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台湾特殊的历史际遇、政治体制的本土化流变以及解严后的"去中国化"教育形塑了台湾青年世代的"台湾人"情感和"台湾意识",这种强调台湾并区隔大陆的身份认同不仅影响了台湾的政局走向和社会变迁,也成为两岸和平统一进程中的绊脚石,"太阳花学运"以及时代力量的崛起都警示我们,应该在不断完善自身、把握两岸关系主动权的基础上,更加重视两岸的青年交流问题,并不断探索两岸的文教交流与合作,力求建构台湾青年的正确身份认同,进而减少两岸和平统一的阻碍。  相似文献   

随着两岸关系发展的新进程,两岸青年交流也呈现出常态化、多样化和制度化的趋势,同时也存在着注重形式、交流动力不足等问题。对台湾青年群体政治意向调查显示,“去中国化”教育以及媒体乱象造成的青年认知混乱是当前两岸青年持续合作最主要的障碍。两岸青年交流在一个不断变化的环境中得以持续合作最终取决于两岸青年交流的制度化和理性化,构建文化认同机制、共同参与机制和社会融合机制是未来两岸青年持续合作的动力机制。  相似文献   

网络为两岸青年交流提供了新的公共空间。但市场导向的网络新媒体技术利用并强化人性偏好进而造成信息诱导,两岸青年也因认知局限产生对新媒体的信息依赖。技术权力与认知局限共同削弱了网络交流在消除两岸偏见上的潜能,形塑着两岸青年在网络世界中的彼此刻板印象。在两岸青年网络交流过程中,两岸政治对立限制了传统政治权力的网络治理能力,而新兴的技术权力催生着技术与人性的"共谋"格局、供给与需求的"均衡"状态以及权力迭代与偏见强化的"循环"局面。  相似文献   

近年来,台湾的学生运动在频度、广度和烈度方面不断攀升,其组织形式、动员效果和价值诉求显著变化,对岛内政局和两岸关系的发展产生了重大影响。"太阳花学运"的爆发警示我们,应该在深化两岸利益共享机制的基础上,更加重视对台工作中的青年学生问题,尽快探索两岸青年网络化社交平台,努力把学运危机转化为两岸和平发展的契机。  相似文献   

国际观不但影响到青年人自身的竞争力,而且是国家和民族未来价值观的主体。在两岸关系和平发展的新局面下,两岸青年之间的交流合作越来越重要。本文通过对国际观概念的分析,归纳出三个能代表两岸青年国际观的因素,并对这些因素进行对比,从而揭示两岸青年人的国际观概况及其成因,最后提出通过加强青年交流合作来增进两岸青年国际观的融合,促进两岸关系和平发展和中华民族的伟大复兴。  相似文献   

青年网友以"爱国"的名义集结,应用各种极具创意的表情包远征脸书打击台独分子。这一网络群体事件不仅引起网络热议,而且迅速引发诸如《人民日报》《环球时报》以及路透社等国内外媒体的持续跟进。绕过热闹的网络现象,去深入探讨"帝吧FB远征事件"背后蕴涵的深层含义,有助于我们在社交媒体时代去开展更具深度的两岸青年交流和沟通。  相似文献   

青年价值结构反映了青年在价值观念变迁中现代化维度和后现代化维度中的转变程度。目前社交网站覆盖人数众多,用户以高学历、年轻化、城市分布规律化和交际现实性为主要特点。社交网站发展与青年价值结构变迁具有内在的密切关联。社交网站技术引进国内却丧失了原有的“意义图景”,说明我国青年在价值理性方面的缺失和对工具理性的追逐:接受社交网站说明“熟人社会”结构在青年社交活动中仍然延续.社交网站也能为青年实现个人成就提供可能性:社交网站馈赠型社会化模式有效改进了青年“相对被剥夺感”严重、幸福感低迷的现状,这是社交网站进一步发展壮大的功能基础。  相似文献   

青年价值结构反映了青年在价值观念变迁中现代化维度和后现代化维度中的转变程度。目前社交网站覆盖人数众多,用户以高学历、年轻化、城市分布规律化和交际现实性为主要特点。社交网站发展与青年价值结构变迁具有内在的密切关联。社交网站技术引进国内却丧失了原有的“意义图景”,说明我国青年在价值理性方面的缺失和对工具理性的追逐:接受社交网站说明“熟人社会”结构在青年社交活动中仍然延续.社交网站也能为青年实现个人成就提供可能性:社交网站馈赠型社会化模式有效改进了青年“相对被剥夺感”严重、幸福感低迷的现状,这是社交网站进一步发展壮大的功能基础。  相似文献   

2016年5月以来,两岸关系趋于复杂严峻,推进两岸青年融合发展既面临重大历史机遇,又面临严峻挑战和考验。新形势下,两岸青年融合发展不可能一帆风顺,仍然面临诸多问题与障碍。为此,要加快两岸青年融合发展的制度建设,逐步为台胞提供与大陆居民同等的待遇,不断改进两岸青年交流的策略方法,吸引更多台湾青年来大陆就业创业和发展,为加快推动两岸青年融合发展,构建两岸命运共同体,促进两岸同胞心灵契合奠定基础。  相似文献   

在"去中国化"的社会环境以及"独派"团体对"台独"的塑造过程中,台湾青年形成了强调"与生俱来"天性、追求多元化与小格局心态等特征的"天然独"认知。"时代力量"等年轻小党派的兴起,正是台湾青年"天然独"的影响结果。未来,在两岸青年的交流交往中,台湾青年的"天然独"与大陆青年的"中国梦"思维将难免会有小摩擦,但只要两岸青年多交流多交心,相信台湾青年也将体认到两岸同属一家的事实,逐步褪去"天然独"并融入"中国梦"的建设中。  相似文献   

20世纪70年代以来,志愿者组织在全球范围兴起并得到发展,逐渐成为现代社会发展的一支活跃力量,在全球掀起了开展志愿服务的热潮。大学生志愿者作为我国志愿服务的重要参与主体,在志愿服务中起到了举足轻重的作用。在两岸和平发展新时期,两岸出现了大交流、大合作、大发展的新局面。作为志愿服务的主力军,两岸大学生志愿服务动机和激励机制的比较,有利于促进两岸大学生志愿服务合作机制的建立。  相似文献   

廉政教育主要依托社会教育、学校教育和家庭教育3种形式,其中学校教育是廉政教育的关键,对于形成廉政教育的长效机制起着至关重要的作用。我国廉政感教育起步较晚,仍处于不断探索阶段。对于当前廉政教育存在的问题,结合情感的心理生成机制,从改变道德认知和情绪经验积累等途径,探索对大学生进行廉政心理教育的新模式。  相似文献   

当前,食品安全事故频发、农产品工业化之殇引起公众对于科学的信任危机。科学与社会互动的"发声"与"呛声"呈现协同演化趋势,在"意见的公开广场"上各方力量交锋更为激烈。Web2.0赋权当代青年参与科学传播,网络青年自组织创造了多个情境化版本。在"有反思的科学传播"发展阶段,对话是必由之路。媒介社区青年想象共同体以廓清环境为己任,调动公众参与,期望重建安全与信任;为对话协商、营造共识氛围、重构理性、建设公共空间提供了可能。互联网领域的科学传播充满意识形态之争,需要调整、规范各个多元化利益主体的行动框架,共建科学传播的良性治理结构。当前我国科学传播处于渐进式、不均衡发展状态,要把科学传播纳入公益救助,探索公益和商业的多元化发展模式。  相似文献   

Focus groups conducted with Canadian teenagers examining their perceptions and experiences with cyber risk, center on various privacy strategies geared for impression management across popular social network sites (SNS). We highlight privacy concerns as a primary reason for a gravitation away from Facebook toward newer, more popular sites such as Instagram and Snapchat, as well as debates about the permeability of privacy on Snapchat in particular. The privacy paradox identifies a disjuncture between what is said about privacy and what is done in practice. It refers to declarations from youth that they are highly concerned for privacy, yet frequently disregard privacy online through “oversharing” and neglecting privacy management. However, our participants, especially older teens, invoked a different mindset: that they have “nothing to hide” online and therefore do not consider privacy relevant for them. Despite this mindset, the strategies we highlight suggest a new permutation of the privacy paradox, rooted in a pragmatic adaptation to the technological affordances of SNS, and wider societal acquiescence to the debasement of privacy online.  相似文献   

Young adults’ increasing disconnection with public affairs and heavy reliance on social media for political communication suggest a strategic use of social network sites (SNS) by the government to foster relationships with young citizens and to improve their citizenship. However, scholars and practitioners have not reached consensus about the exact influence of individuals’ experience with government SNS. Focusing on young eligible voters, this study proposes and tests a conceptual model that measures the perceptual, relational, and behavioral outcomes of public engagement with government agencies on SNS. Specifically, the findings revealed a positive influence of government SNS engagement on perceived government transparency, perceived political efficacy, and public participation but to varying degrees depending on the government level (e.g., federal, state, and local). This study suggests that there is limited influence of public engagement on the perceived government-citizen relationship quality through SNS. This empirical research demonstrates how a contextualized investigation of public engagement and relationship management provides insights into the role that SNS can play in connecting young adults to democracy.  相似文献   

Social network sites (SNS) have become increasingly pervasive in the daily lives of adolescents. This study explores the relationship between SNS use and perceived online social capital among adolescents using survey data from Australia and Korea. We conducted a face-to-face survey of adolescents (12–15-year-olds) in major cities in Australia (N?=?401) and Korea (N?=?644) in 2013. There was no significant difference in time spent on SNS between adolescents in the two countries; however, significant differences in the way adolescents use SNS were found. Australian adolescents tended to use SNS for group activities, whereas Koreans used it for social monitoring. There was a positive relationship between SNS use and online social capital in both countries. However, the types of social capital that were found to have a strong relationship to SNS use were different. Among Australian adolescents, SNS activities had a higher correlation with bonding social capital compared to bridging capital, whereas the result was contrasting among Korean adolescents. The impact of SNS use on online social capital differed between the two countries, showing that Australian adolescents reporting low SNS use gained online social capital if they used SNS more intensely. Finally, the impact of SNS use and culture on perceived online social capital was examined by conducting hierarchical multiple regressions. Interpersonal communication and group activities emerged as significant predictors of online social capital.  相似文献   

在广泛性发育障碍的青少年患者中阿斯伯格综合症与高功能自闭症的青少年近年有着增长的趋势.因为症状极为相似,学界对他们之间差异的争议由来已久。在结合现有诊断标准、系统梳理已有实证研究报告的基础上,发现阿斯伯格综合症和高功能自闭症青少年患者之间存在着社会交往、言语及语言交流、兴趣与行为模式等方面的差异。此发现可以在诊断体系的规范性与科学性、区分证据的直观性与整合性上为特殊教育和心理咨询临床鉴别诊断阿斯伯格综合症与高功能自闲症的青少年提供参考,更好地服务于患有此类疾病的青少年及其家庭。  相似文献   

There are nearly 110 million cases of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in the United States. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that annually there are more than 19.7 million new STI cases. Of those, more than half are accounted for by youth aged 15–24 years. Although some STIs are not considered to be life threatening, they can lead to severe health problems, risk of HIV infection, or infertility if they are not properly treated. Some research has shown that parent–youth communication can reduce youth’s at-risk sexual behaviors. The following is a systematic review of the literature on parent–youth sexual communication and family-level interventions designed to reduce risky sexual behavior in youth.  相似文献   

Global corporations publicize on social networking sites (SNSs) to foster dialogic communication with publics as a form of building relationships. Yet the link between the content and style of the corporation communication from different cultural backgrounds and publics’ responses in the form of likes and retweets is under-researched. This empirical study explored how global corporations from China and Germany employ factors such as useful content topics and culturally-influenced communication styles to cultivate dialogic communication with publics on Sina Weibo, the largest SNS in China. Although both German and Chinese corporations similarly posted a range of content on products/services, corporate appeal and relationship building with no distinct significant differences in their communication styles, publics’ response varied noticeably in that they were more receptive to content on products/services disseminated by German corporations yet had greater responses to content on corporate appeal posted by Chinese corporations. In addition, publics were more inclined to react favorably to messages presented in an individualistic style of communication by German companies and messages in a collectivistic style by Chinese companies. The implications of how to effectively use SNS to engage in dialogue with publics are highlighted.  相似文献   

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