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余建华 《社会工作》2011,(12):17-19
美国社会工作服务在上百年的发展过程中,已形成一套较为完整的体系和相对成熟的运作机制。本文借鉴美国发展社会工作服务的经验,结合中国实际情况,从宏观层面,简要分析如何更好地促进中国社会工作的发展。  相似文献   

美国社会工作服务在上百年的发展过程中,已形成一套较为完整的体系和相对成熟的运作机制.本文借鉴美国发展社会工作服务的经验,结合中国实际情况,从宏观层面,简要分析如何更好地促进中国社会工作的发展.  相似文献   

社会工作能否被称为一门科学和一种职业?它的科学属性和社会功能是什么,社会工作理论与实践之间的关系是什么,如何构建社会工作的专业性和质量?反思性社会工作理论从一个全新的角度对作出阐释和科学定位:社会工作既是一门职业化反思科学,也是一种反思性职业.社会工作科学/理论属于反思理论,有别于常规的科学理论.基于这一科学理解,反思性社会工作认为,处于社会工作职业核心地位的,不是科学知识,而是专业行动.社会工作的专业性和质量只能通过专业行动得以体现.而专业行动受制于各种内部和外部结构条件,构建专业行动质量的决定性核心要素是反思性专业性,它强调一种辩证性、结构性、系统性、互动性的反思意识和反思能力,比如,相对看待知识与能力、关注社会工作者与案主互动、辩证理解理论与实践关系、在社会环境框架下理解案例工作的反思视角.由此反思能力成为社会工作者的核心职业能力.反思性社会工作理论思想对推动中国社会工作扩展理论视角、提高实践质量、促进职业发展具有决定性意义.  相似文献   

陈彧 《社会工作》2008,(2):24-26
随着社会转型时期的巨大变革,越来越多的越轨行为,如吸毒等,暴露在人们身边,而越轨者作为社会的边缘群体一直被人们歧视。社会工作作为一门专业化的助人工作在我国逐步发展起来,并且开始关注越轨者,对其进行辅助工作。关于越轨行为产生的标签理论以其独特的视角为社会工作提供了有益的启示。  相似文献   

当前,国外工业社会工作已经形成企业外模式、工会模式、企业内模式、员工服务模式、雇主组织模式、企业社会责任模式、公共政策模式等多种服务模式,除为个人、家庭与社区开辟新的服务途径,也为为数众多的劳工提供专业服务。比较普遍的做法是:制订相关法律,促进社会工作在企业组织中真正得到落实;建立专业制度,  相似文献   

社会工作职业化目前在中国存在社会认同度不高、专业服务组织机构欠缺、社会工作职业制度不健全、高校人才培养与实际部门不衔接以及本土化的社会工作理论亟待建立等问题.社会政策作为支持弱势群体、解决社会问题、促进社会公正的制度化模式,从政府的政策性角色和社会立法这两个维度出发来解决社会工作职业化过程中面临的问题,在推进社会工作职...  相似文献   

社会工作职业化目前在中国存在社会认同度不高、专业服务组织机构欠缺、社会工作职业制度不健全、高校人才培养与实际部门不衔接以及本土化的社会工作理论亟待建立等问题。社会政策作为支持弱势群体、解决社会问题、促进社会公正的制度化模式,从政府的政策性角色和社会立法这两个维度出发来解决社会工作职业化过程中面临的问题,在推进社会工作职业化进程中起着举足轻重的作用。  相似文献   

欧阳贞诚 《求是学刊》2013,40(4):165-171
在美国自20世纪60年代以来兴起的移民浪潮中,来自拉美和亚洲等非传统移民输出地的移民迅速增多,移民群体的种族构成随之发生变化。新移民群体以青壮年为主,年龄结构呈现出中间大、两头小的菱形特征,并且女性人口不断增多。与美国人相比,移民群体的婚姻状况较为稳定,同时家庭规模较大,相应有较多的子女。加强对新移民群体的关注,有助于深化对当代美国社会问题的认识与研究。  相似文献   

进入21世纪,中国社会工作实践进入快速发展时期,尤其中国共产党十六届六中全会提及建设宏大的社会工作人才队伍,为中国社会工作专业化与职业化的实  相似文献   

This paper describes the use of structured board games as the sole program activity for a small group of maladap- tive Israeli adolescent boys in attendance at a socio-educational community center. The extensive use of groups by non-social work center staff necessitated intensive pre-group planning which included consideration of the setting, the social worker's role, the abilities of otential group members and the classifica- tion and selection orgames. The group met for ten weeks with the social worker actively participating in the games. Positive changes were reported and both emotional growth and behavior change were vistble to the boys and the staff.  相似文献   

Summary The recommended knowledge base of social work is seen to bewide-ranging on the one hand, and subject to divides and tensionson the other. This state of affairs is reviewed briefly. Anargument is then developed which maintains that only certaintypes of activity within the considerable range often identifiedas social work, offer a clear suggestion that the job whichis being described is that of social work. These various activitiesand practices appeal to different kinds of theory and knowledge.As the knowledge base and practical possibilities of the jobhave become increasingly elaborate and extensive, an argumentwhich recommends that social workers recover a simplier notionof what they are about also entails the idea that social workis a job which is seen to have necessary and definite limitsto its practice and theory.  相似文献   

Summary This Research Note represents the first in a two part series,dealing with the experience of social work with immigrants andrefugees in Finland. In this part, the author identifies keyideas and outlines research findings in the major area of employment,including a discussion of the skills and abilities which socialworkers need and can contribute in this area. The next issueof the Journal will present research evidence in relation toa range of community and cultural questions which arise fromthis work, concluding with further discussion of successfulsocial work in this field.  相似文献   

Summary The paper emerges from community work with an immigrant organizationin a government-sponsored Community Development Project overa two-year period. It discusses the various approaches to workingwith immigrants, including that of the local Community RelationsCouncil, reports an action research survey of immigrant need,and in particular assesses the ‘non-directive’ communitydevelopment approach to working with an immigrant organization.The implications of this study are discussed in relation tothe general potential of community work with immigrants  相似文献   

Correspondence to Shoshana Pollack, Faculty of Social Work, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3C5. E-mail: spollack{at}wlu.ca Summary An anti-oppressive practice (AOP) framework emphasizes issuesof power and oppression within the provision of social workservices themselves as well as within the lives of clients whohave been marginalized and oppressed (Preston-Shoot, 1995; Garciaand Melendez, 1997). AOP seeks to deindividualize clients’problems in order to see them within the wider social contextof their lives. In addition, this framework attempts to moveaway from an ‘expert’ model of service deliverytowards one that is more inclusive of clients’ experiencesand that incorporates a recognition of coping and resistenceto oppression. In this paper I discuss how an AOP frameworkcan contribute to our understanding of and interventions withwomen in prison. In particular, I will focus upon how we canbetter understand and respond to women’s mental healthissues and the experience of imprisonment. Peer support servicesare examined as an example of AOP programming for women in prison.  相似文献   

This paper re-examines the nature of social work from the perspectiveof movement and ‘mobilities’. It shows that socialwork is at all times ‘on the move’, yet theory andanalyses of policy and practice largely depict it as static,solid and sedentarist. The paper draws on the ‘new mobilitiesparadigm’ (Sheller and Urry, 2006), through which a concernwith flows and movements of people, objects, information, practices,speed and rhythm, with complexity, fluid images and liquid metaphors,is moving to the centre of social theory. An understanding ofthe ‘liquid’, mobile character of social work meansproducing accounts which are much closer to what its practicesare, how and where they are performed and experienced by serviceusers and professionals, and the opportunities and risks inherentto them. Three key domains of practice—the home visit,the car journey and the office/organization—are examinedin terms of the movements that go on in them. Viewed throughsystemic and complexity theories, it is shown that social workinterventions in late-modernity are best understood in termsof a flow of mobile practices between public and private worlds,organizations and the home, at the heart of which is the sensualbody of the practitioner on the move.  相似文献   

现时社会工作的专业化和职业化的发展可谓如火如荼。了解当时美国专业化的进程及其对社工理论造成的影响,必定可为内地的社会工作建构提供宝贵的借鉴和参考的经验。  相似文献   

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