主办学”,在自我约束机制下的“依法办学”。完善中国特色现代大学制度,需要用自治的原则和法治的理念,审视大学现实制度环境和突出问题,理顺大学与政府社会的关系,落实大学办学自主权,强化大学法人地位,大力推进依法治校,实现从“大学管理”向“大学治理”的转变。  相似文献   

华琦 《东西南北》2012,(12):44-46
作为义乌唯一的一所大学,义乌工商学院为创业班学生提供了一套独特的评价体系:上课时可以在下面接单发单;允许逃课,只要期末成绩合格;淘宝等级可以抵学分,一颗钻抵两个学分;学生们拥有两间教室,一间是仓储教室,一间是上课教室…这是义乌当地唯一的大学,也因扶持学生淘宝创业而声名在外,被称为“淘宝大学”。  相似文献   

在近代中国与日本都曾出现了各自的人种改良主张。高桥义雄为近代日本主张此论的代表人物,他主张通过与西洋人的“杂婚”、废除婚姻陋习、提高生活品质及体育锻炼等方式改良日本人种;严复则是近代中国主张此论的代表人物之一,他主张通过改良传统婚俗以及禁止缠足、早婚等方式改良中国人种的某些品质。在日本,人种改良论服从于“脱亚入欧”扩张国权的目标;在中国,人种改良论则出于救亡图存的需要,是属于从妇女解放到人的解放的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

中古时期文献中“舆论”及与“望”相关的词汇,其用法、内涵基本与现今的“社会舆论”一致,代表时人对社会事件和人物的议论或意见。其中,“宰相之望”是一种特殊的针对可能升任宰相的官员的舆论描写。享有宰相之望的候选人群体在通往宰相之途时仍然受到政治倾轧等因素的制约。即使入相后,围绕宰相的执政风格、业绩、人物评论的社会舆论依然存在。这种相对固定且成熟的社会舆论书写模式是建构古代历史与社会的重要内容。  相似文献   

纪晓建 《社科纵横》2007,22(5):80-82
中国古代社会有着繁荣的巫风习俗。《楚辞》《山海经》为我们保存了中国古代巫风习俗的原貌。“九歌”是具有神话性质的巫术性的宗教歌舞,《楚辞.九歌》则是一部真切记载原始巫风文化的宝贵文献。“招魂”是中国古代民间流行的一种以巫师为中心的宗教活动,“九招”“九代”则是先秦巫师举行招魂仪式运用的具有神秘性质的舞蹈。从文化渊源上看,南楚浓烈的巫风文化正是对殷商巫风基本内容的继承,《楚辞》《山海经》则是这种殷商巫风的活化石。  相似文献   

大学校区建设的文化理念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
院中科 《社科纵横》2006,21(4):147-148
大学随着社会的发展而不断发展,社会的发展需要大量的高素质人才,大学则不断地拓展学科专业、扩大招生规模,大学校区应运而生。大学校区建设既要保留传统文化又要创新大学文化,因此大学校区的建设不能缺少文化的理念。本文着重阐述大学校区要结合区域文化和现代大学校区建设具有区域特色的大学校区的文化理念。本文还结合社会对人才的要求,论析了大学发展中校区建设在培养人才、服务社会中的作用,提出了“文化、环保、时尚”的大学校区建设理念。  相似文献   

College athletics,universities, and the NCAA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Accurate record keeping is an important part of the responsible conduct of research. However, there is very little empirical research on scientific record keeping. No one knows the incidence of serious problems with research records, the types of problems that occur, nor their consequences. In this study, we examined the role of research records in the resolution of misconduct allegations as a useful barometer for the incidence and types of problems that occur with records. We interviewed Research Integrity Officers (RIOs) at 90 major research universities and conducted focus groups with active research faculty. RIOs reported problems with research records in 38% of the 553 investigations they conducted. Severe problems with research records often prevented completion of investigations while problems that are more typical lengthened them by 2 to 3 weeks. Five types of poor record keeping practices accounted for 75 % of the problems with incomplete/inadequate records being the most common (30%). The focus groups concurred with the findings from the interviews with RIOs, stressed the importance of the research group leader in setting and maintaining record practices, and offered additional insights. While university officials and faculty members have suspected for many years that there are serious problems with research record keeping, our study provides empirical evidence for this belief. By documenting some of the problems with record keeping in university-based research, the results of our study provide information that will be useful for policy development at academic institutions.  相似文献   

新时期影响高校稳定因素检视   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孙健 《社科纵横》2004,19(5):172-173
高校稳定既是高校改革与发展的基本前提 ,也是全面建设小康社会的客观需要。新时期影响高校稳定发展的因素主要有 :全球化的负面效应是影响高校稳定的国际现实因素 ;国际反动势力渗透是影响高校稳定的长期因素 ;心理教育、法治教育和思想品德教育缺失是影响高校稳定的教育因素 ;严峻的就业形势 ,高校扩大招生与高校后勤供给不足之间的矛盾 ,校园周边环境复杂以及高校学生中贫困生人数的增多是影响高校稳定的国内现实因素 ;对于地处西部欠发达民族地区的高校来说 ,民族问题、宗教问题以及贫困问题是影响高校稳定的特殊因素。  相似文献   

This pilot study evaluates the accessibility and usefulness of the research misconduct (RM) policies at the top-25 universities as ranked by NIH and NSF grant awards. Measuring accessibility demonstrates how readily-available policies are to the people they affect. Evaluating the range of policy content indicates whether policies and procedures on research misconduct are "useful" as opposed to merely "minimal" (Rhoades, 2003). On average, it took five clicks to get from a university's home page to its RM policies. Only nine policies were accessed within three or fewer clicks. Policy information was coded into categories comprising a total of 20 topic areas, which were then grouped into five content domains. The policies reveal a broad range of usefulness. Some provide relevant details on almost every topic area, while others leave most questions unanswered. Three of the 20 topic areas are almost universally covered in the policies analyzed. In contrast, five other topic areas average less than half of the information which could have been included. These policies, from elite U.S. research universities, may serve as role models; as such they should perhaps be held to the highest standards. If the message sent by a policy lacks clarity and precision, it should be revised to include an appropriate level of detail.  相似文献   

The survey aimed to capture the perceptions of undergraduate pharmacy students towards plagiarism in three major public universities in Cairo, Egypt: Helwan, Ain-Shams, and Cairo Universities. This was a paper-based self-administrated survey study. The questionnaire was validated by both content and face validation. The final survey form captured the knowledge of the students on plagiarism in terms of definitions, attitudes, and practices. Four hundred and fourteen students, 320 females and 94 males, participated in the study. There was a significant difference between the students who knew the definition of plagiarism among the three universities with p-value = .01. More than half of the participants (67%) claimed that they had no previous education or training on plagiarism. However, after being informed about plagiarism, most of them agreed that plagiarism should be regarded as stealing and a punishment. Additionally, poor study skills and the ease of copying and pasting from the Internet were identified by the majority of the students to be the leading causes of plagiarism. Pharmacy students need to be more educated on plagiarism and its consequences on research and educational ethics. Finally, more strict policies should be incorporated to monitor and control plagiarism in undergraduate sections.  相似文献   

This pilot study evaluates the accessibility and usefulness of the research misconduct (RM) policies at the top-25 universities as ranked by NIH and NSF grant awards. Measuring accessibility demonstrates how readily-available policies are to the people they affect. Evaluating the range of policy content indicates whether policies and procedures on research misconduct are “useful” as opposed to merely “minimal” (Rhoades, 2003 Rhoades, L. J. Policies and Procedures: Minimal or Useful. Presentation to the introductory workshop for institutional research integrity officers. University of Connecticut Health Center.  [Google Scholar]). On average, it took five clicks to get from a university's home page to its RM policies. Only nine policies were accessed within three or fewer clicks. Policy information was coded into categories comprising a total of 20 topic areas, which were then grouped into five content domains. The policies reveal a broad range of usefulness. Some provide relevant details on almost every topic area, while others leave most questions unanswered. Three of the 20 topic areas are almost universally covered in the policies analyzed. In contrast, five other topic areas average less than half of the information which could have been included. These policies, from elite U.S. research universities, may serve as role models; as such they should perhaps be held to the highest standards. If the message sent by a policy lacks clarity and precision, it should be revised to include an appropriate level of detail.  相似文献   

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