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我国目前尚有1.5亿农村剩余劳动力。农村剩余劳动力的转移和农村人口城市化一直是我国社会学界、人口学界关注的热点问题之一。农村剩余劳动力转移有两种途径,即就地转移和迁移转移,分别对应于两种城市化模式,即就地城市化(又称农村城镇化)和迁移城市化。但在现实中两者并没有严格的区分。例如,在大城市的郊区、小城镇或农村地区,可能同时是人口迁入地又是农村城镇化地区,同时存在迁移转移和就地转移两种情况,只是可能有主次之分。在这一问题上,我们不应忽视剩余劳动力转移和城市化首先是一个经济过程,没有一定的经济增长,转移…  相似文献   

吴华安  王崇举  石智雷 《西北人口》2010,31(6):82-86,92
从城市容量角度关注农民工城市化的研究成果比较少见,本文从城市容量出发结合人口城市化的相关研究成果,提出城市容量是一个以人口负荷量为主体,包含自然容量、经济容量和社会容量的三维系统,并建构了人口城市化与城市容量之间交互作用的分析框架。认为,在现阶段,城市的自然容量和经济容量有助于人口城市化,而城市的社会容量则因无法满足农民工均等地享受公共服务而延缓着这一过程,也使农民工"半城市化"成为长期现象。因此,作出农民工城市化进程包括两个阶段、四种身份和八个特征的判断。在此基础上,认为,解决农民工"半城市化"的关键须从城市的社会容量着手,系统地考虑三维容量之间的相互嵌入和协调扩张,并提出农民工"深度城市化"的几点建议。  相似文献   

未来的人口红利——中国经济增长源泉的开拓   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
文章回顾中国经济增长中的人口红利,即在过去30年中人口因素对中国经济增长的贡献,在此基础上,探讨在劳动年龄人口增速放缓、剩余劳动力渐趋枯竭、人口老龄化的条件下,中国如何保持经济增长的可持续性.文章目的主要在于揭示和论证在第一次人口红利式微乃至消失后,仍然可以产生第二次人口红利,避免"人口负债",即通过教育深化提高劳动生产率,保持和延伸中国产业的竞争优势,通过养老保障制度安排创造新的储蓄源泉,以及通过劳动力市场制度安排,扩大人口老龄化时期的劳动力资源和人力资本存量.  相似文献   

论农民工就业与城市化——基于年龄结构-生命周期分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章运用年龄结构-生命周期方法分析农民工的就业与城市化。指出,城市企业为了追求利润,在用工时主要招收高劳动生产率的青年农民工,导致了(1)乡村还存在大量低劳动生产率的中年剩余劳动力的条件下,城市出现全国性的民工荒。(2)进入中年后的农民工绝大多数无法继续在城市就业,因而工作年限成为农民工城市化的关键因素。作者应用该模型估算出农民工家庭进城定居所需的最低连续工作年限,并对农民工预期工作年限的分析与对农民工工作寿命表的估算相结合,估算出中国具备城市化最低限度经济能力的农民工总量。  相似文献   

乡村城市化是世界经济发展的必然趋势。各国经济发展的历史表明,从二元经济向现代经济急速转换过程中遇到的基本问题就是农村潜在剩余劳动力大规模地向非农产业转化。我国是一个人口多、底子薄的发展中国家,农村人口和农业劳动力几乎占世界农村人口和农业劳动力总量的三分之一,把握农村剩余劳动力的地域流向,走中国式的乡村城市化道路就是我们面临的一个严峻的现实问题。一、简要的回顾一个国家乡村城市化水平与经济发展水平存在着一种密切的相关关系,总的来说两者呈共同增长的趋势。伴随着经济的成长、停滞、恢复与发展,我国乡村城市化经历了漫长曲折的发展过程。对这一过程的简要回顾将是选择我国乡村城市化现实模式的基础。  相似文献   

城市化是传统农业社会现代化进程必然发生的乡城结构转换。城市化过程不仅仅是农村人口向城市的转移过程,同时还是农民职业非农化、生活方式城市化和身份市民化的过程。我国计划经济时代建立起来的城乡“壁垒”虽然已被打破,但农民仍然不能畅通无阻地穿越乡城之间有形和无形的“户籍墙”,农村人口的城市化过程因而被分割成两个子过程:第一阶段从农民(农村剩余劳动力)到城市农民工的过程已无障碍,第二阶段从城市农民工到产业工人和市民的职业和身份变化过程,目前依然步履维艰。  相似文献   

人口城市化与构建人口均衡型社会   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
人口均衡发展并不是一个新概念,但确是需要进行理论讨论、百家争鸣,形成社会共识的一个新理念。文章从中国人口大流动与构建人口均衡型社会关系切入,提出如何实现几亿农民工以市民化为内涵的深度城市化;如何迎接未来几亿农村人口快速进入城镇就业、生活,并保持人口与城市经济、社会、资源、环境的可持续发展,是城市政府面临的艰巨考验。文章分析北京市控制外来人口规模屡屡受挫的困惑,论述了转变城市人口发展理念的意义。主张城市政府应从被动的人口规模控制转向主动构建人口均衡型社会发展目标,转向积极的社会制度创新,正视新移民存在的客观事实,突破城市建设、管理以本地户籍人口为规划依据的思维定式,实施一元化人口管理,进而从客观上实现城市人口规模调控的可操作性、实效性,实现城市人口规模与经济社会资源环境的协调、均衡发展。  相似文献   

城市化是指人口向城镇集中的过程,城市化过程的结果是城市人口规模、特别是市区人口规模的急剧膨胀,同时,也由此产生了以人口为核心的一系列“城市问题”。 北京地区城市化的突出特点首先是全市人口增长迅速。按照目前的辖区范围,1949年全市常住总人口为414万人,其中城市人口176万人,到1986年底,全市常住总人口达到971万人,比1949年净增加1.35倍,其中常住城市人口587万人,比1949年净增加2.34倍,城市人口增加的速度比全市城乡人口增加的速度高出73%。构成人口规模的增长因素,包括人口的自然增长(即出生人口与死亡人口相抵,净增加人口)和人口的迁移增长(即迁入北京的  相似文献   

城市化的含义很广,就人口统计而言,是指城市人口不断增长,在总人口中的比重不断提高。这一过程是通过城市人口的自我繁衍和农村人口转为城市人口,即城市人口的自然增长和迁移(机械)增长实现的。本文试从人口学的角度,探讨人口的自然增长和迁移增长对发达国家和发展中国家城市化  相似文献   

人口、经济对中国城市化的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用相关年份的统计数据,分析了人口增长、经济增长与城市化的关系。利用合理假设,还原了理想人口控制之下我国城市化的理想效果和适当经济控制之下我国城市化的较好效果。结果表明:我国城市化进程与经济发展的基本趋势是一致的;城市化水平低下源于人口的高速增长和经济增长缺乏连续性;等值的人口增长率对我国城市化水平的限制作用大于等值的经济增长率的推动作用;人口的过快增长使劳动力供给长期大于需求和人口数量过大的状况是导致表象的城市化与工业化"背离"发展的一个重要因素。  相似文献   

This study is concerned with male labor mobility in 84 urban labor markets. Mobility studies have frequently used employment variables to approximate differential labor demands and to explain mobility. It would seem that supply factors, as well as demand factors, could exert an influence on mobility. To assess the influence of supply factors, new labor force entrants and withdrawals, along with labor demand variables, were regressed against gross in- and out-migration rates. The results confirmed the hypothesis that labor mobility is substantially influenced by the economic and demographic characteristics of the urban labor market. Higher rates of in-migration were found in regions with higher rates of new employment opportunities. Where the demographic characteristics of the labor market result in larger labor supplies, out-migration rates were found to be higher and in-migration rates lower. Labor seems quite sensitive to differential labor market conditions and would appear to flow toward markets where an economic advantage lies. One interesting interpretation of the negative association between in-migration and wages is that employment opportunities may expand more rapidly in low-wage sectors, perhaps in the nonmanufacturing sector, thereby providing job opportunities which attract labor into the region.  相似文献   

Gender-specific labor market conditions and family formation   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
Slack labor market conditions for women relative to men increase the marriage rate in the USA. This paper examines the long-term consequences of such marriages. Despite the significant effect on marriage timing, labor market conditions experienced in youth do not affect the probability that a woman will marry by the age of 30. Further, labor market conditions at the time of marriage are uncorrelated with the probability of divorce, spouses?? characteristics, or the number of children. These findings suggest that labor market fluctuations induce only intertemporal adjustments for marriage timing without affecting reservation match quality or total fertility.  相似文献   

This study explores the determinants of labor supply patterns among Latinas in the USA. We use recent microeconomic data from the Panel Study on Income Dynamics/Latino National Political Survey (PSID-LNPS) to estimate models of labor force participation, wages, and hours worked for a sample of Cuban, Mexican, and Puerto Rican women. We estimate the same models for Anglo and Black women in order to explore ethnic differences in the impact of characteristics affecting both the reservation and the market wage. We find that differences exist in the return to characteristics, such as education, but that there are also substantial differences in the levels of those characteristics across ethnic groups. The low wage rates and labor market activity of Latinas relative to Anglo and Black women are thus likely to be the combined result of lower investments in human capital and larger family size, the greater negative impact of macroeconomic conditions, and a stronger responsiveness to wages. Among Latinas, we find that there are differences in labor market outcomes between national origin and nativity groups. We also find that age at arrival and years in the USA play a role in labor supply, and that this is particularly true for Puerto Rican women.  相似文献   

涂伟  丁红艳 《西北人口》2014,(3):102-107
中国劳动力市场的一个突出特点就是其分割性,这种“分割性”具体表现在城乡之间的分割、城市内部之间的分割、农村内部之间的分割。本文以新疆劳动力市场为例,考察了劳动力市场的地区分割,特别是民族地区劳动力市场的特点及其产生的主要问题。新疆劳动力市场呈现出民族成分构成较高,劳动者主要集中在第一和第二产业就业,人力资本投资普遍不足的特点。从劳动力市场指标来看,新疆的失业率水平虽然总体比较平稳,但是少数民族劳动者的失业率较高。他们的工资水平较低,流动意愿也不高,这进一步阻碍了其提高收入和改善经济地位的可能性。政府在制定宏观劳动政策时必须注意这些特点,改善劳动力市场中弱势群体的经济地位。  相似文献   

This paper explores the structure of incentives undergirding the German system of apprenticeship training. We first describe characteristics of the German labor market which may lead firms to accept part of the cost of general training, even in the face of worker turnover. We then compare labor market outcomes for apprentices in Germany and high school graduates in the United States. Apprentices in Germany occupy a similar position within the German wage structure as held by high school graduates in the United States labor market. Finally, we provide evidence that – in both countries – the problem of forming labor market bonds is particularly acute for minority youth. JEL classification: J24, J31, J60 Received: July 4, 1996 / Accepted February 4, 1997  相似文献   

Economic models of household behavior typically yield the prediction that increases in schooling levels and wage rates of married women lead to increases in their labor supply and reductions in fertility. In Italy, low labor market participation rates of married women are observed together with low birth rates. Our explanation involves the Italian institutional structure, particularly as reflected in rigidities and imperfections in the labor market and characteristics of the publicly-funded child care system. These rigidities tend to simultaneously increase the costs of having children and to discourage the labor market participation of married women. We analyze a model of labor supply and fertility, using panel data. The empirical results show that the availability of child care and part time work increase both the probability of working and having a child. Received: 14 February 2000/Accepted: 20 February 2001  相似文献   


This paper analyzes the labor market integration of non-European refugees originating from middle- and low-income countries for the period of 2009–2018 in Austria. We assess their probability of being employed relative to Austrian natives and compare it with that of other non-European migrants and European refugees and other immigrants from low- and middle-income non-EU countries. We draw on a register-based panel dataset covering the complete labor market careers of all individuals residing in Austria. We control for macrolevel explanatory variables (e.g., the labor market situation at the time and the place of settlement) and individual characteristics. The analysis shows that initial refugee employment gaps relative to natives are large in the first years, when labor market access is difficult. After a period of 7 years, the unconditional gap between refugees and natives declines to 30 percentage points, similar to that of other migrants, but the gap is still decreasing. After controlling for a set of explanatory variables, the conditional gap amounts to only 10 percentage points at that time. Moreover, our analysis provides insights into differences in employment gaps across population subgroups of immigrant groups and natives by gender, age, education level, and types of employment.


In Italy the women’s participation is among the lowest in Europe. The female employment rate stands almost 13 percentage points below the EU average and 22 below the Lisbon target. One of the most important reasons is related to the characteristics of child care system. We analyze the characteristics of the child care system in Italy and its relationship to the labor market participation decision of mothers. The two decisions are jointly considered in a discrete choice framework, which also allows for simple forms of rationing. We go on to estimate a bivariate probit model of the child care and employment decisions and find evidence that rationing is an important factor in interpreting price effects on utilization rates and employment decisions. Responsible editors: Deborah Cobb-Clark & Tito Boeri  相似文献   

Sakamoto A  Wu HH  Tzeng JM 《Demography》2000,37(1):41-51
The extent to which racial minority groups face discrimination in the labor market is the subject of considerable debate. Using William J. Wilson's thesis of the declining significance of race as our theoretical context, we provide further empirical evidence about labor market discrimination by investigating wages among African American, American Indian, Chinese American, Hispanic white, Japanese American, and non-Hispanic white men. We find, during the period before the civil rights movement, that a substantively significant wage disadvantage is evident for these minority groups with controls for observed labor force characteristics. In recent data, these net disadvantages are reduced substantially for each of these groups except Hispanics. With the exception of Hispanics, the results support Wilson's thesis.  相似文献   

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