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这枚碧野蓝天的几何图案,是桓仁满族自治县的标识:蓝天下的五女山峰,突兀巍峨,公元前37年建在五女山的都城遗址荣登世界文化遗产名录;绿色丛中的浑江与哈达河,流淌出一幅天然的太极图形;加之八边的外形轮廓,凸显了桓仁--世界上绝无仅有的太极八卦城的不凡气质.  相似文献   

人类正在进入一个新世纪和新的千年纪。早些时候人们关于新世纪到底应从2000年还是2001年起算的争论,多少已有点强弩之末的味道,被淹没在了全世界迎接新世纪和新千年的巨大热情之中。对大多数人来说,这个问题似乎已经显得不那么重要了。2000年也好,2001年也罢,相距仅一年,而一年的时间在人类历史长河中只不过是极短暂的一瞬。...  相似文献   

Liaoyang, an ancient city with a history over 2400 years, is an only one that gets the title of provincial-level civilization city. Liaoyang launches the Theme Education of "Welcoming Olympic Games, Stressing  相似文献   

Current advanced medical technology allows survival of critical illness. However, the patient's psychological response to survival is relatively unexplored. Interviews with 32 older adult survivors, using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) and the Experience after Treatment in Intensive Care (ETIC-7) scale, Miller's Q-sort, and social work clinical wisdom, yielded unique and unexpected research results. Four response types were identified: avoiding, depressed, denial, and coping. Psychological agency during illness was found to be important. Participants did not reveal posttraumatic stress disorder–related phenomena predicted in previous literature but instead experienced posttraumatic growth. Hallucinatory experiences during illness were not traumatic, whereas social support emerged as a complicated concept. Participants unexpectedly revealed that childhood trauma was an important factor. Implications for clinical social work practice and research are outlined following the discussion of findings.  相似文献   

正2月18日,第59届世界新闻摄影比赛(荷赛)获奖作品在荷兰阿姆斯特丹揭晓。共有来自128个国家,5775名摄影师,82951张作品参赛,澳大利亚摄影师瓦伦·理查森拍摄的欧洲难民题材作品《新生活的希望》获得年度图片。据他介绍,拍这张照片那天他已在边境累得筋疲力尽,凌晨3点左右他看到这个场面时悄悄按下了快门。为了避免引起注意,也为了避免暴露人物身份,他不能用闪光灯,也不能拍出清晰的人物面部。照片的环境是,一道铁丝网横亘在匈牙利与塞尔维亚的交界处——勒斯凯村。故事所讲的是,来自叙利亚的难民中有人曾是工程师,于是他们便破坏铁丝网,造出让人得以通过的洞口。一名男子遂将一个婴儿从洞口处送出,抵达匈牙利。弱光下的画面有点虚幻,有点模糊,却不乏回眸一瞥的真实感和现场感。  相似文献   

从规范到创新:学术自觉的新动力   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
一、规范与创新:30年学术自觉的逻辑进程 30年改革开放的历史进程,让我们逐渐意识到:古老中国的和平崛起,已经成为当今世界一个最具标志性的事件,成为世界发展格局中不可逆转的基本趋势,从而在根本上改变了中国学术研究的方位、方向和方式.从学术的视角上观察.大国的崛起,既促成了学术自觉,又以学术自觉为条件.  相似文献   

教育关怀是对弱势群体的人文关怀,是构建和谐社会的内在要求,也是弱势群体子女生存和发展的需要。当前我国的教育关怀是一种基于道德诉求的消极关怀,对制度的关注明显不够,必须确立符合时代要求的政策理念,实现从临时性关怀到制度性保障的转变。  相似文献   

This article discusses the debate on gendering welfare states. It criticizes typologies based on the differentiation between degrees of familialization and defamilialization and proposes a new typology based on the notion of genderization and degenderization. It also argues against the notion of regime types, which includes outputs in their classification systems. Instead it argues that typologies should concentrate on policies to make it possible for researchers and policymakers to analyze the influence of different types of policies on different societies. It is important to know whether similar policies would lead to different outcomes under different socio‐economic or cultural conditions. The article goes on to show how one could analyze family policies based on a typology based on genderization and degenderization.  相似文献   

This article identifies five answers to the question of whether there are sex differences in abilities and personality traits: the "sociobiology" argument, the "differently situated" argument, the "contingent" argument, the "no differences" argument, and the "disadvantage, not difference" argument. The multiplicity of arguments about sex differences derives from contrasting research paradigms in psychology. The individual differences model, stemming from the early days of scientific psychology, assumes a radical individualism in which mental abilities are made up of stable and unalterable individual characteristics that are not influenced by social factors; these characteristics are easily captured by quick, one-time, "snapshot" research methods. In contrast, the social psychological model considers the individual to be embedded in and influenced by the social situation. This article points out shortcomings of both models for the study of sex differences, and advocates instead a multi-level approach that considers both micro- and macro-level factors in shaping the behavior of both females and males. Videotape as a metaphor suggests new ways of thinking about research on women's lives.  相似文献   

过于强调共性教育是目前思想政治教育的一大弊端。它过多的强调集体主义,过分地追求共性化模式,对受教育者的个性发展考虑不够,“警察模式”是其典型表现。思想政治教育要承担起培养创新素质的使命,必须从共性教育的模式走出,向注重个性发展转变。  相似文献   

Summary The article explores the condition of state social work in Englandtoday. It is based on interviews with experienced social workersemployed by local authority social services departments acrossthe north of England. These front line state social workersprovide a penetrating insight into the diverse ways in whichtheir work has been transformed and degraded and the mannerin which the needs of clients have been largely ignored. Fromtheir perspective, the election of a Labour government in 1997proved to be a massive disappointment and many social workersreported that it has further undermined state social work practice,workers and clients. The paper seeks to offer an explanationby noting the neo-liberalism of Labour's social policy and thedire consequences which flow from New Labour's fixation withwaged work as the principal solution to social exclusion andpoverty. Above all, it seeks to provide an opportunity for theviews of front-line state social workers to be heard.  相似文献   

陈成文  陈立周 《社科纵横》2007,22(12):116-118
在社会学研究中,如何确定研究对象,如何确立研究关系,以及如何才能获得对研究对象的正确认识和理解?这些是社会学研究领域一直争论不休的问题。从实证主义到人文主义,再到"另类"范式,社会学并未获得统一的方法论体系,对方法论进行探讨的目的是要在反思之中对研究方法保持足够的警觉,避免"为方法而方法"的倾向。  相似文献   

从"贤妻良母"到"新女性"   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
胡澎 《日本学刊》2002,(6):133-147
“贤妻良母”与“新女性”是 19世纪末 2 0世纪初出现在日本的词汇 ,代表了当时社会对女性生存方式的两种思考。它们是两个既相互关联、又互为矛盾和对立的概念。贤妻良母思想随历史发展而不断变化 ,是“新女性”为代表的妇女解放思想萌芽的土壤 ,它提高了日本妇女受教育的程度和在家庭中的地位 ,有一定进步意义。但同时又有历史局限性 ,它将妇女的活动场所限定在了家庭 ,忽视了妇女作为社会人所担负的责任和存在价值。  相似文献   

"新型城镇化"不只是一个专注于大楼、工厂、公路等"现代化建筑物"的过程,还是一个"树人"过程,即对"城市人"培育塑造的过程,因此,如何渐进实现从"城市化"到"城市人化"的嬗变更为关键。本文通过实证考察淮河流域小城镇东县"刁民"社会类别在建国以来于不同历史时期的被建构过程,纵向描绘了小城自身的城镇化演变,对城镇化浪潮中小城镇人力资本提升困境进行探讨。  相似文献   

From Pompeii     
Joanna Paul 《Social history》2016,41(2):210-211


Regulatory bodies and scholars have traditionally conceptualized biomedical research on healthy subjects in the same way as research on patients. Guidelines and regulations have portrayed payment to a healthy subject as a potential constraint, or “undue influence,”; on the subject's free consent. In this essay we suggest an alternative way of conceptualizing research on healthy subjects, which sees the basic issue not as one of undue influence but as one of justice. Healthy subjects generally enroll in research protocols not for humanitarian reasons but for the money they will receive. Many of these protocols are conducted by profit‐driven corporations. Yet current guidelines and regulations prohibit subjects from negotiating for fair payment for the risks, discomforts and inconveniences they undergo, and IRBs are not staffed adequately to monitor the subject's safety. We propose to remedy the situation by regulating payment to healthy subjects as a labor relation.  相似文献   

康德的历史哲学是康德批判哲学的重要组成部分.他以自然目的论为出发点,论述了历史发展的合规律性与合目的性的统一.其中,历史发展的动力是"非社会的社会性";历史发展的最终目标是走向永久和平;而康德历史哲学的目的则是从自然到自由的人,从而得出了"人是目的"的结论.正是在对"人是什么"这个问题的回答中,康德建立了他的历史哲学体系.  相似文献   

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