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Epochal synthesis, retrospective ethnography, and critical comparison identify three distinct ways of thinking about history–sociology relations. Epochal synthesis has lost the favor it enjoyed 40 years ago, but is likely to revive with the rising prevalence of evolutionary explanations for social affairs. Retrospective ethnography requires an ability to reconstruct actors’ dispositions from the historical record, never an easy task. Critical comparison opens the way to specification of causal mechanisms and processes without reconstruction of dispositions. Retrospective ethnography and critical comparison will compete for historical sociologists’ attention for some time to come.  相似文献   

This paper traces changes in the culture of the Kyrgyz ethnic group in the era after the break-up of the USSR. In order to describe correctly changes in their lives, a comparison was used from a wide range of areas where Kyrgyz live. As a basis, the way of life of Kyrgyz in Kyrgyzstan is used. Kyrgyz here represent the majority, but before the break-up they did not emphasize their ethnicity significantly. After the break up of the USSR and the formation of the national state, they began to look for new, or new-and-old, roots and to strengthen their nationalistic tendencies. Looking for new roots included the creation of historical constructs and emphasizing many specifics of lifestyles of ‘real Kyrgyz’. But Kyrgyz live in many other states as a minority – especially in China, Tajikistan and Afghanistan. These Kyrgyz, however, often designate different elements of their culture as a basis of their ethnic group compared to Kyrgyz from Kyrgyzstan. The paper first tries to identify important elements of Kyrgyz culture in the era of the break-up of the USSR based on statements of respondents from Kyrgyzstan and to find out if these elements are also important as an identification feature for Kyrgyz in other states. Field research has been conducted in China and Tajikistan, but in this work, results from Afghanistan in particular are presented. The paper also tries to give an answer as to the influence of the formation of the national state (Kyrgyzstan) on members of ethnic groups living in other states as a minority (Kyrgyz in Afghanistan) and how this changed their ethnic identity.  相似文献   

This paper based on Contrastive Analysis, literal translation and free translation, and tries to improve knowledge of various linguistic phenomena expressing negative meaning in English, and decrease adversities in studying negation in English, so the language learners could commit fewer errors and translate English structures negative in meaning into correct, smooth and fluent Chinese, thus realizing the trans-communication.  相似文献   

高校学生思想政治工作进公寓是高等教育改革不断深入的产物,是高校思想政治工作的新领域,它面临着许多因素的制约。尤其在高教园区中,努力探索思想政治工作进公寓的有效途径,逐步形成学生公寓思想政治工作新模式,是各高校亟须解决的问题。  相似文献   

The study examines the changes that Arab families in Israel have undergone over three generations. It focuses on change and preservation in the division of labor between spouses, in the attitudes toward it, and оn how decisions are made in the family. It also examines the factors contributing to the preservation of traditional characteristics and those contributing to change. The study included 378 Moslem and Christian Arab women from three generations (grandmothers, mothers, and daughters). The findings indicate significant changes: the younger the generation is, the less traditional are the attitudes it holds and the more egalitarian the life of the couple is. The factors found to promote change were the woman’s education, work outside the home, intensive contacts with the Jewish population, and living near Jewish communities. The factor that was found to contribute most to the preservation of traditional patterns is consensual solidarity with the mother.  相似文献   

This article examines the distribution of home and community-based services (HCBS) under Florida's Medicaid waiver program. Controlling for personal and commnunity characteristics, it was found that gender and race significantly affect the access of the disabled adult population to HCBS services, with women and nonwhites significantly more likely to be receiving HCBS services. At the county level, the likelihood of one's being in the waiver program is contingent on the racial composition and level of segregation of the county. People residing in counties with substantial proportions of nonwhites are less likely to receive HCBS services– whatever their race. However, the higher the rate of racial segregation in the county, the higher the probability that the Medicaid disabled adult population will receive HCBS services. The Medicaid waiver program allows older, disabled black womcn to remain in their home neighborhoods rather than having to move to predominantly white areas where nursing homcs are concentrated. Thus, the HCBS program not only provides them with a form of care that is preferred by most older people but also resolves market problems stemming from the lack of nursing homes in segregated areas by taking advantage of support systems in black households.  相似文献   

This article examines the distribution of home and community-based services (HCBS) under Florida's Medicaid waiver program. Controlling for personal and community characteristics, it was found that gender and race significantly affect the access of the disabled adult population to HCBS services, with women and nonwhites significantly more likely to be receiving HCBS services. At the county level, the likelihood of one's being in the waiver program is contingent on the racial composition and level of segregation of the county. People residing in counties with substantial proportions of nonwhites are less likely to receive HCBS services--whatever their race. However, the higher the rate of racial segregation in the county, the higher the probability that the Medicaid disabled adult population will receive HCBS services. The Medicaid waiver program allows older, disabled black women to remain in their home neighborhoods rather than having to move to predominantly white areas where nursing homes are concentrated. Thus, the HCBS program not only provides them with a form of care that is preferred by most older people but also resolves market problems stemming from the lack of nursing homes in segregated areas by taking advantage of support systems in black households.  相似文献   

李成 《职业时空》2012,(1):158-159,162
综观新疆绿洲文化的发展史,多种文化的并存、交融与互补是其显著的特色。而新时期新疆绿洲文化还面临着一定的挑战和困惑,因此,弘扬新疆精神应与新疆绿洲文化的整合创新与传承相结合。  相似文献   

L'auteur verifie l'hypothese d'E. Bott (concernant les relations entre la connexite des reseaux sociaux et le niveau de segregation dans les roles conjugaux) dans une situation ou les families d'immigrants - provenant de milieux traditionnels enra-cines dans des reseaux sociaux fortement integres et viables - subissent de fortes pressions pour permettre aux femmes de participer avec leurs maris dans les activites economiques. Les modeles antecedents de segregation dans les roles conjugaux et autres roles sociaux persistent dans la communaute. Mais de nouveaux modeles de relations conjugates conjointes dans les activites de loisir se developperent en dehors de la communaute, au-dela des limites des reseaux sociaux integres de ces couples. The paper tests E. Bolt's hypothesis (about the relations between the connectedness of social networks and the degree of segregation in conjugal roles) in a situation where families of immigrants from a traditional background still imbedded within close-knit and viable social networks were under pressure to let women participate with their spouses in economic activities. The previous patterns of segregation in conjugal and other roles were found to continue intact within the community. But new patterns of joint conjugal relationship in leisure activities were developed outside the community, beyond the range of those couples' closely-knit social networks.  相似文献   

The recent economic crisis shaped a new wave of protest in Europe mobilising thousands of people. Austerity measures brought not only the ‘usual suspects’ onto the streets, they also awoke less frequent demonstrators. What brought all these people to the streets? Are their motivations the same for participation in all demonstrations? We compare participants in two types of mobilisations against austerity: those called particularistic (which are reactions to particular anti-austerity issues), and those universalistic (which address much broader issues such as questioning the political system). We also compare two typologies of participants taking into account their participation history: regular and occasional protesters. Employing a two-by-two design defined by type of demonstration (Particularistic vs. Universalistic) and the individual’s participation history (Occasionals vs. Regulars), we found that the differences between demonstrations were smaller than those within types of protesters. Nevertheless, even in this period of hardship, motivation to participate in particularistic or universalistic protests differ depending on the perceptions of political system, ideological positioning and organisational embeddedness. Interaction analyses showed that different levels of identity, trust in institutions and satisfaction with democracy are crucial in driving people to participate in different types of demonstrations as occasionals or regulars.  相似文献   

We use data on 68,000 single-union and 3,600 multi-union elections during the years 1977–1994 to investigate factors influencing outcomes of multi-union elections. We find that, even though the win rate is much higher in multi-union as opposed to singleunion elections, the factors influencing the outcomes are surprisingly similar.  相似文献   

In this paper we measure inequality of opportunity in daycare and preschool services in Brazil. For this purpose, we construct an opportunity index that modifies the Human Opportunity Index proposed in the literature and used in Barros et al. (2009) to measure inequality in basic opportunities in Latin America and the Caribbean. Specifically, we construct an opportunity measure that includes not only attendance but also parental choice not to enroll children in daycare or preschool, using data from a supplementary questionnaire included in the 2006 version of Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios (PNAD). The results show that there are large differences between our opportunity index and the Human Opportunity Index for children aged 0–3 years old and considerably smaller differences for children aged 4–6 years old, which suggests that preschool may be closer to a basic opportunity than daycare.  相似文献   

By the year 2000, the issue of school bullying has come to occupy a prominent role in the national consciousness of many countries. There has been considerable media publicity, many publications, a great deal of research, and the beginnings of successful school‐based interventions to reduce bullying. In this article I define the term bullying, and discuss the history of the recent upsurge in interest and research. I then overview main findings concerning the nature of school bullying, the school‐based intervention work so far, and the implications for future research and action. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper compares British and French representations of caste in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, a formative period in the development of sociology and social anthropology in the two countries. The concepts of 'nature' and 'culture' in the two sociological traditions are examined with respect to their analyses of caste. The two discourses are also analyzed in relation to their respective colonial histories and national political cultures during this epoch.1  相似文献   

闫立梅 《职业时空》2012,(1):139-140
双语教学已经成为我国课程教学的发展趋势,开展双语教学是培养具有国际合作意识、国际交流能力和具有国际竞争力的外向型人才的客观要求。文章对数理统计双语教学的必要性以及在双语教学的实践中应该注意的问题进行了探讨,并提出了解决问题的方法。  相似文献   

This qualitative study examines how abusive parents' increasingly harsh administration of authoritative and punitive discipline socialized their children to act aggressively and asocially within their families' escalating interpersonal conflict. In comparison, non-abusive parents used successive instructive and authoritative discipline directing their children to engage in pro-social behaviors within their families' routine complementary role social interactions and mutual decision-making processes. These findings suggest that assessment procedures and interventive goals be changed to safeguard children in abusive families from both physical injury and dysfunctional socialization practices of their parents.  相似文献   

Ups and Downs in the Pulse of Science and Technology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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