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This study examines the offense, substance use, and mental illness characteristics for a subset of adolescent juvenile detainees receiving services through a federally funded system of care initiative. Findings indicate that 65% of these youth were comorbid for both mental and substance use disorders. Female detainees were at greater risk on almost every measure of mental health impairment and dual substance use and mental disorders. Study results highlight the need for effective, integrated treatment models that can serve youth involved in multiple child-serving systems, and address the challenging constellation of comorbid conditions faced by many juvenile offenders.  相似文献   

Using 2003 nursing home data from the Minimum Data Set (MDS) database, this study investigated the role of family support among nursing homes serving residents with a mental health history. Exploratory factor analysis was used to create and test a conceptual model of family support using indicators located within the MDS database. Families were found to be in regular contact with their relatives and supportive of their care. In nursing homes, daily contact, an ongoing relationship, involvement in assessment, and being responsible for the resident constitute the model family support. This study advances the understanding of family support in nursing homes and conveys information to guide practice through proposing ways to enhance family support and involvement in nursing homes.  相似文献   


Following the Second World War, the idea of the life course with distinct periods of education, work, and retirement became popular as a result of the alliance of interests of unions and management, with politicians seizing the opportunity to accommodate them. These “social partners” implemented benefit rules and created practices for using old age and disability to ease the exit of older workers. Although justifiable at the time, now those rules and practices hinder individual and employer incentives to invest in human capital and work environments that enable older workers to remain in the workforce. The article argues that the workforce environment of the coming half-century, which is relevant for persons born around 2000, is much different from that a hundred years earlier, which determined the opportunities for people born around 1900. People are healthier and live much longer and work environments are friendlier. The article argues that it is no longer justifiable to subsidize exit from the workforce around the age of 60 for healthy workers, especially in view of the coming labor shortage in Europe. It also argues that the introduction of the principles of the Swedish NDC pension reform in Europe would provide possibilities for flexible exit from the workforce and remove impediments to labor mobility in Europe, which are embedded in many of Europe's present pension arrangements.  相似文献   

Deficiency citations for safety violations in U.S. nursing homes from 2000 to 2007 are examined (representing a panel of 119,472 observations). Internal (i.e., operating characteristics of the facility), organizational factors (i.e., characteristics of the facility itself), and external factors (i.e., characteristics outside of the influence of the organization) associated with these deficiency citations are examined. The findings show that nursing homes increasingly receive deficiency citations for resident safety issues. Low staffing levels, poor quality of care, and an unfavorable Medicaid mix (occupancy and reimbursement) are associated with the likelihood of receiving deficiency citations for safety violations. In many cases, this likely influences the quality of life and quality of care of residents.  相似文献   

The Nursing Home Compare report card provides information on the World Wide Web about quality measures for almost every nursing home in the United States. In this research, we first examined whether consumers were using Nursing Home Compare. Second, we examined whether consumers could accurately interpret the quality information given in Nursing Home Compare. Data were collected from 4754 family members of nursing home residents. A comprehension index was used to examine whether the information contained in Nursing Home Compare for each quality measure was understood by family members. We found that 31% of these consumers used the Internet in choosing a nursing home, and 12% recalled using Nursing Home Compare. We also found that, in general, the comprehension index scores were high, indicating good understanding. Simply having the Nursing Home Compare report card available does not mean that it will be used, nor does it mean that it can influence consumers in any meaningful way. The findings show that consumers understand Nursing Home Compare information, and approximately 12% currently access the Web site.  相似文献   


Development of a sense of self is a lifelong process. One's sense of continuity in the context of the demands of multiple role identities contributes to both psychological well-being and opportunities for acceptance into valued social roles. The onset of a mental illness can rupture an emerging sense of self and require intense and painful restructuring of one's beliefs and expectations. This study was a secondary analysis of qualitative data from interviews with twenty people who self-identified as having serious mental illness to explore how well the mental health system addresses the ingredients that promote, create, or restore a valued and adaptive sense of self.  相似文献   

This article reviews key federal Medicaid policies affecting older adults with serious, long-term mental illness: (a) the Medicaid exclusion of coverage for Institutions for Mental Diseases, (b) the Preadmission Screening and Resident Review Process, and (c) the Medicaid Home and Community Based Services waiver policy. Documenting the incentives and restrictions in these policies provides an historical context for understanding the current gaps in treatment for elders with mental illness. New federal options under the Deficit Reduction Act may provide opportunities for reducing the institutional bias for older adults with mental illness and for improving mental health services for elders under Medicaid.  相似文献   


This article tackles a problem that is often overlooked in the literature-the plight of homeless elders with severe mental disabilities. Drawing on his personal experience working with sheltered homeless persons who were mentally ill, the author argues for a focus not on self-sufficiency but on closely supervised care for this vulnerable population.  相似文献   

The role of ownership in the provision of nursing home care has long been a challenging issue for policy makers and researchers. Although much of the focus historically has been on differences between for-profit and not-for-profit facilities, this simple distinction has become less useful in recent years as companies have employed more complicated ownership and management structures. Using detailed ownership data from the state of Texas, we describe the evolution of nursing home corporate structures from 2000 to 2007, analyze the effect of these structures on quality of care and staffing in nursing homes, and discuss the policy implications of these changes.  相似文献   


This study examined the impact of having a female family member with a substance use or co-occurring disorders on family caregivers. Predictors of subjective burden (worry, stigma, and displeasure) and objective burden (family disruption) on caregivers and on types of burden were explored. Subjects were 82 women receiving substance abuse treatment and their family member providing most social support. Behavioral problems of the recipient and lack of social support for caregivers predicted higher levels of family member burden, with different types of social support predicting different types of burden. Having a dual disorder did not predict family member burden. Implications of findings for treatment are discussed.  相似文献   

Objective: The objective of this research was to examine and explain elements that enhanced or thwarted program growth of the United States Veterans Health Administration Medical Foster Home program. Methods: This qualitative study was conducted nationally through individual interviews over the phone and in-person (n = 22) with coordinators (n = 15 at slow-growth programs; n = 6 at fast-growth programs), program support assistants (PSAs) (n = 1 at slow-growth program), and home-based primary care team members (n = 3), as well as three in-person focus groups (n = 28 total participants) with home-based primary care team members. All participants (N = 53) were involved with programs in existence for at least two years. Results: Facilitators and barriers that enhanced or thwarted program growth emerged around four themes: A full-time coordinator; Unmitigated home-based primary care team engagement; Pursuit and receipt of appropriate referrals; and Match between caregiver, home, and Veteran. Conclusions: To facilitate program growth, program leaders should consider themes identified and how to foster situations and shape policies that put themes into practice.  相似文献   

Few empirical studies have focused on elder abuse in nursing home settings. The present study investigated the prevalence and risk factors of staff physical abuse among elderly individuals receiving nursing home care in Michigan. A random sample of 452 adults with elderly relatives, older than 65 years, and in nursing home care completed a telephone survey regarding elder abuse and neglect experienced by this elder family member in the care setting. Some 24.3% of respondents reported at least one incident of physical abuse by nursing home staff. A logistic regression model was used to estimate the importance of various risk factors in nursing home abuse. Limitations in activities of daily living (ADLs), older adult behavioral difficulties, and previous victimization by nonstaff perpetrators were associated with a greater likelihood of physical abuse. Interventions that address these risk factors may be effective in reducing older adult physical abuse in nursing homes. Attention to the contextual or ecological character of nursing home abuse is essential, particularly in light of the findings of this study.  相似文献   

Medicaid waiver programs for home- and community-based services (HCBS) have grown rapidly and serve a population at high risk for nursing home (NH) admission. This study utilized the Medicaid Analytic Extract Personal Summary File and the NH Minimum Data Set and tested whether higher levels of per-beneficiary HCBS spending were associated with (1) lower risk of long-term (90+ days) NH admission and (2) higher functional/cognitive impairment at admission for new enrollees in 1915(c) aged or aged and disabled waiver programs. Waiver enrollees in states and counties with higher HCBS spending were found to have lower risk of long-term NH admission and greater functional impairment at NH admission compared to waiver enrollees in states and counties with lower spending. This indicates that higher per-enrollee HCBS spending may enable waiver enrollees to remain in the community until their functional impairment becomes more severe.  相似文献   

We conducted a qualitative content analysis of barriers to nursing home admission for rural residents. Data came from semi-structured interviews with 23 rural hospital discharge planners across five states (Georgia, Idaho, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin). From those, we identified four themes around nonmedical barriers to rural nursing home placement with particular salience in rural areas: financial issues, transportation, nursing home availability and infrastructure, and timeliness. We also identified policy and programmatic interventions across four themes: loosen bureaucratic requirements, improve communication between facilities, increase rural long-term care capacity, and address underlying social determinants of health.  相似文献   


Objective: The purpose of this one-year pilot study was to obtain preliminary information on the effects of an outdoor activity program, in comparison to an indoor activity program, on sleep and behavior in nursing home residents with dementia. Structured activity programs have been shown to improve dementia-related behavior problems, and there are some indications that improved behavior is associated with improved sleep. Previous research has shown that sleep disturbance is common in nursing home residents, and that limited exposure to light bright enough to entrain circadian rhythms contributes to their sleep problems. Thus, we expected to see improvements in behavior in both the outdoor and indoor activity groups, but improvements in sleep in the outdoor activity group only.

Methodology: A two-group (outdoor program, indoor program) two phase (baseline, intervention) design was used. Subjects were randomized to the outdoor or indoor program groups. Sleep and behavior disturbance were assessed over a 10-day period at baseline (usual activity conditions, which were expected to include little or no time spent outdoors) and at intervention (daily structured activity program offered outdoors or indoors). Sleep was assessed with wrist actigraphs with photocells, which also allowed for monitoring of light exposure. Behavior disturbance was assessed with the Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory. Both activity programs were offered Monday-Friday over a 2 week period, included similar content and were offered by research project staff. The analytical approach emphasized primary changes between baseline and intervention measures of sleep and behavioral symptoms in the two activity groups. Because this was a pilot study, the significance level was set a priori at p< 0.10.

Findings: The outdoor activity group experienced significant improvements in maximum sleep duration. Both groups showed significant improvements in total sleep minutes. There also was a significant improvement in verbal agitation in the outdoor activity group.  相似文献   

Changing policies in mental health and welfare are altering the character of urban jail populations. Homeless people, many of them ex–mental-hospital patients, occupy jail space in increasing numbers. They almost never commit violent crimes and seldom commit any real crime. They are given a charge and put in jail as a way to take them off the streets. The way in which official statistics are created and kept makes it difficult to demonstrate the nature and extent of this problem. This paper reports on one way this can be done.  相似文献   


Personal possessions of nursing home residents can contribute to their sense of home. This study investigated which of the personal belongings were considered most important, and if these items indeed contributed to a sense of home. A qualitative research was conducted with 27 nursing home residents. Photographs, paintings, and pieces of furniture are objects with sentimental value. The television set is valued for its practical function. Residents of larger rooms have more flexibility in bringing along personal items, including pieces of furniture. The results of this study can be used for the design of nursing homes or for making informed choices during the process of institutionalization.  相似文献   

This study examined experiences of 156 informal caregivers of older adults who transitioned to the community through the Connecticut Money Follows the Person (MFP) Rebalancing Demonstration after prolonged nursing home stays. Caregiver burden, positive aspects of caregiving, depressive symptoms, anxiety, and comparative subjective stress were examined in relation to caregiver demographics and care receiver characteristics with a cross-sectional survey. Caregivers reported low burden, depressive symptoms, and anxiety, and fairly high levels of positive aspects of caregiving and satisfaction with community services. Most caregivers were less stressed compared to the time the care recipient was in, or before they entered, a nursing home. Live-in caregivers experienced more positive aspects of caregiving, but adult children reported higher burden than other caregivers. Unmet service needs also increased caregiver burden. Programs like MFP are a viable option with broadly positive outcomes from a caregiver’s perspective. Enthusiasm for increasing access to community care is growing for older adults who otherwise would reside in nursing homes for extended periods. Identifying unmet service needs and needs for targeted functional support could further enhance caregiver experiences and contribute to the successful transition of older adults to the community.  相似文献   

Positive parenting is hampered by social‐contextual risks—lack of income, education, and support, as well as maternal mental illness—but current models do not examine the effect of each factor in concert with the others. Using structural equation modeling and a community sample (N= 202) of African American mothers diagnosed with depression, bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia, we examined the direct and indirect effects of poverty, maternal education, social support, material and social stress, current mental health, and psychiatric history on positive parenting attitudes, involvement in children's education, and authoritative parenting style. The strongest predictors of parenting attitudes were stress and current mental health. Parenting attitudes were the strongest predictors of parent involvement and style but stress and current mental health were also predictive. Involvement was also predicted by maternal education and social support.  相似文献   

Between 1999 and 2007, Florida implemented two initiatives combining legislative, regulatory, and reimbursement strategies to increase nurse staffing levels in nursing homes to improve quality of care. Despite a $40 million incentive package allocated for direct-care staffing, per-resident-day staffing increased only after legislative requirements mandated minimum nursing hours per resident day. Total Medicaid expenditures grew by $1.1 billion over the 8 years; per diem rates increased 65% to reimburse providers' costs. Registered nurses' hours decreased, while licensed nurses' and paraprofessionals' hours increased. This article describes the impact of staffing policy changes, includes stakeholders' views about approaches to achieve quality outcomes, and documents state policy implementation efforts. Seven lessons from the implementation of state nurse staffing standards to improve quality of care outcomes are also presented.  相似文献   

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