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This paper is based on analysis of data collected for a study, commissioned by the Scottish Government, which examined child protection work with disabled children. At a conceptual level, the paper draws on Goffman's frame analysis and on different models of disability. Focus groups were conducted with five Child Protection Committees (40 individuals) and semi-structured interviews with a further 21 practitioners from social work, education, health services, third sector organisations and the police. The findings show that, for various reasons, abuse of disabled children may go undetected. Where it is suspected, effective action does not always follow, for example, where practitioners over-empathise with parents. When child protection work is undertaken, disabled children may remain relatively invisible in terms of participation and professional focus. It is suggested that the ways in which practitioners and managers “frame” disabled children has implications for how abuse is responded to and how well these children are protected. Participants also “framed” disability in different ways, and it is suggested that a social relational model seems particularly applicable. In conclusion, in many respects disabled children experiencing abuse may remain absent from or to some extent hidden within child protection services in Scotland. While some creative work is taking place, considerable changes are required to make child protection services accessible to all disabled children, sensitive to their needs and respectful of their rights.  相似文献   

This longitudinal study analyses gender and the blurring boundaries of work during prolonged telework, utilising data gathered during the different phases of the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic caused a major change in the knowledge work sector, which has characteristically been more prone to work leaking into other parts of life. The study examines the blurring boundaries of telework: between time and place, care and housework, and emotional, social, spiritual and aesthetic labour. The experiences of different genders regarding the blurring boundaries of work during long-term telework are scrutinised using a mixed methods approach, analysing two surveys (Autumn 2020: N = 87, and Autumn 2021: N = 94) conducted longitudinally in a consulting company operating in Finland. There were several gendered differences in the reported forms of labour, which contribute to the blurring boundaries of work. Some boundary blurring remained the same during the study, while some fluctuated. The study also showed how the gendered practices around the blurring boundaries of work transformed during prolonged telework. Blurring boundaries of work and attempts to establish boundaries became partially gendered, as gender and life situation were reflected in knowledge workers' experiences of teleworking.  相似文献   

Since summer 2014, the insurgent group ‘Islamic State in Iraq and Syria’ (ISIS) has become a major concern for international politics and global security due to its rapid territorial gains, violent operations and the propagation of Salafi-jihadist ideology. This study aims to enhance the academic understanding of ISIS by demystifying the ideological reasoning behind its use of violence. It therefore investigates the link between structural factors that served ISIS’s evolution, its ideological outlook and the significance of this ideology to legitimize violent action. As its theoretical basis, the study employs framing processes within the study of social movements. Methodologically, discursive frame analysis serves to explore the relation of ISIS’s ideology to structural events and experiences to better understand how the group justifies violence. Therefore, the study draws on audio speeches and issues of the magazines Dabiq and Dar al-Islam published by ISIS, which are examined on the rhetoric of othering, collective identity and justifying violence. It is argued that ISIS constructs a collective action frame which creates a social reality that bestows the group with a rationale for action. ISIS’s ideology, based on Islamic symbolism, presents an interpretative lens which assigns meaning to the structural environment of ISIS’s emergence. In this context, violence is justified as a necessity to defend Islam and as an obligation for the true Muslim believer. The discussion concludes that ISIS’s ideology legitimizes the very existence of the group and conceals its mundane struggle for power, territory and wealth through reference to divine authority.  相似文献   

In over 65?years of conflict that followed the creation of Israel and the subsequent occupation of Palestinian land, the official international organizations representing the profession of social work have been in a state of avoidance with regards to dealing with crucial questions about social work under occupation. Until, last year hardly any relevant statement could be traced in the archives of the International Federation of Social Workers and the International Association of Social Workers referring to this issue. This article attempts to provide an initial exploration of the views and every-day professional lives of children and family social workers in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. The authors investigate and reflect on the challenges and opportunities Palestinian social workers face while working in the context of military conflict. There is a particular focus on the impact of the occupation of Palestinian lands and the experiences of trauma affecting children who seek the support of social services.  相似文献   

Internet is a virtual world that develops so fast that every one access to it now, more and more people who have never met before in the real world can communicate even do business transactions at home or abroad. There are substantial web service providers that provide Internet technical supports for ISP users to create, distribute, storage or receive information.  相似文献   

Although migration plays a critical role in the economic landscape of the world, government officials and researchers do not sufficiently include migration and/or migrants in research studies and development policies. In South Africa, many migrants – both internal and cross-border – engage in informal livelihood strategies, including sex work (see Richter et al. 2012). Currently, the bulk of research that is being conducted in South Africa in the areas of migration and sex work rely heavily on the use of traditional research approaches and focus mainly on concerns surrounding issues of public health, with increased attention to HIV (for example, see SANAC 2013; Scheibe, Drame and Shannon 2012; Scorgie et al. 2011). While this work is invaluable, there is a need for research that can counter the stigma that sex workers overwhelmingly face in light of HIV/AIDS. Participatory visual and narrative research approaches – as part of mixed method study designs – that examine the lived experiences of migrant sex workers can provide important insights that ‘move beyond the polarized and simplistic arguments that have circulated in South African about migrant sex workers’ (Nyangairi and Palmary, 2014, 132). This methodological approach makes important and necessary contributions to national and international discourses on migration and sex work (see Oliveira and Vearey 2015). In addition, these methods provide a unique platform where the normative discourses that portray migrants as a homogenous vulnerable and apolitical group of people can be contested (Palmary 2006). In this article, I present and discuss three participatory visual and narrative research projects that have been conducted with migrant men, women and transgender persons who sell sex in two Provinces of South Africa and examine the suitability of these approaches.  相似文献   

The iron law of oligarchy is applied to the VFW. Using participant observation and qualitative interviews, membership of the VFW is dichotomized into a leadership oligarchy and a drinking membership. Opinions of members of the two groups about the purposes of the organization and about each other are documented. An historical analysis traces the change in organizational goals over time from promoting nationalism, fraternalism, and special benefits for members to political advocacy of veterans' rights.  相似文献   

BackgroundResearch indicates a disproportionate impact of HIV and AIDS in sub-Saharan African countries, leading to many vulnerable families and children. Many of these communities have limited resources to support these vulnerable families, especially orphans and vulnerable children (OVC).Study aims and objectiveThis study set out to investigate how para-professional social workers and community health workers (PSWCHW) impact the provision of services and the psychosocial wellbeing and protection of vulnerable children in the community.MethodsThis quasi-experimental research study used data from an independent Save the Children program evaluation study in Côte d'Ivoire. We compared the health and psychosocial wellbeing of identified vulnerable children supported by para-professionals (n = 334) and children not receiving para-professional support (n = 213).FindingsSupport services and activities provided by PSWCHW included encouraging the children to be part of psychosocial support groups. Many of the children reported legal issues that ranged from getting a birth certificate issued to fighting or quarrelling with adults, disputes, public insults, beatings, and refusing to go to school. We found that the engagement of PSWCHW helped three out of four children go to school (compared to only one in four of the children without PSWCHW). PSWCHW also helped the children improve access to health care services.ConclusionsCommunities in sub-Saharan Africa should continue to consider the integrated utilization of para-professional social workers and community health care workers to support and improve psychosocial wellbeing of orphaned and vulnerable children which, in turn, enhances child protection services and access to healthcare.  相似文献   

‘Paradox in Practice’ is an international comparative study which highlights some of the dilemmas and tensions inherent in social work practice presented by women working in three European countries. The paper is drawn from a longitudinal tri-national study which was undertaken between 1993 and 1996 by the social work departments of the University of Bournemouth, Dorset, England; the Fachhochschule Niederrhein in Monchengladbach, Germany; the University of Perugia in Umbria, Italy. The study was undertaken in two phases, the first a quantitative survey with one hundred participants in each country, the second qualitative interviews with twenty-five practitioners and ten experts in the social work field in each country.

Despite cultural, economic and political differences women appeared to face similar problems in their practice and the issues they raised are pertinent to the wider European debate on social work practice. The contribution of women to paid and unpaid care appears to have small impact on the organisation and design of care services except at the point of delivery. Priority setting and policy design appear still to be largely male domains in a female dominated profession. Where is women's voice given their significant role in underpinning social work services?

The wider study examined the profile of women engaged in social work practice in three European countries. In particular, the study examined the extent to which factors such as women's roles, caring and gender difference impacted upon work styles, practice and management in social work and on policy development in the personal social services in three European countries.  相似文献   

This study explores the perceptions of school principals in terms of organizing inclusive and special education in two well-performing, western school systems in Finland and in Alberta, Canada. The interview data reveal that, in spite of the inclusive rhetoric within education policy documents, most of the principals were still defining their current practices using the language of integration, and the educational decisions were often based on the more traditional idea of the least restrictive environment. The principals’ views were surprisingly similar in both jurisdictions despite the different contextual and historical trends.  相似文献   

This essay reports a corpus comparison of three near-synonyms, ENSURE, ASSURE and INSURE. The data for the investigation were taken from BNC (British National C...  相似文献   

Due to increasing diversity among clients and workers in the public child welfare] sector, it is essential to understand how workforce diversity can be channeled into positive organizational outcomes. Using theories of symbolic interaction, reference groups, and social identity, we tested a conceptual model of the relationships between diversity characteristics, leader–member exchange, diversity climate, perception of inclusion, and job satisfaction and intention to leave among public child welfare workers. The current study used two waves of data from 363 employees of a large urban public child welfare agency in the western United States. Path analysis results indicate that leader–member exchange and diversity climate have a positive effect on job satisfaction through inclusion, and that a positive organizational diversity climate can lower intention to leave through both inclusion and job satisfaction. Findings illustrate how organizational climates of diversity and inclusion affect both job satisfaction and intention to leave, providing insight into organizational factors that can be targeted for workplace interventions.  相似文献   

The Adverse Childhood Experiences' (ACEs) research provided groundbreaking evidence that events that occur early in life can impede core life capabilities and lead to significant negative social, behavioral, and physical outcomes. While the research is widely known, the translation and application for use with families has been lacking. In response to this gap, Lemonade for Life was developed to help professionals who work directly with families understand how to use the ACEs research as a tool to build hope and resilience. A developmental evaluation was conducted to learn about how Lemonade for Life participants integrate ACEs in their work with families, as well as whether and how the Lemonade for Life training and materials influenced their work. Focus group and survey data were collected from 24 home visitors and parent educators and parent educators, who participated in a Lemonade for Life training. Findings indicate that Lemonade for Life may be a useful tool for translating ACEs research into practice with families. Participants perceived that following the integration of what they learned through Lemonade for Life into their work, the families they served were more engaged in services and better able to understand their past experiences and current life circumstances. Results suggest a continued need to assess and focus on the hope and mindset of professionals who work directly with families to optimize opportunities for change.  相似文献   

The article discusses the nature of the tangled interaction between the ex-Soviet Central Asian republics and the outside great powers – Russia, the United States and China. Although the so-called Great Game model is often used to explain the geopolitical rivalry in the region, the current pattern of relations between various international actors is much more complex than a traditional tug-of-war between the old colonial empires. While Russia's strategic role in Central Asia appears to be on the rise, the capacity of the West to influence political developments in the region has diminished. However, the overall situation in Central Asia remains volatile and its geopolitical landscape is far from being settled.  相似文献   


This study focuses on budgetary implications of domestic violence (DV) laws in the Latin American, Central American, and Caribbean (LAC) region. It is based on a survey of literature and data on DV legislation, literature reviews on the social and economic costs of DV, and an analysis of policies on DV in the region based on a survey of nonprofits working on DV in the region. The study shows DV is not being mainstreamed into ministerial budget line items as would be expected following the passage of law. There is clearly a difference between what is ratified in laws and the implementation of activities that follows those decisions. Funding for DV programs is insufficient to reach the entire target population and address the magnitude of the problem. Even after laws were passed, major sources of funding for DV services have continued to be discretionary funds from the ministries' budgets and international donor funds.  相似文献   

PurposeFollowing the UN convention on the rights of children, a shift in policy towards greater emphasis on child participation in child protection case processing has occurred. A growing body of research has emerged concerning participation processes in child protection cases and the experiences of children in child protection cases. Very few studies have looked into if and when children get what they want, however. The aim of this study is to assess children's views about living arrangements and visitations in dependency court hearings and to compare these views with the rulings of courts.MethodThe study uses a retrospective cohort design. Cases where child welfare board rulings are in line with the wishes of children are compared to cases where rulings differ from the wishes of children. Data were collected from regional social welfare board archives. The study included 151 cases that were randomly drawn from a total population of 2481 cases. Simple and multivariate logistic regression was used to identify factors associated with the rulings being in accord with the child's wishes in each sample case.ResultsA child advocate was appointed in almost 95% of the cases (n = 142). Fifty-nine percent of the children did not want a change in care. Rulings about care were in line with the wishes of the child in 39% of the cases. Rulings about care were most likely to be what the child wanted, if the child was presently living in public care and did not want to move. Children wanted more visitations with their mothers in 60.5% of the cases and with their fathers in 39.8% of the cases. Whether children wanted more visitations with their mothers was associated with more visitations being granted. What a child wanted was not associated with the ruling on visitations with the child's father.ConclusionThe impact of children's views on visitations on dependency court rulings depends on what a child wants and how these desires coincide with what is proposed by child protection services. Children's views can be quite effective in blocking certain decisions but are less effective if the child requested a specific change. If a child does not want to stay with his or her birth parents, then the odds that the birth parents will be granted custody is minimal.  相似文献   

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