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A commentary of the article discussing the possible reimagining of long-term care (LTC) is provided. The reimagining article examines how to diminish the role of nursing homes in the LTC system. The text is provocative. It is also thought-provoking. In this commentary I provide a further opinion that we could do better within the current system using the current resources.  相似文献   

Consumer-satisfaction information can play a valuable role as one component among a broader set of publicly- and privately led activities to improve the quality of long-term care (LTC). However, measuring and using consumer-satisfaction information in LTC is not without its challenges. We start by defining the ways in which we use the term "consumer satisfaction" in this article. We discuss current and planned uses of consumer-satisfaction information in assuring LTC quality. We end by describing some of the key opportunities for broader use of consumer-satisfaction information and accompanying challenges to be addressed to make more effective use of this information in the effort to improve LTC quality.  相似文献   

Long-term care (LTC) policy is at an experimental stage in China, characterized by various regional pilot programs. The public cost of LTC is difficult to estimate due to a lack of clarity about policy detail from the central government. This article analyzes the current disabled status for vulnerable older people without sufficient financial resources and family supports. It focuses on estimating a safety net public subsidy policy for LTC services in China, both for today and into the future, using China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Survey (CHARLS) data, 2011 wave, with the methods of multinomial logistic regression and simulation. The key contribution is to estimate the future disability trend and LTC public cost based on changes in education, population ageing, and urbanization. Disability prevalence might be decreasing partly due to higher education, urbanization, and better health care, and the overall public LTC costs might be growing by the results of projection.  相似文献   

Increased life expectancy and the aging of the baby boom generation will bring rapid growth in the number of people at risk of needing long-term care (LTC). This Issue Brief provides an overview of the current LTC financing and delivery system in the United States, focusing on private-sector initiatives to meet the United States' LTC needs. It discusses private-sector plan design--particularly employment-based plan design--providing an in-depth look at the dramatic changes taking place in the private-sector LTC market since its inception in the early and mid 1980s. Aside from informal care provided in the community, the current system of financing LTC depends largely on the Medicaid program and individual financing. Issues confronting this system include spiraling costs associated with LTC services that may threaten beneficiaries' access to care. Other issues include the potential depletion of personal assets and a bias toward institutionalization (which may not always provide the most cost-effective or desired type of care available). Many leaders regard private long-term care insurance (LTCI) as a way to increase access to financing and as a potential alternative to Medicaid and out-of-pocket financing. By the end of 1993, a total of 3.4 million private-sector LTCI policies had been sold, up from approximately 815,000 in 1987. While the majority of these plans were sold to individuals or through group associations, employment-based plans accounted for a significant proportion of this growth. Premiums for LTCI vary substantially based on age and plan design. Insurers generally attempt to set premiums such that they will remain level over the insured's lifetime. However, because little LTC claims insurance experience yet exists, the actuarial basis for developing premiums and statutory reserves is limited. Several bills over the last three Congresses have been introduced to address the issue of LTC. However, due to cost implications and lack of consensus regarding the optimum overall structure required to finance and deliver care, broad legislation to expand coverage--particularly public coverage--is not likely in the near term.  相似文献   

The international long-term care (LTC) debate has recently been focusing on how to strengthen home care provision. In this regard, a major role has been played by informal care and how to best integrate it in a holistic care approach. Italy and Spain, usually labeled as “familialist” or “family-based” care models, have been promoting national reforms or actions to support the integration of “informal” actors into the overall LTC system. Through a comparative review of recent trends observed in the two care regimes, this article aims at contributing to improve our cross-national understanding of how LTC is changing across Europe, identifying the basic approaches adopted in Italy and Spain and highlighting both their strengths and drawbacks.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the outreach effort and impact of a joint federal-state campaign, Own Your Future, promoting awareness and planning for long-term care (LTC) in the state of Washington. The study applied survey methodology to evaluate the extent of campaign dissemination, evidence of its impact on LTC planning behaviors, and barriers to purchasing private LTC insurance. A total of 3,198 survey responses from a randomly selected community sample and a Washington State employee sample (ages 51 to 71) were analyzed. Results indicated that the impact of the campaign was limited, both with respect to awareness of the campaign itself and to initiation of LTC planning behaviors. Quantitative data revealed a high prevalence of health-related problems (e.g., obesity, diabetes), inadequate knowledge of basic LTC-related information (e.g., cost, payers), and negative attitudes toward purchasing LTC insurance among respondents. Qualitative analyses suggested that respondents perceived significant problems related to affordability and accountability within the current LTC insurance industry. These possible barriers to the purchase of LTC insurance suggest targets to be addressed by policy makers seeking to find ways to offset the public costs of LTC.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the outreach effort and impact of a joint federal-state campaign, Own Your Future, promoting awareness and planning for long-term care (LTC) in the state of Washington. The study applied survey methodology to evaluate the extent of campaign dissemination, evidence of its impact on LTC planning behaviors, and barriers to purchasing private LTC insurance. A total of 3,198 survey responses from a randomly selected community sample and a Washington State employee sample (ages 51 to 71) were analyzed. Results indicated that the impact of the campaign was limited, both with respect to awareness of the campaign itself and to initiation of LTC planning behaviors. Quantitative data revealed a high prevalence of health-related problems (e.g., obesity, diabetes), inadequate knowledge of basic LTC-related information (e.g., cost, payers), and negative attitudes toward purchasing LTC insurance among respondents. Qualitative analyses suggested that respondents perceived significant problems related to affordability and accountability within the current LTC insurance industry. These possible barriers to the purchase of LTC insurance suggest targets to be addressed by policy makers seeking to find ways to offset the public costs of LTC.  相似文献   

Behind the enthusiasm of policymakers for long-term care (LTC) insurance is the belief that increased ownership of private LTC insurance will reduce the government's future liability for financing the nation's LTC needs, currently projected by the Congressional Budget Office to increase by 2.6 percent annually between 2000 and 2040. Some observers say that sustained economic growth could keep these increased expenditures at the same share of total GDP; others argue that current federal expenditure trends will become unsustainable without large tax increases. The potential of the employer-sponsored group LTC market to stave off a national LTC financing crisis has recently started to receive popular notice in the news media. However, for the potential of the group LTC market to be realized, there must be widespread employer sponsorship of group LTC plans and significant participation levels among eligible employees in these plans. The present analysis of industry data estimates the LTC plan sponsorship rate for all U.S. employers with 10 or more employees at 0.2 percent. The sponsorship rate among large employers is significantly higher (8.7 percent). The greatest growth opportunities are projected to lie in the smaller employer market, because it is enormous and virtually untapped. Nonsponsors cite a variety of barriers to employer sponsorship of LTC plans. For many nonsponsors, the most important obstacles are the intrinsic characteristics of their work forces: employees are too young, transient, part-time, and/or low-income to be suitable for LTC insurance. For many others, lack of awareness and low priority are the primary obstacles. Because group LTC insurance has been widely available for only 10 years, many benefits managers view it as "too new and untested." Prior to the passage of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), in August 1996, the tax treatment of long-term care insurance premiums was unclear because Congress had not addressed the issue and the Internal Revenue Service had not issued clear guidance. In essence, HIPAA served to clarify the tax status of LTC insurance and establish product criteria for tax qualification. The interventions contained in HIPAA appear to have been insufficient to stimulate coverage growth rates that will meaningfully reduced the future burden on government financing of LTC. Although employment-based LTC insurance appears to be the best mechanism for mass expansion of coverage at affordable rates, the data suggest that employer sponsorship of LTC plans is relatively rare, especially among smaller employers, and that sponsorship rates may not dramatically increase without significant investments in employer education and new incentives.  相似文献   

Long-term care (LTC) needs to be reconceptualized. The current efforts to reinvent the nursing home perpetuate a flawed model of care. The heritage of the nursing home as the dominant model for LTC needs to be reexamined. The basic LTC building blocks--housing, services, and medical care--can be combined in various ways to meet consumers' needs and preferences. We need innovative solutions that can offer reasonable service while recognizing the value of acceptable risk taking. Modest personal care should not come at the price of surrendering one's autonomy.  相似文献   

Long-term care (LTC) needs to be reconceptualized. The current efforts to reinvent the nursing home perpetuate a flawed model of care. The heritage of the nursing home as the dominant model for LTC needs to be reexamined. The basic LTC building blocks—housing, services, and medical care—can be combined in various ways to meet consumers' needs and preferences. We need innovative solutions that can offer reasonable service while recognizing the value of acceptable risk taking. Modest personal care should not come at the price of surrendering one's autonomy.  相似文献   


Using data from the Individual Care Programmes (PIAs) of the whole population of dependent elderly receiving LTC benefits as of 31 December 2014 in the most populated region of Spain, Andalusia, we compare the factors associated with the different types of LTC benefits granted. The study includes 110,966 dependent elderly aged 65 years and over. The percentage of those receiving care at their homes was very high (80%). In contrast to the main aim established in the Dependency Act, financial benefits for care at home were the most common type of benefit (47%) followed by home-based support (33%). Overall, all the determinants examined (age, gender, income, degree of dependency and type of municipality) were found to influence all types of LTC benefits with two exceptions: age in the case of long-term residential care and gender in the case of day and night centres. Our analysis suggests that income level is a key factor for being cared for at an institution but the direction of the relationship is different for private and public institutions. This fact, together with the variations in the access to institutional care depending on where the person lives, points out that a greater effort is necessary to guarantee an adequate supply. Social workers could help to improve the current LTC system if more resources are available when they participate in the design of PIAs.  相似文献   

Japan and Sweden both have national systems of long-term care (LTC) and face similar challenges. This study compared various indicators of disability in LTC recipients in nine large urban, midsize urban, and rural municipalities in both countries. The aim was to establish whether urban-rural differences exist and whether they follow similar patterns in Japan and Sweden. It was found that LTC recipients in large urban municipalities in both countries were on average significantly less disabled than those from the other types of municipalities, regardless of the indicator for disability. Fewer persons in large urban municipalities live in extended families, which may increase the propensity to apply for LTC. The number of older people living alone in Japan is increasing, which means that the formal LTC system will come under increased pressure.  相似文献   


This article responds to a commentary by Amundson, Lux and Hindmarch (2005), in which they offer a pejorative criticism about our article (Austin & Kirkpatrick, 2004) in which we described the investigative component within comprehensive child custody evaluations–something they label as “maximalist” evaluations and contrast with a model they prefer called the “minimalist” approach. We believe our approach to custody evaluations is in keeping with the current standard of practice and professional guidelines.  相似文献   

With every Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders that has been published, there has been controversy within controversy; however, what appears to be lacking is the importance of truly understanding what, why, and how the changes impact the community at large. Issues such as homosexuality, the five axial diagnostic system, and transitioning from a medical model to a biopsychosocial model have been hot topics that have led clinicians to challenge the reliability and validity of the manual throughout history. As clinicians and medical professionals, it is important to objectively look at the manual and become educated on how and why these changes exist. With that being said, this commentary aims to challenge the article “Commentary: Problems with the Sexual Disorders Sections of DSM-5” by Colin A. Ross (2015). The structure of this commentary purposefully mirrors the structure of the commentary that it is challenging.  相似文献   

Recent immigrants and workers in foreign countries are two groups frequently identified as potential sources of new workers for nursing positions in long-term care (LTC). Recruiting workers directly from other countries, either permanently or temporarily, is difficult because of restrictive visa classifications; is unlikely to impact significantly the worker shortage; and may have risks that outweigh the potential rewards. On the other hand, with targeted recruitment and retention efforts, the nation's rapidly growing immigrant population (the so-called "New Americans") can become an even more important source of labor for frontline LTC workers. To be successful employees in LTC, however, New Americans will have to overcome a variety of cultural and language barriers. Equally important, the institutions and agencies that comprise the LTC system must exhibit a higher level of sensitivity to cultural differences. Efforts to recruit, train, and retain New Americans for positions in LTC present win-win opportunities and should be expanded.  相似文献   

This is the second of two Issue Briefs (April and May 2000) on long-term care (LTC) insurance. The previous Issue Brief addressed the problem of increasing sponsorship, while this report addresses the issue of increasing employee participation. Participation rates in group LTC insurance plans tend to be low. A potential watershed event for the development of the employment-based group LTC market is the proposed LTC program for federal employees and retirees (a program that would have to be enacted by Congress). The perception of a successful offering to federal employees could provide an enormous boost to the group LTC insurance market. Employee communication and education are seen as critical to the success of LTC enrollments. The importance of support shown by an employer for a new LTC plan offering cannot be overstated. Unlike 401(k) plan participation trends, LTC participation rates are highest among large companies. Insurers tend to view the 40-60 age range as the primary target for group LTC insurance, and employee salary as the best predictor of LTC insurance enrollment. Higher educational levels also are associated with higher levels of LTC participation. Perceived need for LTC insurance is perhaps the biggest barrier to the purchase of LTC insurance by employees due to competing financial priorities and the fact that LTC issues are generally off the "radar screens" of younger employees. Plans with skilled nursing home and home care benefits experience higher participation rates than plans lacking these benefits. The availability of lower-cost and long duration benefit options can be an important factor in determining participation. Most sponsors have chosen to offer noncontributory (i.e., fully employee-paid) LTC plans. Employer reluctance to make contributions may be caused by HIPAA's prohibition on the inclusion of LTC insurance in cafeteria plans. One of the major advantages of group LTC plans is the availability of guaranteed issue (i.e., issuing coverage without requiring evidence of insurability) for employees, which is not available in the individual LTC market. It is easy for enrollment to be derailed by the presence of any of a number of harmful conditions, such as employer-sponsors who distance themselves from the offer, ineffective communications, or difficult enrollment processes. Achieving consistently strong levels of participation in LTC plans will require employer-sponsors and their insurance carriers to form strong partnerships, with worker participation as their primary stated goal.  相似文献   

The long-term care (LTC) literature has been generally associated with industrialized countries. However, LTC needs are increasing in the developing world at a rate that far exceeds than experienced by industrialized countries. Using China as a case study, the purpose of this report is to provide an example of an emerging institutional care system for rural elders in a rapidly developing country. It covers two major domains of the system: service delivery and financing. The report presents several main issues involved in the development of institutional care for elders and discusses relevant policy implications.  相似文献   

The long-term care (LTC) literature has been generally associated with industrialized countries. However, LTC needs are increasing in the developing world at a rate that far exceeds than experienced by industrialized countries. Using China as a case study, the purpose of this report is to provide an example of an emerging institutional care system for rural elders in a rapidly developing country. It covers two major domains of the system: service delivery and financing. The report presents several main issues involved in the development of institutional care for elders and discusses relevant policy implications.  相似文献   

Singapore, like many developed countries, is facing the challenge of a rapidly aging population and the increasing need to provide long-term care (LTC) services for elderly in the community. The Singapore government’s philosophy on care for the elderly is that the family should be the first line of support, and it has relied on voluntary welfare organizations (VWOs) or charities for the bulk of LTC service provision. For LTC financing, it has emphasized the principles of co-payment and targeting of state support to the low-income population through means-tested government subsidies. It has also instituted ElderShield, a national severe disability insurance scheme. This paper discusses some of the challenges facing LTC policy in Singapore, particularly the presence of perverse financial incentives for hospitalization, the pitfalls of over-reliance on VWOs, and the challenges facing informal family caregivers. It discusses the role of private LTC insurance in LTC financing, bearing in mind demand- and supply-side failures that have plagued the private LTC insurance market. It suggests the need for more standardized needs assessment and portable LTC benefits, with reference to the Japanese Long-Term Care Insurance program, and also discusses the need to provide more support to informal family caregivers.  相似文献   

This study examined the complexity of financial long-term care (LTC) decision outcomes among married couples. Supporting the theory of planned behavior, couples reported a range of consensus patterns with their financial LTC intentions and behaviors. Five newly articulated typologies of couples emerged from consensus patterns revealing that couples reported a range of financial LTC intentions and behaviors. More couples reported consensus with their financial LTC behaviors compared to intentions; financial LTC decision outcomes reflected a dynamic and on-going process; and couples were not always in agreement on their financial LTC decision outcomes. Findings reinforce the importance of family practitioners going beyond working with individuals to understanding couple-level planning for financing LTC.  相似文献   

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