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Past research has shown that it is possible to simultaneously achieve the setup efficiencies of traditional cellular manufacturing systems and the routeing flexibility of a job shop by viewing cells not as permanent, physical structures, but as temporary, 'virtual' entities. This research demonstrates that the advantages of virtual manufacturing cells can be obtained over a range of part family configurations. In particular, virtual cellular manufacturing is robust to changes in the number and size of families being processed. Further, the research shows that the benefits can be obtained under setup conditions impartial to a family-oriented part environment.  相似文献   


This paper is concerned with the optimization of tool requirements in flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs). The main aim is to determine the best tool spectrum (i.e. the number of duplicates for each tool type to be provided) considering different layouts of the tool management area (tool rooms). The optimization method is based on the reciprocal interaction between a genetic algorithm (GA) and the simulation model of the FMS considered. Thus, the results proposed refer to the efficacy of the technique adopted and its practical application to tool management.  相似文献   

Recently, there has been a lot of interest in group technology (GT) from researchers as well as from practitioners. This interest is explained by the fact that GT supports new manufacturing philosophies. One of the main issues in GT is the part family formation problem which is concerned with grouping similar products into same families. Many researchers have tackled this problem and many algorithms have been proposed for it. In this paper, we present a genetic technique-based heuristic for the quadratic integer programming model of the part family formation problem which was formulated by Kusiak et al. (1986). The heuristic is tested on several problems from the literature, and preliminary results are very promising.  相似文献   


A two-sided assembly line balancing problem is typically found in plants producing large-sized high-volume products, e.g. buses and trucks. The features specific to the assembly line are described in this paper, which are associated with those of: (i) two-sided assembly lines; (ii) positional constraints; and (iii) balancing at the operational time. There exists a large amount of literature in the area of line balancing, whereby it has mostly dealt with one-sided assembly lines. A new genetic algorithm is developed to solve the problem, and its applicability and extensibility are discussed. A genetic encoding and decoding scheme, and genetic operators suitable for the problem are devised. This is particularly emphasized using problem-specific information to enhance the performance of the genetic algorithm (GA). The proposed GA has a strength that it is flexible in solving various types of assembly line balancing problems. An experiment is carried out to verify the performance of the GA, and the results are reported.  相似文献   

The model of the machine layout problem MLP in a cellular manufacturing environment attains additional dimensions as it should satisfy the qualitative interconnections between the machines and the location restrictions of an existing factory environment. A new MLP model based on merging pre-emptive goal programming and simulated annealing has been developed for machine layout in cells. This model seeks to find feasible solutions by addressing practical issues of implementation as well as reducing the total travel distances for parts between machines. The new model can also be applied to facility layout problems FLP . The computational work is demonstrated by applying the model to problems of both quantitative and qualitative types, and has produced encouraging results. This model is particularly attractive for layout problems with realistic goals and constraints. To show the performance of the model in handling real-world problems, a practical example has been introduced and solved using the proposed model.  相似文献   

In this paper, Virtual Cellular Manufacturing (VCM), an alternative approach to implementing cellular manufacturing, is investigated. VCM combines the setup efficiency typically obtained by Group Technology (GT) cellular manufacturing (CM) systems with the routing flexibility of a job shop. Unlike traditional CM systems in which the shop is physically designed as a series of cells, family-based scheduling criteria are used to form logical cells within a shop using a process layout. The result is the formation of temporary, virtual cells as opposed to the more traditional, permanent, physical cells present in GT systems. Virtual cells allow the shop to be more responsive to changes in demand and workload patterns. Production using VCM is compared to production using traditional cellular and job shop approaches. Results indicate that VCM yields significantly better flow time and due date performance over a wide range of common operating conditions, as well as being more robust to demand variability.  相似文献   

The Group Technology theory identifies and groups similar parts into families and machines into cells, advantages being in the similarity of the parts made in each cell, and designing and manufacturing. The benefits are: simple material flow, cost reduction in material handling, reduction in work in progress, reduction in the cycle time and set-up time, increased manufacturing flexibility, increased quality, and increased job satisfaction. The objective of the work presented in this paper was to develop a Group Technology (GT) algorithm by means of cell analysis for the design of the productive system to batch production, e.g. water heater manufacturing, system manufacturing, lathes manufacturing, etc. The TGIP algorithm allows the definition of technical and economical parameters for the application of Group Technology, also taking into account the demand for the performance of the algoof heating gasrithm. The benefits of the algorithm developed are the focus on solving the case of multiple machines and the assignment of the parts to the groups related to the load of the machines; also it allows the definition of technical and economical parameters to differentiate the machines that do the same operation or even the consideration of the demand for a certain period of time.  相似文献   

The use of the right type of Information Technology (IT) applications or manufacturing systems is expected to usher in a competitive advantage. Selection of the right type of IT application is, however, a challenging task. When a company, with a given dominant process structure, emphasizes two or more competitive priorities, such as quality, product flexibility, etc., an unaided manager faces a complex decision problem in choosing from alternative IT applications available in the areas of product design through distribution. In this paper, we present a Knowledge Based System (KBS) that would assist managers with the identification of IT applications that are consistent with both the competitive priorities and the process structure. Validation of the system illustrates that its performance is consistent with the human experts, and it has the potential to facilitate effective and swift decision-making in the selection of appropriate IT applications that best match an organization's manufacturing strategy.  相似文献   

Simulation is a powerful tool for modeling complex systems with intricate relationships between various entities and resources. Simulation optimization refers to methods that search the design space (i.e., the set of all feasible system configurations) to find a system configuration (also called a design point) that gives the best performance. Since simulation is often time consuming, sampling as few design points from the design space as possible is desired. However, in the case of multiple objectives, traditional simulation optimization methods are ineffective to uncover the efficient frontier. We propose a framework for multi-objective simulation optimization that combines the power of genetic algorithm (GA), which can effectively search very large design spaces, with data envelopment analysis (DEA) used to evaluate the simulation results and guide the search process. In our framework, we use a design point's relative efficiency score from DEA as its fitness value in the selection operation of GA. We apply our algorithm to determine optimal resource levels in surgical services. Our numerical experiments show that our algorithm effectively furthers the frontier and identifies efficient design points.  相似文献   

This article addresses the train-sequencing problem encountered in the Korean railway. It first presents a mixed integer programming model for the problem, in which the mileage must be balanced for each train route, while various field constraints must be satisfied, including overnight stay capacity and maintenance allocation restrictions. Then, it proposes a hybrid genetic algorithm as a solution approach to the problem. The proposed algorithm utilizes a modified elite group technique along with two heuristic procedures based on the mixed integer programming model. Finally, the proposed solution approach is tested with real-world data from the Korean railway. Numerical experiments under different conditions indicate that the proposed solution approach to the train-sequencing problem is promising.  相似文献   

The system adopted by Piaggio V.E. to run the production of 'Minivan' aims at conciliating the manufacturing philosophy 'just-in-time' JIT with the creation of a wide range of end-product codes. Some general assumptions for a JIT production, with small lot sizes, are described together with their implementation in the operationorganizing system adopted by Piaggio V.E. for the 'Minivan' assembly line. The strategy pursued by Piaggio V.E. for the Minivan focuses on the quality of the product and the level of service in the form of fast order cycle and a high number of options offered on catalogue. According to the logic of an ATO production system, the customer orders a customized product and the manufacturer does not keep any finished inventory, but aims at effective management of the information flows.  相似文献   

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