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This study examined financing long-term care from a micro-level family perspective. Qualitative analysis of interviews conducted with 45 families coping with paying for an elder's long-term care provided insight into what decisions were made as well as what factors influenced those decisions. Family members articulate systemic factors within and outside of the family system influencing three decision making outcomes: (a) using and preserving private resources, (b) Medicaid estate planning and (c) deciding not to decide. Case examples and a discussion of the emerging framework provide insight for researchers working to inform long-term care issues and for educational focused practitioners.  相似文献   


With rapid aging, change in family structure, and the increase in the labor participation of women, the demand for long-term care has been increasing in Korea. Inappropriate utilization of medical care by the elderly in health care institutions, such as social admissions, also puts a financial burden on the health insurance system. The widening gap between the need for long-term care and the capacity of welfare programs to fulfill that need, along with a rather new national pension scheme and the limited economic capacity of the elderly, calls for a new public financing mechanism to provide protection for a broader range of old people from the costs of long-term care. Many important decisions are yet to be made, although Korea is likely to introduce social insurance for long-term care rather than tax-based financing, following the tradition of social health insurance. Whether it should cover only the elderly long-term care or all types of long-term care including disability of all age groups will have a critical impact on social solidarity and the financial sustainability of the new long-term care insurance. Generosity of benefits or the level of out-of-pocket payment, the role of cash benefits, and the relation with health insurance scheme all should be taken into account in the design of a new financing scheme. Lack of care personnel and facilities is also a barrier to the implementation of public long-term care financing in Korea, and the implementation strategy needs to be carved out carefully.  相似文献   

This study proposes and tests a systemic family decisionmaking framework to understand group long-term care insurance (LTCI) enrollment decisions. A random sample of public employees who were offered group LTCI as a workplace benefit were examined. Findings reveal very good predictive efficacy for the overall conceptual framework with a pseudo R2 value of .687, and reinforced the contributions of factors within the family system. Enrollees were more likely to have discussed the decision with others, used information sources, and had prior experience when compared to non-enrollees. Perceived health status, financial knowledge, attitudes regarding the role of private insurance, risk taking, and coverage features were additional factors related to enrollment decisions. The findings help to inform policymakers about the potential of LTCI as one strategy for financing long-term care.  相似文献   

Aging in place is a core component of the policy on aging in Israel. This was well expressed in the Long-Term Care Insurance law enacted in 1986 and implemented in 1988. Under the law, disabled persons can receive in-kind home- and community-based services to enable frail older adults to age in place and to complement or supplement the care provided primarily by family caregivers who are legally responsible for caregiving of their elderly family members. This article presents the main principles of the law and reviews the amendments that this law has undergone during the past 22 years. Finally, some core issues and dilemmas are discussed.  相似文献   

Aging around the world poses a global challenge in eldercare. This challenge is particularly felt in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), where population aging outpaces the development of aged care policies and services. This Perspective highlights the phenomenon of global convergence in several unsettling trends and challenges shared across LMICs. These include the weakening of informal family care systems for the elderly, growing need for formal long-term care of the frail and disabled who can no longer be adequately supported by family members, and mounting pressures for policy responses to tackle these societal challenges. It is argued that policymakers should take a proactive stance. That is, when family care for the elderly falls short and family caregivers are increasingly under strain, the government should step in and step up support to fill in the gap by developing appropriate policies and a continuum of long-term care services that are accessible and affordable for the majority of older people in need. Three general principles are then suggested with regard to long-term care provision, financing, and quality assurance, which transcend national borders and can be used to guide long-term care policymaking across LMICs.  相似文献   


Provision of home- and community-based long-term care is a growing concern at the national, state, and local levels. As more persons grow old, the need for these services is expected to rise. This analysis examines the distribution and utilization of three home- and community-based long-term care programs in North Carolina for each of the state's 100 counties. Maps were generated to examine how counties differed in respect to service utilization among the elderly. Great variability was found in number of elderly utilizing the services across the state as well as the percent of Medicaid- and/or age-eligible persons who utilized the programs. Multivariate modeling for associations to service utilization was only possible for one of the long-term care programs. Results indicated that living alone, being non-white, and having a mobility and self-care limitation were all positively related to utilization. Percent of persons 85 years or older and the ratio of institutionalized long-term care beds were negatively associated with utilization. It was concluded that states must engage in concerted efforts to ensure equity in access to home- and community-based long-term care.  相似文献   


This paper focuses on the Singaporean model of long-term care for older people. With only about 2% of the older population living in institutions, the mainstay of long-term care is community care. The reader is provided an overview of the Singaporean services, including case management, followed by a discussion of the current issues and future challenges. In keeping with the prospect of a rapidly aging population profile, the Singapore government plays a leading role in framing policy and planning for future needs of this sector of the population.  相似文献   


China's rapid economic reforms, coupled with the changes in age composition of the demographic structure, have greatly affected the traditional family support system. In response to these changes, efforts to develop new models of community-based long-term care (CBLTC) for elders in China have received growing attention. This paper provides a systematic analysis of the current status of emerging CBLTC systems in Shanghai, China. It covers several domains of the system: service delivery, workforce, financing, and quality of care management. Several main issues involved in the development of the emerging system are addressed, and relevant policy implications are presented in the paper.  相似文献   

Using the 2014 Survey of Long-Term Care Awareness and Planning, this article examines Americans’ experiences, knowledge, and concerns about long-term services and supports (LTSS) and actions they are willing to take if they become disabled. The survey included 15,298 non-institutionalized respondents aged 40 to 70 years drawn from a nationally representative sample. Although many reported some experience with LTSS, knowledge of how LTSS worked was low. Respondents reported widespread concerns about becoming disabled. They preferred informal care over paid care, with a strong desire to remain in their homes. These results can be used to design reform initiatives and to motivate political support.  相似文献   


The developed world's population is aging, due to trends of increased life expectancies and decreased fertility rates. These trends are predicted to increase demand on long-term care services. At the same time, the long-term care workforce is in shortage in most of the developed world. Moreover, such shortages are expected to increase due to parallel socio-demographic factors. The increase in demand for long-term care, coupled with shortage in supply of care workers, has promoted some attention from policymakers. The current paper provides an international review of institutional arrangements for long-term care in different developed countries and in particular explores different strategies used or proposed to resolve the shortage in the long-term care workforce.  相似文献   


Effective approaches to assure adequate resources, infrastructure, and broad societal support to address chronic care needs are volatile and potentially unpopular issues that can result in many losers (those getting far less than they want) and few winners (those who gain access to scarce societal resources for care). In the United States, debates on long-term care involve a complex set of issues and services that link health, social services (welfare), and economic policies that often pit public and private sector interests and values against one another. Yet long-term care policies fill a necessary function in society to clarify roles, expectations, and functions of public, non-profit, for profit, individual, and family sectors of a society. By assessing and developing policy proposals that include all long-term care system dimensions, a society can arrive at systematic, fair, and rational decisions. Limiting decisions to system financing aspects alone is likely to result in unforeseen or unintended effects in a long-term care system that stopgap “fixes” cannot resolve. Three underlying policy challenges are presented: the need for policymakers to consider whether the public sector is the first or last source of payment for long-term care; whether government is seen primarily as a risk or cost manager; and the extent to which choice is afforded to elders and family caregivers with regard to the types, settings, and amount of long-term care desired to complement family care.  相似文献   


The implementation of Japan's Long-Term Care Insurance Scheme in April 2000 was the culmination of some 30 years of policy deliberation on aged care. Understanding the policy debate surrounding the Long-Term Care Insurance scheme and its financing arrangements requires an appreciation of rapid demographic and social change, especially in family structures and attitudes to caring for aged parents; but the pressures that population aging and economic downturn are placing on Japan's pension and health insurance systems also must be recognized. Even more generally, the delicate balance of political interests in Japan's central governing body, the Diet, has shaped the implementation of Long-Term Care Insurance as a forerunner to other reforms in social security and health insurance.  相似文献   


This paper treats long-term care planning from a cultural perspective, that is, as a cultural system in which components of long-term care interlock culturally and therefore meaningfully. In the introduction and background sections, we provide a context in which long-term care planning may be viewed, based on the finding that relatively few people take advantage of long-term care planning and insurance; we also discuss some earlier work on long-term care from a psychological perspective that emphasizes themes of imagination and self-efficacy. We then examine long-term care from a cultural perspective by identifying and explicating five broad themes that help us better understand the meaning of long-term care planning to Americans. Finally, we use these themes to suggest some important social policy correlates.  相似文献   

This article describes five major factors that are affecting patterns of international migration among nurses who work in long-term care settings:
  • Demographic drivers–The aging of the populations in developed countries and the low to negative growth in the working-age population will increase the demand for international workers to provide long-term care services.

  • Gender and race–A dual labor market of long-term care workers, increasingly made up of women of color, is becoming internationalized by the employment of migrating nurses from developing countries.

  • Credentialing–The process of credentialing skilled workers creates barriers to entry for migrating nurses and leads to “decredentialing” where registered nurses work as licensed practical nurses or aides.

  • Colonial history and geography–The colonial histories of many European countries and the United States have increased migration from former colonies in developing countries to former colonial powers.

  • Worker recruitment–Efforts to limit the recruitment of health care workers from some developing countries have had little effect on migration, in part because much of the recruitment comes through informal channels of family and friends.


In-depth interviews and focus groups with lesbian, gay, and transgender older adults addressed the question “What does it mean for long-term care providers to be responsive to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) older adults?” Sixteen domains of long-term care provider responsiveness to LGBT older adults were identified, including awareness of centrality of partners, knowledge of importance of preferred gender expression, openness to welcoming LGBT older adults, and ability to create LGBT-safe environments. Future research should include LGBT elders who belong to ethnic minority groups, bisexual elders, and LGBT older adults who do not identify with LGBT labels.  相似文献   

States employ home and community-based services (HCBS) increasingly in Medicaid support of long-term care and rely less on nursing facilities. We examine how states' nursing facilities and HCBS programs compare and whether states' long-term care responses match their ideological inclination toward, material capacity for supporting, and their citizens' need for these public social programs. We use cross-sectional panel data on structural, process, and outcome quality for nursing facilities and HCBS congregate residential programs. We rank states, correlate these measures, and use regression to link inclination, capacity, and need to quality. We find that states' nursing facility and HCBS program quality are not closely related and that state HCBS congregate residential program quality is independent of inclination, capacity, and need. This latter result underscores a need for uniform HCBS standards and better data on quality.  相似文献   

Preparation for future care by 62 Latino elders was examined and compared to an Anglo sample of 288 elders residing in Utah. Latino older adults preferred relatives for help and assistance, but 91% of them (versus 41% for the Anglo sample) did not have any concrete plans for either short-term or long-term care. Logistic analyses show that age and knowledge of services are significantly related to planning for care, but education and filial obligations are not. Furthermore, ethnicity significantly predicted long-term care planning when its interactions with age and knowledge of services are accounted for. Knowledge of services and age played a greater role in facilitating preparation for future care for Latinos than for Anglos.  相似文献   

The international long-term care (LTC) debate has recently been focusing on how to strengthen home care provision. In this regard, a major role has been played by informal care and how to best integrate it in a holistic care approach. Italy and Spain, usually labeled as “familialist” or “family-based” care models, have been promoting national reforms or actions to support the integration of “informal” actors into the overall LTC system. Through a comparative review of recent trends observed in the two care regimes, this article aims at contributing to improve our cross-national understanding of how LTC is changing across Europe, identifying the basic approaches adopted in Italy and Spain and highlighting both their strengths and drawbacks.  相似文献   

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