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Bayesian inference for partially observed stochastic epidemics   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The analysis of infectious disease data is usually complicated by the fact that real life epidemics are only partially observed. In particular, data concerning the process of infection are seldom available. Consequently, standard statistical techniques can become too complicated to implement effectively. In this paper Markov chain Monte Carlo methods are used to make inferences about the missing data as well as the unknown parameters of interest in a Bayesian framework. The methods are applied to real life data from disease outbreaks.  相似文献   

A new procedure is proposed for deriving variable bandwidths in univariate kernel density estimation, based upon likelihood cross-validation and an analysis of a Bayesian graphical model. The procedure admits bandwidth selection which is flexible in terms of the amount of smoothing required. In addition, the basic model can be extended to incorporate local smoothing of the density estimate. The method is shown to perform well in both theoretical and practical situations, and we compare our method with those of Abramson (The Annals of Statistics 10: 1217–1223) and Sain and Scott (Journal of the American Statistical Association 91: 1525–1534). In particular, we note that in certain cases, the Sain and Scott method performs poorly even with relatively large sample sizes.We compare various bandwidth selection methods using standard mean integrated square error criteria to assess the quality of the density estimates. We study situations where the underlying density is assumed both known and unknown, and note that in practice, our method performs well when sample sizes are small. In addition, we also apply the methods to real data, and again we believe our methods perform at least as well as existing methods.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose to evaluate and compare Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods to estimate the parameters in a generalized extreme value model. We employed the Bayesian approach using traditional Metropolis-Hastings methods, Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC), and Riemann manifold HMC (RMHMC) methods to obtain the approximations to the posterior marginal distributions of interest. Applications to real datasets and simulation studies provide evidence that the extra analytical work involved in Hamiltonian Monte Carlo algorithms is compensated by a more efficient exploration of the parameter space.  相似文献   

Data from large surveys are often supplemented with sampling weights that are designed to reflect unequal probabilities of response and selection inherent in complex survey sampling methods. We propose two methods for Bayesian estimation of parametric models in a setting where the survey data and the weights are available, but where information on how the weights were constructed is unavailable. The first approach is to simply replace the likelihood with the pseudo likelihood in the formulation of Bayes theorem. This is proven to lead to a consistent estimator but also leads to credible intervals that suffer from systematic undercoverage. Our second approach involves using the weights to generate a representative sample which is integrated into a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) or other simulation algorithms designed to estimate the parameters of the model. In the extensive simulation studies, the latter methodology is shown to achieve performance comparable to the standard frequentist solution of pseudo maximum likelihood, with the added advantage of being applicable to models that require inference via MCMC. The methodology is demonstrated further by fitting a mixture of gamma densities to a sample of Australian household income.  相似文献   

Summary.  Phage display is a biological process that is used to screen random peptide libraries for ligands that bind to a target of interest with high affinity. On the basis of a count data set from an innovative multistage phage display experiment, we propose a class of Bayesian mixture models to cluster peptide counts into three groups that exhibit different display patterns across stages. Among the three groups, the investigators are particularly interested in that with an ascending display pattern in the counts, which implies that the peptides are likely to bind to the target with strong affinity. We apply a Bayesian false discovery rate approach to identify the peptides with the strongest affinity within the group. A list of peptides is obtained, among which important ones with meaningful functions are further validated by biologists. To examine the performance of the Bayesian model, we conduct a simulation study and obtain desirable results.  相似文献   

A stochastic epidemic model with several kinds of susceptible is used to analyse temporal disease outbreak data from a Bayesian perspective. Prior distributions are used to model uncertainty in the actual numbers of susceptibles initially present. The posterior distribution of the parameters of the model is explored via Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. The methods are illustrated using two datasets, and the results are compared where possible to results obtained by previous analyses.  相似文献   

We review and discuss some recent progress in the theory of Markov-chain Monte Carlo applications, particularly oriented to applications in statistics. We attempt to assess the relevance of this theory for practical applications.  相似文献   

This paper extends stochastic conditional duration (SCD) models for financial transaction data to allow for correlation between error processes and innovations of observed duration process and latent log duration process. Suitable algorithms of Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) are developed to fit the resulting SCD models under various distributional assumptions about the innovation of the measurement equation. Unlike the estimation methods commonly used to estimate the SCD models in the literature, we work with the original specification of the model, without subjecting the observation equation to a logarithmic transformation. Results of simulation studies suggest that our proposed models and corresponding estimation methodology perform quite well. We also apply an auxiliary particle filter technique to construct one-step-ahead in-sample and out-of-sample duration forecasts of the fitted models. Applications to the IBM transaction data allow comparison of our models and methods to those existing in the literature.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the Bayesian inference of the unknown parameters of the randomly censored Weibull distribution. A joint conjugate prior on the model parameters does not exist; we assume that the parameters have independent gamma priors. Since closed-form expressions for the Bayes estimators cannot be obtained, we use Lindley's approximation, importance sampling and Gibbs sampling techniques to obtain the approximate Bayes estimates and the corresponding credible intervals. A simulation study is performed to observe the behaviour of the proposed estimators. A real data analysis is presented for illustrative purposes.  相似文献   

The analysis of failure time data often involves two strong assumptions. The proportional hazards assumption postulates that hazard rates corresponding to different levels of explanatory variables are proportional. The additive effects assumption specifies that the effect associated with a particular explanatory variable does not depend on the levels of other explanatory variables. A hierarchical Bayes model is presented, under which both assumptions are relaxed. In particular, time-dependent covariate effects are explicitly modelled, and the additivity of effects is relaxed through the use of a modified neural network structure. The hierarchical nature of the model is useful in that it parsimoniously penalizes violations of the two assumptions, with the strength of the penalty being determined by the data.  相似文献   

This paper describes the Bayesian inference and prediction of the two-parameter Weibull distribution when the data are Type-II censored data. The aim of this paper is twofold. First we consider the Bayesian inference of the unknown parameters under different loss functions. The Bayes estimates cannot be obtained in closed form. We use Gibbs sampling procedure to draw Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) samples and it has been used to compute the Bayes estimates and also to construct symmetric credible intervals. Further we consider the Bayes prediction of the future order statistics based on the observed sample. We consider the posterior predictive density of the future observations and also construct a predictive interval with a given coverage probability. Monte Carlo simulations are performed to compare different methods and one data analysis is performed for illustration purposes.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the new prior distribution on the Unobserved-Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (ARCH) unit root test. Monte Carlo simulations show that the sample size is seriously effective in efficiency of Bayesian test. To improve the performance of Bayesian test for unit root, we propose a new Bayesian test that is robust in the presence of stationary and nonstationary Unobserved-ARCH. The finite sample property of the proposed test statistic is evaluated using Monte Carlo studies. Applying the developed method, we test the policy of daily exchange rate of the German Marc with respect to the Greek Drachma.  相似文献   

This paper presents the Bayesian analysis of a semiparametric regression model that consists of parametric and nonparametric components. The nonparametric component is represented with a Fourier series where the Fourier coefficients are assumed a priori to have zero means and to decay to 0 in probability at either algebraic or geometric rates. The rate of decay controls the smoothness of the response function. The posterior analysis automatically selects the amount of smoothing that is coherent with the model and data. Posterior probabilities of the parametric and semiparametric models provide a method for testing the parametric model against a non-specific alternative. The Bayes estimator's mean integrated squared error compares favourably with the theoretically optimal estimator for kernel regression.  相似文献   

Summary.  The paper is concerned with new methodology for statistical inference for final outcome infectious disease data using certain structured population stochastic epidemic models. A major obstacle to inference for such models is that the likelihood is both analytically and numerically intractable. The approach that is taken here is to impute missing information in the form of a random graph that describes the potential infectious contacts between individuals. This level of imputation overcomes various constraints of existing methodologies and yields more detailed information about the spread of disease. The methods are illustrated with both real and test data.  相似文献   

The authors propose a procedure for determining the unknown number of components in mixtures by generalizing a Bayesian testing method proposed by Mengersen & Robert (1996). The testing criterion they propose involves a Kullback‐Leibler distance, which may be weighted or not. They give explicit formulas for the weighted distance for a number of mixture distributions and propose a stepwise testing procedure to select the minimum number of components adequate for the data. Their procedure, which is implemented using the BUGS software, exploits a fast collapsing approach which accelerates the search for the minimum number of components by avoiding full refitting at each step. The performance of their method is compared, using both distances, to the Bayes factor approach.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the Bayesian estimation of generalized exponential distribution in the proportional hazards model of random censorship under asymmetric loss functions. It is well known for the two-parameter lifetime distributions that the continuous conjugate priors for parameters do not exist; we assume independent gamma priors for the scale and the shape parameters. It is observed that the closed-form expressions for the Bayes estimators cannot be obtained; we propose Tierney–Kadane's approximation and Gibbs sampling to approximate the Bayes estimates. Monte Carlo simulation is carried out to observe the behavior of the proposed methods and one real data analysis is performed for illustration. Bayesian methods are compared with maximum likelihood and it is observed that the Bayes estimators perform better than the maximum-likelihood estimators in some cases.  相似文献   

This paper develops a novel and efficient algorithm for Bayesian inference in inverse Gamma stochastic volatility models. It is shown that by conditioning on auxiliary variables, it is possible to sample all the volatilities jointly directly from their posterior conditional density, using simple and easy to draw from distributions. Furthermore, this paper develops a generalized inverse gamma process with more flexible tails in the distribution of volatilities, which still allows for simple and efficient calculations. Using several macroeconomic and financial datasets, it is shown that the inverse gamma and generalized inverse gamma processes can greatly outperform the commonly used log normal volatility processes with Student’s t errors or jumps in the mean equation.  相似文献   

Summary.  Road safety has recently become a major concern in most modern societies. The identification of sites that are more dangerous than others (black spots) can help in better scheduling road safety policies. This paper proposes a methodology for ranking sites according to their level of hazard. The model is innovative in at least two respects. Firstly, it makes use of all relevant information per accident location, including the total number of accidents and the number of fatalities, as well as the number of slight and serious injuries. Secondly, the model includes the use of a cost function to rank the sites with respect to their total expected cost to society. Bayesian estimation for the model via a Markov chain Monte Carlo approach is proposed. Accident data from 519 intersections in Leuven (Belgium) are used to illustrate the methodology proposed. Furthermore, different cost functions are used to show the effect of the proposed method on the use of different costs per type of injury.  相似文献   

Bayesian estimation for the two unknown parameters and the reliability function of the exponentiated Weibull model are obtained based on generalized order statistics. Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods are considered to compute the Bayes estimates of the target parameters. Our computations are based on the balanced loss function which contains the symmetric and asymmetric loss functions as special cases. The results have been specialized to the progressively Type-II censored data and upper record values. Comparisons are made between Bayesian and maximum likelihood estimators via Monte Carlo simulation.  相似文献   

A stationary bilinear (SB) model can be used to describe processes with a time-varying degree of persistence that depends on past shocks. This study develops methods for Bayesian inference, model comparison, and forecasting in the SB model. Using monthly U.K. inflation data, we find that the SB model outperforms the random walk, first-order autoregressive AR(1), and autoregressive moving average ARMA(1,1) models in terms of root mean squared forecast errors. In addition, the SB model is superior to these three models in terms of predictive likelihood for the majority of forecast observations.  相似文献   

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