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一段时期以来,我国经济的高速发展使得会计职业得到了迅猛发展,基本满足了国民经济对会计人才的一般需要。但随着社会经济的发展,竞争的加剧和筹资渠道的深刻变化,企业规模的逐步扩大,特别是企业集团的迅速发展,跨国公司的发展和资本市场的国际化,我国将进一步需要大量既熟悉国情、了解国际惯例、具有国际执业水平的高素质复合型会计人才。然而,我国高素质、高层次会计人才的状况并不乐观,存在很大  相似文献   

经过近20年的实践、探索,我国会计电算化事业取得了很大的发展。随着IT技术的发展,电子商务、网上结算和网络化财务管理的出现,会计信息日益复杂化、多元化,会计信息化的基础工作是会计电算化因此,普及会计电算化知识,做好会计电算化培训工作至关重要。  相似文献   

荣银合 《职业》2012,(16):151-152
目前,大型工业企业转型步伐日益加快,技术人才的缺口日见增大,小微型企业也面临融资难和用工荒的双重压力。与此同时,许多求职者却由于缺乏一技之长(包括大学毕业生)而难以就业的现象比比皆是。解决这种劳动力结构性短缺矛盾的办法就是为求职者提供更多机会,积极引导他们参加职业技能培训。但是,传统的培训模式又不能满足现代企业用工的新要求。所以,打破一揽子培训的传统模式,与企业挂钩开展订单式培训,或针对当地社会需求量大的多个专业,精心打造一批专业培训品牌,可能是一种有益尝试。本文从创新职业技能培训模式方面作一些探讨,希望能启发新思路,找到新办法。  相似文献   

凯恩英语的"猝死" 2009年12月中旬,在沪上经营了13年之久的凯恩英语突然人去楼空,创始人Brian McCloskey相传也于几周前返回爱尔兰,目前手机处于关机状态;凯恩英语上海古北、人民广场等5个办学点,有4家贴出了关闭通知,总部办公室大门紧锁.  相似文献   

王苏 《职业》2010,(2):56-56
凯恩英语的“猝死” 2009年12月中旬,在沪上经营了13年之久的凯恩英语突然人去楼空,创始人Brian McCloskey相传也于几周前返回爱尔兰,目前手机处于关机状态;凯恩英语上海古北、人民广场等5个办学点,有4家贴出了关闭通知,总部办公室大门紧锁。  相似文献   

两年前,芸离异的时候,最令她伤心的不是婚姻的不幸,而是儿子的柔弱娇嫩.  相似文献   


两年前,芸离异的时候,最令她伤心的不是婚姻的不幸,而是儿子的柔弱娇嫩。芸说,儿子是一个典型的冰激凌男孩,又粉又白、又娇又软、又矮又胖,动不动就哭泣——考不好要哭,被减肥夏令营的教官训了要哭,别人捡了他的羽毛球没还给他要哭,钢琴弹糟了还要  相似文献   

王东初 《职业时空》2005,(22):52-53
面对激烈的市场竞争,无论是企业,还是 个人,都迫切需要接受继续教育,更新知识。 而随着计算机互联网技术的高速发展,利用 网络进行职业培训的方法正在打破传统的继 续教育模式,开始被越来越多地采用。网络培 训给职工培训带来了前所未有的机遇和挑战, 如何利用好网络这个新的培训载体和学习平  相似文献   

孙淼  袁巍然 《职业》2014,(12):160-161
由于受当地经济、就业、培训市场等因素的影响,加之人们对再就业存在着种种疑虑和错误认识,导致再就业培训工作越来越难以开展。本文以江苏省徐州市区为例,对如何破解再就业培训工作的难题进行了分析,并就如何提高再就业培训工作的实效提出了几点对策。  相似文献   

This contribution discusses the ways people hold themselves and others accountable for everyday practices of surveillance. It analyses three examples: (1) the “breeching experiments” of the video artist “Surveillance Camera Man,” (2) a “stop and frisk” incident involving a 17‐year‐old boy in Harlem, and (3) the pop‐up windows on websites that ask for users’ consent to use “cookies.” Understanding the relationship between language and securitization, it is argued, requires that we pay attention to the interactional basis of surveillance and the ways rights and responsibilities are negotiated, ratified, challenged, or ignored in the moment‐by‐moment unfolding of communication.  相似文献   

Children are increasingly described as agents and agency is important to arguments for children’s rights and participation. Yet agency is rarely defined or theorised in childhood studies. This article reviews common uses and meanings of agency and argues that critical, social conceptualisations have yet to be extensively taken up in childhood studies but offer much to the field. Based on the work of Giddens, his critics and feminist theory, I propose a model of agency that is more ambivalent than that usually presented in childhood studies. Given the conventional emphasis of agency on articulation, rationality and strategy, a failure to incorporate a critical, embodied, engendered, material account of agency into childhood studies risks reinscribing a model in which privileged children will be accorded more agency than those who do not display rationality and choice in conventional ways.  相似文献   

介绍会计电算化对会计理论、会计实务和审计的冲击与影响。  相似文献   

一、销售拜访的三要素 1、你的目标 2、为达到目标所准备的"故事" 3、拜访需要的工具 二、销售拜访的基本结构  相似文献   

A 1963 nonviolent mass demonstration for civil rights at Durham, N.C., is here described on the basis of interviews with participants, businessmen, and political figures. A utility model to help account for the personnel, form, and site of such a protest includes the processes of evolution, contagion, and reinforcement.  相似文献   

There is a need for an accounting paradigm that properly illustrates the value that nonprofits generate. Much of that value comes from volunteer contributions, which are significant but for the most part are not included in financial accounting statements, even though our research indicates that they account for almost a third of the value added by these organizations. This article reports the results of two studies related to measuring volunteer value in the accounting of nonprofits and then draws some policy implications from the research. The first study, a survey of 156 nonprofits in Canada, found that although about one‐third of the sample kept records of volunteer hours, only 3 percent included a value for them in their accounting statements. The second study, of nonprofit accountants, found that they did not feel that financial accounting statements properly represented the contribution of their organizations. A series of policy recommendations are presented, including suggestions for revising the regulations of accounting bodies for imputing volunteer value and creating accounting statements that better represent the contribution of nonprofits.  相似文献   

This paper reviews research and theory on the social construction of victims and victimization. There are four areas of inquiry: victims’ self‐processes, the collaborative accomplishment of victimization, social problems claims‐making, and social movement framing. Scholars in each area take a symbolic interactionist perspective. Because victimization is potentially stigmatizing, much of this research and analysis draws on the literature on vocabularies of motive, aligning activities, and accounts. Literature on self‐processes examines how victims come to see themselves as victims and their situations as deviant. Often, when they try to establish their victim identities with others, they can be discredited or blamed if they do not meet expectations of typical victims. When people want to show that a social problem exists, they use images of victims to evoke sympathy and other emotions. Sometimes, collective identities may not be sympathetic, and also need to be managed, through the framing work of activists.  相似文献   

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