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张萍芳 《生存》2020,(12):0063-0063
我们每一个人走在漫漫的人生路上,很多时候往往不是一帆风顺的,人在生活中有时总会遇到挫折。当我们经历了重重磨练之后,每一次挫折都是一次磨练,每一次挫折都是一笔财富。那我们该如何去面对挫折呢?  相似文献   

关于挫折心理的理论,是心理学的重要组成部份。一个人及其所从事的事业的兴衰成败,和他能否认识挫折心理规律,正确对待挫折关系极大。本文试就青年和学生的挫折心理有关问题,发表一点粗浅的看法。一、挫折理论概述我们对学生进行思想教育时,经常要运用激励理论,其中重点又是内容型激励,就是分析和研究学生的内在需要和动机是如何推动行为的,经过一些激励因素,使其行为达到我们所预定的目标。激励理论大致包括需要层次论、期望理论、挫折理论、公平理论和双因素论。其中挫折理论研究的重点是行为的改造,就是研究如何改造和转化学生的行为,变消极因素为积极因素。这在我们的工作中是—个重要方面,不可忽视。  相似文献   

白百何主演的新片《分手合约》4月1 2日上映,首日便挤下连续二十多天排片第一的《北京遇上西雅图》,成为票房冠军。3天后进账6500万元,成为又一匹"黑马"。从《失恋33天》中的黄小仙到《分手合约》中的何俏俏,白百何的"北京小妞"形象越来越深入人心,走红的白百何也被媒体封为"小妞电影"代言人。据悉,由白百何担任女主角的多部电影将在年内上映。2013年,看白百何如何升华"小妞电影"的魅力,无疑成为电影圈的一大焦点。白百何,1984年出生于山东省青岛市市北区,原名为白雪,家人朋友呼其  相似文献   

中国近代以来屡遭挫折磨难,中国共产党成立后,作为党的主要领导者毛泽东对国家富强、民族复兴、人民幸福的"中国梦"开始了不断的探索,毛泽东关于"中国梦"的探索是中国共产党人探索适合中国国情的社会主义建设道路的实践,是我党非常宝贵的历史经验和实现中华民族伟大复兴的重要思想资源。总结毛泽东对实现中华民族伟大复兴"中国梦"的探索和贡献,特别是毛泽东对如何实现"中国梦"的"中国道路"、"中国精神"、"中国力量"的论述,对我们今天实现社会主义现代化事业和中华民族伟大复兴的"中国梦"有着重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

<正>挫折是一种很普遍的心理现象,是指人的心理需求不能得到满足,或者意外受到伤害打击以及个人期待目标难以实现而产生的痛苦、悲伤、沮丧、郁闷甚至绝望的一种体验。现实生活中,不可能事事如意,经常伴随着挫折。"人生之难,胜过逆水行舟",生活经常事与愿违,"不如意的事常有八九",理想与现实常困惑着每个生命,现实生活中,挫折比比皆是。挫  相似文献   

庄和美 《社科纵横》2006,21(6):130-131
目前大学生中面对困难和失败而体验挫折后,出现萎靡不振、消极怠学、焦躁烦闷等心理现象的还不少。今日大学生的身心健康状况与“明天”中华民族的兴衰息息相关,高校及社会各界切不可掉以轻心。高校应加强对大学生的挫折教育。挫折教育主要是通过对大学生挫折认知的提高、挫折承受力的加强和挫折后心理的调整,来促使大学生达到自强不息的良好精神状态。  相似文献   

“挫折教育”论吴金林在《社会科学》1994年第7期上撰文认为,风险、挫折、失败是人们不可回避的普遍社会现象.要想成功,必须具备认识挫折、承认挫折、防止挫折、克服挫折的能力、而这种能力的养成离不开“挫折教育”。挫折具有认识价值,它能引起主体的怀疑和注意...  相似文献   

约定俗成的东西谁也挡不住它的魅力,寻常东西见真情,于是有入搞了这种测试——选薄荷巧克力代表你觉得情人深懂生活情趣,但少了一份安全感,美中不足;酒心巧克力情人是情场高手,令你少了一份自尊;松脆巧克力,说明你以失恋的心情来对待关系,有"放手"的打算……特别的日子,小心选择为妙。  相似文献   

挫折教育是让人能够适应社会发展,在职业生涯、未来人生当中面临巨大挫折、失败的时候能够以积极、正确的态度面对,从而更好实现人生价值的教育,它是学生教育中必不可少的一个部分.当前,高职院校教育非常重要,职业院校学生进入社会之后会面临更多问题,承受来自社会、生活的压力,在某种程度上来讲这也是挫折的一部分.为了让学生能够正确认识挫折、提高心理承受能力,研究当前学生挫折教育问题并提出对策意义重大.  相似文献   

论文通过论述高等职业教育在我国职业技术人才培养的重要地位以及发展过程中高等职业教育学生容易受到挫折情绪的影响的现实情况,提出高职院校学生挫折教育的必要性。在上述分析的基础上,结合形成挫折的组成要素,提出挫折教育的具体含义和挫折教育在人才培养的重要作用。  相似文献   

张艳萍  王欢 《唐都学刊》2012,28(1):55-58
日本电影《入殓师》描述了大提琴师小林大悟成为入殓师的故事。影片表现了主人公小林大悟在遇到梦想与现实的冲突时内心挣扎与选择,通过入殓纳棺这一特殊的工作,表达了生者对死者的敬畏,也体现了小林的生存价值和意义,诠释了夫妻、父子之间的爱与恨,这些有益于了解日本社会和日本人的精神世界。  相似文献   

In the psychological literature, love is often seen as a construct inseparable from that of close, interpersonal relationships. As a result, it has been often assumed that the same motivational factors underlie both phenomena. This often leads researchers to propose that love does not exist in itself—that it is an emotion which stems solely from a need for attachment, fulfillment of reproductive aims, or for social exchange. The popular cultural imagination, however, perceives love as a unique, mysterious, altruistic, ever-lasting bond between two people—a vision of love which is at odds with its supposed psychological origins. We propose that an ideal of love and its enactment in our culture is a result of two intertwining factors. Within the last few centuries, interpersonal relationships and love have replaced religion as islands of existential comfort. Toward this end, lovers project illusory meaning on their partners. The laborious and turbulent process of withdrawing these projections can lead to what many thinkers think "love" is: bestowal of value on another, and consequent respect for, and care for that person, unmotivated by one's own needs, within the context of a real relationship.  相似文献   

Performing paid care work requires workers to simultaneously negotiate care and waged relationships. Mediating contradictions between the two often causes workers to experience frustration, a form of emotional dissonance. Drawing on semi‐structured interviews with 100 workers in Australian aged care organisations, this research identifies aspects of the work environment that enable care workers to successfully juggle or synthesise the emotional demands of their work. The research demonstrates that employers have an important role in alleviating frustration, and can do this by creating work environments which: give care workers relative autonomy; allow care workers to construct themselves as professional carers providing quality care; provide workers with support to manage their emotions and develop emotional resilience; and promote client recognition of workers' roles. Providing such work environments has the potential to not only alleviate workers' frustration, but also to increase job satisfaction and retain workers in aged care.  相似文献   

The experience of being in love involves a longing for union with the other, where an important part of this longing is sexual desire. But what is the relation between being in love and sexual desire? To answer this it must first be seen that the expression ‘in love’ normally refers to a personal relationship. This is because to be ‘in love’ is to want to be loved back. This much would be predicted by equity and social exchange theories of interpersonal attraction. Findings suggest however that love differs fundamentally from liking and, consequently, distinct approaches to the theory of love have been developed. A phenomenological theory is then put forward which suggests that the experience of being in love involves a complex of desires for reciprocal vulnerability in order to care and be cared for. Sexual desire is then seen to involve the physical expression of these desires in the form of desires for mutual baring in order to caress and be caressed. Unlike love, however, sexual desire need not refer to the other person's desires. This is supported by the existence of sexual desires like fetishism. It is concluded that other desires which often appear in instances of being in love are not basic to the experience of being in love.  相似文献   

Previous research about love, in the social‐psychological literature, has focused on the antecedents, or causes, of love. Moreover, within the field of Personal Relationships, love is often regarded as implicitly present, and thus, is not treated directly. Here, we address the possibility of a reversal of this perspective, where love is no longer treated as a dependent variable but as an independent variable. We show that this change is necessary to promote the status of love to that of a reliable object of scientific enquiry. We discuss the differences between scientific and naïve conceptions of love, and the necessity of distinguishingbetween an alleged reality of love and the consequences of the mere idea of love.  相似文献   

黄霖 《求是学刊》2003,30(4):80-86
文章就纪念<新小说>创刊100周年,谈到文学的价值不在于写私情,还是写群情;是"纯文学",还是有"功利性";而是在于写的情真不真,善不善,美不美.而且,这种情,还得放在当时时代中来加以考察.文学创作的发展与观念的更新关系重大.梁启超及<新小说>所提出的一些新观念在总体上还是推动了中国小说的现代化.<新小说>之所以能开创了一代的风气,很重要的一点是注意吸引和团结了一大批读者在其周围,为此从经营方式,到期刊的内容与形式等进行了多方面的革新与尝试.但后来"新小说"的发展走了一段弯路,这主要还是拜金主义所造成的恶果.  相似文献   

以怀旧青春电影、真人秀相亲节目和浪漫言情电视剧为主要内容的真爱文本的流行,是当下的重要文化现象之一。真爱文本建构了美好的爱情图景,但文本叙事的失效使其成为乌托邦幻象。大众文化所建构、呈现的欲望化、合理化社会倾向以及个性表征的表面化,改写了现代性所确立的真爱话语的内涵,其对于现实爱情经验的影响和重塑,是真爱文本进行乌托邦想象的动力。改写、置换现实语境是真爱乌托邦的内在话语策略,由此造成了虚幻的真爱想象对真实爱情体验的压抑和取代。  相似文献   

Whilst loneliness may be receiving greater media and political attention, the tendency to present the issue as a discrete individual problem separable from wider social concerns has led to some frustration amongst the sociologically minded. The purpose of this paper is to provide a sociological account of loneliness which is not as susceptible to individualist interpretations as other works in the genre have been. As such the paper focuses on how the structure of a society, rather than its culture, might lead to loneliness. To this end, the paper makes original use of the works of Georg Simmel (1858–1918). Specifically, Simmel's account of how we come to know other people through synthetic construction is applied to his better‐known theory of intersecting social circles. The author claims that when taken together these two aspects of Simmel's thought suggest that social structure can create a form of social isolation in which people find it very difficult to get to know one another, due to a lack of multiple‐context interactions with the same people during their day‐to‐day behavioural patterns. This clustering of interactions within narrow interlocuter‐contexts is hypothesised to account for a portion of the variability in loneliness across individuals, societies and historical time, and is provisionally named as structural loneliness.  相似文献   

所谓尽头艳语就是指在内容上描写儿女柔情,而在语言表达上以质朴直截而近乎极致的词句。作为直质艳词的一种,其自成一格的魅力、亦正亦邪的特征在宋代就已受到关注及争议。清初明确将尽头艳语作为直质艳词中一种独特类型,加以标举,冠以尽头语、决绝语、透骨情语等名。其与婉约艳词相反相成,使轻薄归厚重,俚俗通大雅,决绝含忠恕,质语穷艳态,直语寄微言,尽语播远韵。这种特征的形成须有至情高格为依托,由大气真力来运转,既是成就其独至之妙的关键,也是其特征、渊源、价值、正变定位历来备受争议的根源。  相似文献   

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