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American industry typically uses material requirements planning (MRP) for manufacturing control. This paper presents production planning and control procedures based on group technology (GT), which is used in British manufacturing. A translation between these ideas and the American approach is made, and it is suggested that a combination of MRP and GT is viable. The problems that arise, especially in the areas of lot-sizing and sequencing/scheduling, and their possible solutions are discussed. Since increased adoption of GT is expected within the next decade, an intensified research effort is warranted in these and other areas so that existing MRP systems can be modified or extended to handle cellular manufacturing control problems. Subject Areas: Material Requirements Planning and Production/Operations Management.  相似文献   

Rising production costs, combined with competitive pressures, have resulted in an increased focus on the need for effective manufacturing planning and control. To remain competitive, organizations are exploring new ways for increasing productivity while reducing work-in-progress inventories and product lead time. This article describes a case study of the successful introduction of production cells in a company engaged in small batch production. The company is described and its manufacturing problems presented. Following a detailed analysis of the utilization of machines in the company's machine shop, a new manufacturing technique, giving improved work flow, is proposed.  相似文献   


Abstract. The small to medium-sized job-shop manufacturing industry can benefit most from the implementation of computer integrated manufacturing (CIM) technology, to meet the increasing demand for high-quality and economically priced products. The injection mould making industry is a typical representative for this group, where a manufacturer would generally produce moulds which consist of parts that are standard to every mould type or very similar. Thus, manufacturing techniques, such as group technology (GT), and production planning and control (information) management systems could make significant contributions in improving the efficiency of design and production operations.

The objective of the project, presented in this paper, was the development of a GT-based classification and coding (C/C) system for injection mould parts especially for the design and process planning phases, and the development of a production planning and shop-floor control (SFC) information management system.

An extensive investigation was carried out on existing GT-based C/C systems. This investigation, followed by a thorough examination of many injection mould parts for determining geometric similarities, led to the development of part families (classes) required for GT implementation. An OPITZ-type GT system was developed, thereafter, for the C/C of the manufactured parts of the target company.

The production planning and control software that has been developed for the target company utilizes a relational data base management system. It consists of 13 application programs, which provide a tool of organizing information for efficient production planning and SFC. The programs are designed to cover all manufacturing operations of a job from the proposal to the final testing stage. Shop orders and dispatch lists are created using this software for effective and prioritized SFC. Shop status and job status reports are generated based on feedback information received through time card entries.  相似文献   

Integrated manufacturing operations typically are organized along hierarchical lines. Characterized by product aggregation and time horizon, hierarchical decompositions aim at easing problems associated with the complexity and scale of the manufacturing function taken as a whole. Static models have been developed and employed which facilitate the analysis and functioning of these organizations. Existing models are valuable aids in assisting goal-planning functions, but provide little guidance for directing the pursuit of goals. This paper presents a new hierarchical model of integrated manufacturing operations based on concepts of management control. The model is congruent with commonly used static planning models, while at the same lime depicting real-time, goal-achievement efforts within a dynamic operating environment. Emphasizing the interactions between goal planning and goal achievement, the dynamic model provides a means of assessing the effects of decentralization and autonomy on the goal planning and achievement process. The model is used to identify two resource-consuming chain reactions linked to replanning and goal pursuit within the hierarchy. A simple example based on the dynamic extension of a typical static decomposition illustrates the key findings.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the use of a specific procedure or methodology for profiling an organization's environment. Three key objectives underlie the development of this procedure: to expand upon already existing planning tools for identifying organizational environments; to transfer relevant organization-environment concepts to administrators in a practical manner; and to adapt these concepts and planning strategies to the constraints which bind public sector administrators, especially those in smaller organizations. While these methods have been used in working with educational institutions, the underlying rationale is applicable to many other types of organization as well.  相似文献   

This paper proposes design rules in order to simplify current MRP II software systems and make them suitable for the small manufacturing firm. Simplification rules apply to production data management by reducing database complexity. This has consequences for medium-term requirements planning which is moved toward the realization of simultaneous material and capacity planning. The simplification procedure is completed by applying aggregate decision models to shop floor control which allow the introduction of a minimal transaction processing system. Object-oriented analysis concepts are used for the design of the primary production data model, which has a consistent effect on transaction data and decisional procedures throughout the whole production management software system.  相似文献   


Just-in-time (JIT) has been a widely recognized production philosophy alternative since the early 1980s. JIT principles and techniques have been widely adopted in many manufacturing firms. More recently, supply chain management has evolved as a discipline focusing on the design, planning and control of processes linking the initial raw materials to the ultimate consumption of the finished product. Supply chain efficiency is dependent on the efficiencies of the individual manufacturing organizations and the ability to connect along the supply chain. In this paper supply chain management from a JIT perspective is investigated, focusing on the linking mechanisms between successive companies and the collective efficiency of the supply chain.  相似文献   

This paper addresses a class of problems, referred to as “disaggregation problems,” which lie between planning at the top level and the more detailed decisions of inventory control and scheduling at the bottom level. Most real-world problems are sufficiently complex to warrant a sequential or top-down approach to problem solving. However, researchers have paid scant attention to disaggregation until very recently. The resulting lack of an interfacing mechanism diminishes the utility of solution procedures for aggregate planning, inventory control, and scheduling. In order to draw attention to this gap, a taxonomy of disaggregation problems is developed for both manufacturing and service organizations. The purpose is to identify and classify problems, describe representative research, and identify unresolved issues.  相似文献   


Period Batch Control was developed and first applied during the Second World War. The historic roots are discussed and the principles of this classic production planning approach explained, PBC compared to other production control concepts, and it is demonstrated that it may still be fruitfully applied, especially in combination with cellular manufacturing. It is therefore considered as a classic, but not outdated production planning concept.  相似文献   

This paper gives an overview of the theory and practice of planning and scheduling in supply chains. It first gives an overview of the various planning and scheduling models that have been studied in the literature, including lot sizing models and machine scheduling models. It subsequently categorizes the various industrial sectors in which planning and scheduling in the supply chains are important; these industries include continuous manufacturing as well as discrete manufacturing. We then describe how planning and scheduling models can be used in the design and the development of decision support systems for planning and scheduling in supply chains and discuss in detail the implementation of such a system at the Carlsberg A/S beerbrewer in Denmark. We conclude with a discussion on the current trends in the design and the implementation of planning and scheduling systems in practice.  相似文献   


There are numerous tools available to be used for production planning and control purposes. The number of tools is ever increasing, and so are the levels of sophistication as well as complexity. For the specific manufacturing firm, the task of selecting the most appropriate set of tools is not trivial. However, in recent years, the understanding of the relationship between tools and manufacturing environments for which they are suitable has increased. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of production planning and control tools available today, as well as new trends, issues and ideas.  相似文献   

Computer-based manufacturing planning and control (MPC) systems are widely used in industry to gain competitive advantage through integration and coordination of managerial activities. In collegiate business schools, important operations management activities are taught and studied, often by sequential examination of discrete topics such as aggregate production planning, master production scheduling, capacity planning, material planning, and production activity control. This paper explores the potential use of industrial MPC software in the classroom to create experiential learning activities that address the dynamic and integrative nature of operations management. Experiences with this pedagogical approach over the past decade are reported.  相似文献   

John A. Buzacott is a pioneering and premier contributor to the field of production and operations management. He has been a principal architect of the development of a unified framework and a rigorous engineering foundation for many of the major approaches currently used in the design, planning, and control of manufacturing and service systems. His innovative use of stochastic models to explain many phenomena occurring in manufacturing and service organizations has distinguished him not only as a great researcher but also as a great teacher. His contributions have inspired scholars throughout the world. We provide an overview of John's research works and accomplishments.  相似文献   

For many companies, the implementation of material requirements planning systems has failed to produce the expected improvements in manufacturing efficiency. This paper shows that MRP failure can occur in the common situation in which MRP is installed in a manufacturing environment that has evolved around manual methods of material control. A system dynamics simulation model is used to interrelate decision functions (policies) of a manufacturing firm. Simulation runs of the model operating with manual methods of material control show six- to seven-year fluctuations in production, ordering, and labor. A modified version of the model, changed only by the introduction of a requirements explosion to represent MRP, shows that MRP can actually cause more severe production fluctuations, resulting in lower average labor productivity and higher manufacturing costs. The major practical implication of the analysis is that the organizational environment that suits MRP (and utilizes its inherent strengths) is different from the environment that is likely to prevail at the time of implementation.  相似文献   

Je Van Aken 《Omega》1980,8(3):323-332
This paper deals with aggregate planning problems in decentralized organizations, i.e. organizations where the suborganizations have a fair amount of autonomy in control because information load, uncertainty and fast changing circumstances limit the possibilities of centralized control. The functions of aggregate planning, its place in the overall control structure of the company and the control variables involved are discussed and subsequently the additional complications of a decentralized setting. As a typical example of aggregate planning problems in a network of semi-autonomous organizations the so-called ‘internal business cycle’ is discussed: due to this phenomenon the network is not able to follow smoothly its final demand but moves from shortages in one period to surplusses in another. The causes, various positive feedback mechanisms through variations in the buffers between the units, are analyzed and illustrated with a simple simulation model. The paper concludes with a discussion on the use of aggregate planning to improve the control of the network and to dampen this internal business cycle.  相似文献   

This paper presents an experimental design developed to determine a combination of robust planning and scheduling rules for an intelligent workstation controller (IWC). The IWC is used as part of the control system for an automated flexible manufacturing system. A three-level hierarchical control structure (shop, workstation and equipment)is adopted in order effectively to control a shop-floor. At the top level is a shop controller which receives orders and their associated manufacturing information, and manages interactions among workstations. The IWC defines and resolves the production control activities necessary to coordinate a group of equipment controllers so as to ensure the completion of orders. Specifically, the IWC is responsible for selecting a specific process routeing for each part, allocating resources, scheduling and coordinating the activities across the equipment, monitoring the progress of activities, detecting and recovering from errors, and preparing reports. These activities are accomplished using planning, scheduling, and execution functions. In order to demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the IWC, all the controllable and uncontrollable factors need to be identified and detailed. Controllable factors are those which are set by the controller and cannot be directly affected by the production environment. Uncontrollable factors are those which vary with the production environment and cannot be directly changed by the controller developer. The objective of the paper is to illustrate how a good set of controllable factors that dictate the IWC's effectiveness and robustness over various uncontrollable factors can be determined. Due to the number of possible combinations of all the factors, a complete validation of the effectiveness and robustness of the IWC is extremely time consuming and far beyond the scope of this paper. Therefore, a few planning and scheduling strategies are selected and a formal experiment is conducted. The experiment illustrates how significant performance dependencies for various planning and scheduling strategies can be identified.  相似文献   

Material requirements planning (MRP), a comprehensive planning and control technique based upon the dependent demand principle, enables manufacturing organizations to provide better customer service, reduce inventory investment, and increase resource utilization. This paper extends the dependent demand principle to the service sector and thus provides the basis for applying MRP to higher education. In the short run, administrators can schedule the necessary number of required courses and load each course based on student priorities to provide increased customer (i.e., student) service and faculty utilization. In the long run, course enrollment forecasts can be utilized by administrators to plan and control changes in faculty resources across departments and schools.  相似文献   


This paper addresses the problem of aggregate production planning (APP) for a multinational lingerie company in Hong Kong. The multi-site production planning problem considers the production loading plans among manufacturing factories subject to certain restrictions, such as production import/export quotas imposed by regulatory requirements of different nations, the use of manufacturing factories/locations with regard to customers' preferences, as well as production capacity, workforce level, storage space and resource conditions of the factories. In this paper, a multi-objective model is developed to solve the production planning problems, in which the profit is maximized but production penalties resulting from going over/under quotas and the change in workforce level are minimized. To enhance the practical implications of the proposed model, different managerial production loading plans are evaluated according to changes in future policy and situation. Numerical results demonstrate the robustness and effectiveness of the developed model.  相似文献   

The manufacturing sector as a whole has undergone remarkable changes in terms of scale, complexity and technology over the past decades and this applies across most modern high-technology manufacturing such as electronics, semiconductor, aerospace and automotive industries. In order to remain competitive, manufacturers have to produce high-quality products at low cost, and at the same time retain sufficient flexibility and to meet rapidly changing customer demands. Production planning and control (PPC) is a key role which enables the manufacturer to gain visibility and control over all aspects of manufacturing activities. PPC in itself forms a subject of study, within which simulation techniques have proven themselves to be one of the most practical methodologies available to investigate and evaluate manufacturing issues. In this review paper, we focus on state-of-the art applications of simulation techniques in PPC to demonstrate their applicability to modern manufacturing issues. The review reports on academic publications on simulation applications in manufacturing from 2002 to 2014, incorporating surveys of peer-reviewed literature. The review covers three types of simulation techniques (system dynamic, discrete event simulation and agent-based simulation) and eight PPC issues (facility resource planning, capacity planning, job planning, process planning, scheduling, inventory management, production and process design, purchase and supply management). Literature survey is analysed on the basis of simulation application to PPC problems which can give a guideline for simulation technique selection and also can help for simulation modelling in PPC problemsWould you consider changing the term “modeling” to “modelling” in the title. Please check, and correct if necessary.  相似文献   

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