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社区作为一种新型的社会生活模式和社会组织形式,正在形成并逐步走向成熟。这一过程伴随着社区群众广泛而积极的参与。社区志愿者活动作为社区群众的一个参与平台, 相似文献
在当前转型期的背景下,我国利益集团呈现不平衡发展,并且在不断分化、重组,他们对政治的参与也呈现出各自的特点.因此,对我国利益集团政治参与的特点进行分析,具有重要的理论意义和现实意义. 相似文献
该文以2000-2020年CNKI数据库核心期刊中以大学生就业能力为主题的4536篇文献为研究对象,运用CiteSpace对相关文献数据进行可视化分析.结果发现:当前大学生就业能力研究领域的学者已达到一定数量,高职院校和教育研究所是相关研究的重要平台,但作者之间和机构之间缺少合作,该领域的研究热点包括就业能力的影响... 相似文献
女性初次生育后就业状态的转变是劳动力市场性别不平等的重要机制。以往研究大多将就业视为静态单一性事件,缺乏基于生命历程的长期动态视角。本文使用2014年中国健康与养老追踪调查(CHARLS)的生命史数据,采用序列分析技术,刻画出中国出生于1940—1978年的非农职业女性在初育前后共计21年的六类典型就业轨迹,女性的就业时期涵盖了建国初期、市场转型初期和转型成熟期三个重要的劳动力市场转型节点。结合社会变迁,本文进一步探讨了女性就业轨迹的世代转变和影响女性就业因素的变迁。结果显示,随着世代变迁,中国女性就业轨迹的复杂性和多样性明显增加,人力资本、制度庇护与照料责任的保护作用则显著削弱。本研究有助于加深学界对市场改革和劳动力市场性别不平等的认知。 相似文献
自从2002年中央明确提出振兴东北老工业基地以来,解决产业结构调整、升级与就业问题之间的矛盾成为必须要解决的"瓶颈性"障碍。本文将老工业基地就业问题基于经济增长与结构调整的背景之下进行了探讨,明确总结了现阶段黑龙江省的三次产业以及工业内部的就业结构性特征,并结合国外典型就业特征的分析,提出了促进黑龙江省就业水平提升的对策建议。 相似文献
Yao Yuan 《Social Sciences in China》2009,(1):137-148
非正式支持是解决老年人问题的重要方式和资源。中国老年人在选择非正式支持资源时会受到血亲价值观的影响,在总体上表现出网络中的血亲核心性、心理中的血缘偏执性、关系中的血缘扩展性、目标中的需求综合性和交往中的伦理交换性等特点;而在具体实践上则形成了两类资源、区别性功能、递降式选择的基本模式以及不断分割非正式支持资源网络的文化特征。这种选择模式和文化特征既有利于老年人在一定程度上利用非正式支持资源,也限制了老年人对非正式支持资源的充分利用。 相似文献
影响大学生就业的因素很多,本文以已经毕业的大学生个人情况和就业情况为研究数据,对影响大学生就业的七个自身条件进行回归分析,并做出优先排序.研究发现虽然有不少就业歧视存在,但大学生自身的努力是最终的决定因素. 相似文献
影响大学生就业的因素很多,本文以已经毕业的大学生个人情况和就业情况为研究数据,对影响大学生就业的七个自身条件进行回归分析,并做出优先排序。研究发现虽然有不少就业歧视存在,但大学生自身的努力是最终的决定因素。 相似文献
本研究借鉴新治理理论和公民参与相关理论,从实践出发反思评估主体形成过程及各问责主体之间的关系.本文基于笔者所参与的H市社会服务评估经验,比较专家参与与公众参与的动力、渠道及规则或相关约束、效用等方面的差异,来研究政府购买社会服务的评估主体.首先,从专家参与评估机制来看,分析专家身份获得、立场、个人与工作价值宣称与利益关联等.其次,将公众参与区分为有组织的公众参与与无组织的公众参与.本文认为公众参与的难题在于公众意见的差异性和公众责任扩散性.再次,从参与程度高低将专家和公众共同参与评估分为四种理想类型.最后,政府选择哪一种参与类型,需要考虑评估所处的社会服务发展水平、问责所需的专业知识水平、公众的认可度及接受度等情况.如果要超越政府购买社会服务这一治理工具的局限性,积极的专家参与与公众参与对促进社会服务发展乃至公民治理都有重要的意义. 相似文献
婚姻家庭生活对老年人晚年幸福十分重要.通过对广东城镇1265位老年人的问卷调查,从居住、代际关系、婚姻状况及老人精神情感等5个方面分析了城镇老年人婚姻家庭生活状况,结果显示多数老人钟情于家庭养老,渴望子女精神关怀,婚姻及家庭生活整体较好但个体差异较大.建议大力发展社区居家养老服务体系和社区为老组织建设,针对不同类型老人... 相似文献
On the basis of survey data on Chinese private enterprises over the years, we try to respond to the classic subject of “the social composition of private entrepreneurs (siyingqiyezhu 私营企业主).” In nearly forty years of development, the overall composition of private entrepreneurs has undergone major changes. The group contains a growing proportion of people who have a market background and higher education and are non-political CPCs. On further classifying the occupational mobility of private entrepreneurs into categories such as “xiahai 下海” (jump into business), “gaizhi 改制” (restructuring), “kuajie 跨界” (crossover), “tiaoban 跳板” (springboard) and “caogen 草 根” (grassroots), we find there are significant differences in the occupational mobility of entrepreneurs in large, medium, and small enterprises in terms of what they did before they founded their businesses. In particular, entrepreneurs in large enterprises are more likely to have “jumped into business” from inside the government system or after restructuring, while most small and medium entrepreneurs develop outside the system. Multiple regression and coefficient clustering analysis shows that education level and political status have varying effects on the occupational mobility of entrepreneurs in terms of class and cohort. 相似文献
北京市产业结构与就业结构变动分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
对改革开放以来北京市产业结构和就业结构变动趋势的考察及对二者的关联性分析表明:北京市产业结构正向着有利于促进就业的方向发展,第三产业的快速发展极大的促进了就业扩张。但是,就业结构滞后于产业结构是影响北京市扩大就业的重要方面。因此,在继续调整产业结构促进就业的同时调整优化就业结构,合理配置劳动力资源,使之与经济结构的演进相协调,对于有效缓解北京市的就业压力,进而实现经济增长、结构优化、就业扩张的目标有着重要意义。 相似文献
农村养老保障问题是当前农村迫切需要解决的问题之一,解决农村养老保障问题是解决农村社会保障问题的一把钥匙。因而,研究新型农民养老保障问题是现实的需要、发展的需要,具有现实性和前瞻性。本文首先肯定了土地保障与家庭保障在农村养老中的基础性作用,接着重点探讨了在农村建立社会化养老保障体系进程中有关基金筹集、基金管理和组织管理的问题。 相似文献
北京旅游就业效应和就业乘数分析 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
就业为民生之本,缓解就业压力是当前各级政府公共政策的主要目标之一。本文介绍了国内外旅游业效应的分析模型,并采用静态局部均衡研究方法,以投入—产出模型为基础,计算了北京市的旅游就业贡献度,并以此为基础,分析了北京旅游业的就业效应和就业乘数。 相似文献
Li Zhang 《Journal of social service research》2020,46(2):283-297
AbstractThe most influential model explaining the elderly’s service use is Andersen and Newman's model. But the applicability of the model on elders’ demand on community services has not been tested, especially in developing countries such as China. This research tested the applicability of the model by studying how primary caregiver relations to the elderly influence Chinese community-dwelling elders’ demand on community services. With a total of 2,124 respondents aged 65 and older who reported primary caregivers, six primary caregiver relations were examined: son, spouse, daughter, daughter-in-law, unmarried son and daughter, and other. Data came from the 2014 wave of the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey (CLHLS). Results indicated that: (1) Elders cared for by daughters-in-law showed a significantly stronger tendency of expecting community services than elders cared for by other caregivers among both rural and urban areas. (2) Elders were least likely to expect community services in two cases: urban elders taken care of by daughters and rural elders whose primary caregivers were unmarried sons and daughters. Since Chinese elders cared for by different caregivers tended to seek community care in different manners, future research may study how suitable community service programs can be developed to well meet the needs of various elderly groups. 相似文献
教育扩展与大学生就业率的变化 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
典型调查表明,就业率在教育扩展中呈现下降趋势,近二年研究生处于短缺或基本平衡状态,本科生处于就业困难状态,专科生处于就业危机状态,不同专业毕业生的就业率存在一定差异。这是我国人力资本投资的风险增大和信号性功能减弱的体现。应根据我国经济发展需要做好高等教育的合理规划,调整高等教育的扩招速度、层次结构和专业结构,规范就业率统计体系,以促进大学生就业。 相似文献
Walsh Christine A.; Ploeg Jenny; Lohfeld Lynne; Horne Jaclyn; MacMillan Harriet; Lai Daniel 《British Journal of Social Work》2007,37(3):491-514
Elder abuse is recognized as a major problem, with profoundeffects on the health and quality of life of older persons.In our aging population, elder abuse represents an escalatingclinical issue for social workers and health care professionalswho provide care to older people. A major gap in our examinationof elder abuse is the potential contribution and applicationof knowledge developed within research derived from other formsof family violence. This paper explores the interconnectionsamong various forms of violence across the lifespan, and theexperiences voiced by marginalized elders and their care providers.We interviewed seventy-seven rarely consulted older adults andforty-three formal and informal care-givers of older adultsin focus groups in Ontario and Alberta, Canada. Study findingsrevealed four major themes that describe interconnections amongtypes of abuse: (i) intergenerational cycles of abuse; (ii)violence across the lifespan; (iii) exposure to multiple subtypesof elder abuse; and (iv) ongoing spouse abuse that shifted intoelder abuse. The results from this study indicate that victimsoften suffer in silence and cultural factors,ageism and gender are ubiquitous to elder abuse. Recommendationsto reduce elder abuse include education, formal and informalsupports and services. 相似文献
《就业促进法》是构建我国和谐劳动关系的重要法律。《就业促进法》在法律责任的设置上有三点需要完善,对各级政府在就业促进中的法律责任设置太少;对就业歧视,仅有一条法律责任条款,使遭受歧视者无法真正获得有效救济;执法主体虽然将原《草案》中的三个执法主体统一成了“劳动行政部门”,但独立性很低,建议设立专门的执法机构,以提高执法机构的独立性和权威性。 相似文献
Neil Fraser 《Social Policy & Administration》2015,49(6):679-694
This article reviews the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGA), perhaps India's foremost social security scheme, which is in the form of a right for rural households throughout India to work for up to 100 days a year in public works and to be paid the minimum wage for unskilled labourers. It is argued that self‐targeting leads to a more pro‐poor scheme than a cash transfer programme. However, in many states, especially poor states, work for NREGA is shown to be not a right. This is a major aspect of the corruption which gives the scheme a bad name. Also generally disappointing is the value of the assets created by the public works. But it is argued that NREGA is worth salvaging, especially if the example of the best states could be followed more widely. Attention is particularly drawn to the contribution of NREGA to the empowerment of women and scheduled castes and tribes in much of rural India. 相似文献
针对大学生在就业过程中出现的各种失信问题,从现状入手,根据产生问题的根源来找寻相应对策,以求能提出建设性的建议。高校毕业生的就业失信问题,不仅损害了大学生自身的形象,而且扰乱了就业市场的正常运作,必须加以重视和解决。 相似文献