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城市生态系统是由自然系统和人工系统复合成的复杂大系统,水生态系统是城市生态系统的主要组成部分和关键因素.城市水生态系统就是指在城市化地区人与水的和谐共存与协调发展,必须有足够的生态用水量维持城市生态系统的动态平衡.城市水生态系统的目标:一是要有安全可靠的供水水源,只靠单一水源的城市还需要建设备用水源;二是城市河湖等水体必须有一定的地表水量,维持城市水生态系统;三是城市要形成供水、配水、用水、排水、治污、中水回用等环节构成的现代化水网;四是维持规划区地下水的采补平衡,缓解和避免由于地下水超采引起的地面沉降、海水入侵等生态问题.  相似文献   

卢文超  李琳 《城市》2016,(11):28-33
湖北省黄石市作为"全球100韧性城市",正按照"全球100韧性城市"总部要求,结合本地实际,通过积极争取国家和总部政策及资金支持,拓宽投融资渠道,完善工作机制等,加快落实韧性城市建设项目,大力推进韧性的水系统、 经济系统及宜居系统建设.  相似文献   

刘彦涛  王彦洋 《城市》2016,(4):54-59
针对天津城市内涝和缺水并存的城市水问题,结合国家推进海绵城市建设的大背景,分析天津文化中心已建成的城市排水防涝系统的运行效果,并以新八大里地区规划为例,就规划区内的道路系统、绿地系统及低影响开发设施等,展开城市排水防涝综合规划探讨。  相似文献   

李光照 《公关世界》2016,(13):24-29
海绵城市是一种形象的表述,国际通用术语为“低影响开发雨水系统构建”,指的是城市像海绵一样,有降雨时能够就地或者就近“吸收、存蓄、渗透、净化”径流雨水、补充地下水、调节水循环;在干旱缺水时有条件将蓄存的水“释放”出来并加以利用,从而让水在城市中的迁移活动更加“自然”。  相似文献   

王健 《城市》2010,(10):36-40
自古以来,逐水而居就是人类选址定居的基本模式,古今中外的城市选址都离不开水源。城市有河流、湖泊和地下水等水源,水体系统在城市生活中承载着极为重要的功能。对天津而言,海河是天津的发祥地,是天津的母亲河。  相似文献   

<正>江苏省建筑设计研究院有限公司的吴燕在《给水排水》2012年增刊上发表了题为《大型城市综合体给排水及消防设计探讨》的文章,根据大型城市综合体的特点,阐述了在生活给水系统的设计过程中首先要区分不同性质的用水区域,由于计费的需要,不同功能的用水区域,其给水系统要相对独立设置。划分给水系统前应与当地供水部门沟通好,了解当地供水部门的收费范围、收费标准及地方政策,根据不同的收费标准和计量设置不同的给  相似文献   

我国城市社区建设核心已逐步从城镇扩张"摊大饼"转向旧社区改造"有机更新"以及构建生态宜居的城市系统.针对高密度城市老旧社区水景普遍存在的维护成本高、效果不佳、居民满意度低等问题,本文通过研究水弹性系统,进行老旧社区弹性模块化水景的构建与实践,从而提升水景的维护效率,修复社区生态.弹性模块化水景有三大优势,即富于变化与统...  相似文献   

樊平 《城市》2010,(7):43-45
城市滨水地带拥有天然的水面,是城市中最富有生气的地方,其价值在过去的几十年间得到了充分的认识。滨水区开发作为城市复兴的契机,带来了巨大的环境、社会和经济的综合效益,而深入剖析其内在原动力,滨水区的最大优势是具有丰富的“亲水性”元素,即人对于水的依赖和亲近使滨水地带成为人们向往、聚集的地方。  相似文献   

上海作为大型城市,随着燃气利用规模的不断扩大,城市天然气供应系统的安全稳定性直接关系到城市的发展。从燃气安全管理角度分析城市天然气供应系统在气源系统、输配系统以及应用系统的风险特点,阐述了城市燃气供应系统在负荷预测、可靠性分析以及风险评价等方面的创新技术。  相似文献   

张开宇  赵春水  田园 《城市》2012,(2):33-35
一、引言水是城市文明的发源地,水资源是影响城市经济生活、社会生活和文化生活的重要因素.“水富则人聚市生,水贫则人走市凋,水尽则人绝市灭”,城市滨水地区一直是关系着城市能否保持良性运转及可持续发展的关键性区域.  相似文献   

陈秋玲 《科学发展》2011,(3):91-103
借鉴国内外成功的城市安全运行体系,溯源及评估上海城市安全风险并剖析上海安全管理现状和问题,重点分析上海市安全生产等领域。在此基础上,构建上海城市安全体系的总体框架即“弓弦箭模型”和管理总体思路,最后对上海城市安全运行提出对策建议。  相似文献   

秦武 《交通与港航》2006,20(1):10-12
介绍城市轨道交通中的两种屏蔽门系统,并对其适用性进行分析,提出半高式屏蔽门系统在我国北方地区城市轨道交通中比较适宜。  相似文献   

This paper examined the extent of child poverty in urban China, and how the structural and individual risk factors impact on child poverty in urban China using China Health and Nutrition Survey data. Child poverty is measured using a multidimensional deprivation approach. Eight dimensions that are indicative of children's basic rights as ratified in UNCRC (1989) are used to identify poor children, including nutrition, water, sanitation, health, education, information, participation and protection. The empirical results show that the hukou type of the family and parents' work units as the structural risk factors exerted the greatest influences on child poverty in urban China. These structural barriers for realising children's basic rights should be removed in order to achieve the Chinese government political goal of eradicating poverty in China in the next five years before 2020.  相似文献   

梁健 《现代妇女》2014,(4):39-42
本文以甘肃省武威市L区为例论述了城镇职工基本养老保险个人账户制度面临的风险问题,分析各种风险产生的原因,提出了相应的风险控制措施。其中,做实"空账"是解决制度风险的主要措施,同时,通过扩大覆盖面、提高统筹层次等多方面努力,把制度风险降低到最小程度;在肯定个人账户制度优越性的同时,应保持风险意识;通过加快社会保障立法、理顺各管理部门之间的关系和社会保障经办机构自身的建设等方面,在宏观和微观上不断完善个人账户管理,以最大限度规避风险,充分发挥个人账户制度在养老中的保障作用。  相似文献   

我国城市供水系统安全保障及应急体系建设的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨有效提高城市处置水源和供水突发事件的能力,建立和健全城镇供水的日常安全保障机制和发生紧急情况时迅速有效的应对机制,建设一整套城镇供水安全保障与应急体系,规范和指导城市水源和供水突发事件的应急处置工作。  相似文献   

Knowledge of the risk and protective factors associated with problem behavior and the application of principles consistent with positive youth development have led to significant advances in understanding why some young people develop behavioral and social problems while others display resilience in the face of adversity. Qualitative research methods were used to identify principles of risk, protection, resilience, and positive youth development in a sample of 17 adolescents and young adults (ages 14–20) who participated in afterschool programs located in 4 urban public housing neighborhoods. Template analysis in conjunction with constant comparative analysis revealed 7 themes identified as challenges, resources that support development, coping, caring and compassion, aspirations and well-being, competence and confidence, and wisdom and advice. The discussion considers how these themes are congruent with key constructs of risk, protection, resilience, and positive youth development. Implications for promoting positive behavior in adolescents and young adults are noted.  相似文献   

Uncontrolled urban growth has been an increasing concern in many regions throughout the world. Generated by a natural tendency of population growth in relation to unsustainable land use, city sprawl has led to complex spatial developments that are creating both benefits to, and challenges for decision makers. A major problem inherent in the uncontrolled growth of cities is the threat to the fragile cultural and ecological heritage, which may escalate to permanent and irreversible damage as a result of factors such as environmental depletion and landscape decay. Using modern geosciences and spatial information technologies as predictive tools to analyse and forecast urban growth, a regional spatial decision system may be useful in order to provide seemly and timely information on the risk of overburdening the carrying capacity regarding the historico-cultural heritage at local and regional levels.The present paper develops a predictive toolkit for urban heritage in relation to urban cultural endangerment. This common problem is shared through many regions of the world and is increasingly jeopardizing fragile archaeological landscape due to urban pressure. In this sense, and to forecast an example of this common pressure, the Algarve is exemplified as a laboratory for testing this novel methodology, relying on a combined analysis of urban growth potential and threats to the abundant presence of archaeological heritage in the area. Our appro ach supports the paradigm of city growth in the context of a common agenda emerging from the Valetta Treaty, in which preserving the archaeological heritage is recognized as a key element for sustainable development. The study provides novel empirical results from the above mentioned modelling approach, with important lessons for the developing world. This paper proposes as such, an integrative spatial analysis methodology on the issue of historico-cultural endangerment, which is a new approach to comparative spatial analysis for decision making on urban heritage endangerment at the regional scale. Later, the discussion extends to a more conceptual level of urban planning by considering the questions: Is urban sprawl influencing the way we perceive cities? If so, are there positive advantages in the paradigm of urban growth and urban sprawl which might help us to protect past heritage while ensuring sustainable and modern cities?  相似文献   

As the most vulnerable climatic region in the country, Khulna City is increasingly experiencing climate‐change‐induced urban problems. For instance, occupancy by climate migrants (delete the term “illegal migrant”), drainage congestion, water logging and reduced fresh water availability are all increasing problems. In the last decade, the population in the city increased by more than 20 per cent due to migration from nearby climate vulnerable districts. This study explores the health disorders of climate migrants occupying the urban slums and squats of the Khulna City area. This study found that these climate migrants settled in the urban slums and squats and, as such, they do not have access to urban amenities such as clean drinking water, hygiene services, and health facilities. This study noted that these displaced people are at increased risk of health issues from unhygienic and overcrowded living conditions and from water and sanitation problems. They often suffer from different waterborne diseases, under‐nutrition and micronutrient deficiencies. This study suggests that there is a need for better planning, preparation and training in Bangladesh to which migrants move, including better training in health and related services on how to recognize and respond to health problems that may be slow to manifest. Education and training also need to be provided for the migrants themselves, to help them adapt culturally and to enhance their skills and potential for employment.  相似文献   

江阴市建设应急备用水源工程的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对江阴市应急供水系统现状和存在的安全隐患,阐述了建立城市应急备用水源工程的必要性,提出建设的具体措施,并对各种类型应急水源地建设的关键问题进行了研究  相似文献   

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