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Most children in the care of the child welfare system have been exposed to multiple traumas in addition to the stressor of being removed from their home. Because the risk for mental health problems following exposure to trauma is high, a critical need exists to introduce trauma-informed practices into the child welfare system. The purpose of this study is to evaluate initial stages of a trauma-informed training program for the Arkansas Division of Child and Family Services (DCFS). In Phase 1, 102 (75%) of DCFS area directors and supervisors participated in 10 regional, two-day workshops modeled after the National Child and Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) trauma-informed training for child welfare. Pre- and post-training evaluations demonstrated significant improvements in participants' knowledge of trauma-informed practices. A three-month follow-up with directors and supervisors indicated that use of trauma-informed practices increased significantly and that such changes were correlated with pre- versus post-training improvement in knowledge. Most participants were able to partially implement action steps established at the time of training; however, a number of barriers were cited as preventing full implementation, including time constraints, heavy caseloads, lack of staff, and limited resources. Results are discussed in light of plans under way for Phase II training for all DCFS front-line staff.  相似文献   

Despite continuing improvements in risk assessment for child protective services (CPS) and movement toward actuarial prediction of child maltreatment, current models have not adequately addressed child sexual abuse. Sexual abuse cases present unique and ambiguous indicators to the investigating professional, and risk factors differ from those related to physical abuse and neglect. Incorporation of research on risk factors specifically related to sexual offender recidivism into existing CPS risk assessment models may improve the ability to assess the risk of future sexual maltreatment to children. This article reviews the literature on risk factors for sexual offense recidivism and discusses their relevance and application to CPS assessment models. An evidence-based model for assessing risk in child sexual abuse cases is proposed.  相似文献   

Recantation in child sexual abuse cases.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
M Rieser 《Child welfare》1991,70(6):611-621
This article pulls together coherently a rather sparse literature on children's not infrequent retraction of their earlier disclosure of having been sexually abused. Evidence to date indicates that very few originally lied. The pressures and circumstances that underlie recantation are multiple, and suggestions are made for mitigating them.  相似文献   


The officially decreed procedure for preventing child abuse does not do so. Three reasons stand out, any one of which would account for this:

Investigations are based on asking the wrong questions. As a result many children are removed unnecessarily, while others do not get the protection they need.

The method of managing cases is seriously flawed. In particular, there is failure to put one person in charge, with full authority to direct the case, and sole responsibility for its outcome. Case conferences, at-risk registers, and some fashionable treatment procedures, are incompatible with a rational solution.

Social workers, without adequate help and support, are required to perform a task for which most are not equipped, and according to instructions that make it impossible. Their training no longer endows them with skill in psychotheraputic casework, and they do not thereafter receive regular supervisory counselling, both of which are indispensable for helping disturbed clients. Moreover, fieldworkers are expected to make decisions that should be the responsibility of the supervisor.  相似文献   

S Gothard 《Child welfare》1987,66(1):13-24
Testimony in court by child victims of sexual abuse results in further trauma, frequently inconsistent or retracted accusations, and, in incest cases, exacerbation of family difficulties. A number of states have liberalized rules of evidence in such instances to spare the child; some states have enacted legislation simplifying introduction of the child's out-of-court statements, although the constitutionality of these statutes has yet to be tested.  相似文献   

Risk assessments allow child and youth services to identify children who are at risk for maltreatment (e.g., abuse, neglect) and help determine the restrictiveness of placements or need for services among youth entering a child welfare system. Despite the use of instruments by many agencies within the U.S. to determine the appropriate placements for youth, research has shown that placement decisions are often influenced by factors such as gender, age, and severity of social–emotional and behavior problems. This study examined ratings of risk across multiple domains using a structured assessment tool used by caseworkers in the Rhode Island child welfare system. The relationship between ratings of risk and placement restrictiveness was also examined. Risk levels varied across placement settings. Multivariate analyses revealed that lower caseworker ratings of parent risk and higher ratings of youth risk were associated with more restrictive placements for youth. Implications for the child welfare system are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined 58 sexually abused children referred for clinical psychological services in 1999 in Hong Kong and compared the characteristics and disclosure patterns between those with multiple incidents of abuse and those with single incident. The former group was more likely to have been abused by a family member, took a longer time to disclose, and was more often abused in contexts where the abusers had control and power. Over 40% of subjects also reported presence of other persons during abuse. Myths and misconceptions among professionals are highlighted. Implications on future service development and training needs in child protection are discussed.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. This paper considers an appropriate form of intervention with parents accused of physically abusing their children where structural pressures are seen as the predominant problem. Traditional practice is regarded as too prone to individualised explanations and responses. Groupwork is therefore proposed as the method of choice and, within this, the self-directed model is shown to offer particular advantages. An account of a particular group is given, showing both the groupworkers' and the group members' aims for the group. The results of the group are outlined, and are shown to have included important practical gains as well as increases in confidence and self-esteem for the group members  相似文献   

Considerable changes have occurred in criminal proceedings involving sexually abused children. As a result, perpetrators of child sexual abuse have been convicted more easily and sentenced to long prison sentences. However, a number of these convictions have been tainted and, thus reversed on appeal, based on either problems in the investigatory process or expert witnesses' exceeding the limits of proper testimony. Because many investigators and some expert witnesses were social workers, the author discusses recent decisions where appellate judges have criticized child protection workers' behaviors. By becoming familiar with cases such as these, child protection workers should gain a better understanding of the limits of their roles in the investigatory process and court proceedings. The result more likely would be that just convictions would be upheld by appellate courts, and falsely accused defendants would be spared the stigma of accusation, trial, and perhaps conviction.  相似文献   

Agency workers have been heavily criticized over their handling of alleged ritual child sexual abuse cases, particularly in respect of their assessments and interventions. However, a study of referrals to police and social service departments revealed that agency workers raised suspicions of ritual abuse in respect of both child ‘victims’ and adult ‘survivors’ very rarely. Furthermore, they did this only after an assessment which showed the cases to possess a number of ‘troubling’ features. While agency workers believed that all the child ‘victims’ had been subject to serious sexual abuse, virtually all of them were circumspect as to whether this had occurred in a ‘ritual’ context. Initially, agency workers were generally open-minded as to the experiences of adult ‘survivors’, but by the end of their assessments, they tended to be more concerned about their mental health and less concerned about issues of ritual abuse. Finally, agency workers appeared to act appropriately in terms of the types of intervention they used and the way in which they applied these. These results suggest that there should be more confidence in the ability of agency workers to respond to cases of alleged ritual abuse. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Suchrara writes [1977: 296] that "a child's right to humane treatment must be considered not an option on the part of adults, but an obligation." The use of videotaped interviews as admissible judicial evidence is an important step toward Suchrara's goal; videotaped testimony attempts to balance the emotional, psychological, and developmental needs of the child with the civil liberties afforded to alleged perpetrators. The Texas State Legislature, with the passage of Senate Bill 836, broadened the civil rights of children to include the notion of humane treatment in civil and criminal investigations and proceedings. The Texas law establishes explicit guidelines to enhance the child's dignity in a traumatic and personal experience. Furthermore, the law protects the civil rights of the accused guaranteed by the sixth and fourteenth amendments to the U.S. Constitution. The successful implementation of the videotape law, however, depends on the skills and expertise of the social worker. The practitioner must possess specialized training in the dynamics of child sexual abuse and an extensive understanding of related law and legal processes. This expertise is built on a foundation of knowledge and skills required for effective interviewing, counseling, and an exhaustive understanding of human behavior theory. Given the complexity and interplay of law, rights, and human behavior, the social worker requires ongoing training in these areas in order that the interests of all concerned parties be protected. The Texas State Legislature provides an opportunity for the social welfare and legal communities to determine jointly how and to what extent the rights of a victim and an alleged perpetrator may be protected. The law is in hand; the success of its implementation now rests with the practitioners.  相似文献   

Criminal justice research frequently investigates relationships between punishment decisions and demographic characteristics of the accused, such as gender, race, and age. While there are many similarities between criminal justice and child welfare cases, research on child maltreatment has yet to examine potential demographic influences on case outcomes. The current study examines relationships between parent gender, type of maltreatment, and child removal among agency responses to child maltreatment cases. Using data collected by the National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS), we identify differences in the likelihood of child removal from the parental home across type of maltreatment and perpetrator gender. Our results indicate that mother perpetrators of physical abuse not only face significantly higher likelihood of removal than mother perpetrators of neglect, but are more at risk for losing their children than father perpetrators of both physical abuse and neglect. Findings suggest that gendered attributions and stereotypes regarding parenting can shape assessments of parents' blameworthiness, dangerousness, and rehabilitative potential. We propose that future research on child maltreatment cases adapt and apply justice concepts and frameworks to uncover potential unwarranted demographic disparities in agency decision-making.  相似文献   

This article argues that major advances in parental alienation (PA) theory, since its inception as the Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS), have not consistently been applied in custody litigation practice, because they do not serve advocacy needs; whereas, the misogynistic cultural argument in PAS, when relied on implicitly but not stated explicitly, can win cases. It first discusses advances in modern PA theory that eliminate misogyny. It then reviews feminist advances (1960s to 1980s) to show the threat to patriarchal power, and the fathers’ rights backlash, to explain their demand for legal redress. The hypothesis that a misogynistic cultural framework undermines evidence-based reasoning in child custody cases is supported with studies associating misogynistic beliefs with irrational thinking in multiple scientific areas, including child custody; and documents that show misogyny is a serious concern in the U.S. legal system. The article concludes by stating the need for evidence of misogynistic bias in custody decisions.  相似文献   

This paper examines various conceptual approaches to the etiology of child abuse and reports the results of an original study. Data on 99 families with children who were court adjudicated as having suffered non-accidental trauma were analyzed by means of a cluster analysis (hierarchical nearest-neighbor clustering). Four empirically-derived clusters of family/case attributes are described and then discussed as representing separate etiologies of child abuse. The implications of this typology are also discussed as they relate to clinical practice and social policy.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine how Child Protective Services (CPS) investigators decide to substantiate mothers for failure-to-protect from sexual abuse. A case-comparison study was used to compare 31 mothers who were and 62 mothers who were not substantiated for failure-to-protect by CPS. The multivariate analysis showed that mothers who did not consistently believe the sexual abuse occurred and who did not consistently act protectively were more likely to be substantiated. In addition, if they knew about the abuse from more than one source were less supportive of the children; and had a substance abuse problem, a mental health problem or were being battered, then they were more likely to be substantiated. Investigators appear to apply criteria consistently to substantiate mothers. doi:10.1300/J070v15n04_04.  相似文献   

Recent studies have examined disclosure of child sexual abuse to determine the correlates and consequences of telling others about this form of victimization. The present article reviews the current empirical literature on disclosure and reactions to adult survivors to assess what is known about the process of disclosure and whether telling others is therapeutic and leads to positive outcomes. Most studies assessing social reactions in detail have concerned adult survivors retrospectively reporting on their disclosures of child sexual abuse. Few empirical studies have been conducted in this area but research suggests that few victims tell anyone about child sexual abuse as children, and that the type of reactions to disclosure vary according to when disclosure occurs (childhood or adulthood), the extent and nature of the disclosure, and the person to whom one discloses. Clear evidence shows that negative social reactions are harmful to survivors' well-being, but better assessment of specific reactions and their effects are needed in theoretically-based studies to evaluate how these responses affect survivors' recovery in the context of other variables. Suggestions for future research on social reactions of others to adult survivors disclosing child sexual abuse are presented.  相似文献   

C Bowdry 《Child welfare》1990,69(4):333-340
Six types of physical maltreatment of children emerged during a 12-year period of a specialized physical abuse protective services program in Dallas, Texas. Criteria for identification of each type and recommendations for case management and treatment are presented in this paper. The typology is a broad framework; overlapping may occur in some instances. It is used as a means of differentiating between milder and more severe forms of physical child abuse.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the effect of mandated notification training upon the tendency of individuals to report hypothetical cases of abuse and neglect. A second objective was to investigate the factors that influence the decision to report and to determine whether mandated notification training had an effect on these factors. Comparisons were drawn between a no training and a recent training group (with random allocation). An additional group of participants who had received training some time ago was included. Five hypothetical vignettes were responded to by 41 teachers and school personnel who had recently completed training, 31 people who had not completed training and 73 people who had completed training some years previously. Where the quality of evidence of abuse and thus suspicion of abuse was relatively high, there were no differences in the likelihood of reporting between trained and untrained participants, all of whom were very likely to report. Ambiguous evidence of abuse had a strong negative influence on reporting likelihood, although mandatory reporting training reduced this inhibition. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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