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郭兰兰 《科学发展》2023,(8):107-113
养老照护服务作为养老服务中最主要、最基础的服务项目,其发展程度和水平是养老产业总体发展状况的重要衡量指标,同时也是影响养老产业发展的重要导向因素。应充分发挥不同养老服务供给主体的作用,明确政府和市场的边界,积极发挥市场的主体作用。大力促进具备市场潜力的养老照护产业发展,重点培育认知症照护、到宅助浴、老年营养膳食、非医康养等领域的品牌企业,以带动整个养老产业的发展。  相似文献   

吴春 《城市观察》2014,(4):120-126
基于济南市历下区购买居家养老服务的实践,探讨了社区居家养老服务的时代背景,重点分析了历下区政府购买居家养老服务的运作模式,研究结果表明,在我国养老压力日益严峻的情况下,要完善政府购买居家养老服务模式,必须积极推进社区居家养老服务产业的发展;加大政策扶持力度,加强资金引导;培育社会组织,提高养老服务品质;实现政府购买居家养老服务的标准化运作,只有这样才能缓解养老压力,提高老年人生活质量,推动养老服务事业的发展。  相似文献   

目前居家养老服务普遍面临着服务团队专业化程度不高、服务内容单一及服务资金无法有效保障等问题.广东省江门市社工机构从2010年7月开始介入白沙街道的居家养老服务项目,坚持服务对象需求多元化及增权视角,在个案管理工作方法指导下探索"社工+家政+义工"的居家养老服务模式.该模式通过社工与家政人员、社工与义工、社工与居家养老对象及社工、家政、义工、居家养老对象四者之间的有效联动,在满足居家养老对象综合需求、提升居家养老对象能力、促使政府资源及社会资源有机结合、促使政府转变职能等方面具有一定的成效(联动关系见右下图).  相似文献   

随着我国社会人口快步进入老龄化,社会化养老模式受到越来越多关注和推崇,怎么养老,如何养老,如何大力发展老龄服务产业是摆在各级政府面前的新的课题。本文主要从我国老龄服务的现状入手,结合其他城市的先进经验,为老龄产业的未来发展提出若干建议。  相似文献   

养老问题历来是社会民生的热点话题。随着智能技术的发展,一种新型的养老模式逐渐兴起,即基于“智慧养老”与“医养融合”的新型养老模式。探讨新型养老模式的目标和应用,并研究新型养老模式的发展背景、具体内容以及实现路径,为养老服务需求和服务供给的合理匹配提供理论支持。  相似文献   

关于上海推进“医养融合”的思考与建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘华 《科学发展》2014,(5):97-106
"医养融合"反映了"持续照料"的养老理念,包括3个相互关联的阶段:一是病前的疾病预防,二是病中的便捷就医,三是病后的康复护理。上海人口老龄化伴随着严重的高龄化趋势,对医疗卫生服务提出了更迫切的要求。国内各省市在加强医疗资源和养老资源融合发展方面,主要有4种模式,分别是合作模式(双向转诊模式)、内设模式、转化模式和输出模式。上海推进"医养融合"应建立健全相关制度、推进养老资源与医疗卫生资源的合作、支持有条件的养老机构设置医疗机构、鼓励相关养老产业发展以及加强老年医护人员队伍建设。  相似文献   

宋娟 《科学发展》2014,(11):61-70
上海人口老龄化进入时期早、加剧速度快、影响时间长,且高龄化、少子化特征明显,只有充足的养老服务供给和较高的养老服务水平作为支撑,才能应对未来养老服务的需求压力。上海应充分发挥改革创新精神,遵循"事业与产业并重,以事业为基础,以产业为支撑"的基本原则,立足"9073"基本养老服务格局,进一步强化养老事业,全面布局养老产业,通过"体系、制度、产业、智慧养老、队伍"的建设,逐步完善符合特大型城市人口老龄化发展特征,满足各类老年群体养老服务需求的,全面覆盖的社会养老服务体系,全面提升养老服务能力和水平。  相似文献   

家庭是社会的基本单元,其现状和变动对社会经济发展会产生直接而深远的影响。近20年来,上海的家庭代际结构发生了诸多变化。其表现在户均人口数持续缩小、空巢老人家庭数量增多、家庭代际关系发生变化、家庭模式呈现多样化等方面,这些都对上海的社会公共服务提出了新的需求和挑战。上海应在"政府支持引导、社区积极参与、供给主体多元、引入市场竞争"的总体思路下构建上海社会公共服务新体系;要优化社区养老模式,大力发展养老服务产业,培育公益性的社区公共服务组织,推进养老服务专业化队伍建设,发展幼托照护及教育事业。  相似文献   

养老是全社会的责任,是社会保障的重要内容,由政府包办社会养老的模式已经力不从心。无论是养老的社会需求,还是政府的财力支持,都需要一个多元化、社会化的养老服务系统。引进民间资本参与社会养老,建设数量更多的养老服务设施,组织提供质量更优质的专业化家政服务、护理与个人生活照料、医疗康复等养老服务,全面推动社会养老行业的快速发展,也是解决养老问题的有效道路。  相似文献   

面对人口老龄化快速发展趋势下银色浪潮的汹涌冲击,全社会的老年人如何养老、谁来为他们养老、怎样更好地安度晚年,已经成为摆在各级政府和人们面前的一道重要课题,由此也催生了各种各样的养老服务机构、设施和场所,也不断开辟创新出许多新的养老渠道和养老方式,使为老服务的内容和形式更加多姿多彩。最初从老年旅游业引发和开展起来的异地互动式养老,近几年发展得很快,已经成为促进老年人旅游观光,丰富老年人的精神文化生活,同时解决老年人阶段性养老服务需求的一种重要的养老模式,  相似文献   

Cities in developing countries are facing a double dilemma. On one hand, the urban population is growing rapidly, causing a huge increase in demand for waste management services. On the other hand, the traditional public sector is failing to respond to the increased demand for service. The public sector is constrained by resource and institutional limitations. It is often proposed that the solution lies in private sector participation. It is expected that the private sector, with its dynamism and flexibility, may fill in the service delivery gaps by forming partnership with the public sector. However, a third tier—the people—is often overlooked in the service delivery framework. Citizens can contribute significantly to service delivery. They can support the private sector with payment of service charges. But more importantly, they can play an active role in improving accountability and service quality of both public and private sector. This radical shift in people's role, from passive service receivers to active service partners, however, may not occur endogenously. External help from facilitating agencies may enable the public and private sector to form partnership with people for better service delivery. This article examines the role of facilitating agencies in developing tripartite partnership for solid waste management service in Bangladesh. The key lessons learned are: a number of obstacles prevented spontaneous partnership among the public sector, private sector and people; facilitating agencies were able to overcome the obstacles to form partnership of the three; and, the tripartite arrangement resulted in higher accountability and better service delivery.  相似文献   

吴海宁 《科学发展》2013,(11):89-94
上海国有纺织产业升级已形成3种路径:有形资源依附型、无形资源依附型和创新资源培育型。3种路径的成功体现在:实现了产业升级共识与企业家个性认识的统一,实现了集团协同与企业探索的统一,实现了发挥历史资源优势、传承历史与创新精神的统一,实现了国有企业基础定位与终端竞争的统一,实现了相关产业自生能力与共生能力的统一。  相似文献   


Increasingly, public sector child welfare agencies are contracting with private agencies for the provision of specialized services to clients while maintaining oversight and case management responsibilities. At the same time, funders, both private and public, are demanding that service providers partner and collaborate with one another. In this article, we present results from a study of a unique partnership between two state child welfare agencies and a private child welfare agency aimed at reunifying families whose children have been removed and placed in foster care. Data was obtained from 41 key informants using a questionnaire and a structured interview. Findings support earlier studies of collaboration, and indicate the strengths of this partnership and factors that facilitated and hindered it. The results have implications for agencies that both contract for and provide a range of child welfare services as well as other interagency relationships.  相似文献   

While economists recognize that private cartels are difficult to sustain, they are too sanguine about the prospects for government-assisted cartels. Although the state's coercive power would seem to make it an effective enforcer of cartel agreements, the political costs of enforcement can be high of segments of the industry resist. The government's solution lies in alternative strategies for raising prices. Examining government efforts to organize an orange cartel in the 1930s, we find that farmers' opposition to output cuts and quota assignments because of their distributional effects forced a policy she to purchases of "excess stocks."  相似文献   

This paper examines the current youth transition system in Poland focusing on the role of industry partnerships with vocational upper secondary schools. On the example of the aviation cluster in the south-eastern Poland, this paper assesses the strong industry-led partnership established in 2007 with local schools and authorities in delivery of aviation-specific programmes, and its impact of local youth transitions to labour market. In contrast to Poland's national trend towards weak cooperation between industry and the vocational education sector, three major dynamics regarding the aviation cluster's influence on vocational education are observable. The region benefits from: strong leadership from local industry in influencing the supply of particular skills by local vocational education and training (VET) schools and universities; a high level of willingness of local government authorities at the mayor's and municipality's offices to support the aviation cluster's influence on VET; and a free-market model of student choice influencing the practice of local VET schools and training centres. Such cooperation is valuable for businesses and local institutes of education. However, these processes affect the equal chances of successful school-to-work transitions for graduates stratified in different educational pathways, and successful transitions are still constrained by the structure of Poland's system, which is increasingly assuming ‘education logic’.  相似文献   

Under Connecticut's recently implemented public/private partnership to finance long-term care, individuals will no longer need to impoverish themselves in order to receive Medicaid assistance. To encourage those people who can afford to buy a private long-term care insurance policy to do so, the state promises to shield one dollar in assets from Medicaid "spend-down" rules for every dollar a private policy pays out for Medicaid-covered services. This article describes the Partnership, shows how dwindling resources and budget constraints affected the development of this model, and then contrasts Connecticut's experience with that of other states and describes what can be learned from this demonstration.  相似文献   

Under Connecticut's recently implemented public/private partnership to finance long-term care, individuals will no longer need to impoverish themselves in order to receive Medicaid assistance. To encourage those people who can afford to buy a private long-term care insurance policy to do so, the state promises to shield one dollar in assets from Medicaid "spend-down" rules for every dollar a private policy pays out for Medicaid-covered services. This article describes the Partnership, shows how dwindling resources and budget constraints affected he development of this model, and then contrasts Connecticut's experience with that of other states and describes what can be learned from this demonstration.  相似文献   

赵先立  李子君 《城市观察》2012,(5):77-85,125
北京地铁4号线项目是我国轨道交通领域首先采用公私合作投融资模式建设并获得成功的基础设施项目,该项目降低了政府投资风险,引入了市场竞争机制,取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益。本文重点分析了北京地铁4号线公私合作项目投融资模式的运作思路、程序、成本收益、创新性以及存在问题,以求为未来我国城市基础设施建设的投融资运作提供一定的经验和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Public and private funding sources often require nonprofit organizations to provide evidence of partnership with a governmental entity before financing a project. However, the circumstances under which working partnerships between the nonprofit and public sectors are forged and sustained have not been fully studied. This article presents the findings of a case study of land trusts and local governments and identifies conditions that foster successful collaboration. Social factors such as experience on the part of key personnel in working with the opposite entity and genuine affection for each other are more important than economic benefits. This suggests that a nonprofit agency interested in creating a viable partnership to improve a project should give careful consideration to assigning staff.  相似文献   

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