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Health care policies for the elderly are complex, multidimensional, and contextually circumscribed. While engagement of health experts, economists, health care administrators, and political leaders is generally viewed as instrumental to the success and sustainability of eldercare programs, the elders themselves are often viewed as passive recipients of care and not included in the policy processes. Experiences and expectations from users’ perspectives can be invaluable information for policy formulation and systems design. This paper examines a participatory policy process using a “citizens’ jury” to promote public engagement in eldercare policy. The process was initiated by the National Health Commission Office in Thailand to explore how a citizens’ jury as a model for civic deliberation can be utilized to provide sophisticated policy recommendations on long-term care policies for the elderly. The objectives of this paper are to (1) examine how public participation in health policy can be actualized through the citizens’ jury as an operational model, (2) understand the strengths and weaknesses of the ways the idea was implemented, and (3) provide recommendations for further use of the model. Details of how a citizens’ jury was deployed are discussed, with recommendations for further use provided at the end.  相似文献   

Due to the myriad factors straining China’s traditional family-based eldercare system, today unprecedented numbers of older adults are turning to institutions for caregiving needs. As researchers and policy makers organize conferences, analyze trends, and allocate resources, the subjective experiences of elders themselves are often forgotten or ignored. While providers recognize that institutionalized elders are at an increased risk for mental health issues, most cite personnel and resource shortages as insurmountable barriers to provision. Using examples from ethnographic research in Chinese eldercare institutions, this article examines the link between participation and mental health for contemporary Chinese elders and makes a case for expanding the role of elders in research in order to improve both the experience and understanding of institutional eldercare.  相似文献   


China's rapid economic reforms, coupled with the changes in age composition of the demographic structure, have greatly affected the traditional family support system. In response to these changes, efforts to develop new models of community-based long-term care (CBLTC) for elders in China have received growing attention. This paper provides a systematic analysis of the current status of emerging CBLTC systems in Shanghai, China. It covers several domains of the system: service delivery, workforce, financing, and quality of care management. Several main issues involved in the development of the emerging system are addressed, and relevant policy implications are presented in the paper.  相似文献   


Provision of home- and community-based long-term care is a growing concern at the national, state, and local levels. As more persons grow old, the need for these services is expected to rise. This analysis examines the distribution and utilization of three home- and community-based long-term care programs in North Carolina for each of the state's 100 counties. Maps were generated to examine how counties differed in respect to service utilization among the elderly. Great variability was found in number of elderly utilizing the services across the state as well as the percent of Medicaid- and/or age-eligible persons who utilized the programs. Multivariate modeling for associations to service utilization was only possible for one of the long-term care programs. Results indicated that living alone, being non-white, and having a mobility and self-care limitation were all positively related to utilization. Percent of persons 85 years or older and the ratio of institutionalized long-term care beds were negatively associated with utilization. It was concluded that states must engage in concerted efforts to ensure equity in access to home- and community-based long-term care.  相似文献   


This article examines the long-term care service system in the United States, its problems, and an improved long-term care model. Problematic quality of care in institutional settings and fragmentation of service coordination in community-based settings are two major issues in the traditional long-term care system. The Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) has been emerging since the 1970s to address these issues, particularly because most frail elders prefer community-based to institutional care. The Balanced Budget Act of 1997 made PACE a permanent provider type under Medicare and granted states the option of paying a capitation rate for PACE services under Medicaid. The PACE model is a managed long-term care system that provides frail elders alternatives to nursing home life. The PACE program's primary goals are to maximize each frail elderly participant's autonomy and continued community residence, and to provide quality care at a lower cost than Medicare, Medicaid, and private-pay participants, who pay in the traditional fee-for-service system. In exchange for Medicare and Medicaid fixed monthly payments for each participating frail elder, PACE service systems provide a continuum of long-term care services, including hospital and nursing home care, and bear full financial risk. Integration of acute and long-term care services in the PACE model allows care of frail elders with multiple problems by a single service organization that can provide a full range of services. PACE's range of services and organizational features are discussed.  相似文献   

Aging around the world poses a global challenge in eldercare. This challenge is particularly felt in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), where population aging outpaces the development of aged care policies and services. This Perspective highlights the phenomenon of global convergence in several unsettling trends and challenges shared across LMICs. These include the weakening of informal family care systems for the elderly, growing need for formal long-term care of the frail and disabled who can no longer be adequately supported by family members, and mounting pressures for policy responses to tackle these societal challenges. It is argued that policymakers should take a proactive stance. That is, when family care for the elderly falls short and family caregivers are increasingly under strain, the government should step in and step up support to fill in the gap by developing appropriate policies and a continuum of long-term care services that are accessible and affordable for the majority of older people in need. Three general principles are then suggested with regard to long-term care provision, financing, and quality assurance, which transcend national borders and can be used to guide long-term care policymaking across LMICs.  相似文献   

As with other developed nations where rapid population aging has led to increasing health care and social care burdens, Singapore has searched for ways of paying for and providing long-term care for its increasing numbers of elders. The Singapore state, faced with the prospect of one-fifth of the population aged 65 or older by 2030, has reinforced its basic principle of rendering the family the “primary caregiving unit” and home-based care as the highly preferred option for eldercare. Our paper demonstrates why, despite the range of alternative care arrangements available or emerging on Singapore's eldercare landscape, the employment of live-in foreign domestic workers as care workers for the elderly has become one of the more common de facto modes of providing care for the elderly. In this context, we discuss the politics of eldercare in the privatized sphere of homespace and conclude with policy implications relating to the employment of foreign domestic workers as caregivers for the elderly.  相似文献   

This study establishes empirical patterns of formal service use by a sample of 483 elderly Mexican American women, and identifies the predictors of formal service utilization. Results indicated two patterns of service use-in the home and at senior centers. Regression analysis demonstrated that the best predictors of who used formal in-home services were those with functional impairment in Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs) and those with the least amount of assistance with IADLs provided by family members. Living alone and attending group social events were the best predictors of the use of senior center services. Anticipated changes in the Mexican American population portend a growing need for both in-home and senior center services. These findings can be used to establish policy and programming priorities for this neglected population. If resources are to be effectively targeted to frail elders, in-home services should receive priority, and the provision of in-home services should be modified to include additional programs that facilitate care of the elderly by the family.  相似文献   

China's rapid economic reforms, coupled with the changes in age composition of the demographic structure, have greatly affected the traditional family support system. In response to these changes, efforts to develop new models of community-based long-term care (CBLTC) for elders in China have received growing attention. This paper provides a systematic analysis of the current status of emerging CBLTC systems in Shanghai, China. It covers several domains of the system: service delivery, workforce, financing, and quality of care management. Several main issues involved in the development of the emerging system are addressed, and relevant policy implications are presented in the paper.  相似文献   

中小型民营企业"走出去",可以发挥其机制灵活的优势,更好地开展对外投资合作。上海急需培育一批本土中小企业跨国公司,以形成上海未来新的经济增长点和动力源。为此,上海要加强对中小企业"走出去"的统筹协调、分类指导;做好中小企业境外投资风险防范工作;引导企业实施商标国际化战略;强化金融扶持政策的支持力度;实施降低中小企业税负的政策;创新贸易便利性政策,提高境外投资通关服务水平;提升国家形象和外交水平,为中小企业境外投资提供服务和保障;加大"走出去"人才的培养与建设;强化中国在认证体系上的话语权和公信力;完善政府"走出去"服务体系政策。  相似文献   

Deinstitutionalization is a key issue in the field of social policy. The community-based services movement has challenged the role of institutions as far back as the 1950s, but it is a relatively new development in Central and Eastern Europe. EU membership and the use of structural funds have been key elements of change in many countries; however, the Soviet heritage still overshadows progress and decision-making in social policy. Though deinstitutionalization’s overall meaning and aims are generally well known, less information is available about the processes and policies underlying deinstitutionalization. In post-communist countries, deinstitutionalization is often narrowly associated with large institutions, but its embedment in the social welfare policy framework is less discussed. Nevertheless, first attempts to change the design of social services to more participatory and integrated solutions are evident. For more than 20 years, developments in the field of social-welfare policy have aimed to reduce the gap between Estonia and other developed countries. This article reviews relevant documents in Estonia’s social welfare policy reforms from re-independence to the present. The article discusses the prospects and challenges for achieving deinstitutionalization’s intended goals in Estonia.  相似文献   


Policy regarding long-term care has been an issue of rising national concern. In this paper we examine the transition of Danish long-term care policy with special attention to Skævinge, the first community in Denmark to integrate institutional and community-based services for the elderly. Recent studies on the variation between costs and services in Danish communities and the results of U.S. studies on community-based care suggest that successful implementation of integrated institutional and community-based long-term care is feasible in the United States. Lessons from Denmark highlight conditions that will facilitate success in this endeavor.  相似文献   

Although women veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan have experienced war-related mental health challenges, they underutilize Veterans Affairs (VA) health care relative to men. Quantitative studies have identified barriers that limit women veterans’ use of health care, but there is a dearth of research asking recent women veterans to volunteer their own recommendations for improving their mental health care. The current qualitative study sought to increase representation of the client voice by asking 29 women veterans of the recent wars to recommend strategies for improving VA and community-based mental health services. 16 strategies were identified in three thematic areas, including the therapeutic relationship, clinical care environment, and health care system. Implications of the findings for enhancing access, use, and quality of mental health services for this cohort of women veterans are discussed.  相似文献   

In Sweden, care of elderly people is a public responsibility. There are comprehensive public policies and programs providing health care, social services, pensions, and other forms of social insurance. Even so, families are still the major providers of care for older people. In the 1990s, the family was "rediscovered" regarding eldercare in Sweden. New policies and legislative changes were promoted to support family caregivers. The development of services and support for caregivers at the municipal level has been stimulated through the use of national grants. As a result, family caregivers have received more recognition and are now more visible. However, the "Swedish model" of publicly financed services and universal care has difficulty addressing caregivers. Reductions in institutional care and cutbacks in public services have had negative repercussions for caregivers and may explain why research shows that family caregiving is expanding. At the same time, a growing "caregivers movement" is lobbying local and national governments to provide more easily accessible, flexible, and tailored support. In 2009, the Swedish Parliament passed a new law that states: "Municipalities are obliged to offer support to persons caring for people with chronic illnesses, elderly people, or people with functional disabilities." The question is whether the new legislation represents a paradigm shift from a welfare system focused on the individual to a more family-oriented system. If so, what are the driving forces, motives, and consequences of this development for the different stakeholders? This will be the starting point for a policy analysis of current developments in family caregiving of elderly people in Sweden.  相似文献   

This article examines a central plank of mental health policy (‘recovery’) in societies which have attempted to reverse the long-term warehousing of those with a diagnosis of mental disorder (de-institutionalisation). The emergence of the concept is traced in relation to the shift from an institutional to a more dispersed and community-based form of service organisation. Different usages of the term ‘recovery’, each with distinct implications for practice are considered on the part of three main interest groups (traditional bio-medical psychiatrists; social psychiatrists emphasising social skills training; and dissenting service users). These different usages suggest that ‘recovery’ is a polyvalent concept that creates an uneasy consensus point to define the management philosophies of local services enacting mental health policy. Also mental health work is about more than the group of patients mainly considered in relation to recovery (those with ‘severe and enduring mental health problems’). Practice-near research strategies are now required to investigate the varied practical scenarios these contradictions generate and ethnographic research is therefore indicated. Without multiple ethnographies, we will be left with competing rhetoric about recovery and its meaning or meanings may be rendered worthless.  相似文献   

A major effort is under way nationally to shift long-term care services from institutional to home- and community-based settings. This article employs quantitative and qualitative methods to identify unmet needs of consumers who transition from a statewide home- and community-based service program for older adults to long-term nursing home residence. Administrative data, care manager notes, and focus group discussions identified program service gaps that inadequately accommodated acute health problems, mental health issues, and stressed family caregivers; additional unmet needs highlighted an inadequate workforce, transportation barriers, and limited supportive housing options. National and state-level policy implications are considered.  相似文献   

金融与航运之间关系是互融、互动和互推关系。金融政策、投资、创新、服务等推动航运发展。上海国际航运中心的金融服务领域由环节向整个产业链不断拓宽,手段由传统方式向新方式不断创新,区域由上海向长三角地区不断延伸,政策由限制性向鼓励性不断深化,市场由单一向全面综合不断扩大,机构由"点"向"团"不断集聚。要抓住中央给予上海的先行先试政策和国际航运金融等服务业向上海转移的机遇,创新金融体制机制和金融服务手段,大力发展航运金融、物流金融,着眼于服务整个航运产业链,努力在离岸金融、保险与再保险等领域中有所突破,在提升金融综合服务水平中推动上海国际航运中转和高端航运服务业发展。  相似文献   

Singapore, like many developed countries, is facing the challenge of a rapidly aging population and the increasing need to provide long-term care (LTC) services for elderly in the community. The Singapore government’s philosophy on care for the elderly is that the family should be the first line of support, and it has relied on voluntary welfare organizations (VWOs) or charities for the bulk of LTC service provision. For LTC financing, it has emphasized the principles of co-payment and targeting of state support to the low-income population through means-tested government subsidies. It has also instituted ElderShield, a national severe disability insurance scheme. This paper discusses some of the challenges facing LTC policy in Singapore, particularly the presence of perverse financial incentives for hospitalization, the pitfalls of over-reliance on VWOs, and the challenges facing informal family caregivers. It discusses the role of private LTC insurance in LTC financing, bearing in mind demand- and supply-side failures that have plagued the private LTC insurance market. It suggests the need for more standardized needs assessment and portable LTC benefits, with reference to the Japanese Long-Term Care Insurance program, and also discusses the need to provide more support to informal family caregivers.  相似文献   

This study identifies factors U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) staff perceived to promote or impede home- and community-based services (HCBS) placement post–hospital discharge among Veterans cared for within the VA. Data derive from 35 semi-structured interviews with staff from 12 VA medical centers from around the country. VA staff reported that Veteran’s care needs and social and financial resources influence HCBS placement. They also reported prerequisites for successful placement, including housing, unpaid informal care, and non-VA services funded privately and by public programs such as Medicaid and the Older Americans Act. Lack of staffing and failure to offer the specific types of services needed limit referral to and use of HCBS. Budgetary imperatives influence the relative availability of HCBS across VA medical centers. Findings highlight patient-, provider-, and system-level constraints that impede successful placement at home and in the community of Veterans in need of long-term services and supports after hospitalization.  相似文献   

Provision of home- and community-based long-term care is a growing concern at the national, state, and local levels. As more persons grow old, the need for these services is expected to rise. This analysis examines the distribution and utilization of three home- and community-based long-term care programs in North Carolina for each of the state's 100 counties. Maps were generated to examine how counties differed in respect to service utilization among the elderly. Great variability was found in number of elderly utilizing the services across the state as well as the percent of Medicaid- and/or age-eligible persons who utilized the programs. Multivariate modeling for associations to service utilization was only possible for one of the long-term care programs. Results indicated that living alone, being non-white, and having a mobility and self-care limitation were all positively related to utilization. Percent of persons 85 years or older and the ratio of institutionalized long-term care beds were negatively associated with utilization. It was concluded that states must engage in concerted efforts to ensure equity in access to home- and community-based long-term care.  相似文献   

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