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The researchers analyzed activist organization web sites to determine the framing techniques employed in their public relations messages. The macro framework for this study was based on the work of sociologists David Snow and Robert Benford, who focus on how social activist organizations frame their messages. At the micro level, the researchers examined the web sites for the presence or absence of five devices identified by Gamson and Modigliani (American Journal of Sociology 1989;95:1–37) as commonly used when framing issues.  相似文献   

Academics, policy makers, and practitioners are slow to listen to the needs and experiences of poor people, even about their experiences of poverty [P. Beresford & S. Croft (1995) It's our problem too! Challenging the exclusion of poor people from poverty discourse. Critical Social Policy Issue, 44/45, 75-95]. Angela is a young middle-aged British woman who has survived numerous traumatic personal, family and social experiences. She has read copies of this journal and is convinced that discussions between academics, professionals, policy makers and poor people will lead to better mutual understanding, a view reflected in a recent multinational project [ATD Fourth World (1999) Introducing the knowledge of people living in poverty into an academic environment: Synopsis. London: ATD Fourth World UK]. Through discussions with one of the editors, Angela has contributed this account which highlights the emotional aspects of being at the receiving end of public services as well as of becoming active in a community.  相似文献   

The aim of the article is to show that the contradiction between dialogue and antagonism can be overcome with the help of the idea of dialogue as developed by the Russian thinker Mikhail Bakhtin. The lack of such theory led to the rejection of liberalism or to the introduction of dialogical principle into the body of liberal politics. It was Jürgen Habermas who first understood the necessity of dialogical consensus as the basis of liberal democracy. On the other hand, Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe developed the concept of agonistic democracy, claiming that conflict is inevitable in liberal democracy because consensual relations cannot harmonize contradictory political identities. The second part of the article is the elaboration of Bakhtin’s theory of dialogue and its relevance for political theory. The main point is that dialogue leads to better understanding but not necessarily to consensus. If this is so, then both conceptions of the political are moments in never-ending dialogical relations. The significance of Bakhtin’s idea of dialogue for political theory consists thus in the recognition of the inevitable dialogical nature of society. However, this dialogical concept also has a normative character. Society has to find a balance between two extremes: excessive dialogue, which leads to anarchy, and the lack of dialogue, which leads to totalitarianism.  相似文献   

The need for interdisciplinary expert groups from different regions of the world to be involved in the fields of sustainability science and environmental change research is increasingly recognised. The Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IBPES) was established in 2012 as a science-policy interface and has gone beyond previous initiatives in its articulation of a clear commitment to inter- and transdisciplinary approaches that mandate a diversity of genders, disciplines and regional backgrounds within its expert groups. The first IPBES work programme, carried out between 2014 and 2018, has been supported by 17 expert groups, comprising over 1000 experts, who have been selected from over 2000 government and stakeholder nominations through formal procedures. In this paper, we present and critique the framework through which IPBES identifies and selects experts to participate in its processes. In addition, we synthesise and carry out a quantitative analysis on the expert nomination and selection data relating to the first assessment activities of IPBES. Identifying that the balance of regions, genders, disciplines and knowledge systems represented within these expert groups is still disproportionally dominated by male natural scientists from the Global North, the paper makes recommendations of how to better engage knowledge holders from different disciplines and diverse knowledge systems in future iterations of the IPBES work programme.  相似文献   

One of the most challenging aspects of the current processes of globalization is the accelerating pace with which communication, technological information, people and goods are ‘spinning’ around the world. With the growth of our spatial scope to a global level, we have become used to acceleration in a highly competitive world, which results in a feeling of real‐time experience, or instantaneity. The ways in which we deal with acceleration are determined by a specific understanding of the relationship between time and organization: from a Western perspective, managerial practices are based on the ratio‐economic, and therefore limited, idea of clock time. From a transcultural perspective, however, other modes of time interfere with the rigidity and linearity of clock‐time‐based organization. Moreover, on a global level a more encompassing, holistic understanding of time can be important to analyse tensions and contradictions in current managerial practices. It therefore seems important to introduce a perspective of time plurality into debates on transnational organization. How does a view of time complexity affect the management of cohesion and loyalty in the current practices of managers who deal with transnational networks?  相似文献   


This article takes up Samir Amin’s challenge to rethink the issue of global political organization by proposing the building of a diagonal political organization for the Global Left that would link local, national and world regional and global networks and prefigurational communities to coordinate contention for power in the world-system during the next few decades of the 21st century. The World Social Forum (WSF) process needs to be reinvented for the current period of rising neo-fascist and populist reactionary nationalism and to foster the emergence of a capable instrument that can confront and contend with the global power structure of world capitalism and aid local and national struggles. This will involve overcoming the fragmentation of progressive movements that have been an outcome of the rise of possessive individualism, the precariat, and social media. We propose a holistic approach to organizing a vessel for the global left based on struggles for climate justice, human rights, anti-racism, queer rights, feminism, sharing networks, peace alliances, taking back the city, progressive nationalism and confronting and defeating neo-fascism and new forms of conservative populism.  相似文献   

Structural equation modeling (SEM) provides a dependable framework for testing differences among groups on latent variables (constructs, factors). The purpose of this article is to illustrate SEM-based testing for group mean differences on latent variables. Related procedures of confirmatory factor analysis and testing for measurement invariance across compared groups are also presented in the context of rehabilitation research.  相似文献   

Globalization, as currently understood, is confined to an economic world view, and does not include notions of global citizenship, social priorities and human rights. Yet social workers, because of the value base of the social work profession, must be concerned with these issues, and work towards a form of 'living in one world' that locates human values as paramount. One of the reactions to globalization has been an increase in localization, and social workers are now required to work at both global and local levels, and to relate the two. This is explored in relation to social work knowledge, values and skills, with particular reference to using a human rights framework for social work theory and practice. In a globalized world, all aspects of social work are affected by global issues, and all social problems have a global dimension. Hence international social work can no longer be a marginalized specialization within the social work profession, but must be part of the day-to-day practice of all social workers, if social work is to remain relevant to the pursuit of human rights and social justice. Die gegenärtigen Auffassungen von Globalisierung sind in einer ökonomischen Perspektive befangen und entbehren jeder Vorstellung von globaler Bürgerschaft, sozialen prioritäten und Menschenrechten. Aufgrund ihrer Wertebasis als soziale Profession kommt es f&ür Sozialarbeiterinnen und Sozialarbeiter darauf an, sich mit diesen Sachverhalten auseinanderzusetzen und auf eine Form des Zusammenslebens in einer Welt hinzuarbeiten, in der humane Werte an allererster Stelle stehen. Als eine Reaktionsweise auf die Globalisierung bildete sich eine verstärkte 'Lokalisierung' heraus. Dies bedeutet für die Sozialarbeiterinnen und Sozialarbeiter, daß sie nun auf beiden Ebenen arbeiten und diese zugleich miteinander verbinden müssen. Diese Aufgabe wird hier thematisiert im Hinblick auf das Wissen, auf die Werte und die Qualifikationen in der Sozialarbeit, und zwar unter besonderer Berürcksichtigung eines auf die Menschenrechte bezogenen Rahmenkonzepts für die Theorie und Praxis der Sozialen Arbeit. In einer globalisierten Welt sind alle Aspekte Sozialer Arbeit von globalen Entwicklungen betroffen, und umgekehrt haben alle sozialen Probleme eine globale Dimension. Wenn Soziale Arbeit Weiterhin eine relevante Rolle bei der Verwirklichung von sozialer Gerechtigkeit und den Menschenrechten zukommen soll, dann kann die internationale Dimension der Sozialarbeit nicht bloß eine marginale Specialisierung innerhalb der Profession bleiben, sondern muß zu einem integralen Bestandteil der tagtäglichen Praxis aller Sozialarbeiterinnen und Sozialarbeiter werden. La globalización tal como la entendemos actualmente, está confinada a un punto de vista economómico, y no incluye nociones de ciudadania global, prioridades sociales y derechos humanos. Pero los trabajadores sociales, debido a la base de valores existentes en la profesión de trabajo social, deben estar preocupados con estos temas, y trabajar hacia una forma de 'vivir en un mundo' que sitße los valores humanos en el ámbito de gran importancia que se merecen. Una de las reacciones a la globalización ha sido el aumento de la localización, y a los trabajadores sociales actualmente se les requiere la capacidad de trabajar en ambos niveles, global y local, y de relacionarlos. Exploramos estos aspectos en relación con el conocimiento en trabajo social, valores y destrezas, haciendo particular referencia a la capacidad de uso de un marco de derechos humanos como ase para la teoria y práctica del trabajo social. En un mundo globalizado todos los aspectos de trabajo social quedan afectados por temas globales, y todos los problemas sociales tienen una dimensión global. Por tanto, el trabajo social internacional no puede continuar siendo una especialidad marginal en la profesión, sino que debe formar parte de la práctica diaria de todos los trabajadores sociales si queremos que el trabajo social continße siendo relevante en la bßsqueda de los derechos humanos y justicia social.  相似文献   


Global capitalism is approaching a general crisis of capitalist rule. It is urgent to renovate a popular revolutionary project and refound the state if we are to combat the onslaught of the neo-fascist right. Amin’s call for a new Internationale is a timely move in that direction, notwithstanding the many challenges of organizing such an Internationale. Developing an umbrella program must engage political and theoretical debate on the nature of the new global capitalism, learn from the failures of Syriza in Greece and the Pink Tide in Latin America, and reconceive the three-way relationship between states, parties, and social movements. The downward mobility and destabilization of working classes in the former First World and the destruction of the old labor aristocracies provides the recruiting grounds for 21st century fascism but also new opportunities for transnational North-South solidarities. A new Internationale must identify and prioritize the class antagonisms within and across countries and regions over core-periphery or Global North-South contradictions.  相似文献   

Amidst booming scholarship on alternative food networks (AFNs) in the global North, research on AFN in the global South remains scarce. Partly this is because explicitly alternative initiatives are themselves scarce, except for those focused on export markets. Yet in countries such as Kenya, urban consumers and rural smallholders have good reason to want alternatives to agrichemical dependency, insecure marketing channels, and food of dubious safety. This article describes one attempt to provide an alternative. A pilot box scheme launched by the Kenya Institute of Organic Farming (KIOF) in 2007 aimed to connect organic smallholders to consumers in Nairobi, the capital city. It did not last long, and we reflect on the reasons why. In particular, we argue that efforts to build AFN in “developing” countries must take account of the problematic history of development itself, both as an ideology and as a set of institutions, policies and activities. In the case of the Kenyan box scheme, the pervasive yet often ineffectual presence of aid-dispensing non-governmental organizations, in particular, influenced different actors’ perceptions and participation in ways we did not fully anticipate. More broadly, this article emphasizes the need to appreciate the macro-historical and socioeconomic contexts that inform on-the-ground practices and understandings of alternative food.  相似文献   

Last week's issue featured the announcement of a new payment model for addiction treatment, a combination of capitated and bundled reimbursement that places the treatment provider at risk in the event of repeat admissions. Greg Williams, executive vice president of Facing Addiction with NCADD, described the rationale for the system: Treatment providers should not be paid if patients don't get well. Anne Marie Polak, senior director at Leavitt Partners and in charge of the “Incentivizing Recovery” project the organization is convening, described the basics of how the project works. None of the treatment organizations participated in the project, which resulted in the white paper released Sept. 7 (see ADAW, Sept. 17).  相似文献   

This study examined the psychometric properties of the Work Environment Impact Scale in the United States and Sweden. Thirteen American and four Swedish occupational therapists used the scale (in English and Swedish respectively) to rate 21 (11 American and 10 Swedish) subjects. Results of a Rasch analysis of the data, indicate that the items work well together to measure the construct of work environment impact. The scale is also suitably matched to the clients in this study and effectively discriminated different levels of work environment impact. The findings also suggest that both language versions of the scale are equivalent and that the scale is culture-free.  相似文献   

The purpose of the contemporary university has been redefined across the world in terms of success in global competition, usefulness for money-making, and efficiency, meaning application of New Public Management ideas. My aim is to sketch an alternative and future-oriented ethico-political conception of the university to serve counterhegemonic purposes. First I discuss briefly the Humboldtian myth and legacy. Second, I summarize Jürgen Habermas’s analysis of the historical and practical limits of the idea of the university. Third, in response to Habermas’s criticism, I outline a non-speculative, scientific realist way of understanding the unity of all sciences and humanities. Fourth, I locate the idea of the university in the twenty-first century global context, understood in part as world risk society. And finally, I argue that the autonomy of the university should be anchored in the rules, principles and institutional arrangements of multi-spatial metagovernance, rather than just those of territorial states. The future of the university calls for new cosmopolitan institutional solutions and world citizenship.  相似文献   

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